Azure Container Instances Docker | Azure Container Instances Tutorial | Deploy Docker Image to Azure

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Hello friends and welcome back to my channel I am ashfaq and in today's video we will deploy Docker Hub image to the Azure container instance let's get started I have logged into my Azure portal and I have also logged into Docker hub so first of all we will deploy this image to the Azure container instance through the Azure portal so on the Azure portal I will go to Resource Group create Resource Group this is my subscription I will give the name to the resource Group and region I will select South India next next create I will go to home and I will go to container instances you can also search here the container instances create container instances this is my subscription in the drop down I will select my Resource Group I will give the container name reason I will keep South India SKU standard and image source I will select other registry public and here you can see message is given if not specified Docker Hub will be used for the container registry so I will give my username and the image name from the docker hub this is my username on the docker Hub and this is the image name [Music] voice type I will keep Linux size I will keep the default one and I will click on next under the networking I will keep the tick on the public DNS name level I will give the my HTML website Port 80 I will click on next I will not change anything here I will go to next next create okay deployment completed I will go to resource and this is the public IP and this is the DNS name for my container I will copy the DNS name and I will browse it and here my website is running I will copy the public copy and browse it so my website is accessible through the public IP also now we will deploy the another image from my Docker Hub uh this time I want to deploy this image and this time we will deploy the container through the Azure CLI so I will go to Google I will search here a good CLI for Windows I will download this file I will go to download folder I will install the file Azure CL installation completed I will go to the start and I will start the Powershell I will give the command AC version so this is the Azure silai version installed in my system to create the container through the Azure cell I I will have to first login to the Azure so I will give the command as we login which will open the browser I am already logged in so I will select my username so message is coming you have logged into Microsoft azure I will close this tab and I will go to Powershell so here we can see we have logged into azure Now to create the container through the Azure CLI I will give here the command in this command azer container create Resource Group I will give here my Resource Group name and this would be the name of the container and this is the username of of the docker Hub and this is the image name on the docker up and this is the version V1 and this would be the DNS name for our container and it will run only port 80. so this is my complete Command I will hit enter so container creation completed if I go to Azure portal and if I go to container instances so you can see here the container has been created I will go to this container I will do the refresh once and I will copy the DNS name and I will browse it so you can see here my website is running if I copy the public IP and browse it I'm able to browse the website through the public IP also by this way you can deploy the Docker Hub image on the Azure container instance through the portal and through the Azure CL also the command used I will provide you in the description hope you find this video helpful like the video share it with the friends and spread the knowledge I will see you in the next video thank you
Channel: Virtual TechBox
Views: 187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azure container instances docker, azure container instance, deploy docker hub image to azure, Azure Container Instances Tutorial, serverless container in cloud, azure container instance deployment, deploy docker container to azure, deploy docker image to aci, create container in azure, how to create a docker container in azure, container in azure, docker hub image to azure container, azure container docker, azure container instances
Id: Z7BUh2i9iGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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