Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO -) 4.3 ; Deployment/Instantiation , Service Mesh & Operator Demos

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Alright, looks like we've got a few attendees that have joined us already. We just wait a few more minutes before we start just to allow some of the other attendees to join in the session. So just bear with us for a moment. I am just repeating my earlier meshage for attendees of this recently joined. We're going to wait a few more minutes just to allow more attendees to join this session before we kick off. All right, that looks like, uhm, quite enough attendees to  kickoff so high everyone and welcome to this Azure Red Hat Openshift 4 a live webinar. So you'll notice that there's a Q and a window in your web page, so feel free to ask any questions during this webinar. This type in your question, in there and one of the speakers will try to answer that during the session. So today we've got folks from both Microsoft and Red Hat presenting, so will briefly introduce ourselves. So I'm Clarence Bakirtzidiz, Azure Technical Specialist working on Microsoft phone based out of Melbourne, Australia and I focused on cloud native solution. So that includes things like container platforms, severless this DevOps and of course open source software. Even mute. Tenneco to Khator, Cortana. No. Nicki took your body. Call my Yahoo kifuka holding up. Go job with no day. I'll tell you #13 about to cut off. For those of you don't speak to their motive. My name is Joel Pauling. I'm originally from Taranaki but I live in Wellington. I am a senior solution architect with Rita at New Zealand. Prior to that, working in large telco cloud deployments in North America, South America and Asia pack for the last sort of five to 10 years. I am currently a platform and cloud specialist with Red Hat at New Zealand. So I do infrastructure. That's Red Hat, enterprise Linux open stack. Open shift for the platform side of things. An answer will automation. Yeah, and my name is Michael Calizo, so I am a senior solutions architect baser in Wellington as well. Originally from the Philippines, I started with red hot three years ago as a senior time managed to make my way up to principle TAM and now I am a working as a senior solutions architect with focus on openshift. Alright, well, thanks for the intros so we went to the agenda for today. So this is this is what we've got planned for you so we're doing the introduction at the moment. Will focus a bit on the partnershift between Microsoft. The Red Hat and then we'll move on to play the part that you're most interested in today which is a product overview or look at the features and some of the architectural aspects of ARO. The ARO from now. I'll just say AROinstead of Azure Red Hat Openshift. Look at how to get started. So how do you create your first cluster? How do you spin up?  Deploy your first app and then will head over to Mike and Mike's going to run through some demonstrations using the open shift web console around the administration and development perspectives and lost. It will close out with some of the Azure native integrations that kind of compliment the openshift container platform and at the end would ask if you could also provide any feedback so that we can improve future sessions. So before we go into ARO. Let's have a look a bit of around the partnershift between Microsoft and red hats. So here we've got a Satya Nadella the currency over Microsoft and we want to highlight the strategic alliance that we have between Microsoft and Red Hat. And primary centered around the open source collaboration. I'm going to read this quote from Satya he attended in person at the Red Hat Red Hat Summit last year, and he said that Microsoft has embraced open source primarily because it's driven by what he believes is fundamentally what the customers vectors to do, which is to say what's best for both companies customers. Microsoft has a heritage here. We had developer Tools Company 1st and now of course we are all in Open Source And so what's interesting here, you might not associate Microsoft with open source. Know, given its long history with proprietary products like windows and office. For example has red hair has its roots in open source. Starting with Linux, this is all changed. Those customer needs the prevalence of open source in the enterprise. So customer expectation customers expectations nowadays is a consistent hybrid cloud environment and this is where openshift squarely fits within. So Microsoft's been around for a long time I found it 45 years ago in the PC era and we've come a long way now where you see that we across more than 95% of Fortune 500 companies. He trusted, you know, the business on Microsoft Azure and which is a leading Pipistrelle Hyperscale Cloud and strengthen adapting, listening to an enabling customers such as yourselves on this on this, but not today. Next slide, please. So I guess I'll talk a little bit about why red hats at the table here. This slide kind of speaks to our pedigree, so we like to roll this particular stat out quite often, but we're quite proud of it. So 100% of Fortune 500 and global Global Fortune 500 leaders are using red hair products and services we represented in every industry, including aviation, telecommunications in healthcare and banking and financial services. They all choose rehab because we have a broad portfolio and a history of delivering business value from open source solutions that meet the needs of the enterprise. It be fair to say that historically Microsoft and Red Hat's relationshift hasn't always been warm. However, that changed sometimes in last decade and in fact written Microsoft Partnershift goes back to 2015, so the strength of this partnershift has been built on the foundation of our work to develop joint support for retail enterprise Linux, including our operating systems on each others respective VM hypervisors. Our learning and growth from that workers demonstrated the unique customer value that we can deliver to enterprises. When we work together. Since then, we've collaborated on bringing a lot of Red Hat solutions to Azure, as well as bringing Microsoft technology to Red Hat customers. A notable example of this is that red hat enterprise linux is is now the preferred platform for running Microsoft's flagshift database product. SQL Server and Red Hat Summit. Last year we announced the general availability of Azure Red Hat Openshift. And this was the only first party fully managed Red Hat openshift service on a public cloud last month. Azure Red Hat Openshift 4 became generally available open shift 4 launch last year, offers a raft of exciting enhancements which are now available on ARO So. Kubernetes has become synonymous with container platforms. And today many customers. A building these platforms as they move towards a cloud native development practice but using kubernetes directly has a steep learning curve and kubernetes in an enterprise setting as hard to get right compliance security and reliability are all considerations that you need to plan for any well plan for enterprise project and these considerations are exacerbated by the fact that Kubernetes upstream projects are rapidly moving target and they are constantly evolving. A stand that we like to talk about last year is that 95% of the kubernetes codebase changed over the preceding 12 months. So any ecosystem which uses that upstream kubertenes must also rapidly change to match. So if we look at the type of things that we see that you need to do is organization to deploy kubernetes. We can see that there is an installation phase. We've got the templating  and validation steps that you need to carry out. You've got a deployment phase where you have to integrate were theater existing. I DM and security access management. You monitoring systems and all your egress in Ingres points into your communities cluster. Then you have a hardening phase. We have to do this computer security compliance steps and so security validation and certification steps to make your network teams happy. And then you have to operate it and they two operations have traditionally with kubernetes being a hard and difficult process. So retailers keen to ensure we learn from our nine year journey, producing in supporting a container platform and with Openshift four we concentrated on what customers were telling us as guiding principles for features. In the platform itself. The key reasons for choosing openshift are reflected in the results of our research. Every time we went out to survey. What were some of those issues and challenges that companies faced, we hear about container security and compliance. Data management install and upgrade an active an management challenges. On the other hand. Prospects are looking for a window with a demonstrated leadershift and contributions to open source communities. platform security long-term commercial support. That's all what red hat has done for 26 years. That's our business model. So, reflecting on these anecdotes, thinking about where your organization is, we're development methodology is out today. Where are you in your container? Adoption journey? What technologies are you looking at currently in? What do you consider critical capabilities in your selection process in terms of both product and vendor capability? He is how red hat have addressed container adoption challenges with openshift four and how value provided by Red Hat Openshift contributes to addressing each of these challenges. We take container security very seriously and take a holistic approach to deliver what we call a trusted enterprise kubernetes platform. As you know, containers are Linux or introduced Linux kernel features. In other operating systems, and so as kubernetes at its heart. Building on a 26 year old history of providing supported security hot in Linux, which is trusted by thousands of enterprises worldwide, we deliver the same secure platform across the container stack and stand behind it with long term support. We recognize the keeping up with the frequent upstream releases can be challenging, and we've invested in automating capabilities by technologies like the operator framework and over the air updates to make it easier to keep up to date with the latest innovations coming out of the communities and to be able to deploy containers at scale. And it's all about the developers that we're investing in. We invested in automation capabilities within open shift I the continuous integration, continuous delivery pipelines, AB testing and the way that your images are deployed in the platform we've invested in developer tools like code ready workspaces. And we've invested in cloud native frameworks including spring serverless and windows containers to inspire developers to create the best code, no matter what applications they building. Chances are you can probably improve your developer productivity with Openshift. So there's several key reasons why customers have been choosing openshift. Open shifts delivers a trusted enterprise kubernetes platform. With the containers are Linux and you know the Red Hat. Enterprise Linux is the best enterprise Linux distribution industry. Obviously I work for red hat I would say that but. Got their backs us up here. RHEL is also the foundation for kubernetes with features built into the operating system. Like SE, Linux CRI-O runtime support, pod man builder and Scopeo of tooling to replace. Proprietary or specific? Implementations of a container. Platform. So. With those tools in place, were able to put CoreOS which we acquired several years ago at the heart of an immutable platform for running the container orchestration engin. CoreOS is retag CoreOS and immutable container optimized RHEL image. And it's designed from the ground up to run containers and it features things like TLS encryption. Name space than authentication for everything that's provided in the platform itself, all the way up into the stack. This trusted enterprise container platform also provides a consistent layer across every cloud environment that enables developers and operations teams to work together seamlessly. Customers also choose open shift because we support a very broad range of applications from traditional J2EE a modern application, frameworks like Spring, Jango, Analytics platforms like spark and tensorflow developers are more productive when they build applications on openshift. Last but not least, open source leadershift and contributions of the top reasons for customers to choose kubernetes being there. And Red Hat is known for its open source leadershift. As an open source is becoming a standard and enterprise, we also help customers participate and contribute in these communities. And Openshift Commons is a great opportunity for organizations to engage with these. Sorry, I fell for the mute button. Uhm yeah, great thanks Joel, I really like this logo here and want to highlight here that you know now I understand the strengths of Microsoft and Red Hat and what this partnershift brings out the best of both worlds and ARO is really the result of a jointly engineered and supported effort leaving talent, innovation and open source leadershift from both companies. So you can take advantage of the security. The robustness of Joel talking about around open shift and also the flexibility and elasticity of Azure. And it's broader ecosystem and services. So if you look it up. If you to run a redhead openshift yourself using infrastructure as a service. Here we can see what that would look like running that on Azure. So there's a lot of moving parts you'd end up managing a lot of stuff yourself. You are supporting infrastructure. You gotta create the cluster, manage the networking monitoring, logging, patching, high availability, etc. It takes a lot of time and effort. You can. You can offload some of these responsibilities if your example working with a managed service provider. But that doesn't into your by IT budget and takes away some of the self service benefits of having managed cloud platform in the first place. And if you look on the next slide we can see. What ARO provides? Click on the yeah so you can say here. Essentially, you're presented with the control plane. You have a CLI, there's an API. Is the web console, but everything underneath is really a black box from your perspective, so Microsoft Red Hat taking care of no operating the infrastructure, applying practices, security, best practices, monitoring and operating the VMS so we really simplifying the cluster operation experience and you can focus on building and deploying and scaling apps with confidence. So Clarence is giving you a brief architectural view of some of those Azure components. Let's have a look at the open shift container platform at a glance. So the power of the platform is seamlessly integrated. Capabilities that are available to you out of the box and beyond the certified kubernetes orchestrator openshift incorporates all the infrastructure components required in a properly designed container platform that you might not get with a standard kubernetes distribution. So if we look at it from a top down some of those extra additional infrastructure services that need to be built in supported in a container platform that are included with openshift, are cluster services. So these provide things like the registry, the logging show back monitoring. These are all built in an available by design inside of Openshift. We look at things like the service mesh components by way of Istio, Jaeger, and K Native serverless frameworks and all these things allow us to do server less function based programming which is so hot right now. These are all provided alongside certified middleware runtimes as well. So not only that, you've got the Red Hat Certified Middleware Stack, but we also make available third party integrated software vendor stacks through operator marketplace. So within open shifts dashboard you get all of these features and functionality straight up. Mike's going to go over some of these later on those demos, in particular the K Native Serverless functions, but it's important to note that that is all capability which you have to build yourself. If you go with an upstream based distribution. If we look at the developer services that are included with Openshift. Um, we've already kind of touched on some of these, but we have a continuous integration delivery pipeline using a lightweight CCD platform called Tipton, and that is built into openshift itself. These components are specifically designed around a container now native development practice, and so this allows you to have a full source image capability within the platform delivered via browser, developer ID environment and inside of Openshift. We call this code reading workspaces. All of this is built on Red Hat core OS which is delivered as a zero touch and platform layer managed from within openshift itself. Like any other container workload, this immutable OS technologies enable the Seamless roll forward and rollback an upgrade of the platform delivered on the same finely tuned enterprise Linux kernel and Harden userspace tools as Enterprise Red Hat Linux. These are the same capabilities that are available anywhere. Open shift is deployed too, but mashed into into Azure specific strengths and capabilities by red hat and Microsoft in the are offering. So going into some of those features a little bit more deep on this slide. Let's examine the new capabilities and open shift 4.3 and ARO. So I'd like to highlight that openshift 4.2 to now is 100% FIPS compliant, and so this is a big thing, especially in the financial services in government areas, and that things like encryption of data at rest and in flight and now 100% certified and guaranteed in the openshift platform. Three years ago, Red Hat had acquired core OS and as part of the acquisition technology like the container registry scanner, clear and the container Linux OS itself have been incorporated into open shift 4. This makes the key infrastructure components and smaller management and security surface is possible. Leveraging Redhead Enterprise Linux Harden in quality assured kernel and userspace libraries in combination with the roll forward and rollback capabilities of core OS Open Shift 4 allows for full operation of the entire cluster platform within the Kubernetes dashboard, and until you've seen that in action, it's really hard to appreciate just how cool that is. And this is all delivered through the operator technology that Mike is going to talk a little bit about later on. Affectively offer it is codifying and Automate the standard operating intelligence that you might use as a System Administrator into a discrete package that you can install. And use within the kubernetes platform the installation of open shift for itself is a single goal operator Binary, which then installs itself into the bootstrap cluster and allows for the Seamless data operations to enable as close to possible zero OPS experience as we can deliver. And on security Red Hat has worked with all the components of the Linux userspace to build up to the RHEL8 release last May. And this was to ensure things like TLS 1.3 and stringent FIPS, another cryptographic security compliance certifications can be met with the RHEL8 release. Once we had that, we've been able to take that to all about other platforms, and these enhancements are incorporated into the open shift four platform, meaning you can rest assured the regardless of where you choose to deploy up and shift that it will include capabilities such as encryption at rest and in flight and fernet token authentication. Beyond this open shift 4 comes ready for serverless functions, which are very touched on, and this supports micro architectures and massive resilience and scale up and down to zero. These are enabled through the service mesh capabilities and the K native support. And the best news of all is that it's available today. So here you can see I see a map of the well and what we want to highlight here is that Azure has presence around the many countries, so we've got 58 cloud regions, which is more than any other cloud provider. And if you focus in or zoom in on Asia, we can see there's 7 Seven regions that we have there. The ones it with green are where  ARO 4 went, GA's actually it was just on the 28th of April, so very recently got 2 1/2 weeks ago. ARO 4 in GA. The other regions you can see there are still on Aro 3 version three will progressively be rolling out 4 to those regions in the coming months. And some good news soon that number up there will be 8 because about a week ago Microsoft announced with opening a region in New Zealand. So Joel and Michael be happy because. They reside in New Zealand. Yeah, the Prime Minister even gave you guys have plugged the other day. Yeah, that's right. Unexpected, but welcome. We want to the next slide, so just on this one here we just want to highlight some of the changes that have occurred between ARO 311 and 4.3. So today you know with direct you to ARO four is a lot of the new benefits that you get so jealous. Already touched on the OS differences there. And you'll see that the underlying Kubernetes platform is also more modern. It's moved up to 116 interesting thing is the minimum cluster so if you want to create an ARO cluster with all the defaults. You spin the new cluster up. This is what you would get you would get 3 masternodes and three app. Nodes and the minimum requirement in terms of node sizes detailed there, so an 8 core VM for master than a 4 or standard VM for apps you can change those to larger sizes. But that's the minimum footprint. One of the most requested features and personals, but they wanted cluster admin so you can see that that's now provided for. That enables a lot of things like installing operators, then helm charts and CRDs and so forth. And you can also turn on privilege container access if required. They have a lot of control. There is a policy we published on our website that says you know what you're allowed to do, so see if you go mesh around with some of the system components, then violate this policy. But in general you have the ability to administer, cluster, assign you rolls, and so forth. We're going to next one. So just we just touch on some of the some of the new features here before we go into some demos so. When you create a new, uh, ARO cluster, you're going to have to assign an identity provider. They initially you get special user called kubeAdmin and you get a password. You can retrieve a password for that user that's meant to be just a temporary user, and then you choose your favorite identity provider. You can see the extensive list there, and you can also use Azure Active Directory to single sign-on and will cover that a bit more further in the webinar. Another key feature is ability to have a private cluster, so by default you have come. A public API server, so in terms of working with the CLI or the it's called the OC command line interface. That's a public endpoint that you can communicate with a lot of customers don't want that. They want to have it all private, so you can turn that into a private endpoint. Of course, if you do that, you would need a way to access your server, your cluster for administering it. So you'd either need like a bastion host, or some way to route to that private network through potential, like a VPN or express route. You can also have a private Ingress, so for end user workload so APIs and web apps that you're running for example in the cluster. If you don't intend to have any of your applications publicly exposed, you can set that to a private Ingress and then of course you can access those endpoints within your on premise network or other vnets We continually upgrading as your agents in support availability zone. So you need to check out documentation to see which regions currently have availability zones and when they're on the road map to be upgraded. if you choose region with availability zones, good news is that, uh, ARO will automatically distribute your nodes that you create all your Vms under the whole, across all those . So for example. Yeah, if you looked at say yeah you for example, which was the first region, re-enabled ARO 4. You would get the free masternodes spread across three Azeez and same as the worker nodes. So I guess this is just reiterating the FIPS compliance, and I guess this is come up since the announcement of the New Zealand Azure region and that Microsoft are a US based company, they potentially could be compelled and so having a platform on top of Azure that also works with Azure as security features allows you to meet your compliance obligations. An open shift is able to deliver that. So from a support and operations perspective you can see that Microsoft and Red Hat work closely together, so we have a unified support. We have ascential single V team of site reliability engineers, and whenever you have a problem with your ARO  cluster you just use the one channel essentially to raise that concern. Now you could raise it through the Red Hat portal, or you could raise it through the Microsoft Azure Support Channel. Uh, it it would be triaged. And um, this communication both ways between both teams and then that will end up going to the right team. So for example, if it was more of a underlying platform issue that would get routed to Microsoft if it was more open shift internals, the base OS or the middle where other components in every shift then that would go to the Red Hat we have access to each other's support system through single sign on. Yeah, and I guess you know so together you have the experience of the second half of the establishing organization behind kubernetes, which is red hat, by the way, which I think I have to highlight, because then people don't realize that. So you've got 26 years of experience from a company that is used to dealing with delivering rapidly moving innovative open source into these stable, secure and supported business value oriented products. And so with Microsoft is the partner that let's you use. That pedigree today, in a familiar and scalable fashion with a cloud partner who in the back end we are working with intimately to make sure that you are successful. So on the next slide, here we can see. At a high level, what the underlying architecture for ARO looks like now as I said as an end user, you don't need to really be concerned about this, but this is just more for you understanding of what's being managed under the hood, and this can change overtime, but apparently this is kind of what you would get. You would get your master virtual machines and then you'll work with virtual machines there, protected by a security group. And if you look on the right hand side. Iy default you get an internal Openshift Container Registry. If you're already using uhm Azure, you might want to use the agent Container Registry. So we set up. But let's go to service end point from your cluster to the Azure Container Registry, which allows for private routing over Microsoft Backbone to that paas service rather than going over the Internet. You can also appear to other virtual networks within Azure, and you can also have expressed route set up to your on premise. On premise, you can then exit infrastructure. There you look over on the left side of the diagram. You will get a. A mix of public or internal load balancers depending on your options. So for example, if you have set private Ingress, you have just internal load balancer. If you've set private API server, you're going to have the public load balance from public IP, exposing API server and then you'll have also Azure DNS, so either public or private zones ending on your options during setup. And the last thing I want to highlight there is the management plane. So Microsoft and Red Hat and administer your cluster through what's called a private link service. So even if you have set your cluster to be private, we need to be able to access your vnet to manage your VMS. As part of this LA. So we have that capability. That was a high level introduction into ARO and main sort of features. And what's new? What will look at now is how to get started with ARO. So. Both Microsoft and Red Hat have extensive documentation on ARO and you can see what kind of looks like here in the URLs. Now. Microsoft stocks will be primarily pertain to. Setting up at the cluster in Azure integrations with Azure and so forth. And what you find is redh hats documentation will be more comprehensive on openshift itself. The configuration of open shift and its features. So you can kind of use both of these sorts of documentation. To take to get you going. So from a cluster creation perspective for advance forward, please. What you find is is single command to create a cluster. So if you're familiar with you and your views, they should. CLI is this command called a z so you can do a z aro, create an in passing parameters and then after a while you have a custom up and running, so we'll go through what that looks like in a demo shortly. We have a very easy to follow tutorial. I'm actually gonna look at this in a minute. Which colleges through zero to hero, so to speak, creating a cluster from scratch? And. A summary of those steps is it sent. This is highlighted here and will go through this in a moment. So you have to install an extension to your Azure CLI that understands aro commands. Register your subscription to have access to the Openshift Resource in points or someone or something and then you can create a Vineet with two subnets. So that's really only bit that you have to kind of provide the net after that. It's a single command. Then you can sit on the right day created you create your cluster. You can choose whether you want. Private or public disability on your API server and interest and point, and then you retrieve your credentials to log in with that initial user we talked about you kubeadmin. We're going to run through a demo of creating a cluster. I just thought transparency. This is recorded with that was easier with multiple people to record these and walk you through the process to play that video. Alright, so. Area at the tutorial page that I was talking about an uhm said it's very straightforward to follow. You will need an Azure subscription to get started. So the first thing in terms of prerequisites you need to create a virtual network and two subnets, and once you've done that then you can go ahead and deploy your cluster. So currently the experience is CLI driven. If you're automating your cluster, it's most likely that you would be using some sort of CLI tool script. Potentially arm templates and probably in the future will have updated the terraform plugin as well. For this general, we just use the CLI and we are working on an integrated a UI wizard experience in the portal that's currently in development. So here I'm just showing you that I've got the Azure CLI installed in my terminal. So once you've got that installed, you need to install an extension. So Azure CLI supports extensions for your new services and components like that. So here I'm adding the ARO extension. And you can see I've already got. It is still previously, so it was pretty quick and now you'll see I can type. AZ aro and I get all these sub commands. I can create a class, the delete list and then retrieve my credentials and so forth. This is a one off step you need to do so. Everything that was represented by resource provider, so it's wonderful Red Hat Openshift. For your subscription, you need to register. Your subscription have access to that. Providers essentially enables the API in Azure for your subscription. So that's now registered. And what would just do one final step? Verify that my CLI has the ARO extension installed to under extensions. You can see the ARO extension is installed and you can run an update on that periodically. Just to check for changes at this step, here is optional, but highly recommended. It's essentially downloading what's gotta pull secret. So if you work with registries, typically you need to have a full sequel to access them to be authenticated and this will give you access to red hats for sure. Container registry is an additional content, such as officially supported operators that will cover more later. You can use a free account. We just sign up um redheads website and then click on that link and you can download this secret as a text file. I'm just listing on my file system here that I actually have the post secret. I'm not going to display it 'cause it's actually a secret. And now we can proceed to. Starting to create the resources we need because we working from the command line we want to save piping so we define some environment variables. Yeah, I'm just using the defaults. You could use a location where ARO is available for example SEA, East asia  for example. I'm gonna call my cluster cluster and then the resource group name is there. The first step is to create a resource group. If you're new to Azure Resource Group is essentially just a container. The houses one or more resources you need to have more resources within. A Resource Group, and it's also security boundaries he can control. You have access to that Resource Group. Now we create the vnet for the virtual network. It's very straightforward. The hardest part of this is deciding what network address range you want to use. Um, now why that's important is chief got an isolated cluster that it doesn't integrate other networks. It's fine if you're doing vineet hearing for example, or peering with on premise network. You need to ensure that that network that just change doesn't overlap. With, uh, any other networks? Once the vnet it's created, we can go ahead and create the two subnets in the V net. That is one for the master nodes and one for their worker nodes. And you'll see that the service end point with enabling. If we use container registry then that set up for us to to then talk the container registry securely. At least last a stable private link service. There was talking about is earlier was that Microsoft Red Hat need access to your Vineet via our management plane through this private link service to better administer your cluster if you don't do that. You might potentially lock us out from having access to your Vineet. So we just saying for the private link service disable any network policies of define. So that we can have access to your Vineet. It's all my kids over there. Be quiet high boys is a lot of people on this call. So yeah, so now we've created the venetz, the subnet. Sorry, it looks like I accidentally forgot to type in the the worker subnet creation step, so just run that final one. So now we're up to the interesting part which is creating the cluster. You can see there's a single command. They essentially it's saying What Resource, Group, what name vnet and then mapping the subnets across and some other. There's other options you can pass even once again not listed here. For example, we want to change the number of worker nodes or the size of those VMS. You can override the defaults here. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to pass in that for secret. I don't download a previously, I'm just gonna add one more parameter here called full secret. And shortly it will say running that takes about 30 to 35 minutes to fully create your cluster. So the provision of the VM setup the load balances, set up everything else that necessary that house or a high level overview of what that looks like in the architecture diagram earlier. So it's not gonna wait here for. For 30 minutes, he's one of the benefits of having this recorded. It says running now. So what we do is come back to that. But I'm gonna show you here is if we list the clusters that I have to find, it will say that. One of these clusters is now in creating states. There it is creating and they can see this three worker nodes. So you can scale those worker nodes up further, uhm? You can scale further down, but you can't, uh, you shouldn't go below three nodes 'cause that would violate the support policy, right? So part time pastors and their customers now created. Yeah, nodes presented with the URL so that URL is to gain access to the open shift console. She's a web interface. Have used. Uh openshift container platform before other than it saying, You know, Azure in the title there and the URL looking different. This looks and feels just like any other openshift container platform. So now we going to log in with the default user, she's administrator user and there's a command that you have to type in to retrieve the password for this user. So normally what you do is your login with this user and then define and set up your identity provider and then you can disable this user. I'm not going to execute this command is that would show the admin password. I still have this cluster actually running, so I'm doing off screen. Executing that retrieving the password, I can now paste that into login. And, uh, in a moment there we go, we logged in and you can see this a meshage that says I'm logged in as a temporary administrative user and prompting me to set up from any provider. You can see everything is healthy. The cost of the control plane. Uh, everything looks good. I'll just quickly show you here. This is where you can add the other identity providers for that drop down. It's very straightforward and this comprehensive documentation, both on Microsoft website and a Red Hat's Openshift documentation. So here, um, if you want to log into the CLI, you can click that menu button to get a token that you can use to log  you can actually log in with a username and password. As well, or you can do it this way you get a temporary token timer token to log in. So now I'm logged in and I can use the OC command line tool for checking the status of my cluster. A now talks, which is actually the 2nd tutorial follows on from the one we just looked at. Explains how to install your uhm? Yeah, you say light tool is what you do to just go to the help menu in your cluster command line tools. And you can find the appropriate CLI tool for your operating system of choice. So that was a demo of creating a cluster. As you can see, it's really straightforward to do that. And now that we've got our cluster, I want to do something with it. So let's let's imagine that we're at developer with with got this new cluster we wanted deploy an application for the application we're going to deploy is one that presents a web interface, allows you to vote on your favorite smoothie. Unfortunately, is no mango in their Joel's complaining 'cause we don't have mango Rd in there. From an architectural perspective away, this is implemented is the Micro Services application. This web app that uses a few JS. It's hosted out of a node runtime and then the API is a restful API. Adjacent API that runs in mode as well and the back end state is stored in mongo DB. Here mongo DB is running inside the cluster using persistent storage Maps to an Azure disk. Or she could hear from your state outside of the class that you prefer to do that. So let's go into the demo. Now of the point now first application. excuse me So he went back at our, uh, openshift cluster that we're looking at earlier. I've got some instructions and you can follow this yourself. Once you can get your own clusters on GitHub or put some instructions on how to deploy this microservices application. So anything you do on Openshift will require a project essentially like say you want to deploy something you put it within a project project is from Kubernetes objective Maps to essentially namespace. kubernetes isolation boundary it's also folder to how's your artifacts are. Your services, deployment pods, etc. And it's also security boundary. So now that we've got the names project or my demos. I wanted to deploy Mongo DB. Now, if you say I'm not in mongo DB expert. I'd rather use a recipe that tells me how to install. It was already being codified with expert knowledge, and that's where I've just listed the built in templates and you can create your own template so there's a bunch of them, therefore database as a middleware that come out in here I'm listing. What the mongo DB persistent a template would do if you're familiar with Kubernetes, this is just the kubernetes manifest. I don't be scared by Kubernetes like mentioning that just for your knowledge, but they really need to know a lot about humanity to work with. Open shifted, simplifies things greatly. So now that found the template I want to use, I'm just overriding some of the parameters, set, username, password, etc. And Lastly, I'm passing it to the OC create command which will execute and create all the underlying objects for our database instance. So if you jump back into the console, you can switch to the developer perspective. Yeah, that's uh. Um, what's called the topology, which shows you a visual representation of your project assets. They could see Mongo DB. Showing up there and it's currently deploying that's pulling down a container. And you can check the logs at any point in time to see what's going on in. For example, if you encounter an error and now we have the database that's deploy our API, you can see that the APIs residing on GitHub, so you can see the source code for. If you want to check that out later. So the way we deploy an app is using new app and you can choose different deployment strategies here i am using source to image where I don't even need to worry about creating a dockerfile or creating a Docker image. I just say hey please deploy my app from this source code repository. And what will happen is a build will be created in inside the cluster for me automatically. And then my container will be deployed from that that bill image. Because he had no need to talk to Mongo DB, I'm setting an environment variable and passing that through to the API. So you can do that from the command line. Or you could also do the UI. Now DBS running you can see the Blue Circle around it, which is a visual indicator. And for the API, I just want to jump into the deployment config for it. I can show you that that environment variable that I set from the command line now shows up here. Of course I could do that through the UI as well. So now we've got the API. The last episode by the front end. Again, I'm gonna take advantage of. The source to image build strategy. So I'm executing another app within the same project. That's the focus of the source code resides. And it also needs an environment variable so that the the way back can talk to the API and you'll notice here API is the short. Uh, domain name. This is not an SQDN or fully qualified domain name, and that's because within the cluster you can resolve. In result services within the same project using a short name, you don't need a fully qualified name, so it's officially internal. DNS reference. Now, because this is the front end web app, I want to expose are out. There's a route is kind of like an Ingress Endpoint where you get a URL, allows allows you to externally to then route to that web app or service within the cluster. Here I'm just listening the route that was generated. That route is publicly accessible. And if we go to the topology view with a developer perspective and see the API's up and running, the mongo DB is up and running. A way back is currently building for us and that little icon on the top right is the route endpoint and she click on it. Uhm yeah, the URL will open up in another browser tab. They can say they experience in deploying apps with Openshift is very easy and it's a great developer experience. If it jumped into the logs for this is the build logs for the Web app. You can see that it's currently installing some MPM packages 'cause it's it's a node app. Are you busy? Uh, yes, I know that Node JS and. Is the front end and then here we can see now where, uhm. Wait, we built the image, we pushed it to the internal registry. That will be the default registry and unless you specify different registry. Have you jump back here? It's currently light blue now looks like blue mean lightly mean square creating the container for the underlying, um, pod. So let's kubernetes terminology. But essentially container runs in a pod. And Lastly, everything is blue, so we should get a access away about and there it is so. Very straightforward. There's no meshing around block of files or understanding content images, it just use the source code to get this up and running. Some voting on my preferences for smoothies. Submit that. And uhm, just want to show you this should jump into the logs for the API. You'll be able to see when I vote. The Jason ratings will come through. I just Uh, then jump in here and you can see there. So there without all the ratings that were submitted and received. That's quite a nice develop experience. Interact with your app and then check the logs. Have logs. You can you can deploy this application yourself on your on your own cluster once you Follow the tutorial real and then jump to that GitHub link that I showed earlier. So that wraps up. The second demo, which was creating sorry, deploying your first application, so I hope they found that useful. Actually having this work with openshift. So now Mike's being sitting there patiently, a very quietly. So she's chance now to tell you all about the administration Development experience in Openshift. Cool thanks a clarence some now that you guys I hope you understand and get how easy you can deploye open shift in in in ARO uh what I'm going to show basically are the more advanced features of ARO 4.3. And not only advanced, but exciting features that we bring into this a platform so things that I will be talking and doing a demo is about operator and operator hub and how you can use that operator. And I'll be doing a demo as well for service mesh and server less so. An operator. Well, how did we arrive and get this operator? So I'll just give you a little bit of background. The operator hub was lunch by Red Hat and our partners like Microsoft, a AWS and Google earlier this year it provides a single place of Internet place on the Internet for developers to Publish Operator. And for customers to find and consume curated operators, these operators meet certain quality standards so you can have confidence they will deliver what they promise. You can deploy this operators on any kubernetes distribution, by the way, not just open shift. But we also integrated operator hub in open shift and that's what I'm going to show in a bit where you can also find fully certified operators from our partner that meet a very high standard of quality. In openshift we have two kinds of operator. These are certified operators which are supported by software vendors like Red Hat and other partners, and community operators where you need to rely to get the support from community currently in open shift we have about 100 plus certified operators available, next slide please. So an operator is a way of managing kubernetes application a kubertenes. This application is deployed in Kubernetes and also managed by kubernetes. This this is a cohesive set of APIs to service the and manage. Your application operator automates action, usually performed manually. Simple operator could just do a simple application deployment. An advance operator could provide you a day to operation activity. Such automation backup and recovery, as well as updates in reality. The reality is that maintaining containerized application requires manual interventions. Intervention this becomes difficult as hail. Imagine if you have services or containers running in openshift, the worst thing that can happen in your production is that a manual process creates misconfiguration that can leave systems vulnerable. Kubernetes operator changed this Operator extend kubernetes is to streamline and automate installation updates and management of container based services with operator. kubernetes this run and managed containerize software according to the best practice and this is possible through the operator control loop that continually checks your cluster to ensure your describe ideal state. Next slide please. So now what I'm going to do because I introduces you to operator in high level. I'm going to actually use operator by deploying. Colts based database cluster as well as the show some of those functionality on the operator hub attach or in open shift platform. Can you play the video? Yeah, so here I am. Log in as admin. I went to the operator hub which is available on ARO 4.3. I mean here it reflects all the available operators that I can automatically use and brought as part of the installation. You can this. Our operators are categorized depending on their usage, and I can even see whether I have uninstalled operator already that I'm using. And of course, the operators that are not installed yet. I can also see from the operator hub the operator providers like Red Hat. Operators which is 33 certified operators. These are basically operators from our partners. As well as community operators that are available for you to use. Also. I can see the providers if I want to dig deeper into specific operators. An example that is anchor for, you know the security operator. Were stunning. And I can also find the level of capability, meaning if it's basic operator or advance operator. Now let's try to use this operator. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to create. I created a couchbase demo project as what you always need to do in uh, in open shift. You need to have a namespace for you to deploy an application as explained by Clarence earlier. Now I'm going to look for couchbase operator, the operator that I'll be using to deploy. A 3 node couch cluster couchbase , so when I click couchbase I already be presented or what the operator can do. Who created it and who supports it? As well as what is the what are the required parameters before I can use this operator? Now that I understand that I'll click the install, this will open a new window where I can select which namespace I'll be using, whether I'll be using a specific channel. And after clicking subscribe that will install operator. So now that I haven't installed operator. What I'm going to do is actually to deployer cluster, because this is just this operator just deployed. And operator so that I can deploy a couchbased cluster. When I click install, this will give me a window where I can configure what features of cloud space I will be enabled. And of course I need to change the out secret because that's one of the requirements. Earlier I've created a note secret already on that namespace that we created for the sake of this demo to certain the installation, I'll be removing Analytics as you can see I'll be deploying three nodes cluster for cloud space. And if I go to my command line, I'll do also get pods watch. You can see that the operator is now deploying. Containers. Not now that the containers are created. What I'm going to do is I'm going back to the operator again, installed operator while I'm still in the couch space demo namespace and check. And see if my deployment is done after deployment is still have parameters that you can change. In the in this uh operator? And I can do that using you. I I can do that using command line by editing the CRDs. Now what I'm going to do because I am confident and done on installing. I want to make sure that the service says created by this operator. I are available but there is no route. So how can I access that? So let me create that route, use the service that I for UI know we've seen earlier and creator out. So in a command line you just do oh see, you know, create route. Also expose the service and this will create the route. Now. I will click that URL and this will be. This will present me a couchbase server, UI admin login so I'll be using the secrets that I created earlier. And this now gives me a couchbase cluster. I can go to the check the logs, I can check some security updates there, and I'm going to do so actually check this servers. I can see that the servers is not yet 100% healthy because of the deployment is still ongoing. Now after a while that is actually showing me a green cluster. So this basically it concludes the operator demo and showing you how you can utilize the operators that are already available in operator hub within open shift. Now I'm going to, uh, talk about service mesh. Next slide is so service mesh is another open shift of 4.3 features that is delivered as part of ARO that is very interesting and exciting in my opinion. So service mesh and how you use this basically depends on. If you basically organization move. To build application using microservices so they quickly face on managing complex interaction between instances on highly distributed microservice environment. And that's natural because while you're maturing on your container, adoption developers going to deploy more and more application because they are, they can move fast now. But the data operation will be difficult for that transitional service, communication and virtualized environment don't align. With the requirements of microservices world and there are some rethinking needed to architect the solution properly managing complex environment becomes DevOps. Problem developer are forced to create communication logic to its services. Often they also need to add configuration server to manage this logic with Red Hat open shift service mesh. This features brings behavioral. Insights an operational control to the service, communication and traffic. It provides a consistent framework for connecting and securing as well as monitoring containerized application inside open shift. Built in open source, STO project, service mesh provides control plane and infrastructure that's transparently enAbles, this traffic management capability without requiring changes on developers code. Red Hat service mesh also augments ISTIO capability. By adding and tracing observe ability. Uh, in this deployment? Next slide, please. So this is how. Uh, the istio service mesh ecosystems looks like, so you'll have ISTIO which is the center of the universe. That money is the control plane. You also service mesh in in open shift. Also added Kiali, Jaeger, Grafana, and Prometheus for observe ability in security perspective using ISTIO handles mutual TLS authentication transparent to the service. Uh, for connection and control ISTIO do rate limiting at that attempts to protect this service against large amount of request. An example where that is TLS. Next slide, please. And it's in. And it's important to understand as well. How ISTIO do this or serverless do this so in open shift there is a concept called sidecar container. A sidecar container is a pattern where two or more containers are deploy in the same pod the container share the same namespace, network and other resources and all containers in the pod share the same life cycle. So in the concept of service mesh the sidecar pattern. Is often used to enhance the application container in the steel cycle. Pattern is used to add container code envoy proxy so you have a control plane which has Jaeger Pilot Mixer, and auth which is the native is ISTIO features and you will be adding invoice to your pod or your container to actually apply security route rules, policies and report traffic Telemetry. At the pod level. Next slide please. Here. Next series I'm going to do a demo on how you can use a service mesh features using a uhm, we call this a an application called book info from ISTIO project and we will be controlling a micro a Java Microservices where there will be multiple version of reviews that will be managing by. A service mesh. So here I'm log in again as an admin. For now I'll create a project where I'll be deploying my service mesh. So let's call it ISTIO systems. Once I am done with that, actually I have a GitHub repository for this specific demo as well as service mesh that you can. I will be later on. I'm sharing with you. So what I show earlier is there a for me to deploy service mesh in this openshift platform. I'll be needing four operators first will deploy. Elastic search, so using the operator hub. I'll search for elastic search. Operator. And then I'll just the install this and for this demo I'll be deploying a cluster wide service mesh. And of course you can deploy this on my namespace specific service mesh. After deploying that Elasticsearch. I will try. I will deploy the second operator. This time I'll be deploying Kiali and Kiali operators earlier discuss is used for observe ability. And again, I'll be deploying this operator for cluster wide service mesh deploy deployment, so I deploy in the default project. Next I'll be deploying. Jaeger Jaeger is useful tracing, and if you notice when I deploy red hat supported operator for this purpose because I want to make sure that if I'm deploying service mesh I will get a Red Hat support as well. And of course, if you deploy that in ARO environment, you'll get the support from ARO team. Now I'll be deploying a service mesh operator. And after awhile, so the four operators will be installed. Now that the operators are installed, what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually deploye the control plane. So here I want to monitor what's going on during this deployment, so I'll be doing an oc get. pods and watch the progress with a deploy the control plane. So just like you know, because this is deploy using operator I already be. I'll be using the default configuration for this, and as you can see in the command line, it creates more people. pods right away that will be part of a, uh, open shift service. Mesh control plane. Now what I'm going to show here is I'm actually going to the developers perspective so that while waiting for this deployment to finish, I can see and monitor what's going on in in in my in the namespace that I am currently with. Now that the deployment is done, I'm going back to my admin administrators login. UI mean and go to the operator and then the next step for me is actually to create a service mesh roll. So service mesh, roll control suites, namespace or project. I want to apply service mesh. So imagine if I'm touching a production environment, I will have multiple namespace, but I want to control book info namespace only, so that's what I did after that. I now I'm ready to deploy an application that the service mesh want control. So I'll be creating a new project called book info. Going to the project UI. You can see that there is a new project called book info. Now I'm going to change this view to the book info namespace. So that when I deploy application. Coming from. Coming from his book info construct. As you can see, the the deployment is very quick because I did this the second time already. That means that they images already available in the in my in my local registry internal registry. Now that I have an application running, what I'm going to do is I'm going to apply the construct inherited from upstream ISTIO to control to control the application. After that, I'll be creating a gateway. For me to actually access the book info application. And after that I'll be creating the destination rule so that I can control all the destinations that's going to hit my application. Now that I'm satisfied with all the, uh, you know, uh, uh, created resources. I can. I want to go and check in the book info to show you the services that is running now in ISTIO. I also see the same services but and then I can see the routes as well. The routes for my application. Yeah, and the routes for Jaeger. So let US Open the Jaeger UI as well as the Kiali UI. Because this is the first time that we are, you know, opening the Jaeger application, it will ask for log in. Now this is actually the application that I just deployed, as you can see what I'm showing here. I'm refreshing it to show that the application book reviews actually is doing a round Robin because I haven't applied the control on the routes of the application. So here. I am trying to log into the Jaeger earlier and then the Kiali so Kiali gives me observe ability. And here I can view the graphs of a specific namespace where my application is running. And in Jaeger I can use this for trace ability to understand what's going on with my application and use this for troubleshooting purposes as well. So what I'm doing here is I'm sending traffic to my application in open shift so that I can see. The traffic flowing as well, almost in real time in Kiali so that I can observe what's going on here. I'm changing the updates to 10 seconds. Now I'm clicking the application to view to send more traffic and as you can see. There there will be a week or this around Rubin. All the all the apps that are running in my pods are is being hit now what I just did. This actually created a route control to my application to allow only version one of my application to be accessed. Version 1 means no stars and if you go to our Kiali UI you can see that version one has 100%. Traffic going version two and version tree has empty traffic. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to change the logic and. Control the traffic that if user Jason is log in it will only show 2 Blacks are two stars Black Stars I mean and if I go to Kiali I can see that actually it goes to version 2. The traffic goes to version 2 as well. Now if I log out using that a route control that I applied, I'll be seeing red stars only. As you can see earlier and that means version three of my mic at Java microservice application. Now what I'm going to do next is actually. Um? To do. To control my traffic and actually tell my application STO my ISTIO or the service mesh that controls the routes to only use version two which version 2 is? A Blackstar only? So you will see in Kiali here that all traffics in Green is basically going through version two of my micro service application. Now, one of the functional functionality that you can use is actually fault injection or Chaos Monkey. So I just applied a traffic control in my application. As you can see, there are now errors on the the front end of my application. And it will also show in my Kiali UI because this is showing almost a real time. As you can see there are orange and red application there and they go through a Jaeger. I can see that there are error and if I want to dig deeper what this error is about I can also do that in Jaeger and this is actually useful for troubleshooting purposes. And that's basically the end of my demo for service mesh. Now next slide please. So next I'm going to talk about is Serverless in ARO 4.3. This features is actually thick review, but the current release of often shift, which is 4.4. This is already GA, so open what is open shift server less Open shift server list is based on an open source project called K native, one of the fastest growing serverless projects in the market. I can tell you. This ensures that you don't. Also suffer the log in concerns that can still get the innovation from the growing open source community. Next slide, please. So when I talk about serverless, to different people that I met. Many of them. Well, think of several lists about a AWS Lambda or function as a service, but in reality, or at least in red hats perspective as well as CNCF serverless concept is actually broader than function as a service. If you compare serverless too. Function as a service is like saying function as a services server, less the same way that you say square us rectangle. Next slide please. So. Open shift serverless is basically based on uh. 3K native features which is building in server in. Open shift 4.3 we use tekton eventing basically. You can use sources such as Kafka meshage file upload to storage, timers for recording jobs and. Uh, sources like sales, sports or service now and even email, and this is powered by Tamil KA AM Q and the third features is serving now in open shift 4.3. The features that you can use for now is only serving, and that's what I'm going to show and talk to you about. Serving is a module that receives the output of build and responsible for running the container in the event driven world. This allows for auto scale on demand but also scale to 0, which is the you know how you want the concept of server less, which is critical for server less workload and can expand the density of worker nodes and cluster tremendously. So next slide please. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to do a demo of server less. Can you play the video? Right, so here I am. I created already a namespace namespace tool or project code name K native serving. That's where I'm going to deploy the serverless operator, so going back to operator hub again. I'm going to choose or look for serverless operator. And then subscribe to that. I've choose the version 4.3 for this specific deployment. Now that I have the open shift serverless, operator deploy. What I need to do is I'm going to create a K native serving instance. K native serving instance is what we're going to use for the demo to show. We call this the functionality of Serverless in open shift. Now that I clicked the creation, it will actually. Show you. Pods or containers that is needed for a for me to use. K native If so, uh, it's currently being created. So here I'm just showing you guys the you know the resources that is being created as part of this deployment. So these are the pods that is needed for me to use the features of Serverless. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a server less demo project where I am going to add. I create an application. So in my GitHub which I'm going to show, I have a small golang application and the small and this application will create a hello World Service. So when I did this step recording, I need to update some of the, uh, serverless, the email file. And after that I created a successfully an application. So. Here, I'm actually trying to show the server less tab that is created additional to the normal tab in open shift admin cluster UI. I go to my developer UI. This is now the application that I just deployed in a command line. This is the goal line application. So now I trigger an access that triggers the creation of the container. So it shows me that I have the Hello World working and application actually scale up from zero to one. Now what I want to do is to show you. Other functionality of Serverless, which I can control traffic. Of course, using UI or using command line on this on the application or service that is running. What I'm doing here is update the. Deployment config. Now that you see there are two revisions now with two revisions available, I can now set a traffic. Say for example a 5050 or uh. A 5050 split of traffic going to an application. So let's call it split one and split two. I'll just choose the right container. It's available for me and using the command line I can. You know I can, uh, I I can show or that there will be a two end points and the same URL now that it's split in 5050, I need to click one more times and it actually creates the second container or spin up the second container and in a while after that. It will spin up to zero as well. So here we what I'm trying to show. Here is I will be showing how you can access server less using the UI. So I used my springboot GitHub. I can see that there is actually a K native functionality right away on the build config and I can update the way called the scaling and I can even use the the labels and of course labels are important when if you are using service mesh functionality. So that you can. You know you are aware with uh, of the, you know, application utilization within the specific project. So this is just me showing that it's possible for you to do that as well. So in that other applications show shows that it scaled down to 0 as well. And here I'm just showing what? Of a capability or what, uh, features you can get as well and you can access from this from developers UI. Here I am going. I am actually showing the populated server less, uh? Features already here that shows the available routes and shows that the revisions as well as the service. And that concludes my demo. And, Uh, Uh, I'll give back to Clarence for the next topic. Thanks Mike, All great demos so so now we understand that ARO at its core is an open shift container platform, but it's a managed service and has a familiar Azure tooling to create monitored scale the cluster surrounding that. Let's look at some of the other native integrations for ARO from Azure. So next slide. So we've talked already about single sign on one of the first things you'd normally do set up their identity provider. So 1 issue that's going to be usually a Azure Active Directory. Now you can set up multiple providers. Such example maybe uh for internal users. These Azure Active Directory. And if not, maybe some contractors or external users you want to manage in a different identity provider. You can have more than one set up. Next slide, please. So. Um, another interesting one is Azure Monetary Integration. So by default you will get a Prometheus and grafana set up in your ARO cluster for getting observe ability to the performance and metrics and logs of your applications and and cluster. You can also use Azure monitor externally, monitor their cluster and it is useful. You already managing other resources on Azure and your subscription. For example like maybe got multiple clusters. Your on premise clusters. Maybe you've got. You know other types of cluster like AKS or something you want to have a unified single pane of clusters, sort of overall health health. You can use this integration. It's currently in preview and you install it from the command line in future release will have this more integrated where essentially like a checkbox in the portal or a command line argument. When you create your cluster to to activate that integration. You can see that a screenshot of what you kind of get in terms of clusters and node and um, you can drill down to individual containers, see their logs as well. Next slide, please. So the other aspect is some scaling your nodes. So we saw how you could scale. Uh, you can scale pods. You can scale using the cane 80 of serving, for example, but this time we need to scale the underlying infrastructure so the underlying VMS or nodes. Now a openshift support opens a autoscaling through, uh, what's called the cluster auto scaler. So this is essentially a based on the upstream Cuban eddies auto scaler component. And another concept that, uh, open shift as is a machine sets to define a machine set up for each type of node, and you can set up a machine scale set to set up a lower and upper bounds. So for example, in this, in this slide you can see we've set men workers to one and Max are two. Now we can actually then have the cluster auto scaler drives the scaling of this scale set automatically if we start launching a lot of. pods, for example, we now cluster no hit a pending state is there's no more capacity, and that's an indicator to the cluster order scaler to start creating more nodes or instances. So then will start getting VMS created on Azure through our cloud controller that integrated with the Azure platform. Next slide, please. There are. There are quite a few other integrations is highlight a couple here. So for managing secrets. Rest, the secrets are already encrypted in in, Uh, ARO, an open shift. If you wanna smell your secrets externally, uhm, you know you can use Azure key vault, which is azure's Secret store, and we have a driver that you currently. This is the component you install yourself just like home chart. It will then allow transparent access to those secret, so that means you don't need to change your apps to know how to talk to key vault. They just received their secrets through a mounted file for example or environment variables. And it's driver will then retrieve those secrets from Key vault and make them available to your to your pods workloads. And Lastly, there's the Azure Container Registry, so in in ARO you have the Openshift Container Registry which is built into the cluster. Redhat also have qua another enterprise ready. And a registry that you can either self host or use assess offering. And if you're already using Azure and using containers elsewhere in Azure, you can use the Azure Container registry. Openshift as well to make use of this you just need to update what's called the service principle, which is like a service account if you like that is used when you create the cluster, you just need to assign a role called ACR pool to authorize the pastor to be able to talk to the Azure Container Registry. Now before we move into the closing uhm. Wanted to, uh show you a couple of things very quickly. Right, so you should be able to see my screen now I just get confirmation of that. From one of the speakers. It's buffering showing up. Yeah, yeah. So I just quickly before we going to the closing. Just want to show a couple of things so we have documentation on setting the Azure AD integration, those talking about. So for example here we can see on my cluster I've actually gotten additional identity provider here. Uh, which is Azure ID and you can you can have multiple Internet providers because I'm already signed in previously to the Azure portal. Notice that when I click on that link, I'm seriously signed in using my. My Active Directory Azure Active Directory identity. And the last thing when it's show you is. Um? ARO will have the you know the built in Prometheus in Grafana for components for monitoring, which is great. This was the Azure Monitor extension that I was talking about, so if you already managing other clusters, for example here, I've got some AKS clusters and then I've got my ARO cluster showing up here. I can see it at a glance what's going on and you can drill down into that cluster to see overall health. Here’s my cluster utilization? I can go down into the specific health to see the components that are running in there and the nodes. And you can drill down further into the individual modes. You know, the pods that are running on each node, and eventually you can get down to hear the containers and you can see their logs. OK, so. Next slide, please. So we hope you enjoyed this webinaR and gained a good understanding of ARO 4 and it came to try it out. This is as I said, it's a jointly managed offering by Microsoft and Red Hat. And if you haven't, if you haven't, if you haven't answered your questions, we've got questions that you want to ask. You. Feel free to type those into the Q&A box now. Now we value feedback from all your all the attendees today, so there will be a Q and a sort of feedback form link that will be posted in the Q&A box. So just have a look for that now and there's an optional opt in if you want any follow-up engagement from either Microsoft or Red Hat. So if you can opt into that if you're interested. The next slide. Uh, one more slide. So there's a few resources pointing out here. Do you want to learn more about Azure Red Hat Openshift can see that that link at the top left the top right length shows you how to get started creating a cluster like we went through earlier is also an FA Q If you understand some of the limitations, road map etc. Frequently asked questions, have a look at the link. And Lastly if you've got feedback for the product team. So rather than ask, but like if you want to provide feedback to improve the product or potentially influence the road Maps, then you can submit feedback via that link in the bottom right. So once again, thanks for watching. We hope to see you in future webinars. They will stick around to answer any questions that we haven't. Please submit any feedback you've got via the link in the QA box. Thank you. So we stick around for five minutes or so, yeah. Yeah, and hang around for a few minutes. Skype. Should we read out some of these questions? I think that could be useful. Way to spend these five minutes on this makes some good questions coming through, which I've answered. Some Mikes answered sum and clarence answered some. So this is one here. In the moment we haven't answered on a high level. What are the typical task of operators admins versus task of Devs. I guess at a high level and operator is really something that you would do as an administrator. Devs don't necessarily need to even see or deal with the operators, but you can set up, say, unprivileged level of access for developers to a subset of an operator which they might find something like. I need to deploy. Uh. You know, and you go find a cluster. For my project. You might make it available as an operator, and so it's more about consumption versus administration options there, depending on what your role is. Yeah, in my experience based on you know my engagement with our customers. A developer is just really hand creates the operators and give it to the day two day three type of people because they want to make sure that you know all their deployments are based on their standards. So as what you will explain, operators handles. You know administration task, but really if you want if you want to use their different kinds of language that you can use in creating operators, go is. Of course there you can use ansible and you can use helm other customers of ours use Java to create an operator. So yeah there is also an operator SDK that you can use which provide frameworks on how you are supposed to. Create operators for your for open shift. answer in there is that you know an operator is not a red hats specific or openshift specific thing there at the kubernetes upstream project. What we're doing is we're working with various vendors and they could be a security appliance being the could be a middleware vendor to make sure that if they delivering a container ready application stack, they do it via an operator. So effectively at its most basic, if it's just the deployment method like a MSI install or windows. Or RPM in Linux. That's what an offer it can be. But it's most complex. Some of the operators include things like machine learning pipelines to autotune themselves, so they might do a scaling of a database platform that's deployed as an operator and it automatically scale up the number of worker nodes for that database platform. Do all the replication required all the scores of the sinking operations to automate that completely seamless to the end user. Operators in person, right? Yes. You wouldn't expect a an operator. Versus a dev to have to actually be installing or using openshift from scratch. Mean that's a deal we just go into. Space inside using it. Yeah, I mean. I mean, I think I think open shift in in in my perspective enables dev OPS so that Devs and OPS can work a Cohee, cohesively and this is a perfect platform that to to do that because. It enables a developer to deploy or develop application on a stable environment where operators manage the the type of infrastructure task to make you know the water and feed and provide that platform for developer to continue working on their development really. Yeah, I mean that's that's something I talk to. Right from the start right. One of the big things between red hat versus the community is that the community have goals and aspirations. Their enterprise customers may not necessarily have would be aligned to an even where you go to an upstream first approach, there's always going to be this disconnect between what you need to deliver to actually drive value for your business and what you actually have to deal with in terms of the project. And so the point of open shift is to make Kubernetes into something that's able to deliver your business value. An which in your digital transformation terms, it's a leisure applications for what is very developer applications interact with. That's effectively more businesses do to digitally transform. Alright, looks like a. We've answered all the questions. Uhm, thanks again everyone for attending and we hope that you enjoy this webinar, we certainly did and we yeah we hope to see you again soon and please get that feedback in and uh yeah go ahead and try out Azure Redhat Openshift. Thanks guys. Yep, now machinery, Terra Cotta. Thank you.
Channel: Joel Wirāmu Pauling
Views: 517
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: red hat, microsoft, openshift, kubernetes, azure, managed, on-demand, pay-as-you-go, marketplace, linux, containers, hybrid-cloud, docker, cri-o, podman, developers, appdev, agile, cloud-native
Id: GPg_HwuXM-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 20sec (6440 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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