Baby bling (2015) - Fake tans, fake nails, and fake hair for little girls | 60 Minutes Australia

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every daughter is her mother's little princess but some mothers are taking it to a whole new level I'm not just talking a little tiara and a bit of taffeta the new baby thing is bling and lots of it then there's fake tans fake nails and fake hair clamming up little girls was once the reserve of beauty pageants and nish on the margins of society but now blinging up baby is very big business [Music] when Sammy bushel takes her 18 month old daughter Hayley May to the path it's more like a scene from gone with the wind she can't climb the stairs in it Sammy always dreamed of having a daughter so she could dress her like a princess why is that the perfect look cuz I think a girl should be in dresses you know they've got all the life to wear trousers all like ins whatever but girl baby for so long and if you can dress them in what you want to dress them you're gonna do aren't ya so I want dresses I love it Essex is Britain's capital of fake tans flash clothes and bling and its home to student and single mum Sophie Mae Dixon and her daughters four year old princess bliss Tiana Mae and one-year-old precious Belle Ruby Rosina from the moment her daughters were born Sophie Mae decided they'd stand out from the crowd put your hair on my curls I would say hello little Barbie baby's diff Barbie was real that they would be our children that is what their children would look like you know you do make it sound like you're dressing a doll I don't really mind she's my doll I'm the day she's my friend sir she's my little girl and Alan we have that one girl all so far anyway and Africa dresses about girls on part-time beautician Sammy saves everything she has to spend it all on Haley made thousands of dollars each year browsing the burgeoning online designer baby boutiques for the perfect dress and matching accessory you know the stock sudden have bangs the bells the shoes the tights for the knickers and your bling that you put on you know if you have a dummy the dummy clips and the dummies and all the crystals like upon the dummies it never ends it's little wonder that the children's wear market in the UK alone is now worth over ten billion dollars a year all these dresses that we see around here are they special occasion dresses no no no let's stay away she wears it every day Marie Fullerton and her daughter Haley run a booming baby wear shop called fairytale in Liverpool and the key element to their success is bling can they ever be too much bling never don't think that we can ever be enough bling just the more the better you blink just about anything come we're trying it from dummies to parties to baby bottles some even bling their entire prance as an auntie Whitney Rollins has been a longtime fan of Murray's shop but as a brand-new mum her interest has become an obsession she's got everything I'm saying there and I found redress any a she and already she's only three weeks old yeah she's I've got 100 not hundreds I'd say a good 50 am that she doesn't move yeah how much has Whitney spent in your store I can't I can tell you too much fair to say an obscene amount of money yeah just she likes that she gets in her mind off the prices it's elaborate and expensive just her pram was over two and a half thousand dollars but for Whitney it's all in the name of love why is it so important to dress your daughter like this because she's special I want her to have the best I like people to look at Erin everyone comments on Erin's says I'd be a fish yes but all the bling and all the frills are just the start for some mothers we've got matching converses in all colors we've got matching hair pieces we've got matching rough Lorenz jumpers got matching reference we've got lives of matching staff Sophie Mae and her mini-me daughter four year old princess bliss are getting ready for one of their regular joint beauty sessions what shaped me did you want sighs I want to go a bit darker side because I'm so pal and what a parrot prin so night cream what to do what's up woman a little black so I guess it's my turn lot teenagers young people de train chess it does vary bass it's gone down a lot you know there is a lot of youngsters that do want to be like their mums and who do want to beat and you ridden [Music] right [Music] rather we'll finish later on is to perhaps attempt from it please darling shall we show your mum us your timeline wow that's good surprise it's really dark cheese a little with each Barbie baby [Applause] [Music] if all this wasn't extreme enough some mothers carry it further signing up their daughters to put their looks on the lines in beauty pageants is it true that if you wear bling you're more likely to win it yeah how many Tiaras do you have about 80 really single and unemployed mum 33 year old Leanne Dix also tans and blings up her babies Bessie sue six and four year-old Scarlett on a competitive level they are very talented little girls but and I have invested a lot in them special means your winner huh well if you're if you count a second your first loser [Applause] every weekend there are dozens of these child beauty pageants across Britain it makes a lot a lot of time but it's worth it she looks it that's what being a parents part in they're making you kids I feel their dreams what they want to do pitting not just girl against girl goes to sky but sometimes mother against daughter when their little princesses fail to make Queen as it was the sky left to chase her unhappy mum out of the pageant [Music] meanwhile LeeAnn has come up with an outfit for four-year-old scarlet she hopes will blow away the competition in the upcoming tini Miss glitz-pageant my later self it's for scarlet and I'm working on a hooters outfit for her so we were put together a nice little routine so this is a good picture because it shows you the uniform that they wear so I've been to Hooters bar but I know they're popular in America and it was just something that I thought of it was an easy question to make the next step for your daughter the beauty pageant scene will you put her into that yeah I would like sporting the beauty pageants and why is that - no it's somewhat for her he never to look back on what she achieved when she was younger but what about the losing as opposed to the winning and that could be confidence destroying couldn't it I suppose it card I've never really thought a lot to be honest you know under they everybody wins and loses everyday life you know you've put a bet on the lottery if you don't win you lose don't ya you can't sit and cry about it it's a way of life fully an at least it's all about winning but there's a problem [Music] are you going to do the pageant yes LeAnn's hopes seem dashed but finally she convinces Scarlett to go on stage [Music] you're gonna do your own Hooters Burnett's yeah and how's that start yeah Scarlet's last chance of the grand prize rests with the Hooters costume [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watching this it's hard to believe anyone thinks this is a good idea or in good taste now it's up to the judges leann can't hide her disappointment with third place babies in beauty pageants toddlers and chill playthings on which to lavish bling and expectation but these little E's can only live their parent's dream for so long [Music] something Sammy recognizes but ever so regretfully in Fraley grows into a tomboy never wears a dress again how heartbroken will you be I would be very heartbroken but what will be will be if she doesn't want to wear the dresses and she don't want to wear the bling or the hair you know while the hair extensions are the makeup than that search ice I can't stop her it's totally her choice and what will be will be hello I'm Tara brown thanks for watching to keep up with the latest from 60 minutes Australia make sure you subscribe to our channel you can also download the 9 now app for full episodes and other exclusive 60 minutes content
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 710,114
Rating: 3.4540586 out of 5
Keywords: Baby, beauty pageant, fake hair, fake tan, fake nails, tiara, blinging up baby, Tara Brown, 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia
Id: zbVdkni8SLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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