AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals Hints and Tips - Over 100K Views!

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I feel like I should ask for his workout also. He brought guns to the test!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/FluffyClamShell 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just watched this and sitting the exam tomorrow so great timing! Thank you very much for your videos

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/marbul83 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Best AZ-900 prep content out there!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dreadpiratewombat 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Do I need this exam before taking AZ-104?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Artificial_Batman 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

31 questions on an exam that is supposed to be 40-60 questions?

Sounds like the exam is CAT based.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DontStopNowBaby 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone so in this video I actually wanted to walk through I guess a few hints and tips about AZ 900 the azure fundamentals now I hadn't taken this exam until Tuesday and I'd not taking it because I've done a lot of our exams I've done obviously like the architect expert the DevOps expert the data the security the admin engineer certifications and all of those but I never did the fundamentals the reason I took it is really twofold a number of people actually emailed me asking hey do you have anything to help with AZ 900 and I'm about to release my Azure master class just on my youtube channel and I was curious about what level of detail you need for AZ 900 so I figured I'd take the exam and kind of find out having a bit of fun as well I was gonna try and speed take it. I had a bet with some colleagues I could finish in under 15 minutes I actually finished in 10 minutes 30 in the end and I did pass and I got 940 which means I'd got two questions wrong so you get 60 minutes and my test was 31 questions it says about 30 points a question and what I want to really walk through in this is just I think some key points that may help now I wanna stress this is not all-encompassing again I took the test I didn't look at the syllabus I didn't study I still haven't so this is really just based on what I saw I think the key constructs you need to know if you look at kind of Thomas Maurer and Tim Warner they both have phenomenal sets I see them constantly posting about AZ 900 they're super smart guys they're brilliant instructors can we look at their content so that's the place to go for a real in-depth AZ 900 study this is gonna be maybe an hour of maybe like a study cram for the really things that I I think you need to know and that will help but definitely go and look at those guys material that the top quality stuff so again 31 questions 60 minutes it says is 90 minute exam that includes kind of the checking and survey stuff it's actually a 60 minute and I took it at home all you need is a computer they want one monitor attached you just need a camera and microphone and speakers doesn't need a headset what you do is you have to use your camera to take a picture of your driving license you and then kind of the four views around your workspace to make sure you're not cheating so again you can't have a multi-monitor setup one display and so when we think about what do we need to know I think you need to start off with governance at a fairly high level so when I think about governance the first part that is obviously an identity now we probably have an idea that on premises we have kind of Active Directory that's that Kerberos NTLM we have users groups machines joined to that I can do group policy now in the cloud we have this Azure AD thing and Azure AD is great for things like OAuth, Open ID Connect SAML WS-fed it has built in Federation's to thousands of SaaS apps so if I'm going to get started in the cloud I have to have an azure active directory now by default you'll get kind of an on Microsoft name you can add a custom domain name so you could match kind of the domain name you use on prem, for example now I can create cloud accounts I can create users directly in Azure ad but didn't have an Active Directory great you'd probably do that I need to populate it with accounts if I have an existing ad though I don't want to recreate separate accounts I want to be able to synchronize my accounts up if you're going to use a component called Azure AD connect an azure ad Connect is going to replicate your user and group objects up into Azure AD so the users get a consistent experience I can also optionally send up a hash of the password hash it's not the original hashed or delayed it's a hash of the hash of thousand iterations etc so if you can traverse it it's sorted so now I have actually the same hash in there that would enable me to authenticate directly against Azure AD and authenticate in Azure AD if I don't want to send up the password hashes or if I do but still want to authenticate against my own Prem then I can still do either something called pass-through authentication that's where now there is kind of a service bus queue where an authentication request goes to wait and there are agents you deploy on Prem that listen to that queue do the authentication send up a yes no the other option is I could absolutely just do regular federation so now I authenticate here actually bounce authenticate here and I get a kind of SAML token back for all of these as the user I can still get a seamless authentication experience ie I'm not getting prompted to authenticate for things that trust Azure AD for Federation you just get single sign-on for pass-through authentication and if I'm using the password hash we have seamless sign-on the experience is the same if I'm on a machine that has line-of-sight to a domain controller and I'm authenticated against ad I'm good to go so understand I need Azure AD if I'm getting started I need to populate it with accounts the best option if I have an AD is I want to replicate them using Azure AD Connect so that's kind of part one I have to get the identity right once I have the identity in Azure ad again I mentioned there's a whole bunch of kind of built in, existing Federation's to other SaaS apps, software as a service and I can utilize those and one of the things I can do up here is something called conditional access so conditional access lets me say hey for conditions there could be a particular app, a particular group of users and particular locations particular risk level so I can determine the users risk using Azure ad identity protection that's an azure ad p2 feature I have these conditions and then I can require a certain thing so for example I might say I require MFA so again we can do MFA up here I could require my device to be a known device hybrid joined it could have to be healthy according to Intune so I can do a lot of things in the Azure AD but conditional access is huge it helps me control, again conditional access is a p1 or above feature MFA is now available across all of the SKUs even the free ones as part of security defaults but if I want to use MFA as part conditional access then it's that p1 Azure AD feature so I need to get my identity in place conditional access can be used to kind of control things okay I have all the users in Azure ad there is something called administrative units so I can use these administrative units to kind of break up users into these units and then delegate particular users be managed by different groups of people if you know Active Directory you have kind of organizational units this would be a kind of equivalent I can delegate certain people to manage certain users within azure ad so there's an admin, this is a fairly new feature so probably won't come in the exam, don't know, but just be aware that that kind of functionality is coming so this is all about identity now then we start to think about well what about my Azure resources so we organized our Azure subscriptions that's what we create stuff and in an enterprise I'm probably gonna use management groups so we have kind of this root management group that by default lives under our Azure ad tenant and I can then create a hierarchy of management groups and the things we can do with management groups are I can apply a management group level role based access control this is where I have roles and a role is really a grouping of actions I can perform against certain Azure resources and then I grant those roles to groups or users so for example I could say you're a virtual machine contributor I can create VMs I can manage them. There are also things like owner contributor, reader they're more generic. Owner means I can do anything and I can change the permissions contributor means I can do anything but I can't change the permissions Reader means hey you can probably work that one out for yourself so with RBAC I have roles I assign them that role to users at a certain scope and I say users, ideally its groups at a certain scope in this case my scope is a management group level and it will get inherited down so within these management groups wherever that hierarchy stops at some point I'm going to create a subscription and once again I can apply RBAC there any RBAC I set at that management group will get inherited down and I can also explicitly set RBAC at a subscription now additionally in addition to RBAC I can also set policy once again this will get inherited down policy is super powerful if you think about in the old days on premises and I want a resource I make a request to the admin say hey I need this resource the admin would look at my request and they say well you can't do that public IP that's a security risk you can't create the things over there in the cloud especially things like DevOps I can't have some human being checking things as part of my process so we need guard rails and the guard rails define what we can do what meets our compliance requirements and enforces them so that's what Azure policy does so as your policy could say hey you can use these regions and you can use this type of storage account ie it must be GRS it must replicate to another region you can't use the m-series it's too expensive for dev and I might have our dev and prod structures in there and again they get inherited down so that's super powerful in terms of controlling what someone could do so if I was like hey you need to stop someone deploying to a certain region I would use policy to do that hey I need to give someone the ability to manage VMs well that would be role based access control and then I can also do budget. Budget enables me to specify kind of a dollar value there's metrics as well to say you can spend this much and I can configure alerts at certain threshold percentages so hey at 70% call this action group so an action group is usually used for azure monitor and it's a response to an alert. An alert could be a metric it could be a type of log but essentially an action group defines a list of actions send an email send an SMS message send the azure app on your phone call a web hook call an ITSM so I can do those so it's 70% of my budget send an email at 80% send a more aggressive email at 90% send a threatening guard whatever you want to do so I can set these three things at my management group and they will get inherited down I can also set those three things and a subscription level now can we talk about subscriptions and I know this from the questions I got wrong there are different types of ways I can get a subscription now there were ones that I'm going to get as part of an Enterprise Agreement where there's account owners I can just do pay-as-you-go there is a free subscription I had no clue what free subscription limits were or anything else make sure you know those things but that's a super useful thing if I have MSDN, Visual Studio I get certain amount of credits so understand there's different ways to get subscription and there might be different limits and capabilities on those so have an understanding of what they are so in the subscription I can apply those things as well within a subscription we create resource groups and I think of a resource group as bringing together things that share a common lifecycle they're going to get created together they run together they are going to get decommissioned together it's all the components that make that service work so if I had an application and it had sort of some web front-ends it had a database it had a load balancer I probably put all of those things in a resource group together and once again I can apply RBAC policy and budget at that level you can kind of see and I have lots of resource groups but a resource ie virtual machine a storage account a SQL database lives in one and only one resource group I cannot nest resource groups it's flat so in here I might have a VM I might have kind of a storage account and might have some kind of load balancer whatever that might be I have all the bits that make that application work lots of VMs behind the load balancer now I can do things like RBAC directly to a resource we don't the lowest level we ever go for RBAC is at a resource group there are certain types of automation that may go and apply permissions directly to resources we do not play in that world that's something something else does entirely now when I have these resources when I have these resource groups when I have these subscriptions these management groups there's a very useful type of metadata that I can apply and it's called tags a tag is just a key value pair it's all it is and I can assign these to a resource group a resource a subscription a management group they're there to help me manage things a common tag might be a cost center or Department it might be an app it could be an owner the things that are useful to me I can use these to search for things to organize I can use them for billing API so when I think about cost I can run billing reports how much did this subscription cost me how much did this resource group cost me how much did everything under this management group cost me how much did everything tagged with cost Center X cost me so again if I'm trying to maybe see something about hey I want to be able to track costs on something how would I do this what would I use well if I created a tag for my cost center or project I'd be able to see that in the billing reports so tagging is super powerful but it's just key value I can really put whatever I want in now so that there's some kind of the key construct things now how do we interact how do I actually go and use Azure so when I think about okay we've got the azure cloud and I want to interact and do stuff the obvious one is kind of a portal there is I can go to that there's a whole different list of kind of browsers you can use with that the key point here is you can go and look these up but it's like obviously edge and Chrome and Firefox and Safari which means hey if it's Windows Linux Mac OS it's gonna be able to use that then you'll hear about kind of the azure CLI again there's versions of that for all of those things then you want to hear about or PowerShell and there's an AZ module well the AZ module runs on PowerShell the core PowerShell core is cross-platform Windows the things Mac OS as is the AZ module so essentially there's three core ways we think about interacting and of course there's a REST API as well which would work from anything that can do to a restful call I can use a cross-platform Windows Mac OS it's just gonna work across those so if I think about how do I interact any of those kind of major platforms is gonna work now when I actually think about creating something yes I can create things through any of those behind the scenes Azure is actually JSON if you go and look at like if you create things in the portal there's normally like an export and even if you've created already there's an export kind of button it will show you the JSON this is called an azure resource manager template and it's a declarative technology and I've got another video that talks about imperative vs. declarative essentially declarative means this is what I want the end state to be I'm not telling you how to do it this is what I want it to look like go and make it happen excuse me thirsty so behind the scenes it's all JSON and so if I want to create things in a vey consistent manner if I want to make sure I'm deploying it exactly the same way across environments the best way to actually provision things is an arm template and I can call those from any of those things but I create an arm template which is JSON that defines all of my resources variables and I apply that to Azure and it will make it so hey create this storage account or I want this storage account of this config I want these virtual machines I want this scale set I want those things just do it so when I think about creating things the best option is to use an arm template again I can see arm from like the portal I can go look at existing resources I can go and look at resources but if I see anything about hey you need to create things you need to make sure it's consistent across multiple environments can I use an arm template if I use an arm template that's the answer now there are other technologies out there things like terraform is cross-platform so that would let me do this same declarative deployment across Azure and AWS and Google cloud and VMware and Kubernetes this kind of goes on there is providers for everything and I doubt there'll be things about that but realize that's another declarative technology and that I could absolutely use so that's when we think about actually provisioning things and make sure you understand there are limits so just regular add your subscriptions and there were limits obviously this free account they are limits so just kind of understand those things are out there and exist I made some notes so I'm just checking I don't forget stuff so when I think about now creating stuff remember Azure is this cloud but really there's no such thing as the cloud as such if you think about it Azure is made up of lots of what we call regions so we can have kind of a region one there's another region and they were tons of regions in the United States and Europe and Asia Australia you name it there's kind of regions there now most of their part the commercial cloud which means we can all use them there are some sovereign clouds sovereign cloud would be for example Germany has a sovereign cloud China has a sovereign cloud US government has a sovereign cloud so you have to be part of those countries or organizations to use that but essentially we have regions and these are all connected to this kind of massive Microsoft backbone network that's one of the biggest in the world it spans the world they had submarines dropping cables under the Atlantic so it's massive super performant network and when I deploy things I deploy to a region I want to deploy to south central us to East us East us 2 West us Europe whatever that might be so I can think about I deploy to a region but a region is actually made up typically of more than one data center so I might think well yeah there's like a data center there there's another data center and you see say there's three data centers picking a number that almost completely at random these are actually exposed to a number of regions today and you'll see them called availability zones moving your subscription for each region you'll typically see AZ one two and three these are not physical there's not actually a building with one written on it my AZ one in my subscription might be someone else's AZ 3 in their subscription but they are consistent and any individual subscription and the point of the availability zones is they have independent kind of communications and cooling and power and water so when I think about resiliency I would typically deploy my resource across different availability zones now they have something called a standard load balancer to distribute the traffic among those so what an availability zone is given me is resiliency at a data center level so if a data center failure needs to be survived I need to use availability zones so that will give me resiliency the blast radius from availability zone is a physical kind of building so if I want to be resilient against a data center level failure I need to deploy to availability zones there is another construct to resiliency and this kind of lives within a particular building even smaller in our pen now if you think about it it just wraps and racks of servers called stamps these are all deployed so the other construct I can actually use is something called an availability set so an availability set is essentially three fault domains because they are fault domain zero one two and what happens is the resources I deploy will get distributed over those three fault domains or racks so an availability set would give me protection the blast radius would be a rack level failure top of rack switch power supply units an individual server but it would not protect me from a data center level failure so datacenter goes down my availability set is in the same data center so availability set protects me from a rack server level failure availability zone protects me from a data center level failure via sort of distributing across them of course if I want to survive a region level disaster that I have to deploy to multiple regions so if I if I want to survive an entire region being unavailable I need to deploy to multiple regions then I have to balance my traffic between them say my traffic manager just dns-based or I could use Azurer front door if it was HTTP HTTPS so that's how I could do that it's like 7:00 a.m. I just worked out for three hours some pretty thirsty so they're kind of some key constructs I think about during deployment okay so let's actually think about what do I actually do within these things so the first construct often we need is a network and I can actually think about so if we zoom out for a second pick a pen, a virtual network I can think about what I have my subscription so I have a subscription within a subscription I can use many many regions so I pick a particular region and then within that region and that subscription I create a virtual network the virtual network is just one or more CIDR ranges and a side of ranges that notation where you see kind of the network so it might be ten dot one dot 0 dot 0 slash the number of bits that define the size of that network so we're like a slash 16 so we have equivalent number 255 255 0 0 subnet mask so we write those inside a format normally it's the RFC 1918 the 10 dot the 172 dot 16 192 168 things but you can use our ranges if you want if you own them if you're bringing them you can use that as well so I create a virtual network so again it can't span regions it can't span subscriptions if I'm using multiple regions I would at minimum have a virtual network per region and then I break that up into virtual subnets and that subnet would be a portion of the overall IP space of the virtual network so I'm creating that virtual network so this is where I can then create stuff so I create virtual machines virtual machines scale sets kubernetes hosts many things can actually go and interact with that network now if I have a virtual networks I might have another vnet in the same region it could be just different group maybe prod dev whatever maybe it's in a different subscription maybe it's in a different region I can connect vnets together so I might have another vnet in another region over here using peering so peering just uses the azure backbone to basically connect them together the IP space cannot overlap has to be unique IP space it is not transitive so note it is this vnet here is connected to this vnet this vnet is connected to that vnet they cannot talk I would have to add a vnet connection between those as well so key point peering lets me connect vnets the IP space cannot overlap it is not transitive now I could deploy a virtual network appliance I could apply azure firewall to perform routing I could use something called user-defined routes to specify next hop and make it transitive but natively it is not transitive it will not do that so that's cool got this vnet thing and now you've got your on-prem network so this is your kind of on-premises Network I want to be able to use that now absolutely I could give things a public IP address and there will be times you want to do that I might have something I want to offer a web service to the Internet now yes I have a VM or virtual machines scale set or I'll get into these in a second they have to go to private IP these are IP addresses dynamically allocated from the IP space of the virtual subnet they are placed on I can add a public IP I could give this VM a public IP here as well that's generally very poor form you don't want to do that if I want to make something available I would use a load balancer so I have some kind of load balancer then I have multiple back-end members to answer that traffic it would also then give me resiliency give me scale and then I'd give that a public IP that will be a public load balancer but if I'm on Prem I probably don't want to go via some public endpoint I want a private connectivity I want to think about making Azure an extension of my network so there are a number of ways we can do that and the first is if i was just an individual machine I was just a machine sitting out here and I just want my machine to be able to connect I can do a point to site point to site VPN so I have to have a gateway in Azure that I connect to so the first point is I have to have a gateway subnet so you dedicate it to the azure gateway and the recommendation is a slash 27 it can be as small as a slash 29 but we like such 27 it gives us future flexibility maybe I want an Express route gateway and a site-to-site and point to site gateway so deploy gateway and then I could kind of connect in I would then get an IP address from the gateway and I'd be able to talk to the resources on that vnet or connected to that vnet via peering or whatever just IP routing but when I connect my entire network you really have two choices one is I can do a site-to-site VPN this is gonna use IPSec and again I have to have that gateway subnet the gateway subnet and I have to deploy the VPN gateway into my network so I need a subnet to deploy the Gateway the gateways is a managed component by Azure and I say hey I want a VPN gateway into that gateway subnet so the two things I have to have and now I can establish that VPN connection so now anything sitting on this network can go and talk anything on this can go and talk to this up now essentially connected the networks together so this is encrypted again it's IPSec but it is going over the public Internet so this is just going over the Internet latency I'd don't know, its going over the public Internet it's gonna vary it's not consistent and all I can do over this mainly is stuff that sits within that virtual network I say mainly I'm gonna talk about something else in a second that muddies it slightly but that's the point it's a site-to-site VPN connection over the internet now my other option is remember I drew this kind of line and I said hey there's this Microsoft Network and then I have the regions well you can kind of think about that Microsoft Network and again once again I've got kind of a vnet sitting in here and then I've got my network so Microsoft have a number of edge locations so these are a network edge places this is where Microsoft extends its network to connect to other carriers so we can write Internet offload but also so we can do dedicated private connectivity this is Expressroute so what I can do as a company is I can work with an Express route provider and they will either give me kind of a dedicated connection into a Meet Me location or maybe if I've got MPLS can become a node off of my MPLS essentially now I've connected my network to the Microsoft backbone so thats Express route so with Expressroute it's a dedicated connection and it's private so it's dedicated it's not going over the Internet I pick the circuit speed I want latency is gonna be consistent this is a private connection not bouncing over random hops and random places in the middle now when I establish this connection all I've done is connect my network to the azure or the Microsoft backbone network the next thing I have to do is a peering. a peering lets me actually use the resources so if I'm ready to get to stuff on a vnet then that's going to be private peering so private peering basically says hey I want to connect to that IP space that's a private peering and I can peer to multiple vnets and and it would all go via this meet me location so that's private peering but remember there's also other stuff there's also things like storage accounts and SQL and lots of other great services in Azure well if I want those which is normally public facing internet facing to be available via my Express route then I turn on comething called Microsoft peering and with Microsoft peering these routes that are normally advertised to the Internet now get advertised via there as well and there's a route filter I can use to be more specific and it's really more detail than you need I think the key point will be private peering I'm using Express route to connect to a certain vnet microsoft peering is used to connect to PaaS services so Azure SQL database cosmos DB open databases storage account things that don't live within a vnet now I said there is this is kind of murky middle ground and there is something called private link I'm not gonna go into a lot of detail essentially private link lets me take a resource and it actually now has a private endpoint within my vnet it has an IP address that represents the service so technically now I could be getting to that vnet and still access that PaaS service via private peering or via a site to site VPN because that service is now kind of got its manifestation as a private endpoint again that's probably more detail I would focus on hey I want to get to Azure I can do a point to site VPN connects my machine I have a gateway which is managed by Azure it's a redundant set in a gateway subnet if I want to connect to an entire network I can use a site site VPN which is an encrypted IPSec connection over the Internet or I can use Express route which is a dedicated connection is not encrypted because it doesn't need to be because it's private and then I could do private peering to connect to a vnet based resource Microsoft peering to advertise a subset of resources in selected regions via route filters and over my connection so they're kind of the the key things I think about connecting and the networks together we talked about the network peering again one of the other cool things you could do is if you imagine I had kind of a hub Network and then I had a number of spoke virtual networks they're all connecting to this one as I mentioned I could apply something like Azure firewall to enable those talk to each other but also if I did have kind of that on Prem network and I established some kind of connectivity one of the things I can actually do is to say hey use remote gateway and allow Gateway transit so now these could actually use the connectivity of the hub to go through so that's kind of a nice and that would work site to site VPN or Express route just kind of something nice I can do in there when I do have my virtual network obviously security often comes up so if I think about my vnet and then I have a certain subnet for example the way we can actually control the flow of traffic is actually sent called NSGs network security groups so network security groups let me say hey I'm gonna allow certain flows and that could be based on IP address theres something called service tags so I can name particular Azure services so I could let it talk to as a storage I could let it talk to add a SQL database so I can use NSG's to control so if I went here for example let 443 in from the internet for example I would have to create a rule on the network security group on my subnet to say hey allow 443 from the Internet to this particular VM so NSGs I think about locking down a subject I apply them at the subnet and they're enforced at the NIC but we very rarely will apply it to a network card you can do that as well Generally we create these rules we apply it at the subnet now another alternative to NSGs would be something like Azure firewall so Azure firewall it's kind of this edge device that I would make up the traffic flow and again if I was using Azure firewall then I would modify Azurefirewall to allow that type of traffic to actually come through so that that's another option for controlling those things I only talked about load balancer if I have a scenario where I have kind of lots of resources offering the service we use an azure load balancer which is a layer 4 construct so it's operating at kinda so it's layer 4 which means it's kind of UDP TCP if I was using a web service like HTTP HTTPS then I can instead use App Gateway App Gateway as a layer 7 so it understands HTTP then I can do little cookie based affinity and path rewriting SSL offload things like that so that helps me again balance traffic queues health probes to check is it really there so those types of things that's pretty as much networking I think a super high level from a storage perspective the simplest thing generally is a storage account so we have kind of a you create a storage account and the storage account lives again within a certain region I typically want the storage account to be in the same region as the compute that's going to use it one of the big configurations we have is the resiliency type so there's always three copies of the data there's never less than three copies of my data if it's all within one kind of storage stamp that's called an LRS locally redundant storage locally resilient store one of those things if I have availability zones I can actually spread those three copies over the three AZs in the region that would be ZRS so now spread them over AZs so that all lived within a certain region now they actually pair regions they're hundreds of miles apart so a region is actually typically defined as a two millisecond latency envelope so a region is not necessarily hey there is one building the buildings might be spread out they're generally fairly close together Microsoft buys big stamps of land and they put multiple data centers in it but it could be more distributed as long as it lives within that two millisecond legacy envelope obviously we have lots and lots of regions so I have another region over here Microsoft create pairings of regions for certain purposes those paired regions are generally hundreds of miles apart so they'd survive any kind of natural disaster it shouldn't affect both if you did affect both we probably don't care anymore anyway so we pair those hundreds miles apart they're in the same geopolitical boundary and the exception is Brazil that actually pairs with South Central us because there's only one region in Brazil but everywhere else these these are paired in the same geopolitical boundary so there's not data sovereignty challenges so the point is with these pairs I can turn on something called GRS so with GRS now it replicates the data asynchronously and there's three copies over here as well there's also for certain services I can do a read access variant so I can read but not write to it over in a storage account I can do kind of blob which is generally great for any kind of file I can do files which gives me SMB access I can do tables which are kind of key value column storage and I can do queue so hey I want to put something on and I take something off so those are all just natively available with a storage account behind the scenes when we create virtual machines and I create a managed disk it's using a page blob to actually store that it just abstracts it away for me so on a storage side if I want resiliency from a regional outage for example my storage I would pick GRS or ZGRS which uses ZRS locally and then replicates it over one of the cool things you can now do is you can pick the failover I can initiate the fail over if I deem I need to fail over and it will actually show me hey this was the last sync time you would lose X minutes of data because it is asynchronous there potentially could be some data loss probably would be some data loss okay so that's networks that's very basic storage the last thing I want to touch on is the services you're gonna actually create and I'm kind of old-school on this I'm just gonna get my notes for a second just to make sure I don't forget a certain type of service I want to cover all right so if I think I think layers and I often think about well there's compute there's Network theres storage and there's a hypervisor could be hyper-v VMware compute my servers network my switchs my cabling storage storage area networks whatever that might be then I have my kind of operating system then I might have various runtimes and middlewares then I have kind of my app and my data and the reason this is important is when we start looking at the cloud the responsibilities shift so on-premises so just on prem this is all me it's my responsibility I have to worry about the physical machines I have to worry about hypervisors that's all my job then when I move to the cloud the first one we see is infrastructure as a service and the line is there so now the shift is this part is me the hypervisor the physical storage the physical network the physical computer in this case Azure job it's Microsoft's job to make sure that stuff so when I move from the cloud I'm no longer responsible for those things I care that it's working I care about SLA's it's not my job when I go to is and this is really the lowest level I do in the cloud I'm responsible for the OS and above so I'm patching the OS I worry about firewalls and configuration and anti-malware and runtime versions and my app there are things to help me as a backup can help back it up there are extensions to help configuration there's many things to help me do the job anti-malware etc but it's my responsibility to make sure I turn those things on next layer up we think about platform-as-a-service PaaS so here all I care about is the app and the data that's it I'm not worrying about operating system or runtime or middleware not my job and then finally there's kind of SaaS software as a service that office 365 really nothing there is me the only thing I tend to do in SaaS is I might do configuration I'm not deploying SharePoint or Exchange or anything else but I have to configure those things so in a SaaS world I might do configuration but I'm not doing deployment in a PaaS world well I'm gonna use tools probably DevOps to deploy my app I have to make sure to worry about my data resiliency that's on me I'm not worried about any of the underlying stuff that runs it the operating systems in the IaaS world hey I do care about everything down to the OS but I never care about any physical element that's completely outside of what I do it's nothing I'm gonna use so that's important to I kind of understand the cloud is consumption I pay for what I use I pay for when the VM is running so if I shut down the VM i.e. de-provision it I stop paying for the VM doesnt mean it becomes free so again we think in an IaaS world often we think of kind of VMs as first that's the lowest level well even at VM if we think about it so I've got my virtual machine what needs storage this is an OS disk so just because I shut down the computer and I stopped paying for the compute charge I'm still paying for the disk and might have data disks so I'm still paying for those and there's like Network cars there might be IP config because important to realize so it's consumption I'd pay for the storage I pay for the compute I pay for network egress I don't pay for ingress to Azure I never pay for data into Azure I pay for data leaving the region and when I peer networks is a small ingress/egress charge for peering but that's kind of a fundamental point when I move to Azure what I pay for is consumption charges and realize there are different resources that make up an overall service like a VM so yes I shut down the VM I stopped paying for the VM but unless I delete it and it's this and still paying for the storage stuff so have different types of service we can use so it's kind of think about those services so obviously we have a virtual machine it has very familiar I create a VM there's different SKUs there were ones more storage optimized computer optimized memory optimized ones with nvidia cuda cars for GPU huge range of them i pick different sizes i can change these things but it requires me to essentially shut it down and restart it as a restart to change the size so i have properties of the virtual machine and we have virtual machine scale sets this is still IaaS virtual machine scale set is really the idea that many types of service we have multiple instances really they're just tin soldiers stand them up with one falls down we just had another one up in its place we don't really care about it it's state so virtual machines scale set essentially I have kind of this gold image and then I specify properties like the minimum number I want the maximum number I want when I perform a scale it will take care of deploying the virtual machines it would take care of deleting and creating them again I want to scale horizontally to really optimize my costs so I think about virtual machines scale set it will look at what's the resource use what's our schedule I've defined hey I need three now now I need seven now I need two now I need five it will dynamically delete and create them based on what I need at that moment in time so I'm only paying that consumption of what I actually need at that moment which is huge other cool things are like this image this gold image can come from the image repository it could be the Microsoft images it could be custom ones I create if I put in a new version of the image it will automatically on a rolling update replace all of the deployments in the scale set I'm not even patching anymore it will just go and deploy that stuff so these are all still kind of IaaS, VM scale sets are starting to push over but fundamentally they're they're virtual machines just some things to help me now then I start moving into things like containers so remember a container is where we virtualized the operating system virtual machines we virtualize the hardware we have a virtual machine which has a certain amount of virtual CPU and memory and storage with a container remember we have kind of the host and it is essentially got the kernel which is shared and then it creates these container instances that have isolated kind of namespaces and IP stacks resource controls but they're running on a shared OS a shared kernel so we're virtualizing the operating system so in Azure we can do containers there are services like Azure container instances just really containers as a service and what we would have is we have some kind of repository where we have our images so like the Azure container registry the ACR and then image is just layers that would be like a base OS layer then maybe there's some config then there's an app and I just deploy that image to a container but there's a lot of requirements for containers are they healthy are they distributed someone has to create them someone has to the scale the worker nodes there's a whole orchestration layer I need for containers so that would be kind of kubinetes and in Azure there's a manage to offering called aks and the great thing about aks is you don't pay for the management components I'm not paying for the etcd database and not paying for the scheduler the API the brain don't pay for any of that I just pay for my worker nodes that actually I run the container the pods that run the containers another really cool thing I can do is yes I have my own kind of workers and it does that via a kubelet which is like an agent that helps manage stuff it can actually also hook into ACI via a virtual kubelet so it can actually burst and use ACI if it needs to that's kind of some cool stuff so now we get into the kind of the PaaS these are all PaaS platform as-a-service then we have app services and you hear about app service plans these like web mobile and api i create an app service plan again behind the scenes i pick a certain scale it auto scales depending on the actual the SKU i purchase like I pick different sizes can its consumption based I pay for what I'm going to use there's also so called an app service environment an ace and ace is dedicated to you and that there's no multi-tenant parts and it runs in your vnet so if you ever saw something like hey you need to use app services but it must run inside your virtual network one app service environment will give you that but it cost more because now there's no shared components which the app service plans have so there's more bits but it scales higher and it's all running inside my vnet and this is kind of like the initial Azure PaaS that's kind of the ultimate personification of PaaS then you'll see things like logic apps and Azure functions now these are pairs but they also kind of come into this thing you're here called serverless and the reason it's serverless is even app services as part of the creation I specify how many instances of kind of the workers do I want what size are they so still servers dedicated to me I'm still paying for boxes and yes they scale but I'm paying for the whole box with logic apps and functions functions can run on an app service plan or they can run in a serverless a consumption model I pay for the CPU I consume and the storage I do logic apps I pay for the connections that I'm leveraging and the work it's doing so these are serverless offering so if I see hey you need a serverless solution well that would be Azure functions or logic apps logic apps is really like a flow I use these different integrations via connectors and I can have say hey a connector is a a tweet then I go and call some Azure cognitive service to get sentiment then I go and write out to something else so I create this flow using connectors so that would be a logic app so it's all done kind of visually and as your function it can run c-sharp there's a whole bunch of language powershell is what I use it a lot before I bind to inputs and outputs I have triggers trigger could be hey someone calls me via a web hook someone via event grid writing to a storage account a schedule and it's just gonna run code so they're kind of the core things to understand those the VMs it's a virtual machine VM scale sets it's based on templates and it auto scales for me containers AKS is the kind of orchestration app service plans hey I wanna run a web website now I could run website in containers and then the serverless solutions so I guess based on what I saw in the AZ 900 there's some of the things I would really make sure you know again this was not exhaustive at all again I still not looked at the sylabus zero real clue what's in it but based on what I saw I think this would definitely help if you understand these things but again go and look at like Thomas Maurer and Tim Warner they've got a ton of detailed stuff I see them posting all the time they're super smart guys and they're probably be a great place to go but hopefully this might give you a few things to help you pass so you can take it it good luck relax don't worry about this was helpful please like comment subscribe and until next time take care of yourself
Channel: John Savill's Technical Training
Views: 125,837
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Keywords: AZ-900, AZ900, Azure fundamentals, azure, certification, basics, learning, overview
Id: t1nB1RYihJg
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Length: 55min 58sec (3358 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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