B-17 "Yankee Lady" SOLD OFF
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: MT Aviation Photo & Film
Views: 35,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yankee, air, museum, yam, yak, air force, yankee air museum, yankee air force, michigan flight museum, flight, n3193g, yankee lady, boeing, b17, b17g, b-17, b-17g, bomber, 44-85829, sale, sold, selling, aviation, news, update, av news, report, explained, system, systems, why, what, airplane, airplanes, aircraft, plane, planes, craft, jet, jets, new, first, airline, airlines, airway, airways, line, lines, way, ways, willow run, yip, kyip
Id: qfy6IrByBDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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