Baby Becomes SUPER RICH!

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today I got super rich so I could buy everything I ever wanted and my Dad's reaction was crazy so watch till the end and subscribe so guys today my dad's gonna tell you about this awesome new toy that's coming out so I'm gonna ask you if you can buy it for me oh my gosh I saw it on the TV like all my friends are talking about it oh my goodness guys it's called the ball Blaster girl oh my gosh it's my dad again I hope he doesn't do anything drastic this time girl what do you want for lunch uh chicken okay don't worry about uh lunch okay can you buy me that awesome new toy that just came out absolutely not it's too expensive what do you mean too expensive you're really like Rich dude what are you talking about you're a grown-up I'm not rich and if you want to get that ball plus you're gonna have to buy it yourself because uh I don't want to buy all your stupid toys anymore oh my gosh what the heck I don't have that many until I just have that guitar and the blocks and his horsey and that plushie and the bear and then and then the guitar and then the drums and then the guitar and the drums whatever I don't care you're not getting the toy oh my gosh okay fine I guess but us to make my own money I'm literally just a baby oh no you have to figure it out I'll see you later though I gotta go to work oh my gosh okay fine oh my gosh guys like what my dad said I have to get my own money if I want it like what the heck dude all right well he said I should just figure it out like what the heck dude okay I mean I could sell my toys but I don't know I know I don't want to do that but I could sell my dad's stuff oh my gosh that's awesome that's a great idea okay let me just uh make sure he's not here anymore before I show his stuff but firstly my dad has too many expensive stuff so I have to get my friend Neji so he can help me gather it all and sell it and then we can become Millionaires and buy whatever toys we want aside from the ball Blaster and now oh my gosh okay let me just go outside and see where my friend Neji is okay here we go my gosh where are you dude oh hey I'm just walking over what's up oh what's up now do you want any kind of Sound Italian today what's going on dude just got hit by a car oh my gosh oh my gosh daddy what's up dude oh my gosh basically something crazy oh yeah I'm okay wait is it pot on my head dented uh it's a little dented a real gonna lie oh my gosh it's okay I'll just get a new one next video anyways Neji today's something crazy happened oh my gosh what happened what happened so you know that new toy everyone's been talking about the ball Blaster oh my gosh the ball blaster thousand I love the ball Blaster yeah I really want it but my dad won't buy it for me what the heck dude we gotta beat up your dad no no no we can't beat him up we can't beat him up just my dad dude come on dude that's kind of mean but anyways he said we should make our own money if we want to buy it and I have an idea oh my gosh what's your idea uh I don't know I was kind of hoping you would come up with the idea don't kill me thank God oh I got one what is it okay so basically we should go in your dad's house gather up all the TVs the computers all the expensive stuff put it by the road and sell it oh my gosh that's a good idea that is wow where'd you get so smart well it's because I got this hat on my head now oh my gosh okay be careful don't fly up anyways okay let's go let's go and uh find all of my dad's expensive stuff and we're gonna sell it and then we're gonna become millionaires so we can buy whichever toys we want literally I think witty because that was closed that was close oh my gosh okay well first I think we should destroy the house too so my dad gets even more mad girls it's a good idea all right grab the same Rock and into another window in there ah yeah that's what I'm talking about yes sir are you okay dude oh nothing's really focused anyways Neji let's go over here and destroy the living room too and wait a minute we can sell my dad's Xbox oh my gosh that's the easiest thing to say okay let's go put it by the road okay let's go let's go let's gather up everything we want to right over a year yes sir that's what I'm talking about right on the doorstep yes oh my gosh right there okay there we go Xbox and I think you should put the baseball bat there and wait a minute wait a minute are you thinking what I'm thinking well I I would destroy it but how are we gonna sell out the short Xbox no that wasn't what I was thinking I'll show back to you oh my gosh look how far I went oh my gosh okay I'm sorry I'm sorry is this a joke dude I'm just just praying just hashtag prank oh my God I don't like this prank okay let's go over here now and oh my gosh wait there should be more stuff to sell over here but how are we gonna get this big TV oh no maybe we both try to carry it we could bring it out there okay okay ready in one two three oh we broke it okay it's fine it's fun this should be other TVs all right oh my gosh can it beans okay uh do you want to sell those yeah I want to sell the can of beans oh my gosh okay let me check the other jars and wait a minute some show it up oh my gosh dude we're supposed to sell that we can buy some pretty ball blasters I know right and not even ball blasters we could buy more toys at that oh my gosh so wait we should buy a four-wheeler oh my gosh that would be awesome guys subscribe we should buy a four-wheeler or a motorcycle oh my goodness I wait a minute I think I just found a really expensive item it's a study machine oh gosh how much do you think this costs at least three dollars three more like three gazillion dollars let me put it out in the doorstep and now oh my gosh okay we need more expensive stuff come on Nettie oh wait let's sell your mommy's milk oh my gosh wait a minute what does that even do would people even buy that I don't know I think so all right okay let me see it um oh my gosh okay well I'm not asleep because Neji wake up dude wake up we got work today oh my gosh guys we have to wait till an edgy week so I'm definitely not asleep right now Maggie wake up wake up dude I said wake up dude we haven't been missing more let's sell this one no okay okay yeah show that one oh my gosh we got some fruit real quick okay just like so and oh my gosh okay I think we should go to the kitchen so whatever's in there next oh my gosh that's such a great idea oh my gosh let's go let's go let's go oh my goodness it's gonna be awesome dude [Music] oh my gosh wait let's open up all this cabinet and look another item oh my gosh let's sell this too oh my gosh oh oh I broke something what did you you just broke ah that flower vase was worth like a gazillion dollars you don't see the empty wait it's okay because I I'll sell to your grandma I saw your grandma oh yeah yeah go put that there oh my gosh we're getting so many expensive stuff I think that Earnest worth like there's a million dollars inside of it so it's worth like 50 gazillion dollars oh yeah you're right okay I'm gonna eat this apple and now just put it down dude you broke it we get some other pieces though I I guess but like the value went down to only 10 gazillion oh my gosh okay we need more stuff we need more stuff we need to become millionaire so we can buy everything dude all right let's go in the kitchen and maybe we can sell all the food in there too here we go all right let me just open the fridge door and wait a minute look at all this soda oh my God because I ordered soda for like two dollars each I mean we could either sell it or we could drink it so we could carry all this stuff faster oh that's such a good idea we should drink all the soda okay let me get this hot dog and then uh I'm gonna get this chicken and I'm gonna go sell it oh my gosh I'm gonna put it outside here we go just like so and like so oh my gosh we're going so fast because of it oh my gosh I love soda all right let me grab some raw steak and then a hot dog oh my goodness well wait a minute yet they have the perfect idea on how to get a limited steak how much how how how oh my gosh okay follow me ready I'm gonna grab a state oh wait actually okay follow me dude follow me outside guys I'm gonna summon the bear and then we're gonna get all of this meat by beating them up all right here we go and come here nothing nothing don't worry about it just come over here dude guys I'm gonna stare at you with the bear oh my gosh I'm gonna hide under here hey uh look over there dude uh it is a bear wait give me that piece of meat okay he's a piece of me oh my gosh are you ready for this energy okay come here Mr bear come here you know uh just eat that piece of meat eat it eat it oh my gosh guys he's eating the meat wow look at him and now we're gonna tame him wow okay now let me ride on oh my gosh well look I have a pet bear now oh my gosh wait is he flying how did you go so fast I know right oh my gosh wait a minute now did you want to sell this bear well I think so but I think I want to sell his Meats let me put them in the road no no no that's not gonna do anything come over here I have a faster way oh my gosh guys okay so the Bears right here okay let me let me just uh ride the bear over here and oh my gosh we're gonna have an unlimited supply of me are you ready I'm ready all right let me just go jump over here just like so and and a three two and one and smack oh my gosh look at all that me what the heck how are you getting so much meat oh my gosh I know right okay let's just put all this over there and let's sell it now oh my gosh this is like a gazillion dollars by itself we're gonna be millionaires oh my God I want to be a gazillionaire okay we can be gazillionaire dude oh my gosh okay but we're splitting the money 50 50. okay okay that sounds like a good deal all right it's like so and oh my gosh let's go look at all that meat that we're gonna sell now I think we should go upstairs oh that's such a good idea wait we should sell all your toys oh my gosh are you sure how do I sell all my toys there's more selling my dad's stuff oh yeah let's sell your dad stuff let's go to the office oh my gosh okay I'm gonna beat you up there because I'm literally The Flash okay all right now that we did that and actually let's go to my dad's bedroom now oh my gosh hold up I have to hit the video okay let's go to my dad's room and let's sell all his expensive stuff in here let me open his dresser and open his drawer oh my gosh guys look what I have Negi doesn't know what I have hey is that a hammer uh no I trumpet we should sell these trapping oh my gosh okay but first we need to sing a song so the trumpets are authentic are you ready and the three two one one two buckle my shoe three four buckle some four five six Nike kicks that was awesome that was really awesome that was awesome oh my God wait a minute let's put the trumpets over here oh my gosh all this steak got spoiled oh my God that makes it even more valuable I know right okay I'm gonna put this Hammer right here and then uh let me put this other Hammer right here and wow look at the collection of things we have dude this is gonna be awesome how much money do you think we gonna make uh I think right here is about 500 000 but we need a million and a gazillion okay let's go get some more stuff let's go to my dad's room okay this time don't follow the window I don't know how you did that I don't know you like it just kind of happened dude oh my gosh okay let me flip this over and oh my gosh I broke my dad's other TV dude we can't sell that either oh my gosh I just want to sell all the TVs oh my gosh okay let me just help me oh my gosh guys look right here oh dude we literally broke the bed all right wait a minute look at my dad's jar look at the hot dog you want this energy oh you don't want a hot dog wait we can throw the hot dog [Music] oh my gosh okay uh let's go over to my dad's office now because he has an awesome PC in here no oh my gosh you missed about you it's my dog Rufus too you should sell your dog what the heck don't say that dude it's my dog okay we should not sell actually that ball Blaster is really cool yeah is it cooler than your dog I mean I guess all Rufus does is just sit here and like eat stuff and look lazy you know what you turn around you don't want to see this yeah look at the way oh my gosh guys I've got this in my dog real fast oh my gosh oh my gosh I really want that ball Blaster it looks so cool I didn't go Rivers you can eat that sport stick if you want oh my God okay I definitely did not sell my dog uh Neji I did not do that it's okay if you did or didn't I wasn't looking oh okay yeah that's right though okay uh uh let's look what else should we sell oh my gosh what let's let's order up on stuff with your dad's money and then sell it no we can't my Dad ran out of money remember that's why he couldn't buy the Bob blaster for me oh yeah true yeah don't wait we can order a bunch of stuff when we finally sell this stuff and then order stuff with it oh my gosh with the money we should sell this monitor oh my gosh yeah that's awesome okay all right I'm gonna go put the monitor down here oh my gosh I'm going too fast for my own good wow guys comment super fast if I'm super fast right now here we go uh what's up bro I'm sorry dude I'm sorry for telling you but hey man it's got to be done gotta get that blah Blaster am I right Neji I'm gonna throw some stuff that you need to sell okay okay oh my gosh all right you just throw everything I need to sell and I'll put it beside the door here we go this power supply that looks really scrumptious but I do need to sell it and then there's some other board okay that looks really scrumptious too but I do need to sell it oh my God okay one more thing we need to sell one more thing okay what are you gonna throw dude wait there you go wait what is that what is that is that a tablet oh my gosh okay yeah wait this time we'll go for a lot of money actually wait a minute uh oh Neji what I think I just came up with the best idea ever I don't know why I said uh oh but what's the idea what if we just duplicate all the tablets oh my gosh that's such a good idea how do we duplicate a tablet though basically if we go in the secret room right here there should be a secret item that should let us duplicate it oh my gosh let's do it oh my gosh okay are you ready Rico let me just uh go out here and let me grab the tablet where is it and are you ready dude I'm ready I did look at all the tablets this is literally infinite money glitch oh my gosh look at all those tablets oh my gosh wait how are you making so many tablets because oh my gosh I don't know I just have this magic item called a duplicator oh my gosh oh I'm out of batteries but look how many tablets we duplicated oh my gosh that's so sick look at this it's like a gazillion dollars by itself but no we still need some more stuff dude all right wait I want to try it we'll have some battery it's out of battery just had a battery load as ammo you got this you got this energy go ahead try it dude okay ready I think it's out of batteries Neji what the heck don't oh my gosh okay well we got we got the items from almost every room except for the basement and the garage what if we sell my dad's car too oh my gosh let's go sell it come on let's go let's go let's go I'm going I'm gonna literally like The Flash and I'm already here wait watch out hey car what's up dude oh my God this is gonna be awesome okay wait a minute look at all this paint first not blue blue is my favorite color uh and green no purple's better uh purple Shucks dude I'm sorry to break it to you but oh my gosh look at all this stuff okay let's sell my dad's car okay uh can you open the garage door while I get the key yeah hold up I have to hit the energy goody because I'm really slow oh my gosh okay I could tell Dude okay let me get this uh key right here where the heck is this key uh there we go oh my gosh and now open the garage door dude got it and now we're gonna put my dad's car right beside the other stuff get into it all right here we go oh my goodness ouch are you serious right now all right okay here we go I gotta look left and then right and then just boost I blew up oh my God a respawn oh me too but still dude we gotta show that card for a lot of money oh my gosh well now that you destroyed the car I'm gonna sell your little baby plush oh my gosh I think we should just sell my toys because I really want that ball blush and we're gonna be millionaires so it won't even matter we could just buy more toys okay here we go let me grab the B the D and the O and it says dough cause dough like donuts so I really want some donuts right now no me too oh my gosh okay here we go and uh what else should we sell uh do you want to go in the basement see what we can sell from there yep I think we should sell everything in the base oh I got this baseball bat I'm gonna sell this later oh okay okay oh my gosh dude I am so excited to become a millionaire if you were a millionaire Neji what would you buy probably like a house or two houses and then like uh donut tours to charity oh that's so nice Neji oh my gosh I'd probably do the same thing guys comment down what you would do if you had a million dollars right now oh my gosh guys subscribe if you would like a million dollars dude that would be awesome Yep subscribe oh wait wait someone subscribe I'm a millionaire now oh my got you are literally not a millionaire logo you are broke dude oh my gosh okay here we go let's get buffed too because if we're Millionaires and we're not healthy then what's the point right let's get buff wait a minute look at me doing the one one-handed uh a one-handed uh thing uh monkey balls dude how you doing Defying Gravity how are you doing that oh no this is sorcery oh my goodness oh just go like this oh my gosh I'm winning I'm winning I'm literally the best at it look I'm going so fast look what I handed one-handed arm uh where are you oh my gosh how are you doing that Ned you're so strong what the heck oh my gosh now imagine if you had money it would be so ultimately overpowered I know but look at me I'm gonna hit you with you dude what the heck oh my gosh okay ah stop it well there's nothing really in here that we can sell or even move so uh yeah it was pretty fun down here but now let's go sell all that stuff and become Millionaires and then buy whatever we want my dad's tablet oh this is a goddamn wait a minute I want to sell this basketball okay okay show the basketball show the basketball grab it and now let's go put it beside the other stuff and wait for someone to come buy it oh my gosh that's a good idea let's go oh my gosh oh my gosh we're gonna become millionaires Ned here are you excited I love it oh Mom I love money um I did some money talk I did some money talk oh my gosh no money generation oh my gosh okay let's go up here dude I better be Mr overpaid yes oh my gosh okay let's go let's go okay now you just put that basketball right there look at all this stuff and all the infinite tablets oh my gosh okay this stuff should sell out really soon are you ready yup let's go oh my gosh okay let's just wait by the road and uh let's ask people if they want to buy it okay all right don't worry someone's gonna buy an edgy okay wait I think this guy wants to buy it I dude that's just my dead body all right we're not gonna talk about that all right let's wait for someone to buy it okay okay oh my gosh oh my gosh it's a good advertisement hello so I do want to buy my uh items dude everyone's ignoring us what the heck dude hello sir do you want to buy my items oh look at here on the bus stop oh Neji what happened to your voice oh my gosh wait a minute you have a mustache now oh my goodness you have a mustache too oh my gosh we are so funny Rich that's cool we have a gazillion dollars now let's go and buy everything shall we okay we should order some toys and buy tomorrow oh my goodness I love toker like this is absolutely fabulous this is absolutely Immaculate oh my goodness we sold everything and now we all know millionaires let's buy everything we can oh my gosh let's go to your daddy's office and use the tablet oh my gosh you're right oh wow we are so fancy and gentlemen like all of my days okay I plug it in oh my gosh okay let's grab this tablet now and wow dude look at all these toys I mean whoa look at all these toys I was about to say oh Brock accent is coming out oh no I don't have a broke accent okay uh wait a minute it's the ball Blaster oh my gosh I can't wait to play with this I I could not wait to play with this oh my days okay order me one as well okay I ordered two you know what let's order a gazillion of them oh my gosh that's a good idea jolly good jolly good jolly good jolly good do you want some candy perhaps oh I would love some candy oh my gosh I mean we're millionaires we can buy anything we want now um we literally fancy candy I fancy candy a lot oh my God just buy some cookies and what else should we buy what's some more toys we should buy let's buy perhaps a lamp and perhaps um some more candy and perhaps everything we ever wanted Oh my days oh wait wait let's buy some more cookies and oh my goodness let's go play with the stuff we got and some soccer balls all my days okay what's oh my God we have so many packages oh my gosh guys I can't wait to play with this stuff oh this is gonna be awesome all of my days you ordered so many ball blasters oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I'm getting rid of this fake action okay I really just want to play with my toys we win let's play with these toys look at all these boxes oh my gosh that's a brand new ball Blaster yep all my days make sure you get to another one of the boxes oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah I knocked it all over well look it's a soccer ball and some candy I never thought of my wildest dreams you would have these stuff oh my gosh look it's a ball Blaster oh my gosh oh my God guys look it's the new expensive toy that my dad couldn't even buy one up but look we have it like a gazillion if you want to have a ball Blaster War I do okay go let's go into the yard oh my God okay are you ready oh my gosh okay three two one go back out you hit me oh you hit me oh we just blew up a car oh oh oh oh we don't go to jail we're rich yeah oh my gosh are you serious okay let's see what else we got in here okay I guess you won the ball Blaster War I mean the Bob last year I really wanted but no honestly it's kind of boring we have like a gazillion of them I know right like you should have only bought two I know right oh my gosh wait I didn't order toaster uh it makes people problems we just gotta toaster for like no reason oh my gosh look cookies I love cookies oh my goodness and then look I got a baby restraint clamp oh this is so fun you're going upstairs all right no get stop it oh my gosh wait a minute already let's kick it yeah let's play some soccer okay uh whoever whoever uh makes it go first wins okay no he didn't the ball's over here dude I don't even see the ball oh my gosh okay well all right let's see what else you got toaster nobody wants a toaster we got some cookies I mean cookies are cool but strawberry with The Blob blasters oh my gosh Daddy stop it dude oh my God sorry I just love the ball passes so much I mean I like them too but it's kind of boring now that we have like a lot of them oh okay well let's see some cookies then oh my gosh oh my gosh you mean it wasn't really that many toys I mean we did get everything we wanted it's a bunch of cookies and stuff but honestly I don't feel so good I could go for a salad now or something yeah I love salad oh my gosh I mean you want to play some soccer I guess uh sure yeah let's play some soccer out here in the in the in the road just like so and oh my gosh well look at me I'm like messy shoe right now I know it's better than Messi oh my oh my God World Cup oh my gosh that's awesome well I mean we bought all the toys we wanted nephew what else did we do we have a lot of money now I don't know but I think I have to go home it was nice uh making money with you you have to go home oh my gosh I mean I guess you'll go home a millionaire am I right I forgot about all right I'll see you later you distinguished gentlemen all right bloody bloody bye-bye okay goodbye oh my gosh guys well I mean I got a mustache now that I'm like fancy and Rich but I got all the toys I wanted but honestly guys I'm kind of bored of the toys now I kind of miss being poor I'm not gonna lie but uh what am I gonna do I already sold all my dad's stuff uh and he should be home anytime soon all my dad stuff is gone so oh man what am I gonna do guys okay let me just go back inside oh my gosh I have to find a way to get this stuff back oh it might be too late what's up oh wait wait what's up Dad oh what is up my distinguished gentleman I heard a lot of ruckus on the cameras while I was gone where's my TV and my Xbox and my bad uh what are you talking about oh my gosh guys uh Dad I'm literally a millionaire wait oh my gosh yeah I'm literally a millionaire Dad I just have to make sure my mother died uh so basically you know how I wanted that expensive new toy right the ball Blaster yeah yeah well uh you know I decided to become a millionaire because you told me to make my own money oh how'd you make the money did you sell all my stuff uh whatever I sold almost every single thing you owned and yep uh lo and behold I'm not a millionaires you can see my mind always a mustache oh my gosh you're awesome I told you to make your own money not to sell all the stuff that I made with my money you're so grounded me let go of me before I buy your house okay I'm literally a millionaire you can't talk to me oh yeah oh my gosh so if you want uh if you want your stuff back uh you're gonna have to apologize I would never apologize dude hey let me go let me go you have to apologize if you want me to fix everything okay I can let you buy back everything I'm a millionaire did you forget oh I want my stuff back okay whatever story he said what say it louder I'm sorry uh sorry I didn't hear you I'm sorry okay yeah that's what I thought okay and you're sorry for what oh I don't know I don't remember you're sorry for not buying me the ball Blaster and you're gonna buy me every single toy from now on right I'm sorry for not bright I knew the ball Blaster and I'll buy you a ball Blaster uh okay yeah that's what I thought and uh hey let go of me all right you need to stop grabbing me too okay see you say you're sorry for grabbing me I'm sorry for grabbing you no fix it okay fine all right okay I'll go get your stuff I'll buy it and if my mustache disappears it's on you okay okay everything should be back on soon just uh stay here okay okay oh my gosh guys I have to go back and buy all of that stuff back I'll hit Stevie in his Xbox and all this stuff but if I do I'm gonna not be a millionaire anymore but I guess it's worth it okay and I'm gonna lose my mustache oh man all right let me just go buy everything back and now I'm back from restoring all the moving guys moved everything in and uh let me see if this stuff is there and all this TV is there and as bad as there's Xboxes and everything else is there and wait a minute oh man and my mustache is gone guys well I'm not a millionaire anymore but at least at least my dad's happy again hey hey Dad where are you oh I'm just chilling in the kitchen like you said did you fix everything uh as you can see I'm not a million anymore because I lost my mustache but yeah as you can see everything is back come look oh my gosh thank you so much sun oh I was so missing this Xbox off oh no problem dad but uh yeah I'm still kind of I'm gonna go play with my old toys I guess so no I'm gonna go buy you the blob Blaster real quick just wait till at the front door and it'll show up every second oh my gosh guys my dad's gonna buy me the ball Blaster now wow he's actually pretty nice I did not expect that I'm not gonna lie okay oh my gosh let's see if it actually gets here if it does then oh my gosh it's gonna be the best day ever and then only one ball Blaster is a lot more fun than a gazillion of them because if you have too much money you're not gonna buy happiness but happiness comes from uh within wow I should be a motivational speaker so oh my gosh wait a minute is that a drone here and is inside a ball Blaster oh my gosh two ball blast is Daddy whatever if you guys enjoyed this video please drop a like subscribe and click the video on the screen because I bet you'll enjoy it more than you enjoy this one and I'll see you guys in the next one see you tomorrow bye
Channel: Gara
Views: 116,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gFatLb1p0Ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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