Azure IaaS - Azure Migrate + Hyper-V

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good day everyone my name is John Meg lien and I'm on the system engineering team specifically the Microsoft Azure team at Tech Data Corporation and today we'll be talking about as you're migrated I have our email address here so you can email us if you have questions so what is either migrate as romaji provides a centralized hub basically a place to do your migration track it a unified platform single place to go to manage your migration to Azure from on-premise and these are some links I put in that I thought would be helpful if you want more information about Azure migrate you can definitely go here and get that information from Microsoft directly they have great documentation regarding as your migrate and really there's four phases as our migrate that we're going to cover today the portal set up and prerequisite checks set up of the configuration server discovery and assessment phase and the actual migration phase so with that let's go ahead and get to it we need to start our migration journey and we need to go to the portal the azure portal when we go to Puerto - comm this is your first time again it's portal - your comm if you haven't set that up you'll need to set up an account in the tenant but once you have that all set up we go there we login with our credentials and then like anything in the azure portal we can simply just search for what we're looking to do in this case we're gonna go ahead and search for azure migrate you can see it comes right up and we're presented with some options here just kind of bounce through these options so you can see what's going on different options we have with the azure migrate server again just some of the showing you some of the tabs that we have in this service this is an initial portal set up you know that we have to look at and and get familiar with before we start our journey the one we're gonna be working with is the Windows and Linux servers migrate piece today the act access SS and migrate servers piece go ahead and click into that the first thing we needed to do is go ahead and get to get started there and go ahead and add the tools that we want to use we're gonna need to create a resource group in Azure we can create a new one we can do that work ahead of time or we can go ahead and create it here you can see we have some existing resource groups we're gonna go ahead and create a new one get used to naming conventions try to name things that make sense to you so you can find them easily with in Azure you can always search for resources too but we created our we're gonna create our group and then we're gonna create a give it a name for our migrate project and in this case I'm in the United States but if you are in other countries obviously azure migrate you know an azure itself works you know all over the world so here we're gonna pick our tools notice to our other tools besides Microsoft today we're gonna be focusing on the specific Microsoft tools and just show you some of the ones that are here cloud ah mais comes up quite a bit with our partners also but today we're focused on the azure migrate server assessment we're gonna go ahead and hit next definitely want to add that tool you can see it supports Windows and Linux it's agentless and we'll get a roll up screen that says what we're gonna do want to do oh it's good to check that make sure doing what you think you're doing then we'll go ahead and hit add tools and notice it will initialize deployment for Azure migrate deployments in progress and we can track that progress right here from the eyes reporter you can see our deployment succeeded and we now have our Azure migration project started now we've got our initial project started our azure my great project started in Azure let's go ahead and take a look at actually getting this project underway and some of the things we need to do and remember we talked about the phases of the azure migrate we got you know discover is where we're gonna start Microsoft gives us a good roll up of where we needed to go so definitely pay attention to this we have hyper-v or VMware specifically right on this one we're going to take a look at hyper-v we'll do another set of videos on on VMware but notice we need to download this file and create this configuration server which we talked about so we're gonna go ahead and download that so we're gonna need to download that file it does take a little while but with the magic of video we'll definitely speed this up here but you want to download that file and copy it somewhere where it can be loaded in your hyper-v environment and notice the prereqs I talked about those we definitely want to review the prereqs like anything in life you know do your homework and you know things will turn out well don't do your homework and not so much sometimes so in this case you know we want to look through this Microsoft we can see it supports up to 300 host up to 5,000 VM so it has a lot of capacity to do what we needed to do the you know there are some things regarding the internet access that the configuration server frasier migrate needs again I provided those leaks at the front of the presentation so go and take a good hard look at all those prereqs specifically we're looking at the hyper-v prereqs but again also we have prereqs for vmware also so you can see the different OS as we support just want to bounce through these and spend some time showing you that so our file is downloaded it's new zip format so we're gonna need to move that you know take that appliance and move it to our hyper-v environment in this case we're working with the server that I call Dell hv1 so it's just a Dell server and it's hyper-v one so any place we're go ahead and copy that onto our hyper-v server so we can load that appliance as a virtual machine in our on premise environment it does take a little while to load that file but we go back and take a look at you know Microsoft like I said that's provide documentation on how to do all this just showing you where you can get that out documentation to support matrix for the hyper-v piece very important and you can see prepare the hyper-v VM for assessment definitely should look this document over just go through some of this and show you you know permissions is a big thing we want to create an account that has their appropriate permission so we can discover the machines and do what we need to do so as we've been talking about doing the homework looking into this we talked about the permissions just a second there you need to create an account specific for this or use an existing account that has the appropriate permissions register the appliance again I'm gonna I'm gonna show you all of that in this video but it's good to look this over just to see you know what you've got to do specific rights that the account needs how to prepare for the assessment there's a little bit of PowerShell remoting you need to set up and just enable Microsoft provides as I've talked excellent documentation you can download this script and run it just to double-check and make sure everything's right for that environment I want to bore you too much with this but I've stressed a couple times the importance of looking into this documentation we talked about downloading the VHD as you can see Microsoft gets very specific about what you need to do and even shows you how to load it into the hyper-v environment which we're gonna go through and do see our files copying go ahead and load hyper-v manager hopefully familiar with hyper-v and if not that's one of the great strengths of hyper-v is its ease of use but this is the main management tool for hyper-v you can see the server that we're working with and their virtual machines that we have running we've got some Linux machines and some Windows Server machines that we're going to demonstrate migrating so this is the process of importing the source one machine to the hyper-v environment we're gonna go ahead to that location we copied the file to and you can see there it is it's a very easy process to go ahead and bring this in do you have a couple different options here we want to do the copy that works on machine option go ahead and take a few seconds there to load you can see where it's gonna store it just validate that that's where we wanted to be in this case that's definitely where I want it to be and then it will start the preparation process of bringing it into our hyper-v environment I need to choose a network adapter I'm gonna go ahead and finish that off and bring it in and you can see the Machine we've got it in and we've started the machine and we're ready to the next phase of actually the setup of the appliance in the configuration server you so those are virtual machine loads one of the first things we're going to see is the license terms for the product we definitely want to review those we're gonna need to create a username and password you know defaults administrator we need to go ahead and give that a password for the appliance again the license terms it's important to review these so you can see I mean Microsoft us one us using the server service anything it's for the purpose of azure migrate that's the basic premise of that but once we accept that agreement go and create that account then it's just like any Windows server we're gonna go ahead and log into that with that username and password we created you always want to check the version it's good to make sure we're on the latest version so you have what you you want it will do an update as we work through this so you'll see we'll go ahead and take a look at the appliance and how we get started so this is the URL that the appliance uses it's web-based management so we want to go in and get started setting up the appliance so we can get ready for discovery another license agreement to accept and though we love license agreements I know I particularly do it's gonna check its connectivity internet in the prereqs you definitely need to be connected to the Internet we're gonna go ahead and log into the appliance again it's checking the time so it's always important with anything we do to make sure that you know time is correct on the machine and it's gonna be restarted so we can update it so except there was a little bit of an update that's all done then we're gonna go ahead and register and this is where we're gonna log into the azure tenant with credentials in the azure tenant that have the capability to create resources in there so always check that and make sure that your account that's another stumbling block people use accounts that don't have the correct level of access to their as your tenant but we're gonna log in here and password for the azure tenant and I recommend not storing that but you know it's up to you we're done with that so we can go back over to our our set up phase of our configuration appliance and we want to pick the correct subscription I probably did not anyways I have two of them of the same name which makes it confusing but you want to get that right in your case there will be only one you know subscription they're most likely and then the project that we created earlier if you remember that and then we just need to give the appliance a name I always just use the name of the actual server appliance itself that windows creates but you can use anything you want here something that makes sense to you this is just what I like to use and notice it's going to register that appliance with the azure tenant and the project of the azure migrate that we created and then we just need to specify the hyper-v hosts so we're gonna need those credentials like we said that we need to have the appropriate level of access to our hyper-v hosts in this case I'm just simply using the domain administrator account not recommended I'm doing this mostly for ease of usin for the video which definitely suggest you follow my cursor sky to create a specific account for the azure migrate project that has the appropriate level of rights we're gonna put in our server if you remember we're actually on the server so we can see it's the Adel hv1 our hyper-v hosts we can put multiple hosts in here if we want sorry about that but you can see I'm gonna put in my hosts and I'm gonna validate that host we come back and we're green and we're ready for the next phase and start that discovery process now that we have everything ready to go we've done our work we can go ahead and save this configuration and start discovery notice that the the host cluster is good there and status is green everything's green always like to double-check all that stuff and make sure everything's looking good we've been validated and we'll go ahead and save and start that discovery process so we have that communication going and it will take a little bit for this to happen but we're on our way to discover our machines and moving forward in our migration journey so we have our a discovery process underway we'll go back to the azure portal take a look at that resource group that we created brass said it's important to name it something you can remember in fine I'm going to take a look at the key vault real quick just to show you some of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes here regarding the azure migrate server take a look at the activity log here's our deployments in all places you can go to get information if you need to troubleshoot you can see I had a few things go on there regarding discovery that I had to correct our deployment is complete which is all good any notice we create a shortcut Frazer migrate and we're gonna go ahead and go back in there and take a look at our progress notice we have some discovered servers that's what we want to start seeing all good things we can take a look at those discovered servers it's gonna talk about an agent here nothing you know to really worry about as far as the agent goes we can talk about that at another time you can definitely install those agents if you need to but again we're agentless so we don't really need that so this tool is a subset we're going to take a look at the hyper-v piece here and our region confirm that target so now we're kind of moving off of that discovery phase and setting up the migration phase and we need to go ahead and download the azure site recovery provider we want to get that hyper-v hosts registered there with the actual migration service so we go ahead and download that move it over to our in this case our server that we've been working with we're gonna go ahead and run that site recovery provider install that on our hyper-v server I'm gonna take all the defaults here if you're familiar with as your site recovery in general in the azure portal then this is going to look real familiar to you we use like I was saying earlier that is a engine to run as your migrated so we've got that installed new we're gonna need to real go ahead and register that that key file that we showed earlier we're gonna need to go ahead and put that in here from our as your tenant I've copied it over gonna go ahead and grab that it's got a reference to our subscription the vault name that we're working with you can see it's all our migrated things that we created we're gonna correct directly if you have a proxy server go ahead and set those settings up and it's going to do what it does it's fairly quick process it's gonna register that and then we'll go back in and we'll take a look at the azure portal and hopefully we'll see we have a registered hyper-v server with the service let's go ahead and take a look at that we're gonna need to refresh this and we can see that we have at once refreshed we have that hyper-v server registered and we're good to get with the migration piece of this start testing migration and getting some migrations going and we're successful there so that's good now we've got our hyper-v server registered and we're all green green is good with Microsoft and most things in life red and yellow means something's up but anyways we're gonna go ahead and move on to taking a look at the assessment part as you notice in the screen we're starting to see some more things populated here and get used to refreshing you know the screen if things don't show right after you do them get it making a habit of refreshing that so it shows back up but we've had some discovers servers here on our migration tab and our server assessment tab so you can see our machines that came in we've got some different IP addresses we've got showing us our cores our memory usage disk storage that we're using and the operating system environments that we have going on there and we can get that same look in the migration tab we see all the machines same similar statistics but now we're gonna actually try and create an assessment not try we're gonna create an assessment so we can get an evaluation of our resources so we need to put in the create a name for the assessment and you can name this anything you want again you want to be descriptive you know something that makes sense to you so when you pull it up later you may have many groups of you know machines that you want to assess so you may have more than definitely more than one assessment and even more than one group that you want to run assessments on as you'll see in a second here we create a group name for the assessment I just referenced that you can create as many groups as you want you may want to group like your Windows machines your Linux machines or you may want to group by workload type web servers database things like that any way you want you can create these groupings mine's pretty simple I'm just gonna create a simple group and I don't have a lot of machines but we're gonna pick the servers that we want to you know run the assessment on once we've picked what we want we're gonna go ahead and create that assessment just double-check everything and we can check the progress of that through the azure portal you see our group was created successfully and our assessment you know is is happening so we want to run the assessment over a period of time during regular work hours that way we get a good you know reference set of data to look at regarding the assessment you can see our assessment showed up in the magic of video I ran it for probably 10 or 15 minutes you definitely want to run it for longer than that what you're comfortable with three or four days a week you see we get some starting to see some statistics here we can export out we can recalculate things we're seeing you know number of machines that are ready some we need to take a look at got some storage and some estimated you know costs related to storage we can drill down into this so get more information specifically we'll you know take a look at things that may Microsoft flagging that may cause us issues and they do give us some information things to think about regarding those issues that we can look at we can drill down into that further and in this specific case it's not entirely sure what version of Linux I have on this so this I think was in a boom tube machine but you can take a look at what's supported and you know get comfortable with you know the fact that you know you want to run it that way or you might need to make some changes or updates to it I'm gonna go ahead and export the assessment out here when you do that and we'll take a more detailed look at the the tool here in the assessment well you can see it gives us a nice excel sheet of what you know machines are being assessed starts making some cost estimates mmm list of machines this may look familiar it's the maps tool if you're familiar with that the and it lists them and lists what we think we're gonna do and it actually starts making some cost estimates and machine type settings things like that all good information is part of the assessment process and we can hit the cost detail tab and actually drill down into what some of these costs are going to look like Fraser so now we've wrapped up our assessment and we're gonna take a look at actually you know setting up replication and migrating these servers and finishing off our move from on-premise on these machines into Azure as you can see we're setting up hyper-v still and this is the replication piece we're gonna go ahead and select that group that we created the machines that are in that group and choose which ones we want to start replicating so replication we're gonna start that process of making a copy of the merchant machine into ash at this point it's not in Azure yet we're gonna go ahead and set up these resource groups storage accounts we're gonna pick here things like that that have already been created as part of the azure migrate process we're gonna go ahead and and set those up and get those going and we're gonna start that replication actually and it's gonna start making a copy of that virtual machine in the azure portal so that we can actually tell a test migration and actually migrate and actually move the machines into Azure you can see there's certain things that have to happen here we can pre create these things that we can create them as we go I've already pre created these accounts as you can see is part of the project all important things important here to notice the size of the machines they're come over you can definitely modify that here and choose different sizes that are gonna happen these are the recommended sizes by Microsoft and the assessment process we can tell it which machines are you know what type of operating system always good to get that all squared away so you know exactly what's happening the OS disk we want to double check that and make sure those are good any availability sets if we're gonna do that in this case we're not doing that but we want to make sure these OS discs look the way we want you see we've got several different drives on these machines it's gonna bring over all the drives the operating system disk is obviously the initial operating system disk what a lot of people would call the C Drive get that disk stuff looking good so we know that we're replicating everything a roll-up screen of what's going on and what it's replicating in the size of what it's actually replicating and we're gonna go ahead and start that replication process so we can track it as usual in the azure we can track that deployment that resource that we just created Azure portal is great about tracking logging letting us know what happened what goes on you can see everything's looking pretty good as far as that replication process you can click into that get some more details on that specific one that's still in the process there and see we're now all successful I'm hiring this around on a little bit obviously just for the sake of time in the video but it does happen very quick the replication itself takes a little while the first initial replication after that all we're replicating this changes to the machines so the replication is an ongoing process between what you have picked on-premise or in another cloud service and what you're replicating into Azure haven't showed up yet like I said you've got to get used to we're hitting that refresh button button or if not you're gonna think things didn't go the way you wanted so it'll refresh the screen and then we start should start seeing something that are replicated a service servers tab you can see refresh the tools and there you go we now have some servers in there that are being replicated you can see at this point we don't have any synchronized it just started those numbers will go up as its it replicates and synchronizes you can see I'll forward it along here for the sake of again time and video we can start seeing that process happening and our machines are all healthy all starting the synchronized product secret in replication process and we're we're a hundred percent on that we can start looking at things like test migration and migrating the actual servers workloads into Azure here we go we can see we're making progress you already got some that are protected and we can drill down into that and take a look at what that actually looks like everything's protected now we're ready for our next phase so we verified a healthy replication in our servers are protected now we're actually going to take a look at the migration process itself so definitely want to do a test migration I'm not going to show that here in the hyper-v environment we're gonna go ahead and just do look at what migration looks like but it's always good to do a test migration before you do an actual migration we check our machines that we want to migrate and we got the migrate tab itself looks like we're getting some information regarding cores so I'm gonna have to request a little bit of quota for that migration but we'll do that and then I'll go ahead and start that migration process Kota basically means when you start a tenant you get a certain amount of processing power in that tenant but you may need to request more you know resources from Microsoft initially if you have a large environment the small environment usually not that much to worry about we noticed this machine specifically is having an issue and this is all related to quota we can take drill down into the air the details on this and in this specific case actually it's not quota it's that this specific type of VM is not available in that West US two regions we're gonna need to go and change that alter in that machine type to machine type that is supported in that region it's always good in videos to show you the things that happen you know that you have to think about when you're actually doing these migrations a lot of times you see videos and everything just looks like it always works perfect and we know in life that isn't always the case but we can tell here we have some protective machines we've got some some of the stuffs finished and we can see the machines that have finished it turns them off on our on premise environment and then they will be running in the azure environment which we'll take a look at let's go ahead and take some more looks at what we're you know this migration that's happening here we can take a look at our jobs see what's successful what was failed drawl down to that failed one that we were looking at earlier get the details on that as we noticed a little bit ago we need to work on this machine type are the machines replicated fine but let's go ahead and fix this one that's another great thing about the tool even though we had an issue it didn't kill the whole job it went ahead and did the majority of the job and then it's allowing us to just make some changes and just restart the replication of the migration process on this specific machine so we can take a look at you know in the recovery vault itself at the replicated items that we have here and we can notice that drill down on that and take a look at the compute network piece and actually alter those settings from that on you notice that that's what's there we can hit edit and we can alter the type of machine because they notified us that that machine's not available in that region so we can go ahead and pick a an equivalent machine maybe in like the D Series in this case I picked the B series machine just for demonstration and we can update that configuration and then we can restart our our migration you can also do this out of the azure migrate portal too I just bounced over into the site recovery piece because maybe I'm just a little too familiar with azure in some cases but once we get back in here we can see our replicated servers have changed because we've migrated some machines and here's where we can do a test migration I didn't show that earlier but let's go ahead and take a look and in this case we'll do a test migration on this one that we just changed we can see we get some nice statistics here regarding the server and we can edit the same screen it's just you know gotten two out of a different place this is where you would want to go out of the azure migrate peace to edit that you can see I've already added it to a B machine and we can go ahead and just have that test migration going right there we're going to pick a network for it to test migrate over to you didn't talk too much about the networking piece but basically in Azure as you set up as your migrate you want to pick a network that the machines are going to migrate into that's going to be your production network or your test network if you're to do moving test machines but the virtual network in Azure that you but that's your migrates gonna take care of that for you when you set up when you set it up so it's not too much you have to worry about and we're gonna go ahead and start that test migration and then notice it's successful now we're going to clean it up we just say hey everything well with the test of course you know your validations could take longer than me I'm just validating the machine came over and it looked good and we're cleaning up that environment so when we test we need to clean up the environment so then we're ready to start a full migration so we can go back into Azure migrate see we now have our servers that we tested we still have a replicated servers so we're gonna you know this machine that we didn't bring over we're gonna go ahead and do the migration process on that machine and we can tell it to shut down the on-premise or not and like earlier that's gonna happen and then the Machine you can see is off in the azure portal our migration has been completed and if we take a look at our virtual machines in Azure we're gonna start seeing all these VMs that we migrated over so we have a lot of VMs in here so if you see there's our a Z migrates in OS the 2012-2016 machine here's the 2016 machine so just to wrap everything up I'm gonna throw our information about cap here feel free to reach out of this you know email address and contact me directly a reminder again of what as or migrate does and what it provides and you know just what we went through today the portal set up the prereqs set up the configuration appliance discovery assessment migrate and I really just like to thank everyone for watching our videos
Channel: Tech Data Technical Services
Views: 2,522
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: technical, enablement, solutions, demo, tech, data, techdata, azure, migrate, iaas
Id: twuOmgy3fSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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