Baby Finds Hidden TREASURE!

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me and my baby brother went scuba diving we found some insane stuff so watch to the end and also subscribe brother look how nice it is outside today what the heck why is it so awesome I don't know but Daddy very clean I definitely didn't pee in it earlier but uh yeah do you want to go swimming wait what did all right wait brother I have an idea let's swim to the end of the pool you know what I'll give you a head start and uh let's see who wins you to then well brother you know I can swim faster than you right and then show me show me okay ready in three two one let me go let me go are you serious that's the best you got that's nothing compared to me the heck how did you do that wait what you're cheating um no brother I didn't tell you I'm actually half fish what oh my gosh how are you swimming so fast I'm going so slow well it makes sense you're half bear I'm half fish you know it it equals out gosh okay well uh what are we supposed to do today because the sun is this nice outside and we can't just swim in the pool yeah well brother I was watching a TV show yesterday and they went scuba diving and they found like money and iPhones and all this crazy stuff underwater they went scuba diving what the heck is that you don't know what it is you basically go to like a lake or an ocean and you know put on a suit and you find money put on a suit so I'm gonna be in a tuxedo underwater wait a minute a tuxedo no like a you know a snorkel suit okay whatever I guess we'll just have to see is that we're gonna be is that what we're gonna be doing today um sounds good to me I mean we might have to you know spend some money on the suits but let's just take some of Daddy's Money yeah we should probably go all right we got some of Daddy's Money oh my gosh we got like a thousand dollars each let's go buy a suit and make this treasure come on we need to leave quick before he notices and oh wait did I take the key oh my gosh he took the key put it back in and get in let's go all right we just got to get the heck out of here it's got to go through the garage wait brother why do we always go this way this way is so much like longer I don't know I think we're doing like a Victory lap around it all right we're gonna make money we're gonna find treasure we're gonna find sunken ships it's gonna be awesome brother if I find an iPhone underwater I'm keeping it you're keeping it okay it makes sense let's go find treasure let's go oh my gosh brother look at it we've made it to the beach whoa what the heck and wait uh uh when I was sleeping did you put this on me uh yeah obviously I had to go buy the scuba suits and also I had to shave our heads oh my gosh we look so bold what the heck I know look everyone else has hair but okay look at this okay we got Steve's scuba gear so brother I think if we save enough money from like getting treasure we can get better scuba gear wait really so we start off with the basic and then we can get maybe gold ones yup and also look there's a pawn shop over here let's check out what's inside oh this looks like a pawn Shack not a pawn shop whoa look at this I mean there's not much in here but they got like a little cat and stuff and we can also like trade in the coins for actual money oh my brother what if we find a treasure and then trade it in for a mansion a mansion wait what we can get a mansion off of this yes you get the coins from the sea transfer it to money and then bam oh my gosh okay okay I really want to mention and I want to buy so much awesome things I know me too okay wait where are you going let's go to the dock and get started bruh okay do we have to rent a boat I thought we just jumped into the water oh yeah we can but wait brother before we rent a boat let me ask this person something uh ma'am how much money can we make from this well actually you can make millions of dollars it just depends on how much you find millions of dollars wait what we're gonna become millionaires oh my gosh no I'm going right now no we gotta get get in before this dude this dude's an idiot let's just go let's just go whoa we're down here together whoa look a coin already oh my gosh okay wait I have the coin and gold coins there's a treasure but there's a treasure chest wait how do we open it how do we open it no wait oh I think we need a key okay oh how do we get the key wait what do we have to go back and maybe ask that guy I guess so I'm just gonna pick this up what even is this thing oh that's a necklace okay wait we gotta go up for air brother our Scuba gear isn't that good oh my gosh and oh wait okay replenish is fine it replenishes fast but yeah we need to upgrade this yeah I agree okay let's look down here well there's like regular coins and stuff wait brother come down here and there's like a little divot I'm coming down where are you oh I'm down here wait you don't see me look look oh where the heck are you oh I see you I see you I see you're at the top of the water yeah come down here come down here look if you come down here there should be a red coin for you do you see it red Point okay what color oh wait there's a red coin yesterday I can't get it oh my gosh brother we already have five dollars worth of coins oh I have seven I think I'm beating you right now wait well you have seven how I'm the one who's teaching you how to do this oh my gosh I guess it's just beginner's luck oh my gosh okay well we gotta pick up these coins wait is this like a oh that's just a regular box no one cares about a regular cardboard box whoa look there's other whoa look there's other scuba people down here too wait are they trying to get more than us yes they are that means we gotta get there first okay there's like a crown oh my gosh sherpitz king crown oh my goodness it's like a king's crown how many more coins do we need I already have 11 right now is that enough no brother 11 coins means 11 what Mansion can we buy for eleven dollars bruh oh my gosh so we're gonna have to get over a million of these coins it's gonna take forever I know wait guys watch to the end of the video because we're gonna get Mansions I don't even care how long it takes we gotta do this brother what if we find a sunken ship sunken ship wait that could be worth a lot of money I think and oh no I'm running out of breath oh no no no no no all right get up the thing okay well there's not a sunken this is like a sunken shell bill that's not even that cool all right brother where the heck brother I'm gonna find one more necklace or something and then I'm gonna go to the pawn shop and see if the guy can give me some money for it okay me too I got a couple coins myself and also I actually came here with two dollars so I actually have 17 or no 18 wait what oh my gosh you should have split that with me dude bro we're literally gonna make millions it doesn't even matter but where the heck are you okay you know what just meet me back at the beach okay all right I'm already there I'm waiting for you all right I'm coming there right now whoa I found like this like red object what is that a caramel apple why is there a caramel apple down here oh you found the caramel apple too yeah that was for me I took a bite out of it and left it down there gosh why the heck would you waste food like that okay I'm coming back up wait do you see me uh what do I see I'm right here oh wait is this you over here yeah I'm jumping I'm jumping oh yeah there you are oh my gosh we brother are you okay your health is down a little bit yeah it's slowly going back up but uh I forgot to breathe oh my goodness okay yeah that's definitely not good but let's go to the pawn shop right now trade Us in okay okay let's see we just gotta talk to this weird guy right open oh wait we gotta do sell artifacts bam sell for 45 45 I just got 42 dollars wait what oh my gosh that's insane brother dude we just found an infinite money glitch so if we just keep repeating that process we can buy more gear wait we haven't even seen how much the gear is should we go should we go check it out oh yeah let's check it out right now what if the scuba gear is only a dollar oh my gosh brother if we can get scuba gear that allows us to never need air we can literally make so much money oh my gosh okay I love money let's go oh come on come on where the heck do we do this okay talk to this guy whoa what expensive this stuff is oh my gosh 140 dollars what oh my gosh wait there is some other things we could buy but I don't even think those are as good okay no we should Loki get a flashlight not right now wait brother if we're gonna be exploring really deep we need to get the Scooby gear first then the flashlight then the suit how much is that like a bajillion dollars I don't know but I'm getting out of here brother I am super motivated and wait what the heck wait do we have to refill our tanks as well oh it costs zero dollars okay we didn't even have an air attack because I don't have an air tank okay uh whatever all right let's go over here okay brother where the heck should we go um maybe we should go all the way over here yeah let's just keep going well we're actually we're streaming really fast what the heck well there's like a book down here what the heck even is oh it's a radio no one cares about it you stupid old radio well we need to find that one secret big treasure whoa look at all these colorful things over here I know they're Coral they look so beautiful oh brother look over here to your right to your right look at this come down here whoa what the heck is this whoa what is is this like a harp or something wait we can't even pick it up oh my gosh that was insane okay there's a couple coins over here let me just get these wait we gotta go over here I'm losing air I'm losing air oh my gosh come on please swim up swim up oh oh oh oh my gosh wait where are you where are you I'm going back down there's a red coin right here I want it okay I want that two way do you see that thing it's like a kind of ahead of us um over here oh this white thing right here what is this oh my gosh wait wait I see Nemo right here but also I see a ship did Lily is shipping wait there's a gold necklace in it oh my gosh wait brother what if this is worth a million dollars wait forget the million dollars is a treasure chest right here and oh we don't have a key again I have a key where the heck can we get the key okay we maybe we gotta look around this area for the key I gotta go up for air again though oh my gosh I keep forgetting to breathe oh my gosh okay I survived taking a bow one everyone have a boat but us yeah I don't know we don't got money for a boat that's like a thousand dollars bro we're trying to save up for a house wait here and let's just keep getting all the coins um brother I just found nights Samurai armor wait what how did you get armor where are you um I'm over here wait there's another thing armor over here oh my gosh wait these are these are sunken Sailors wait I got a helmet get it get it wait wait can you use it to put it on um I don't know I mean maybe we can but I don't want to put it on I want to sell it I don't care about it okay I might keep mine because I actually like this stuff a lot and oh my gosh the air problem again go up yeah I'm gonna be honest bro this is getting really annoying going up for air I just want to stay down there forever and just look for gold well we're kind of already almost there to be able to buy the scuba gear so hopefully we can get that soon yeah true how the heck can we open this chest man we gotta find a way we have to find a way no I didn't even see anywhere in the pawn shop where we can buy a key or anything so I think we have to find it somewhere all right brother follow me I think I see something down there I see like these weird rocks what even is wait oh my gosh is this a cave what the oh my gosh we're in a dark cave oh it just got super dark oh I think this is where the flashlight comes in handy oh wait what oh wait it just got kind of bright and oh wait swim up to the top swim up oh my gosh I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I'm gonna run out of air wait uh brother wait a minute what did I just find oh wait brother where are you dude brother there's literally in the cage you can come up for air without actually need to go to the very top we can explore this it was so dark over here wait are you in there as well yes yes I'm somewhere down here whoa it's so dark oh my gosh I think we're in two separate parts of the cave okay do not turn your radio off okay I'm not gonna turn it off I think I'm finding you I don't know it's so hard to see all right just keep looking I think this thing wraps around just keep looking for me wait what the wait what I'm back on land all of a sudden what the heck oh my gosh brother I'm running out of breath no I need your help oh my gosh wait are you actually running out of okay brother uh I'm coming to look for you just to stay really still oh wait I found some air okay okay I found some air if you said you're online wait give me a hug right now I miss you so much oh my God we almost missed each other but check this out over here look at this view uh this view this is not a view this is a tunnel oh my gosh be patient we're on our way out oh my goodness whoa oh my gosh the sunlight I forgot about how good it looks and oh there's a red coin oh my gosh yeah I already picked that one up for myself too look how beautiful this place is wait can we climb up this rock oh crap oh my gosh wait what how we climbing Oh wait we're not wait what how are you doing that brother I climbed all the way wait can we get to the top wait oh wait no we can't get to the very top but whoa this is insane did you do that I'm just a baby I think you helped me jump up here you can find another way but this is insane look at this oh yeah I would look except I can't make it oh wait I'm literally coming up right now I'm coming up I see you oh no okay I need a way and come on jump again oh I'm stuck oh wait I'm going let's go let's go okay we can't go to the really top because that will not work but this is amazing oh just look at this view okay is this I think we should go back into the ocean again and scuba dive for some more I think so too but maybe we should jump off him here are you ready to Cliff jump whoa uh uh no brother no I'm not doing that you go first maybe I'll go wait wait before we do it guys subscribe to the channel and comment water if you wanted to jump off here this is about to be insane I'm getting guns oh my gosh they actually did oh my gosh no they actually did it okay we have to do it oh crap this is for the subscribers we love you whoa wait no I missed that whoa just do my foot and oh oh oh oh okay yeah I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to walk do not try that at home guys that was insane okay our goal right now is to find a key because we need to open all these chests we've passed so many of them I know where the heck would a key be um whoa there's like some something over here wait a shark oh my gosh there's a shark there's a shark no no no no no no no swim up swim up no no no we got it dude what the heck how are we supposed to you know do this if there's a shark over there oh I don't know maybe can we buy like shark bait or something like meat so he doesn't eat us yeah wait oh there's a boat right there let's see if we can get on it wait oh my gosh wait come on come on let me on Sir let me out wait brother you might be able to get on please don't mess this up please don't mess this up oh oh oh I did it let's go thank goodness yeah Carson you are our new best friend this guy is called a dinghy wait this is called a dinghy what the heck is this I guess it's like a little crappy boat but I don't even care man oh whoa look at that little thing right there of that like you see that big statue yeah I see that it looks super creepy is this guy like a coast guard is he taking us back to safety I guess so I want to get our own boat we gotta go see how much a boat costs really quick where do we even buy a boat uh right here maybe at the seashell um I guess yeah maybe Josh this person right here all right yeah where the heck do we go do we go to this person is the boat rental and oh wait she's a mustache shirt um gets you a boat pass I think we should do it 50 dollars wait what no I'm not doing it brother you're not doing it I feel like that would be a good investment man no no no no no no no I think we just need to keep focusing on getting some new gear because I can't breathe okay you know what I'm just gonna trade this in and then I'm gonna try and buy you know some better gear let's trade this okay whatever dude I don't want to talk to you right now let's just you know trade it in 77 dollars bam oh my gosh I have a hundred and twenty dollars that's like literally so much that's nothing I got 124 dollars bam what okay can you just give me the red so I can just take everything please nope okay open shop how much is it oh we need a hundred and forty dollars oh my gosh wait we're so close wait if you get the advanced suit you can swim faster but no I want the scuba mask and air tank okay what would be a smart purchase displayer coordinates no life jacket no um huh wait wait a minute what if we buy the wait a minute brother what if we buy the free dive training it makes you hold your breath twice as long you know what I just bought it wait why would you do it okay I guess I gotta buy it as well oh my gosh okay that's good for now we can get some money now yeah that's actually a good investment uh did anything even change about us are we still wearing the same clothes how do we know we have it um well let's check it out so let's see how much wait a minute oh my gosh our air thing is a lot longer whoa what the heck we can be down here forever and we can definitely find a key now that is insane okay wait there's a little quieter in the stock let me get this okay brother I'm tired of this we gotta explore something actually cool you know what follow me yeah I'm following you but you better not go towards any sharks because I do not like sharks we are swimming out there you know I can't promise there's not gonna be any sharks but brother if we want this Mansion if we want Lamborghinis if we want whatever we gotta risk it man oh my gosh I guess you're right but um just talk to the Sharks for me if we ever get in trouble all right you know I actually do speak fish because remember I am official I should be able to take care of it oh wait brother where are we um brother I actually see a cabin in the distance I don't know if you see that do you see it yes I see that but if you think I'm going over there then you're wrong because that is super scary and we're literally in the middle of the ocean now we gotta explore that later but let's look wait sunken ship right below us what the heck okay if there's any place a key would be this would be the place and there's a shark up brother talk to him there's a purple one ah Shark Week comment face please don't hurt us please oh my gosh please don't tell me oh in okay I'm going inside the ship oh yeah make sure you're safe hopefully it doesn't attack me that would not be good okay there's like a go whoa what the heck is this the pirate disguise is required for this area whoa we gotta unlock more stuff oh no there's no key wait oh I just found a book over your week There's a book come over here and pick this up right here it's added whoa what the heck is this whoa okay we can use that to to our advantage maybe it'll tell us where the key is oh my gosh oh wait what if we have to build a buried treasure with all the notes collected and then we can see where the keys at whoa that's actually super smart brother how the heck did you think of that oh wait brother I found this oh scuba gear oh wait I don't have an air tank brother see I need to see it I'm down in the ship but I can't even pick it up wait you think you just found something cool I just found an ice School of nevermoral oh I found like a wait what is this thing is this like a what is this a dragon Tamer circlet what even is that all right brother well I found like a seahorse this thing looks beautiful oh my gosh wait brother where are you coming back now yeah I'm coming I'm just at the top catching my breath okay whoa what the heck is this wait this is like a chain it says Roblox why is there a Roblox chain down here what the okay I'll pick that up Magna oh there's a coin brother where are you I'm trying to find you I'm back with the pirate ships and also there's like this like City underwater this is incredible oh my gosh this is really straight out of the movies I didn't think this place existed yeah me neither okay there's some coins in here this is so cool wait what the heck is this pirate disguise is required for this area oh my gosh another place that's hurting me um yeah brother I think I found some crazy thing in this building oh oh my gosh brother I just found something to pick up and it says that my backpack is full okay I'm going back to the pawn shop real quick okay yeah trade everything thing and wait what the heck is this brother I just found a blue skull a blue skull wait is it the I score of Nevermore yeah did you pick it up as well yes bro that's what I was telling you about you're a bit late oh crap I really thought it was special finding that but it's fine oh wait brother um I think I'll die oh thank goodness I got air oh my gosh that was actually really bad I'm right behind you brother let's go trade it in let's see how much we get uh you know what brother the first thing I'm buying with this money is some better scuba gear I have almost lost my breath like 50 times already what the heck wait really I thought you were gonna buy like a hot dog maybe because you love hot dogs oh no there's no way you're a real human being bro okay come on we need to just go to the pawn Shack or pawn shop whatever it is and sell everything I think we might have enough I know and also brother after we do this we gotta visit that Mansion way over there or not Mansion it's like a shed let's just sell the artifacts for 98 and how much money do I have um 167 I can afford it uh 167 I got 210 little bro oh my gosh yeah you're lucky that I you're lucky that I gave you some money I felt bad for you uh wait you didn't even give me any money what are you talking about bro or whatever let's just buy this scuba gear are you ready to buy it yep I bought it let's go wait how much money okay I got 70 maybe I can buy okay what what else should I buy oh I can buy dive weight which makes me go down faster oh okay well while you buy that I'm gonna buy a flashlight because I like to see things where I'm writing uh little does he know the flashlight's completely useless all right you know what actually instead of that I'm gonna buy this life jacket that way I can go up faster and oh my gosh brother we are ready look at us we have our little tanks our hats on and brother look at my eyes three two one say cheese flashlight wow my eyes what the heck whoa look at this look look at her oxygen wait we literally have like a meter now whoa that is crazy and also brother I think I found an oxygen tank in the ship so we can just keep going up and down there really okay where is it at where is it at all right I'll show you let's explore this area then we can explore some other ones we're almost done with this area and luckily I think the sharks are friendly uh brother how are we even moving across the water like this isn't this like impossible um we can walk on water I'm half fish you're half bear don't question okay let's go down in three two oh my gosh whoa whoa this looks so much cooler now that we know that would fit now that we have oxygen tanks I know here follow me in the space or not spaceship this uh ship whatever this thing is okay we gotta look for this thing I'm following you in here um where is it it was in here it was in here um crap where is it brother there's nothing but coins and sharks in here no there was scuba gear in here I promise oh it's right here oh there we go whoa I picked it up what okay I picked it up too but what does it do um I guess it just refills our scuba gear I guess I don't even know uh brother you have to know because we have to make sure our oxygen levels are good that's true okay be careful do not go in this toxic waste area whoa whoa ah we need no no no no wait what no we need a hazmat suit okay I got out of there quickly yeah I'm just going up man I don't even care anymore okay I'm gonna quickly resurface with this thing bam oh my gosh brother the life jacket is so overpowered required what the heck why is everything these certain suit weight I just found an egg brother I literally just found an egg of a clam what can I take it it's a purple coin oh my gosh I found a crazy crown that thing looks insane oh wait brother come down here now there's really a spaceship down here okay I'm looking away I think I found someone else wait is that you all right Bongo Bongo oh brother I found you look brother look there's a spaceship right here but we can't go near it because it's in the hot area oh my gosh oh yeah I'm gonna get out of here that is insane though what if we're able to use it we can go to outer space wait oh my gosh brother follow me what is this what is this I just found some gear over here wait there's only three things to my oxygen level my oxygen oh no no no rather get to the top okay that's much better that's much better okay uh please can someone help us find a key like do we have to pay a tourist guide to help us uh I'm sorry to say but we've actually probably might have to this is uh too good to be true I mean look at this place there's like a huge statue of someone absolutely like a fallen City what the heck okay maybe the cube here it's just like huge Temple um brother check it out what is this pick up this is like a crazy mask oh my inventory is full no oh mine's not I just got it let's go no what if that's worth a million dollars you know I gotta come back here sometime I gotta go to the surface right now here but brother check me out here but brother check me out right you looking at me yeah I'm looking all right watch this bam wait what oh my gosh wait no how did you do that um I bought the life Jack in I would recommend you buy it as well because it's super overpowered if you're running out of air yeah I'm running out of breath right now oh wait let me get on the boat with this guy and no we can't it's not ours yeah okay I guess we gotta swim over there let's just get over there quick let's trade everything in so we get some space and then we gotta visit that crazy cabin oh no okay brother we're back at the pawn shop let's do this again yeah I'm sorry we're back again man I know we're giving you a lot of business sell artifacts bam 97 bucks that's it dude you just ripped me off oh crap I didn't make too much money either but I don't even care okay oh wait brother I got all this stuff I didn't even realize what did you realize guys um if I go to my collections I got a Samurai helmet I got this oh my goodness holy what okay I got those two I thought we were selling these things no this is for them these are the big buck items um I think we actually do sell them it just saves in our collection I think that's how it works whatever let me talk to Steve and I need to buy what was it again the life jacket wait no you know what I don't want that I want the geolocator okay yeah I'm gonna get something two-way what is the Geo locator it displays your coordinates whatever that means I have no idea what in the advanced suits we can increase our swimming speed oh my gosh I just picked that up as well that is insane wait look at our feet oh we look like ducks now okay I'm gonna buy the dive weight as well it'll make us go down quicker that is so overpowered oh my gosh wait do you hear that when we're walking we sound like fish oh my gosh I kind of hear that as well okay brother look at us now we came here with some crappy Scooby gear that I got at a shop now we got actual stuff whoa look at how fast I'm swimming with I think I'm faster than you now brother you are not faster than me bro are you serious right now bro okay brother let's go to the cabin really quick I don't even characters nothing there I'm really curious oh my gosh okay we can go there but only on one condition whenever we find a key you have to give it to me all right maybe that's where we get the key wait uh brother hold on before we go over there there's something over here I want to check out and oh it's just a dead end oh wait there's actually something their ablated ninja claw what the what is it doing on land oh my gosh okay that's definitely something we're gonna need to the collections all right let's continue hey what if we can use the blade a ninja claw to like break open the chests wait a minute I like the way you think maybe we don't even need a key oh yeah what if we use like a chainsaw or that or you know I'm gonna try that whenever we reach a chest again because we might have just gotten gold what the heck who is this over here Mary oh wait uh Mary just disappeared that's so creepy what is this place okay first off I'm gonna refill my tank bada bing bada boom what's over here whoa what the heck is this oh my gosh wait oh this is where we buy the Pirates disguise oh my gosh but look at how much dollar is it so so expensive 120. 320 oh yeah screw this place I'm out but brother if we ever make a crapload of money this is where we need to go oh my gosh brother I like the way you think okay wait I'm gonna look around this because you can never trust a guy like this you always want to make sure that there's not something that he's hiding it from us I don't think so I think it's just a regular cabin that is crazy though brother if we spend 120 on that then we can make it like a thousands of dollars finding the items there that is true wait wait a minute brother when I open the Pirates note it says about your missing treasure I claimed it if you really want it maybe we can make a deal come meet me in the pirate area just outside the entrance to the Pirate Cove uh that's too many words for me to understand I don't even know what the heck you just said but brother check this out let's let's see how my anchor works okay let's see how far down I go whoa whoa whoa whoa wait oh you're literally sinking brother oh nope I just put it away that is crazy oh wait I found someone down here whoa oh wait no we already got this area I'm so stupid all right let's see if we can break open these chests maybe we're able to open no we can't wait there's something else right here what's this oh and I World eyes added okay I just got a helmet whoa I just got a pearl there's like a pearl over here whoa do not enter okay there's obviously only one thing to do and that's into this unless they're trying to hide a key wait there's really a pro oh oh I'm in the pirate disguise area get out oh crap yeah be careful okay I'm just gonna go over here what the heck is in this place whoa a big volt door over here I think I just found a sunken Bank wait okay maybe that's what we need the key for for the vault not the chest yeah probably brother I'm realizing there's so many areas we can't even go in no I need to be get we just need to get so much more money and then maybe we can you know go in there and buy the outfits we need yeah I agree okay I'm just gonna go in this here whoa this is like a frozen area wait Frozen Let It Go no stop it stop it all right you know brother I'm going back on land and finally afford the pirate outfit I want to you know be rich like you where the heck did you even go I'm like stranded on this piece of ice I have no idea what I think I see you in the distance I'm over here at the pawn shop right now on the pawn shop oh my gosh wait what this guy's pirate outfit oh my gosh okay this guy's so rich maybe I can ask him oh wait no he just left dude and this guy has this crazy red looking outfit wait what the heck he just disappeared oh brother we I just realized we're actually kind of poor all right brother you know what we gotta grind and make some money now are you ready yes I'm so ready come on we need to go let's go all right I'm you know what I'm not getting out of here until I make a million dollars let's go one all right brother we made it to the richest neighborhood in the city after scuba diving for like five years oh my gosh okay our pockets are flushed with cash and what what is this our car right here oh my wait free reward how do we claim it oh never mind it's not free we have to enter the raffle because we don't have time for that we're rich now all right yeah that's true okay wait where should we check out okay bro okay brother I'm down to buy some Mansions I totally am down but we gotta check out these water slides oh the water slides okay we need to go over here wait oh my goodness whoa this is insane oh wait we can't even drive that car this is crazy uh brother where are you going the entrance is over here look I'm already inside I'm gonna go down the water slide wait how did you enter oh there you are oh my gosh come on I need to go I need to go I need to beat you I need to beat you I don't even care if you beat me I mean we're not like in a race or anything but maybe I can cut between here oh come on oh oh who's gonna win who's gonna win I don't know I need to go down the slide and here we go down the red side whoa oh oh oh oh my head oh I just oh my gosh oh crap I'm going down here too whoa okay yep that wasn't fun yeah I think we need our scuba deer gosh we're just babies all right you know what brother we gotta go on one more Slide the most dangerous one the blue one look how tall it is oh my gosh it's only as tall as like maybe 15 of us combined I know actually more than that probably 50 okay I'm going up here wait brother come down here look this is where the regular slides are but this one goes even taller oh my gosh oh my gosh it's like three levels taller okay I'm not doing this one I'm not doing this brother I don't know either all right you know what we need a subscribers luck to all the subscribers watching this video subscribe to the channel and comment water slide if you want us to go on I don't know I don't I I don't know if I can do it man oh my gosh oh you know what how about you go first me I go first wait what why oh it will go at the same time okay ready jump on it three two one go oh my God oh my gosh wait what I got stuck oh no no no I'm going that oh letter that literally hurts oh crap sorry I accidentally stood up at the very end sorry I think I hit your head yeah bro that hurt you're gonna get revenge brother don't worry I'll get you back for that but when you stay focused so we need to start buying stuff because we have a million dollars I mean look look come back come back I'm just chilling on this you know I'm doing my thing we know brother the money's not going anywhere okay yes it is it's going straight on this house I'm about to buy oh okay I guess we can go now sorry water park we'll come back later just buy something it doesn't have to be a house or anything wait delicious burgers okay I'm really hungry I literally haven't eaten any food for like so long we need to eat right now I want a burger okay what wait what am I working the register wait what oh my gosh we want food they're gonna think we're robbing the place oh no oh no okay just sit down and act like something act like nothing happened uh officer no one that nothing's here oh wait no one came yeah it's fine okay brother if I look behind you I can see some milkshakes just follow my leave let's just steal them really quick come on come on okay go go go go go go go I got it oh my gosh wait what the heck that was so good okay sit down act like nothing happened okay think the coast is clear okay brother last time there's some fries back there you ready I see it I see okay ready go go go go go go go go go go okay come on come on jump over the thing come on come on oh my gosh and sit down again oh did we just do it did no one notice I think we did it I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of full uh uh brother you mean you haven't even eaten yet what do we have to transform on me Lamborghini Lamborghini whoa hey yo oh this is literally the richest city brother you were right I thought you were just lying to me I know that's so true wait there's a mall over here should we do some shopping before we get the house we'll go to the house right after this I promise you oh my gosh yes we need some new clothes and some new bags and everything whoa look at this place this place is beautiful fashion spot wait okay brother you could use some extra drip your orange jacket is not cutting it um brother are you serious you're telling me that you're wearing a fursuit like what are you doing bruh don't judge me dude I just really like them and whoa wait look at these seats they're really hands that's cool oh my gosh we need to get about five of those for our houses that's gonna look beautiful and they got a salon over here whoa oh my gosh sweet this is a massage chair too whoa wait are they gonna do my hair wait there's no one even working here is this an automatic thing I guess so yeah this is ran by like robots or something that's pretty cool well now that my back is massaged where else should we go hmm let me think I don't think we need new clothes what there's a coffee shop wait what is this tickets wait is this a movie theater oh my good wait what are these movies blue color red color wait I've never heard of these movies before yeah me neither okay wait oh wait look at this dude we got like rainbow Green Oh wait okay I guess it's just free tonight oh my gosh wait you sit in the red chair I'm gonna say in the orange because it's closer to the screen yes sir oh yeah you think you're gonna sit over there okay fine I'll just one-up you and sit right here oh yo you want a one on me fine I'll just watch it like this oh my gosh this movie is so good oh my gosh you can't even see anything okay let me actually put this right there oh wait what the why do you have a wet floor sign what are you doing wait what the heck it's floating for me yeah I thought I was a custodian okay let's get out of here none of the movies are playing and wait what is this right here oh this is just for the workers yeah just for some snacks wait what the you just close the door on yourself wait where are you oh you're right there I'm right here oh I wanted you to get me some food brother are you serious we literally just had milkshakes and Fries we've had enough food you know what I'm going up here is there any stores oh my gosh wait hey these are the movies they were showing down there oh yeah the colors I mean that's the yellow movie I mean I'll be honest we're probably just blabbing our mouths right now all right I'm jumping down and I think we need to leave them all this Mall's pretty small yeah this mall kind of sucks to be honest let's just get out of here I mean this place might be the richest place but they don't have the richest mall I'll tell you that much oh my goodness get this car right here wait how much is this car can we buy can we just buy it um are you talking about the Bugatti oh my no boo boo got these are like five million dollars brother we cannot buy this thing are you crazy five million dollars wait oh it's locked no I wanted to drive it there's no way bro brother I have something better I guess this is where we're supposed to go in this like little crappy play place oh crap is this where we're gonna go to school go to shop wait okay okay such a cute little dog I'm a dog you literally are wearing a bear suit if anyone belongs here it's you fine Brother fine you know what no you don't want to be my brother anymore fine I'll just lock you out no no no no brother okay I'm sorry you know just making a joke I'm part fish myself if anything Pine Ridge Community Way brother is this where we're supposed to buy a house oh my goodness look at these places dude get the kill get the kill wait brother um actually these are just screens we're not even playing video games I just realized I'm only watching the news oh okay oh my gosh where's the front door this place this place is so big oh my gosh get out get out get out oh my gosh sir we didn't do a bother you crazy robot sir man whoa it's getting nighttime as well oh my gosh she's still chasing us okay we need to find a different home that we can buy I don't even know all right maybe this one wait the store's open yo in here get in here okay come on come on I'm gonna shut the door and whoa wait look at this this is so awesome oh my gosh can this robot dude leave us alone goodness gracious yeah we already said we're sorry how do we go outside look at this awesome adjusted place I don't even know we'll find a way oh they got some fireplace right here well I turned the fireplace on oh wait you could turn on and off oh my gosh that's so cool uh I think this is her this is her house um they said hey you a baby yeah yeah we are babies uh don't mind us say hey we're just babies we're totally not trying to buy this place wait oh my gosh wait you know what for being so mean I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the water look at that I'm washing my hands oh my hey you're watching your hands in their own sink goodness gracious yeah I'll watch mine too oh it feels great you know what brother I'm gonna cook as well okay what should I okay nope this is too much for me uh yeah I'm too young to cook anyways you can't even reach anything wait who is this hey oh Ma'am excuse me wait get out now she's just said get out oh my gosh okay no no no no no you know what brother I'm putting my foot down I ain't getting out you know this is your house that's too bad we're going upstairs we're gonna mess it up well yeah and actually you know what you know what claim our territory look at what I'm putting in her room ready Jackie and Bongo sign you're not doing anything to stop us I'm gonna sleep in their bed hey brother look at me I look like a Pop-Tart in this bed oh my brother what the heck get out of uh she's literally right here she's still yelling at us I don't care you know I'm gonna go yell at her hey lady you are an idiot oh my gosh she got the dog she got the dog oh my God some of the dog I'm out I'm out that dog is so big and Pharrell no no how do we get out how do we get our brother think brother thing try the garage try the garage wait let me in let me in it's not the garage brother oh no I can't think we have to play hide and seek now and this robot is still falling robot actually leave us alone good hey what are you doing you're finally taking a bath look at the robot gosh brother thank goodness we got out of that house that was crazy oh my gosh okay we need to find a house that we can have ourselves wait look at this one oh wait what oh wait oh my gosh just got reconstructed oh my gosh I saw that too all right brother hear me out if we were able to just go in people's homes like that and they think we're babies we don't even have to buy a house we can save our money wait what save our money okay uh what are we gonna buy then um we don't really need a car because we're babies I honestly think we should just save it buy it on Burgers you know whatever we want to buy it on or we can win a minute we can buy this school wait a minute I gotta trick my brother to take a shower oh my gosh brah brother if you go through here you get a million dollars wait what million dollars okay I want some more money what is this oh my gosh is he really gonna go through this uh what is this uh brother are you gonna question why you're soaking wet right now what the heck you said a million dollars I didn't care nope I just wanted you to take a shower that was hilarious oh my gosh well brother now that we live here I think this is a good area yeah this is a pretty good area look there's even a daycare for babies like you wait where's the daycare I don't even see it straight ahead oh crap that's probably where we're gonna end up going to school I don't even want to go look at it you know it's like blue and pink no no I'm not going there no now that we got our mansions and found our place to live what do we do now um now we just chill lay back and also wait get out of the road whoa oh well this place is not awesome all right subscribe if you want to see us again peace
Channel: Jacki
Views: 74,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: children songs, baby songs, kids videos, Baby Goes To SCHOOL!, who's your daddy, who's your daddy game, who's your daddy funny, who's your daddy funny moments, who's your daddy 2, funny baby games, funny baby game, funny baby daddy game, baby daddy game, otto, otto whos your daddy, leaf, gara, family friendly game, whos your daddy?!, baby finds treasure, baby finds gold, treasure
Id: Con204T9QpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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