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what is going on guys we're back here today me sama swap and we got this nice drill beat on in the background because we're using sama's favorite month sama you gonna do the intro for the team today since this was your pick baby looking at the team the rest of them won't even matter about to go in fact so let's go we're going to just be playing with this team azumura a woman we got this team from my buddy jean jt and it looked pretty powerful i haven't even used the zoom roll yet yo look what we playing guys let me quick question what the what can we use together yo how your mic still sounds so bad bro but whatever we're going to rock with it let me see this what should i lead with landrus guys i'm coming you're not leaving on the website no i put it in the group trip oh we're [ __ ] we can't even kill this yo watch this watch this watch this just watch this all right he's gonna be scared to trick he's gonna be scared of tricks he's gonna be getting scared of uh some setup [ __ ] he's gonna oh it's over it's over it's over so already oh [ __ ] yeah it's already over it's over it's over okay okay okay okay no no wait see punch again here yeah okay now you know now you know now you know how is that even one minute one minute 50 seconds that we had to do it don't run stall on the ladder don't run stall on the ladder that's all i can say what else can i say people the agency vintage pyramid 2020 campaign is live now go check that out only here until when january 2nd if you guys are sleeping if you haven't checked this out by now go get it we got this we got four different colorways here we got the cherry blossom the purple tsunami limited edition we've done so many giveaways on stream on twitter all that stuff giving away free merch so go check that out as well and yeah go get this because this design won't be coming back it's only here for a limited amount of time thank you guys for the love if you want to support go check that out and thank you and uh yeah go ahead and like the video too for this turn six so it really is that easy bro it really is that easy i'm done for the day now y'all better for the play all right so load it up again all right load it up let's go yo yo swabbie that's why he can't get in here so i can't get past the file no firewall the wall you know the middle is black like the matrix that she all right who's taking this after my dominating 6-0 i'm on break oh i'm taking it yeah swap you called for it how are you doing all right but all right so from what i can tell suave man from what i can tell while we lead off with suave nice reflect nice reflect by swap thanks thanks very very skilled immaculate maneuvers yo trap this [ __ ] oh that's fine i'm trapping i'm trying i'm trapping whatever comes in you know bro he bought a mean look on him you turn again can you turn again that's fine that's fine that's fine i want this to die for sure i want this to ah truly yes i see the end game is near you've already collected the plan the plan actually i could just go oh i didn't even know we were sasha and anders that's fine though oh yeah but right now it don't matter let's see how he gets out of there cinderella comes in hello he's gonna steal the screen yeah bro i can still quake though he's gonna take eight million i mean he's just choking he doesn't have core change insane all right so i'm gonna all right so i'm gonna get my bands up oh my god this [ __ ] is going crazy you turn you turn you turn you can't stop well you wouldn't yeah all right he's just gonna watch this you gotta you turn again what the [ __ ] why didn't he pyro what is hey yo this is unaware clef 2. this is not the [ __ ] we're trying to play with this team yo megierno wins we calm we calm nah i can go right now go mad right now you're [ __ ] up all right now i'm gonna boom boom the demise has been televised oh my god yo sama this man get a what is you doing right now i'm getting my reflector all i know is i will be the one that rings supreme at the end of this video so i be my mini me truth shut up the same looks [Applause] oh he tried to get that agency you can still you see t wave i give you my blessing go suave oh you [ __ ] go swabbing all right all right all right all right are you waiting i mean you win uh swag shift gear up defeat this man oh you're right you played like your wee wee soft they could just kill them guys oh okay okay okay i think i don't know oh suave oh look how we oh so i'll be going with this oh suave oh [ __ ] money hope that horse ain't scarf oh you're gonna play these suckers all right we're gonna watch this watch watch oh we got we gonna i'll play all of them all right thanks all right all of them game over he doesn't even have it oh yeah he's playing he's screwed obviously why'd he make that play does he not have suckers oh you know he said obviously yeah but this guy was sweating profusely son oh look at this look at this all right so uh he has to sack like the lenders you just can't let you guys kill everybody you just sweep i already clicked i already clicked what are you talking about some are going crazy 380. all right yo is this a really sucker punch nah it is i don't i don't understand why he would have just switched out for no reason effects like he just sacked it for absolutely no reason this can't be sucker whatever i think maybe i i don't know i think you you traded i think he thought reflect it would make you look at five hp you'll win because he doesn't have pecs anymore you just go wrong if this this doesn't work just full power nice nice ghosts nice ghosts i'm outside of the movie oh my god yeah oh my god oh my god you ran them off yo next game give me your next one how are you [Music] uh he plays like a he plays like a real oh words that should not be used today yo he's a threat yeah yeah but here's the rude looks pretty good versus him no lie it's a zurudy please pronounce his name correctly he's very angry anyways he's very yeah but i have to set it up do i go music already yeah lead off in the music music wow you stick with a stick i ain't driving [ __ ] i mean look this [ __ ] mean look this [ __ ] omari about to get mad he bought the car okay now you just uh reflect reflect yes yo lead off with the rumor wait wait maybe he's sash is sash so that's why oh we don't have moves on this i think what i do is i yo honestly if you know mag what if he wakes up in two turns and then earth power guys go to landers [Music] all i needed that's all i needed because look now dude [ __ ] them just kidding [Music] yeah just go come outside bro man i want to do it my way bright we have the highway ass [ __ ] shut up we need you to go we need you to win out here [ __ ] outta here so yeah edmond is flapping its wings rather oh here we go here we go it's over oh it's over all right i'm about to drop the boat right here all right now just drain punch kill like i'm smoking haha [Music] attack with this komodo or jolly somebody put him in the calculator yes suave put that in the handy dandy calculator come on mathematician suave are you crunching them numbers or what i'm watching the numbers right now i got the ti 84 out right now 84. i should never hide in my head because i'm different but all right plus 6 drain punch only does 77. oh my god how much the thunder punch dude how much thunder points dude that [ __ ] does all right it died great calculation oh he was rocky yeah i knew he was rocky helmet that's why i asked if we had to do it or not that's what i said great great how did you know this rocky helmet always uses this team the only difference is it has a boue now yeah yeah that is true all right yo kill this [ __ ] with drain punch yeah he not scarf he's dead that's kept that's kind of mean punch yeah drain oh yo don't tell me this shit's faster than us no we're fat play rough this [ __ ] kill it with play roof player off oh my god and we three for three folks three for three they really thought the team was gonna sleep that's crazy go ahead yo man y'all not ready for us y'all not ready for us that was really great that was really impressive victory by all of us that was so bad that was something those were three three merch plugs go check that out three straight saucers anyone you want this one they want me to continue while i'm taking the helmets because i feel like i can come a man i got this what do you think you are who you think you are commenting so i got him that's all you got to know if someone said get him then i got him relax simon man what are we thinking how am i winning this oh you just so you know uh the only one i think he's going to leave i just leave then probably yeah too i think he's leading middle kingdom and he's beam bro it's fine so just go ahead all right but we're on the same page then we'll kill this [ __ ] even though he's only rocks up it doesn't matter i wasn't messing around with a lucario lead i went to the rocks i bet you better than me though i'm [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] remember when you wanted the sd quaker x i'm about to sd again yo mr but what if he just times out what if he gets scared of [ __ ] and his time's out here yeah yo he's been warned he understands that damn he shook his head mr bob's come on man whole lot of creepy [ __ ] come on mr bob yo click mr bombsy guys the mental [ __ ] psychological way they call me summer sun too let it be known now everybody on our team wins who are going to keep meow meow [Music] set up a couple of screenies and then just you know go into a woo back baby hundred percent i just like screaming i on light scream that's all yeah you might be scarf wait me look first me look first all right actually that doesn't matter it doesn't matter just y'all cause if he's got he's did you yawn perfect this is even reflect yeah i mean you reflect you reflect you're right because he's gonna he's gonna defuck but i just yawn oh he's a dark type bro all right what do i click here reflects though yeah you just reflect i mean at least we already broke this on this kid you know you care yeah so because even if he goes back in the mandibles a hundred times like he still has to defug you know [Music] i mean you can catch him on a correct switch too did you yawn yeah he's 100 switching he's 100 switching he doesn't have or nothing so if he goes mandy why don't you listen to my bliss this is good same [ __ ] so oh you just sucked on this it's over oh he's crazy uh you know what you do just oh you just dropped punches once oh just hard belly just punched him in the face if i heard bellied someone we would have died no you were right yeah watch this let me count on me all right that's about to kill yo that's a better kill you're crazy for that you know funny [ __ ] you're crazy for that scarf well now he goes so rude later on the calculator you see you see that see that uh what's that [ __ ] called the sludge wave kill this rudy snooze wow oh we're jungle healing we're straight yeah are we healing out of the jungle jungle fever yeah it's been like it's been like 24 turns but oh like 20 cards some about to make me two-tone text for the woo experiment we're getting 12k views on this oh with the five stars in the middle gold all through everything it was taking this man so long he don't want to lose he don't want to go out like this oh he went forward he tried it while they preach that [ __ ] song all right look at that let's get it let's get another one i'm bumping you with hitting the line sorry son i'm out here feeding for some dubs and i'm saying all right are you feeding it for the all right go ahead bro i'm dead okay okay take let's take care of this man oh so let me speak someone listen i'm gonna tell y'all yeah cause i'm sorry either you can be landers i think i think so but i don't want him i'm seeing pointy shot with the little uh bro you're gonna be good yo yo he might be off uh what's it called right do i get rocks up if you outspeed me for sure and you can ask because you can go to the root after even if but no but doesn't if he pumps i think he's gonna defog pretty sure you do the pump kills yeah anyways whatever set up with uh i was about to say i'm about to dodge all wisps oh god the fact when i'm sweeping if you got one more left second to come over [Music] he does because he goes into rachi right he tries the versace versace but he didn't work like the only thing he can do is a versace versace that's all he can do that [ __ ] out of style right now i'm serious crazy wait yeah communicating [Music] right you're on the same page let's synchronize right all right i'm looking at it looking at it let's listen listen right the grinch right you remember the grinch that's still christmas right yeah yeah i got it in my head imagine the bridge imagine i know imagine the grinch right but blue and it's not woven i'm saying that's so good oh sam you could have this doesn't have to play roof right no it is yeah this doesn't happen [Music] oh that motherfucker's choice banded yeah what the [ __ ] [Music] and he tries to go back into the diggers do i just hot sweetie come over still we have to rain we can still like force him in the back later [Music] yeah yeah probably 40 yeah whatever exactly geez you can just power right now i want to you first let him ch or you can power with either one works on don't worry about it because look right so we done there you don't worry about it don't worry about going wait well he was going to go to the incident regardless do you know what they're saying you know what i said you always get too comfortable we're going to see we're going to see this is tough that's a tough look yeah that's what i'm saying i'm about to you know what i'm saying do i mean look first we'll just still have u-turn this has youtube bro yeah i just reflect [Music] reflect [Music] i mean what if i yawn to force out a switch into what if i yawn and he's forced to switch what do you think you can look the next turn go out to the incineroar you think you're going to oh i already did it yo don't worry about it let me see you think it just kills this no i think you live knock off you're right you came in for free um you can't let the car go again then you lose oh this is over you lost already yeah i can't we gotta we gotta do something um okay but now who's he going into he's going into digsby right we just sack this we sagged this dude he's gonna live because he uh reflect okay so what do i do worse for us that we live honestly so what does that matter can we stay in a belly drum now if he goes rawchy i think he's gonna he has to go there probably clunk what does he hit his with point ice punch what is he yeah and you die [ __ ] kill through the reflect well if we barely jump bring a drain punch first three turns to reflect yeah you can get ko this see you good now you just kill this with drain punch oh my god i did so much you're right they're so strong can we get hella hp now yeah i'm not allowed to try to totally drink which kills dreams actually am i only 35. i just saw into the future and they told me it killed okay it'll it'll he'll die after the flamework if anything in the end but yeah whatever i saw the future and they told me we we killed okay who do we who do we lead with what we go into oh just click drain punch and kill this first i wouldn't click those what are we doing next turn i said drain punch what's this guy thinking about what's bizarre blizzard busy blizzard yo what are we doing this turn i think you just drink yo you hit the drain punch again you have to yeah we have to reflect up regardless it doesn't matter he should just warn you just drain yeah see if we live so because uh the chip he leached that's nice a minute no we can't so now we just damn dream punch you spam dream yeah well this sub is gonna break it's gonna break but if we have enough let me no no you're right you do the spam dream punch yeah i think we recover more in the end just because of terrain yo that does so much [ __ ] damage all reflect was up when he with the sub yes i don't think we said this i think we go this is rude here because this is still good versus everything except for this this [ __ ] is done at this point why would mcgiron be beating diggers be when there's jirachi you never know how this is built like that trust me [ __ ] ass komodo okay it's that where we sack meow or right what settle come y'all stick even force at this point enemies reflect which is not bad though we might like meow stick that's why i'm saying you sag this i don't know why you want to keep this so bad what does this do for us let me just throw the punch maybe get a fish this is gonna die do you think we need the the chip i drain punch you can do whatever you need to sub again if you want oh perro all right let's see why does he have score of diggers beasts and what kind of a generation we in so he tried to give it to you with the power word but you didn't want it yo yo yo i think yo just got me out so you gotta reflect i'm gonna run out of time bro yeah dude you be taking 100 hours per turn just reflect let's see what we can get biggie going hot in cinderella just reflect sama already clicked it's him uh yeah i mean if i'm him i would just go to incineroar or diggersby you still get a little not as light screen what for what though i don't i just you want to reflect again shut up no i said light screen yeah because because you don't want anything to get knocked yeah i mean there's nothing like something happening regarding the shot out then he goes to the root yeah but then he still goes [ __ ] be yo this is so painful some four minutes per turn and walking light screen again hey yo i gotta make this its own chapter in the video this [ __ ] is horrible this is [ __ ] horrible five minutes for a turn yo i'm taking over wait now what wait he's just gonna knock off your citrus bro so i'm gonna go for belly jump it's the only way now i know but i'm just saying it like so i'm gonna take another 40 seconds to belly drum too oh we're faster all right all right just crit the bullet bro that's all you got to do is grip the boolea the leech with the with the jet we can do what we can do we can do it right it really is that all right let's get it bro just create it bro yo all right well try to win with mcgregor now and there's nothing else we could do we can do something let's just go first right yeah we have parade we have to rain like how much do we live oh it doesn't have lefties this has [ __ ] weird you have to see him oh really damn now the players are coming out hot huh shut the [ __ ] up this game was so funny y'all's ass yeah i gave every play but y'all was addicted to losing this one no you did not give any play i think i gave you every played this game i think i probably gave every player no no no no no no bro you gotta understand ain't no brain here yo this [ __ ] was bad it's not looking good for the woo yo his man's already left the game he was like [ __ ] this [ __ ] i need to take this one all right let me see this i feel depression after that game oh he gets taken by the zoomer this is luke magnificent [Music] all right swabbie tell her go tell us through the gameplay you gotta talk son what are we doing turn one looking at a yarn he's gonna i'm forced to defog okay all right that's fine he's gonna do some right here but he has nothing for the uh for the commodore he's not gonna hurricane here i see four difficult [ __ ] on his side of the screen kick all right but now i'm faster all right but so i get the drain punch off [Music] yo we got to turn the energies around we got to go full moves hold up everything that was a nice way to play komodo it was crazy that was that was crazy [Music] yo since when they made that [ __ ] 3d okay he got on rick owens blunder yeah crazy crazy like that [ __ ] i can't go down bad like that [ __ ] you me oh look at jax hey y'all all right all right i just got a dodge i just got a dodge damn oh no oh no that [ __ ] was crazy two of the worst played game scene of the of 20. you're a dog that was one of the hardest players we've ever seen before 2020 as these two gave us some of the worst shits i've ever seen you're guarding me that was actually those are actually i think the two worst games i've ever seen in my life no i think you are the worst player but it was crazy though i'm proud of y'all though you're my wait for the next blue moon for you to come back monday you gotta wait no more features after this one the show is done you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying so i get the sd right here you know man all right well i'll be the type of you know what we call suave trying to be a trophy with no driver's license blender show them how you whip it i don't know us say you said they're not with the vision they're not with the division there's much to be learned agent suave belong to battle man next time don't let me have a drugstore team was a rude one now you blame me the team was the last remember the last time what i said yeah yeah the team we all used that's crazy the team we all used huh i don't mean it's not bad hey all i'm gonna say is you got ghosts in your match man my knowledge we all use the same team uh to my knowledge all right so uh for my calculations we're gonna go to uh komodo here precisely wow how does it feel getting such free match-ups bro ah match and blender okay as if blunder as if i could why didn't you first why would i have subbed so you could belly drum this turn he could have written the story like ah we all won one and exactly exactly call this [ __ ] damn when sama honcho catches him you know what just for you just for you check this sub out but you're recruiting in the half and a half now i appreciate the sub you [ __ ] and a half i oh my god he got wet up jesus christ wait up like you got your last game what are you talking about you lost worse than me i take five minutes per turn and get waxed like this game was so [ __ ] painful summer took five minutes to click all the wrong moves after after asking us for the right move and taking three minutes for each of them that [ __ ] was too i'm playing this one i'm playing this one hell no hell no play against the dude i ain't letting you take 45 minutes per turn to throw versus stall [ __ ] you me winning this [ __ ] had the quickest game though no i had you didn't have something your game took 400 hours no the first win was the quickest game that i had oh agency skill dodge blunder how well have i beat this [ __ ] you know that's what i said the funny hats is over for you that's the truth the funny hats it's uh i'm gonna you see the gas that's coming out of his pipes yo suave why you get a little always like this all right yo what we doing now oh huh i guess this will be on you just go hard and hope she sleep for three turns i'm gonna go to this [ __ ] no quake before you boom am i just rocks what a legend this shit's a big ass threat though oh yo heal the jungle right now let's go meg heal the [Music] why wouldn't you go course a little course that needs to get banned bro there were a car called corsola how are we supposed to beat this [Music] isn't it jungle hill where he did that juggle heal on the machina yo i hit a couple of turns wait a minute yo what are you looking good for me don't worry is getting fulfilled that is true but don't worry i'm gonna get out of here everything is coming to fruition you see the evil the evil the evil i caught him they plan out the minds within our own circle treacheries and everything treachery is imminent treachery is imminent oh today all right he's going to get this kill and he's going to let you belly drummer come on no funny do you have knock do you have knockoff on the on the room yeah oh yeah so that texas gaga right but he has a [ __ ] ditto wait that's just that 55 though yeah we're going to win yeah and you live the jet don't you hopefully we beat wheezing if that should neutralize gas is my huge power we lose it's levitate oh good then i hope you take credit objectives cause yeah because he came in and he didn't neutralize the gas bro that's all i had to know but i thought he was neutralizing gas because he was obviously smoking on you my bad damn how is he smoking on me when i wasn't even playing you trying to be slick with it shut up shut up how are you gonna push me out the rotation and still lose no bro just oh [ __ ] oh you lost lost umural team we're not using that dog [ __ ] look we got some [ __ ] ho right here all right see bring this [ __ ] cuz this [ __ ] got no brain you wanna take it me yeah no i'm he's leading with spider right he's leading with the poor spider better yeah he's like a spider spider and i'm leading with dude all right we'll play that one after wait so which one is mine again i played the electric one wait the electric ones suave you want me to play the the one with that already click coco this guy's not clicking all right what are we doing are we playing this we're not just going to play this i'm tired of this the root team i don't want to see that team anymore let's just use this i i want to do one game at a time i feel like that's better anyways you think this might you should have kept that one open without timer on because this guy's i think he's might just sleep this tight go baby dude all right summer here's the heck here's the hack here's what you're gonna do okay tell me the game plan you're gonna lead off with oh where's this pokemon man his name okay and doris real smoothie he already clicked coco how about a time to leave coco when he already led it he got it he just he just reminded me the game plan continue you got it all right okay you know we got to sit down technical baby does because this motherfucker's taking a year i'm saying so i lead cuckoo oh he went he trans this is wrong bro bro you don't even know that you're a physical coco get like light screen and then get a kill yeah well you could light screen first to get the uh so you could live cause he's gonna eat ep right what if it's a roll you better put that in the calculator suave before you talk already hockey [ __ ] yo i want to go to you know you're going to get and just win he's uh well he's you can go wild charge too if you want i mean you're going to die to recoil so just a recoil yeah it's eruption you'll probably die yeah because look look look look oh yeah he still has full hp i don't go assuming with full hp right yeah yeah i guess you do have to wire charge yeah while charge goes um beat this man defeat him hey defeat him got it son god damn what if you are using that flamethrower flamethrower [ __ ] that we saw in the tour lately don't worry about all that better not be i just saw the future they said it's not that uh whenever you see the future that's good i know you know a [ __ ] like me i see yo you think the oracle need is a sash hell no right damn oh we're [ __ ] oh now we're going to drageen do we you think he's switching in the manibus i mean he should oh should i d dding doesn't do anything against the man but yeah you could just you could just quake but if he does go manda buzz you could go hard with you know and then double out into landorus on a switch to heatran right yeah yeah so go mag on this i mean he's he might he's probably gonna [ __ ] oh he knocked okay okay all right now you could just go into uh into landorus on a c train switch or if you want you could shift gear because you have the light screen up and tran is low what what what kind of cocoa do you think it is yes what do you think that is his isn't anything special okay i don't think his is anything special professionally like oh bro we have three kids we don't have the autosphere set on this so what are we doing i don't think i think he trend lives even if we settle actually you don't even have to shift gear you could just calm mind yeah you sure yeah that's true okay because we have screened up still of course yeah and he's mad low so you could either live eruption oh bro what if he was again did you forget yeah it doesn't matter then you don't have you could just store power and get shipped on this drawer i feel like he might be inclined to stay in and uh like fire and move yeah should i mind yeah but he's only at 40 percent i mean he can't have like lava plume or some [ __ ] in the back yeah but i mean yeah but i'm saying it's just going to roar all right so let me just call mine all right now you you could just do a wing beat how much does that do on amanda actually what if this is some [ __ ] flame body [ __ ] just quake just quick wait flame is already released on this yeah [Music] i feel like one of these turns is going to predict and just go hard into some way rocks is up the trend dies next time so i can just go home again that doesn't matter he's just going to defend though it's fine because uh we set up again wait you should go on this now this should be there's two weeks all right this team is so [ __ ] stupid what [ __ ] he's making ominous you're gonna lose this shit's gonna [ __ ] roar everybody out and kill everybody with a future sight what is this this is this this is evil this could still win this can't lose to win if you if he gets to reign on his own coco what do you think about the moves off because just kill some get rid of these rules i don't know do i think he might i think he might uh do let me just knock him oh he does what the [ __ ] is this listen listen listen listen if everything dies he still loses to the my gear now bro it's over he blunted isn't he correct because what does that iraq want to do right i think he's right if he if it's sash he takes 25 from from thing if he's uh heavy duty boots then he dies dead bro i know so he's right we just keep mcginn in the end bro you gotta click bro let me just uh let me just quick sd why didn't you just quit wow [Music] he probably he's probably going to switch to the mandy but no one i'll eq now right sd yo is like this why just but does it does this is why we correct about the mag winning in the end yeah he's right crit this doesn't do a wing beat now kill it okay yeah yeah just do that just doing b bro just do it he doesn't kill me right just do it knock that [ __ ] oh let's do it again do it again oh my god you got a dd [Music] got to crit one of these i'll do it be like come on grip both okay so he sucks the trend you can just uh he's gonna go through the menu you can stack landers you can stack lucha you can stack all these [ __ ] if if landers dies if landers die yeah yeah don't sack landers what do you do yeah now you see him oh you see him you know because he has a whirlwind this so you could drain and kiss for uh hp training kiss for hp get your hp back with journey kiss yeah that's not yeah you can roost on this if you want even this you can roost on yeah we you just need to do anything it's free because even if you roast me out i still have the boost we go for chip oh in the end this stupid set loses we're good how many he has 13 rules i have 14 wing beats everything dice the the the quake over again in the back anyway my chipping get your chip in oh that's looking mighty fun yo just quick ones quick ones quick ones why don't you should roost oh yeah i should keep this you're right just click once yeah nice okay oh whoa no coco u-turns he goes into reggie what do you do here you gotta explode here you have to wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait dude boom or do you set up a dragonite i think you said that you have to get up oh right wait what if his wait his mana buzz went for knock off not foul play yeah maybe just uh boom then [ __ ] well if you boom i might as well just gonna t-bold and beat us let me boys away anything i think spam rocks haven't killed us then go into the d knight and then uh why would we why would we spam rocks if we if he dies like brenda said he goes coco coco out speeds the uh uh this is what specs dazzle some [ __ ] i love the electric type yeah yeah i think we need speed but how much do we get if we uh because rachel like is max speed right 548. yeah you need plus three does speed that [ __ ] that's crazy oh okay the rocks if we explode here he's gonna go coco after so yeah so we have to you we have to go hard d knight and dd on this stuff yeah i have him killed us because what does this thing do does this thing set up webs what does it do yeah we don't care about anyways all right then sd or earthquake or earthquake or earthquake yeah more chip oh he realized he [ __ ] up so now what no you just now he's just [ __ ] sd right you [ __ ] just sacked this dude you just need to get my gear in getting in here he has woven on this tool just revealed it what the hell is this team this [ __ ] is so crazy yeah this is [ __ ] this is a dream though bro i don't think he's foul playing i think he's not just worldwide mind or draining kiss you can do whatever you can just training cuz oh see he's he's winding right yeah he still did it i said that a lot yo just dd bro i really don't think he's not going out i think he's well bending oh he knocked off now you roost him oh you don't even mean because he wouldn't kill him a wing beat just roost oh okay things though that's fine okay now that land was dead what are we going to mag i think yeah you have to go back and drain the kids [Music] because of dragon summer games really take four hours per turn how is this possible you have these interesting matchups hell no ain't nobody interested about this oh he's clicked his roar of this game hey turn 50 is he gonna pick something else oh my god no hurry up [ __ ] no no kill the dragon knight you need to let the dragon knight die so you could not get whirlwinded on the gear and get a free ship gear okay good job we lost because of that let's go we're good holy [ __ ] that is so much not we had the fifth gear shift gear here and make a difference yeah yeah i know it doesn't make any difference but it was maybe he sucks at it here he gets scared yeah maybe yeah you have to shift gear like this summer another one like this it's looking difficult going out was sad sama yo i got it nevermind there was a reward for guessing the right set you'd be the winner of the game minus points you are correct i would give you back five points you would get five gold stars i'd be putting in the thumbnail what's it crazy let's take all right let me take this one thank you no this one's mine okay london's done with these [ __ ] from the backseat trying to take this the wheel i was gonna leave the room but okay you're better than me that's fine that's fun you're gonna why don't you sd and explode on the damn swampert stop asking them for it yo these backseat [ __ ] never know when to stop at least i'm being humble about you know what i'm saying oh wait why did you really try to boom are you stupid i just felt like trying it out you know [ __ ] like me be creative see a [ __ ] like you not even creative you wouldn't have thought i just told you why would you try to die because i'm different you wouldn't have thought no you're dead shut up they mad you know what happened what is the assault syndrome sickness jumped over to you that's why you're making these please you got suavit19 somebody else help my god [Music] he got your you got your favorite [ __ ] in the back the feeble and that [ __ ] those are my favorites you are right comedy gorson yo crazy woman one to tell me what you're doing what's the top thought process behind this you drowsy you know yeah from my calculations so what you're getting up the the light screen or the the reflect because they're all shifu what are you getting bubbles we're going to screen up here right like it's nothing like it's nothing where are your lights you live the next moon blood effects we're going to go hard and sweep him oh blunt immaculate maneuver because the zappos already dead because of your calculated whose sacrifice that's what i do you know what i do and who i do it for that's all i got a merry woman you know what i do and who i do it for that's all i got to say that threw it up that's all that's all i gotta say you know what i do and what i'm looking for all right bro i'm just broke wait what oh wait wait wait wait to see it didn't see it even possible no the [ __ ] is that how did that [ __ ] live bro that must have been like a negative role nah there must have been negative rule and that [ __ ] went into the builder and said let me calculate five evs for this [ __ ] yo you hacked oh no you're losing and i'm just supposed to hold that yeah last one this is for all the chips the dips and the dips he said sorry for using the opium ons the what what opiemann's [ __ ] why did you load up jt sand [ __ ] that other team that [ __ ] was so garbage yo we undefeated with jt sin all right what we leading off with this is team effort man so you know this theme is called sd no yeah sd you're going to get rock clip yeah this is called bobby drill are you going to tell us what our team's name is what if he goes mcgee's on the rocks that's just gravity i think is very weird it's all right we just need to break his [ __ ] with earthquake and then uh now we go we go hippo oh you're right you all right uh in this house yo that hydragon is getting fried thanks no it dies it's just getting fried [ __ ] out of here we're adding guys bobby did it [Music] watch this goofy ass ace what are you doing g it's in the race stand stop just like swally blender why you doing like that all right let's jack t i think what's that so we can get eject buttoned out in the drill and just sweep this [ __ ] please but we don't have the gravity though bro how are we going to hit the how are we going to hit the thing lucha well abandoned iron head don't worry about that [ __ ] lucha don't worry about him wait we staying in right yeah yeah we have to go go for the sauce you got it son agency kill all right what if he's drained all right second lender's here wait wait what if he has these again [Music] [ __ ] he would never all right so then go linderous i knew it i know all right all right hold on hold on let me think about this i know i was gonna say how do we not lose to uh because the mcgear is too late we're already going all right you just have to you have to go hard uh we do it jt so after some tough ones we get a super win there too easy hope y'all enjoyed check out suave check out osama go check out the merch while it's here while it's hot all right it's all right january 2nd a woman another one-hour video for y'all hope y'all enjoyed i will see you all soon streaming peace
Channel: blunder
Views: 31,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thunderblunder777, pokemon, pokemon showdown, smogon, smogon ou, smogon tiers, smogon battle simulator, pokemon (brand), pokemon battle, pokemon live, pokemon sun and moon, competitive pokemon, overused, sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon sword and shield, agency, heatah fajita
Id: Xz357ytBWY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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