Azure Lighthouse: A unified control plane for managing Azure at scale | Azure Friday

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Hey friends, did you know that you can manage hundreds of customers, thousands of subscriptions and millions of resources all within a single control plane? Archana is here to show me how with Azure Lighthouse will see how service providers are delivering managed services using comprehensive management tools in Azure today on Azure Friday. Hey friends, I'm Scott Hanselman in its Azure fried him here with Archana Balakrishnan. We're talking about Azure Lighthouse. How are you? Fantastic. How are you Scott? I'm very well. I'm learning all kinds of fun things on Azure Friday and I love it when people bring me cool things. An Azure lighthouses, one of those because it let's you manage things at scale. What is the problem that Azure Lighthouse solves for people? So partners do amazing things on Azure and really we have a built Azure always for enterprises and with Azure lighthouse, what we're trying to do is address the needs of those partners, right? Partners who are managing hundreds of customers, how could they have a comprehensive management tool natively in Azure to manage maybe thousands of subscriptions and millions of resources? It helps them automate game visibility. And drive efficiencies to Delaware. Those services for their customers. Interesting. So if I were theoretically planning to. I don't know quit the company. Become an Azure provider. I want to become like maybe I want to help a mom and pop shop. I want to make people successful on Azure, but I feel that maybe them signing up for Azure would be too complicated. Could I potentially use Azure Lighthouse as someone who would provide those services and kind of give them to other people? Absolutely yeah you wanna go and sign up maybe as a partner on our Microsoft Partner Network and then think about what kind of customers you want to acquire? Typical mom and pop shop probably wants to go with a cloud solution provider model so you could very easily register as a cloud solutions provider, set up an Azure subscription, purchase an Azure subscription on behalf of your customer. Uh, and let's say this customer really loves the services that you Delaware. Do you back up everything on time and make sure their security updates were in in order and then lo and Behold, in a week you have 200 customers lining up. You were still a small services provider and now suddenly you have to scale to serve these 200 customers. That's really where like house comes in and helps you Delaware. Those managed services at scale across all of these customers. That sounds like that's not that's my new retirement plan. Azure lighthouses now here to what I'm going to do after this. Cool so can you show me what that looks like absolutely. So here I'm I'm basically logged in as a customer so I work for Microsoft an I want to go about looking for some of these service providers like yourself maybe who are going to go an offer some interesting managed services for me? So one of the routes, uh, with which I can discover some of these service providers, is the marketplace, and so I could go to the Azure marketplace and look for what are known as managed services offers with lighthouse. The cool thing is that you don't necessarily need to go the managed services route. Let's say you're already working with a partner who is extremely trusted partner of yours that you could follow this exact same procedure with arm templates. An onboard to that partner. Uh, but kind of coming back to the marketplace route. I like this partner. They're giving me monitoring, management services and so I kind of need to do is go in here and grab you their offer itself, right? I could say I'm interested in purchasing managed services for monitoring, and really this is the Magic of lighthouse, right? So with lighthouse what I'm doing is I'm giving this partner or certain level of access. To my customer subscriptions. So all I do is I click create there and by doing that I'm basically trusting this partner up to now manage my resources and so as that partner is getting added I can just skip through and show you what that would look like. As a customer I would now be able to view all of the partners who are serving me, right? I may actually have multiple partners who are serving me an. Particularly, maybe what I want to do is I want them to manage very specific stuff. So initially maybe when I don't trust the partner as much, I'm going to ask them to maybe manage it dev subscription alone, right? So I could get very granular and ask them to manage a very small subscription. For example, right? I could even get as granular as resource groups and so with this basically what I'm doing is I'm giving this partner very, very specific access. To my customer environment and so now it's gone. I'm actually going to switch over to um, become an play. The role of a service provider. So I'm here now. Logged in as rally cloud managed services Ann, I want to go in here and go and look at all of these customers that I'm managing right? And so I would just pretty much go and look at these customers. I would be able to see all of these customers from that single control plane. Right no longer having to log out. Log into customer one, log out, log into customer 2 right. There is now a single token that works across all these customers and so in here you can see that I'm managing contoso Microsoft wingtip toys global wineries. I can drill down and look at exactly specifique scopes that I'm managing, right? So, for example, Microsoft's asked me to manage this library subscription of theirs. A man so I know that Microsoft has given my global admin contributor access and then someone called Megan just reader access right? The cool thing about this is you can have named people have very specific access or you could have groups right? So let's say I have an architect's group and tomorrow's cock wants to quit his job and common work for my partner write an I hire him as an architect. All I kind of need to go and do is add him to this group and he immediately gets access to all of those customer environments, right? It's as simple as that and this is a huge benefit for both partners and customers. Customers can did you know, don't want to have their environment exposed? Wotif, Rob leaves MSP one and I no longer want drop to have access to all of those customers scopes, so pretty much what I. Come in here and do is delete drop from this group and he would no longer have access. So again very specific access. Very easy to manage, no overhead and truly kind of giving you that single control plan again to look across all of your customers, but that's not the only stuff you can do In addition to kind of managing Azure environment. You can also manage on premises environment, you can manage other clouds as well through this. So here's an example. Right, so this is a. This is a customer subscription that Microsoft has delegated to me and within that subscription itself you can see it's that same library subscription that Microsoft delegated to me as a managed services provider. I actually went into my on premises datacenter. Installed an agent on these machines out there and so these are actually machines that are sitting in my on premises datacenter that for Microsoft that I as a partner I'm now able to manage right so I could do cool things like leverage all of the inbuilt tooling, the amazing management tooling that's built into Azure like policies for example and be able to go and audit all of these VMS that are not maybe set to a specified time zone. Right, and I see, for example, that this particular machine in that data center is not compliant than I could go and do the right thing for this customer and make sure that the VM is set to that time zone. So with Azure lighthouse you now have a single and unified control plan, not just to manage your Azure resources, but your resources across on premises environments across all kinds of data centers. Another clouds, even right. Similarly, you can kind of get this single pane of glass views. Uh, so previously, maybe the way I organized my team was to go customer by customer and look at what are the high issues impacting customer want today. Now with a single pane of glass, I don't have to invest in building these complex scripts and dashboards. I natively log into Azure security center and I'm able to view what are the 18 high severity recommendations that Azure is throwing up for me. Right and now I can really organize my team to say hey, this is the team that's gonna go and tackle these 18 high severity issues across all of the customers I managed. So really a very efficient way for you to Delaware services avoid the need for repetition across customers and really also drive a lot of automation, efficiencies and cost savings, right? One of the features that are partners love Scott is this thing called back up right. This is just an example of a backup workbook, so you could go to any backup Walt. So these walls exist in your customers codes and then you would pretty much go and click on Black, back up Explorer and it would launch a workbook like this, right? With this workbook. What I'm doing is I'm looking at Azure environments that are managed. Across all of these customers, across all of these subscriptions and scopes, and I'm able to very quickly go and say across all these customers, where is back up not enabled, which particular jobs have field right? Are there any alerts that I need to go and look at? For example, right? And so clearly I'm doing a great job because I don't have any alerts, but I can go and look at more details and this really is that again, kind of coming back to that messaging of Azure Lighthouse helps you truly manage. Azure Environment at scale. It gives you the single pane of glass views. It allows you to automate deployment. It allows you to view and manage customers at scale. How do people do this before? Did they just have to open new tabs in Incognito mode and remember it doesn't passwords? I mean, how would you manage thousands of some things before? Previously we you know we have what are known as guest users, right? So typically every customer goes in and adds guest users on behalf of the partner. So imagine your company had 25 employees and you had 100 customers, right? So each customer is going and adding those 25 employees as guest accounts and then Rob decides to leave. They need to go and delete. Rob part was really were doing this with either through scripting, right? So they wrote these amazing scripts that it log in, log out, log in, log out which. Not so secure. Uhm and expensive to maintain, right? They kind of have to keep up to speed with a change. Is making sure that every time a customer on boards like there on boarded to the right we a lot of scripting. Pretty much with how partners achieve this before an investing in expensive tooling to create these single pane of glass views right? All of which now is bringing the power of the management platform in Azure to you directly. The lighthouse and you and the lighthouse team. You all work through like hundreds of user voices. You talk to partners to understand exactly what they needed so that they could then refactor their business processes by subtracting like you don't want them running scripts. They need this feature and you don't want them doing Incognito mode tabs. They need this feature so that lighthouse team is always listening to make sure that the features in lighthouse mirror the business processes that they're trying to Automate. Absolutely, we talked to partners day in day out. That's what we love to do. It's in our DNA. A man in fact like a lot of enterprise customers, are also actually using Azure Lighthouse to manage their crazy number of environments that they may be acquired through emines right through these partner feedback forums we realize kind of three things right? One is partners have different kinds of relationships with customers. They kind of have. You know they choose a different licensing model so our product is built on the principle of we will be agnostic licensing models. They want to still keep the automation. They may not want to write long scripts, but they still want everything to be automated. what I showed you today was it demo in a GUI right? Which is not typically how partners operate. They'll still like to Automate a lot of stuff and with lighthouse, our principle is do APIs 1st and bring UI to parody, right? So we always give partners and choice for automation and then like you said, finally we are all about leveraging what's natively in the platform, so you don't need to go and spend a whole chunk of money. Now are learning you tool sad and scale up your stuff? It's all built into Azure. It's backed by Azure. It's backed by Azure idiots. It's gonna work across 100,000 million billion customers. So that's the value proposition of Azure lighthouse. And that catch phrase that single pane of glass as you said, it's the API level first and then the UI on top of that, so that pain of glasses APIs that one could go and Automate. So anything that you could do with one customer, you can do now for N plus one customers. Absolutely, and we've in fact found that partners use Azure Lighthouse for onboarding their customers typically cut that on boarding time by more than 80%. So you are now able to on board setup this customer and really move on today to write what other innovative services can I give this customer and the partners that we listen to say hey, I spend that time learning about all of the other amazing stuff Azure keeps throwing at me so that I can go in Delaware more value to my customers. Very cool. Could you show me real quick where people would go to learn more about? Azure lighthouse sure, uhm the best place to go to and we have pretty good docs. We in fact recently launched to learn module as well so we would love for you to give it a shot and give us feedback. Fantastic, I am learning all about how to manage my environments at scale with Azure Lighthouse today on Azure Friday. Hey, thanks for watching this episode of Azure Friday. Now I need you to like it. Comment on it, tell your friends, retweet it. Watch more Azure Friday.
Channel: Microsoft Azure
Views: 12,900
Rating: 4.9537573 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, azure, azure friday, scott hanselman, archana balakrishnan, azure lighthouse, control plane, manage at scale, service providers, azure managed services, cloud management, cloud automation, cloud service automation, delegated resource management, management tooling, managed services, cloud solution provider program (CSP), csp, azure resource manager, azure policy, cross-tenant, azure marketplace, managed service offers, enterprise scenarios, management experience
Id: x-Db_AFKCzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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