B1 - Faded [Music Video] (Prod By G8Freq) | Link Up TV
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Channel: Link Up TV
Views: 6,195,292
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Keywords: linkuptv, link, up, tv, thelinkup.com, tim, westwood, 1xtra, djvlad, ukf, grime, free, freestyle, hip-hop, rap, city, hiphop, pacman, mixtapes, music, video, urban, degree, hosting, claim, credit, donate, insurance, loans, mortgage, london, uk, sbtv, grm, grimedaily, sb.tv, jumpoff, charlie, sloth, spiff, dontflop, p110, jdzmedia, grimereport, zane, beats, mobo, big, shaq, stormzy, hus
Id: SbeSddAMtFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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