Azure #6 - Virtual Networks and Subnets | Azure Tutorial

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howdy so now we have a resource group but we have nothing in our resource group yet so let's start adding to that the first thing we need to do is add a virtual network for everything so what is a virtual network let's let's search right here we go to virtual networks here so a virtual network is your own network in the cloud so basically what it does is the virtual network is gonna be your your own personal network that's going to contain all of your resources and what that's gonna do is that's gonna allow you this it's gonna secure secure everything so you're gonna be able to specify what can get in and what can get out of your network so you can think of that as like as as maybe if you had an office and and you're you can only communicate with computers at that office or like they might not allow you to you know access a certain website because you're inside of that network and they won't allow certain traffic out or they won't allow certain traffic into your network so a virtual network in the cloud operates the same way and you just you specify what can what can leave the network and what can get in the network so you can have multiple machines inside your network just talk to each other inside of your little miniature network but not everything nobody can get in the network unless you allow them to get in the network so so let's start creating that and we'll learn some things as we go I'm not gonna go into everything about how virtual networks work and in networking because that's a huge undertaking and there is a lot of complex things involved but we'll get set up with some subnets and different things like that on how they work ok so so right now we have we have no virtual network so it's let's go to virtual network so we did it in this search bar right here so let's go to add all right so again we have this specified subscription we're going to use our Azure course that we created before and now it's asking us for our resource group and you remember in the previous video we created the resource group of course resource group so let's select that it also gives you the option to create new so you can actually create your resource group from the virtual network if you needed to but we're gonna create everything before just so we so we can get a feel for every single service that we have all right so instance details so the name so what do we want to name our virtual network let's just do course B in so that B virtual network and you can name it anything you want and then now we have the region so we went over regions on different things like on how regions work so since I'm in Florida right now the closest region to me is us east or us east - I'm gonna stick with us east just because that's closest to me but I could easily just do goes west if I wanted to you know it's just it's just farther away but you know I want to be closer to where I'm gonna be operating you know so might as well be the shortest short of spot away let's do that and nothing to know is a virtual network it is scoped to the region so this virtual network once we set it to us east we can't use this virtual network in other locations and the way to do that which is outside the scope of this one now is virtual network peering so if you did need a virtual network that you needed to use us East and then maybe it needed to communicate with a a virtual network in u.s. West you can do virtual network peering peering PE RI ng we will go over that right now but just throwing it out there so you know about it alright so we've got that set up so now let's go to IP addresses so so what you want to do is just stick with the defaults I'll go I'll briefly explain a little bit of this but so it has your ipv4 address space and what this is doing is the default that you have right here is is basically saying that inside your virtual network you can have 65,000 addresses inside of that virtual network and what's that mean that means you know you have 50 65 unique IP addresses that can be used inside of inside of that your virtual network and this is very important when you're setting up you know if you're gonna be sending up a production environment for your virtual network you want to make sure that you don't run out of IP addresses to use you know so if you think you like you're setting up a virtual network for a small company or something you want to make sure you give them enough address space because you don't want to run out so that's very important so for the sake of all of this we're gonna keep it to the default and give us ourselves 65,000 IP addresses and the next thing is is subnets so so what are subnets subnets are sub networks they're sub networks inside of your main network so you could think of it as let's say you're in an office building and you have you know the engineering department in the HR department so you might have a network for your engineering department and then you might have another network for your [Music] HR department another way to think about it is think about your home internet you know you have your router at home well your your house is like a sub Network so think of your whole neighborhood as the network you can even go bigger you whole county would be like your network but I think of your whole neighborhood as your network and then every house and your neighbor hood is a subnetwork and each house gets its own IP addresses so you know house one might have IP address one two three four but house 2 has I PR just four five six seven eight and in those two IP addresses get filled in to the they take up space here so that's kind of what subnets do so let's let's add a couple of subnets that we're gonna we're gonna use these later on but just to get an idea so it gives us a default subnet right now so we it's going slash 24 and what that's actually gonna do that's gonna give us 256 addresses addresses for this subnet so essentially the we're gonna use for this subnet here we're going to use 256 of the addresses that are provided here so let's change this to we're gonna we're gonna use this for auto scaling later on so let's in a load balancer so let's add this let's name this let's just name this AG subnet and that's gonna be for our application gateway don't worry about that we're gonna use it later on but you can see how it says 251 plus 5 reserved addresses so it's 256 but as you're actually reserves five rooms so we actually only have 251 to use so keep in mind that so if your subnet you know it's gonna be needs more than that you know you could you could put this down to 23 and you can see how you get five hundred and seven maybe we needed you know 21 now we're at 2043 so if you needed more address space you can you can do it that way but let's stick to the 251 so let's add that there and then we're gonna add so now we've taken up 256 addresses from from here from our main network let's add another sub Network we're gonna name this you know back in subnet don't worry about what this is for we'll use this later on but this would be far like our Lord balancer going forward so we've got that so now we need to like how many how many IP address might we need you know let's just do you know we're new 10 0.10 / 24 so now that'll be twenty-two and 51 but maybe maybe we don't need that many let's just go to 225 and now we're gonna have 123 and I think that's gonna be plenty for what we need so we'll leave that there I'm not gonna get all about what the subnet addresses are in the CIDR notation that's gonna be more advanced networking things that we can that might be a whole series in itself on networking and all that but this is this gonna be enough for what you need to to get started so so let's add that now okay so now so now we've got our main address space and two subnets so now let's we can do review and create now but let's go to security you know by default azure provides some very basic DDoS protection truck to our virtual network you know you can also do standard which will also allow what you have to pay for the standard but you know it provides like I believe some like AI and machine learning things to it but so we're gonna stick with basic for now you can also do a firewall if you need to which you would need to set up some some different things for that we're going to disable that for now and then next we can set up again we can set up tags like we did on our resource group so for maybe some reason you needed a a tag for some reason on there which which is a good idea to do tags you know I found resource groups scope things pretty well and the subscription scope things really well so like for billing and certain things like that so I don't need to use tags that much but but they're there and so review and create so what this is gonna do is this is going to do like a look you know it's just going to do some validation make sure everything we've entered is correct and passes simple validation and in virtual networks creating them are not going to they're not gonna cost you anything and you can have multiple virtual networks inside of a resource group if you want as well and so let's let's create and creating this might take a minute or two toach so now we have our resource group created so let's let's go back to our home page here let's go to our resource group and click it now we have nope it's not created yet okay so now yeah we've got a virtual network inside of our resource group now so let's just click that and so we have no devices in our virtual network yet we just have a blank virtual network as we as we proceed through the videos we will you know start adding things to our virtual network but seven things you can see on here the tags you can see your address space connected devices your subnets so maybe you wanted to add more subnets afterwards security firewall your periods so you have your virtual network peering so maybe you needed to you know maybe you have your your virtual network locked down to the outside world but maybe you had another virtual network and that you own oh that's in your account that you want to be able to connect to this virtual network so you can do virtual network peering as well for that but that's that's the basically virtual networks we will start adding things to our virtual networks now but make make sure you hit the subscribe button below so you don't miss out on any of the future videos
Channel: Will Brock
Views: 9,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Azure, Microsoft, Tutorial, Virtual Networks, Subnets, Networking, Security, VNet, CIDR
Id: btcKhQPf3HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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