Baby Janet goes to the Twilight Daycare Mall! | Roblox Roleplay

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janet are you up here yeah i'm awake janet it's time for me to go to work um so i need you to go to the daycare today okay okay here come with me i'm gonna put you in the carrier okay okay let's go i think you're so boring though oh no you're gonna have so much fun i do believe miss kate's over there today oh i hate her she's so mean no she's nice to you no she's not well i think she has a special field trip planned for you today to the twilight mall oh the twilight mall the new place yup that just opened up a few days ago yes i think you're gonna like it here we are hi miss kay oh hello and welcome to the twilight daycare here hi i'm here to drop off my daughter janet i need to go to work so i need someone to watch her for me okay no problem you can just leave right here and come back later okay yeah janet behave and um i'll be back afterwards okay okay all right see you later bye bye hello baby janet how are you good well today i have a special trip planned for us today we're moving to the twilight mall yay so have you had any like breakfast no i'm i'm hungry okay well i'm just gonna make you a baby bottle of milk okay okay your name's yes you can play around here while i make the milk yay [Applause] oh some puppet toys janet yeah i have your milk yay okay come here i'll feed you your milk yeah you need to go potty first yeah yeah i i may have peed my pencil willow okay well let's go to the potty first there you go and then i'll change your diaper and then we can get going yay okay i'm gonna change your diaper okay okay here we go okay are you ready to go yeah yeah yeah let's go let's go okay so how would you like to get there would you like to walk would you ride the stroller or can you push me to around in the stroller okay um here we go yay let's go wow yep place is so big and it's pretty new too where would you like to go first uh the beauty salon right here right for the status okay let's go then what's the one oh okay hello and welcome to the twilight beauty salon the twilight beauty salon wow today we have a special you can get a haircut a hair color and makeup done for ten dollars well only ten dollars yep buy one get one free so if you buy one your mom can get one too i'm not her mom your sister can get one too i'm not her sister your aunt no i'm just taking care of her for today oh okay your friend can get one too how does that sound so good let's go um can i can i get my hair colored oh sure okay who would like to go first me okay sit over here in this chair okay and here's a book of all the hairstyles i can do for you oh and you just tell me which one you want point to it and then i'll fix your hair up okay well i really want this third one this brown one okay no problem here we go it doesn't hurt wow look at my hair okay that's great all right get down and then you sit over here and pick which hair color you'd like and then i'm gonna get your friends sit down in this chair and i'll do her hair would you like a new hairstyle ma'am um sure okay go ahead sit down which style would you like just point to it how about this um fifth one here this one okay here we go oh wow okay looks good all right um i'm sorry what was your name janet janet which hair color would you like you know what this pink one the pink one okay here we go whoa does that look okay it looks so pretty if you don't like it we can change it to a different color no i love it do you like it miss kate oh yes are you sure you love it because it looks like you're crying i don't know i'm just happy tears oh okay all right kate go ahead and sit down and get you a new color which color would you like i can get you your purple back and then it'll be like a longer stylish purple okay or would you like a darker purple yeah maybe a darker purple okay here we go how's that cool that looks pretty good okay um go ahead and sit down in these makeup seats and it'll be the last thing i can do for your special today i can't have my makeup done i love makeup yeah yeah go ahead usually i don't do baby makeup but i can try for you today hmm let's see go ahead and select out of the book which one you're like and i'll go ahead and do a pedicure for free of charge on your friend okay okay here you go let me get your pedicure oh thank you so much just sit your feet in the water there okay i'm a little short how's that feel pretty good i'll give you a little massage spatula water on there okay did you decide on a makeup choice yeah i want this um the second one second one i mean i'm sorry i mean the third one the third one okay here we go whoa um you like it or not if you don't like it i can wipe it off i don't know it's like all the glitter and stuff is getting my eyes i can't really see it's really like sticky okay okay how about if i take it off yeah okay here we go yeah much better okay all right ma'am kate which one would you like well then i'll just have what she had she had okay yeah how's that look that looks pretty good okay oh you guys are all set it's gonna be ten dollars okay well uh here you go here's an additional ten dollars for a tip oh thank you thank you very much feel free to come back any time it's been a pleasure serving you bye bye bye see you later okay so how do you like your hair i love it okay well where would you like to go next um what's this a dojo you want to go to the dojo yeah okay well let's go oh hello um hello and welcome to the twilight dojo the twilight jojo yes it is the twilight dojo oh wow whoa are you here for karate lessons yes yeah watch out it safe yes it's very safe have you ever had lessons before no no okay well you're going to be starting off as white belts and you're going to need a ghee so come on over here and put on a white key a ghee yes do it wow this looks so cool okay now if you train hard little girl what's your name i'm sorry oh janet and yours name kate kate jenny and kate okay if you train real hard one day you can become a black belt like me and you'll be able to do fantastic moves like this ready yeah oh whoa you want to be able to do that yeah so i think okay are you feeling a little hungry i am feeling a little hungry are you going to be able to make it through this lesson without food maybe okay but everyone stand on a blue training mat and just do as i do okay all right do as you do get on the training mat yes all right everybody ready to train start training three two one go and just do as i do whoa get the punch and kick whoa this is so cool after every punch you have to go hi yeah oh why it's for force [Music] it's important to make sure you get your timing correct yeah oh yeah get your combos up as high as you can yeah i messed up yeah it's okay practice yeah [Music] boom oh i think i think i did it i did it with much practice you become a master like me oh all right next is the gonna be practicing on the wing chun everybody know where the wing chun is what's a wing chun it's this thing right here what what is it that's do you climb on it no you don't climb on it you punch it and kick it all right so step up to it and start training oh can you do it first yeah that's what you do oh it looks painful you try that's painful but don't hit it too hard just start off nice and easy yeah oh that was good good another one yeah good job janet okay i think you guys are ready for the final lesson of the day listen what is it your strikes are looking strong we're going to have to try and test you by chopping a piece of wood topping a piece of wood yes is that even possible yes it is let's go would you like me to demonstrate first yes yeah i don't understand okay what you do you stand behind your board like this and you focus all your power down to the center of the board in the palm of your hand are you ready yeah okay that's what you do yep just like that you barely even hit it wow yeah it's really easy for me i i don't even have to try very hard it works oh okay can i try again yep you go i'm a little short can i jump on here and just yeah yeah you can jump on it yeah just be careful ready three two one yeah wow fantastic job fantastic okay my turn yes go okay three two one oh yeah wow amazing are you sure this is your first lesson ever um yes it is oh you two are both naturals okay well thanks for coming i hope to see you guys again here next week oh okay bye-bye oh no you're gonna wanna don't you wanna change back into your regular clothes yeah do we get to keep these oh right make sure you bring your geese back every week oh okay okay come over here switch out your clothes that was so much fun thanks for coming i hope you guys come back soon how much was this again um we'll bill you in the mail monthly okay oh okay all right see you later bye bye wasn't that fun yeah okay um did you say you were hungry earlier yeah i was really hungry and i'm getting a little thirsty now too can we get something to eat and drink okay well you want to go to a vending machine or something um isn't there a supermarket can we get something from here instead oh yeah supermarket let's go check it out okay let's go okay hello welcome to the twilight supermarket oh hello hi oh can we can we get one of these um please sure why not yay okay hop on in wow this is so cool i'm riding a car okay what would you like would you like some fruit some blue orange no pizza let me see um um can i have this donut um sure just you know get it put in the car okay i got it can i eat it now no you have to pay for it okay hop on in okay would you like some bread some pastry no no what about um some of this no i don't i don't want anything else i just want this donut okay just making sure what will this cupcake you no i said i only want this donut well what about this ice cream it looks really nice i said i only wanted this donut what about coke you're thirsty right oh well i do want some coke i got it what about this um red juice here all i want is the cola and my doughnut oh i'm sorry okay well i need to go buy some stuff real quick okay what just for the daycare i need some fruit some breading popcorn pizza french fries carrots sandwiches this is taking so long miss kate okay and i think that's um about it i need a tinkle oh okay we'll go there next okay well um hello there hi can i see everything you purchased yes um i got basically one of everything in this star oh okay that's gonna be 30 okay um cool thank you have a lovely day thanks for shopping at the twilight supermarket okay well let's go okay we have to get out of the cart now what why we can't keep this okay well let's go um oh you're drinking your soda now yum okay i already ate my doughnut i'm sorry okay let's go this way then i'm pretty sure the bathroom is over here would you like me to carry you no i can't walk okay what's to the right over here let me put you yeah take a little potty yeah and i'll prepare your little diaper are you done no get done here you go change okay and now you're undone yeah i'm gonna put you in the stroller for a little bit okay fine let's go well i think we explored them all really what do you think oh okay i guess so and plus it's getting pretty late we should get back now oh okay what's this what what is it it's coming soon no no up ahead well i had to shop well what's a tattoo shop um it's for adults we can go okay can i come out you wanna you wanna hey no no but can we just take a look inside we won't buy anything please okay fine just a look okay wow oh hello there hi welcome to the twilight tattoo shop my name's a bobby how can i help you oh we're just taking a look around oh well we got lots of lovely tattoos here on the wall we got soccer balls anybody like soccer no we got cute pigs smiling emojis dinosaurs pandas you name it hearts stars rainbows you know i can do it all um you like any of that kind of stuff little girl yeah i really do actually i really i really really really like this the sleeping pig here oh i got i got a lot i can do that yes well um can i have that picture no no i don't think yeah only 15 no no i don't think your dad would like that what do you mean it's a pig he loves pigs no i don't think um you like that we should probably get going now i just want that picture like can we just buy the picture no i'm sorry we have to go i can't find a picture but i can give you the temporary kids tattoo it only lasts for four weeks four weeks yeah and then then it you know fades away it's gone no we had to go those are on special for only five dollars no we have to go now please can we get one please no we have to go stop please stop i'm crying um we can get you one we can get one yeah we can get you can we get the pig uh okay fine it's only temporarily right yeah only four weeks just sit over here any chair pick a chair this one okay so here's the book which one did you want again oh let's see just point to it i really wanted this pig but what is this thing a fish thing with a heart that one looks cute what is that i think that's an axolotl can i get that one sure i guess okay here we go ready no no no just that was just water cold water oh it was really really cold okay well maybe you're just feeling a little tired how do you like it i put it there on your left leg is that okay location good yeah whoa do you like it miss kate um yeah it's okay would you like one miss kate um no i'm good are you sure we can be besties and match no i don't i don't think i'm gonna get one today maybe that's a good idea lots of people like to get matching tattoos maybe maybe some other time okay well that's gonna be five dollars then oh okay here you go all right thank you thank you for visiting the twilight tattoo shop have a nice day bye bye bobby okay we'll hop into the stroller okay we're gonna get going now okay okay was today a fun day yeah it was so much fun well we're gonna take you back home now we can do whatever you want make you a little snack you can just do whatever play around until your dad arrives yay okay okay here we are well i'm going to make you a little um drink okay okay maybe i can play around okay hmm this was just kind of boring oh there's some slime over here what if i pour it on miss keith's head yeah that's such a good idea hey miss kay i need help okay hold on i'm almost done your milk you really need help can you come here okay i have your milk now what do you need and what what what you're going in timeout what okay now you're going in timeout get back here and i'm gonna tell your dad about this wait why because he needs to know here you go you have to sit and time out until your dad arrives i'm sorry no you're gonna stay here until timeout is over and that is when your dad arrives no crying that's what you get and i'm gonna be over here at the desk if you need anything [Music] okay i'm back to pick up my daughter janet oh you must be jizz dad yeah tag okay well she's over here in timeout she was misbehaving earlier really what was she doing she was pouring slime all over me janet have you been pouring slime on miss kate no she's just being really mean to me other than that how did the rest of your day go it was amazing we had um her hair colored a little bit you got a tattoo a tattoo oh no it's a fake one let me see it's a fake one oh okay that's fine guess what i want to show you something go ahead let me see what you got oh yeah oh wow you almost hurt me well yeah we went to the dojo class earlier oh that's fun did you learn some new karate moves yeah oh that's great okay well janet since you've been misbehaving i think it's time to go home and for you to take a nap i've not been missing having she just put me in timeout corner for no reason okay i think you should go take a nap she needs a nap she i thought you she's tired is she yeah she seems a little tired you should go home now okay well thanks for your help miss cape yep we'll see you next time yep no problem bye bye don't you want to take a nap you have to have you have you taken a nap yet today no okay but i don't want to take a nap it's nap time oh and i forgot to tell you i really like the color of your hair oh thank you yeah did you guys get your hair done uh-huh look at it i got it like longer too i forgot to tell miss kate that i really like the way her hair looked today maybe we should invite her over for dinner sometime why she's so mean no no i like her she's nice no she's not she's so mean okay well you take a nap here and then in about an hour i'll come and get you for dinner okay okay okay good night okay guys but that's the end of our story so that's what we have for today guys we hope you enjoyed the video awesome day thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video big thumbs up until the next video bye guys [Music]
Channel: Janet and Kate
Views: 8,896,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Janet, and, Kate, Twins, Roblox, Asian, Identical, JanetandKate, Kate9001, HelloJanet, KittyJanet, Kate9071, TadTheMerchant, Tad, The, Merchant, Tad_The_Merchant, Asian Twins, Identical Twins, Janet and Kate, Kate and Janet, Janet and Kate Roblox, Kate and Janet Roblox, Tad the Merchant, Tad the Merchant Roblox, Tad Roblox, JK, JK Roblox, Twilight, Daycare, Roleplay, Twilight Daycare, Roblox Twilight Daycare, Twilight Daycare Roleplay, Roblox Twilight Daycare Roleplay
Id: 9b63ha4DeXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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