Ayo Ajari Saya Shalat dan Jadi Muslim yang Baik | Kisah Mualaf asal Inggris Ameena Blake

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mr ramina how was your journey to islam started what attracted you to islam i think initially the the journey started with subhanallah and i think starts people's journeys actually before they're even born and my subhanallah my context of birth was that um my birth mother actually gave me up for adoption and hence i ended up coming to sheffield to be with my adopted parents but through that i started getting to know muslims my father was a professor of english language and linguistics at the university of sheffield and he had a very diverse group of students people from massa people from philistine people from all different places of the world and so through that i got to know i would not say islam but some elements of the muslim culture so when i was brought up i was actually brought up as a christian now my journey as a christian was um i would say up and down because i always believed that there was a god i always believed that there was the one god and i actually tell you a funny story actually i used to um come up the driveway to mum and dad's house um when i was a teenager and i used to be late home i'd been told to be in at a certain time my curfew and i was late and as i was walking up the driveway i used to pray and i just say oh god please please god don't let me be in trouble for being late home after my my night out um and actually this prayer was answered because i never actually got into trouble but with christianity i always used to question not the stories of the bible i always used to love the stories of the bible stories the prophet but i always used to question the concept of uh the trinity is it because of something you heard or just it came to you it was really something that because i was church of england so um as opposed to the catholic church it's not so much focused on um mary mother of god and isa islam and and god himself really the protestant faith or church of england is i guess more focused on jesus christ as the savior but also i i couldn't understand or couldn't grasp the concept that why would the creator need a son so how can somebody be god and son of god at the same time and then what happens when the son of god dies on the cross then where's god so i was asking all these questions now another one of the problems that i had with christianity was the authenticity of the bible and so i would question okay if this is the word of god why am i finding contradictions why am i finding things that i'm not comfortable with and hence i need to know about this so i approached the vicar at the local church i said okay well you're telling me that the bible's the the word of god and this is unchangeable yes prove it because i'm very black and white person and you did this at a young age i did this at quite a young age maybe 16 17 years old so as a as a result of this i really exited islam but didn't exit belief itself and then i started mixing more with islam sorry exited christianity yeah i had to exited christianity and i wasn't really particularly looking for anything else but i didn't exit yeah someone who has these sort of suspicions or these questions about one's faith might go anywhere why islam what made you be what attracted you to islam well i had a lot of muslim friends when i was at school i used to go to school with muslims not always the best behavior of muslims and when i was a teenager one of my close friends who was a muslim girl i used to go nightclubbing with her and this is what really led me to looking into islam itself it ended up that allah put me in the situation where i had to leave home and the only place for me to go every door was closed except her door so i went and i stayed with her for several weeks and as a daughter of a professor i was very interested in books and she had only one book in her entire house and that was the quran subhanallah from nightclubbing to seeking refuge in her house to reading the quran absolutely absolutely how allah guides us in the most amazing of ways so i saw this one book and it was actually up on her windowsill and i said to her what's this book i'm interested oh it's the quran can i have a look and she said well go and wash your hands first and you know have a look at the quran and this particular version of the quran i remember very clearly it was the yusuf ali version of the quran and so the voluminous absolutely yeah a huge great big book and it was blue and i remember holding this book and feeling kind of quite strange opening it and seeing the text now the text in this particular translation is quite quite archaic it's quite old-fashioned and so having come from a biblical background and reading these stories of actually the same prophet that i'd seen and loved during my biblical upbringing i didn't realize because in schools um across the west islam and christianity are taught as two separate things so god is god allah is allah so there's there's no uh similarities as if there were two different dietary as if it's a two dif two different deities and i had i'd never realized that allah is god and god is allah so when i saw this quran you know i felt positive about it but i think when allah subhanahu ta'ala brings somebody to islam and i think even when whether that person is coming from within the faith and having that awakening or whether it's somebody like myself who was from outside the faith and who came into islam there have to be two elements there are those two like two ingredients you have two ingredients to make something amazing and the first ingredient is the the elm the knowledge but then the second ingredient is the kalb you have to have the open and the elm open in order for these two things to gel together to give people the journey into faith you mean by the readiness yeah the readiness the the e-man the the readiness to embrace because people if we look at you know philosophers we find the orientalists who knew a huge amount about islam so the elm they had the elm but they didn't have the this wish to be muslim so i had some knowledge and her next-door neighbor um was a revert brother now we're talking back in the 1990s and revert were a lot fewer and and far between than uh they are currently so i'd said to her okay you've said to me the quran is the word of god and it's the truth prove it so she had the same response as the vicar had had and she said well i don't actually know that much about islam however i have this neighbor so she made the connection yes i have this neighbor he's a reverb brother he'll be able to tell you your answers that you need so we went to him and i asked him all the awkward questions prove that there's a god prove that this this quran you're telling me prove it to me otherwise i can read any book i can read the horoscopes if i i can like it with my heart but it doesn't necessarily mean that there's any delete this where's the proof so he said give me a few days i'm going to go away and i'm just going to get some some more knowledge myself some more wisdom myself he came back and he brought so he thought he needed to make some stuff he needed to check he was he was a guy who was very diligent i was asking about proof um this brother mashallah he was he'd come into islam through the root of sufism so he was a very spiritual brother masha'allah but i was a very okay i need this in black and white i need the proof the spirituality for me comes later so he comes back to me and he said okay i have some verses of the quran and so he told me and showed me the verses about the the the child being created in the womb of the mother about the the mountains being the stakes in the earth many scientific facts out of the quran and i was amazed and then he told me the key he said this was revealed to an illiterate man muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam in the middle of a desert 1500 years ago i couldn't believe it however we weren't quite there yet so the illness was there it's a process isn't it absolutely and that's what i say to people who are who are giving da'wah sometimes people who are giving douwa they really get upset if that person doesn't embrace islam and i say to them look you are a piece in the jigsaw of this person's journey and it's not your job to make people muslim it's your job to present to invite even if that's a smile this small sadaka that you give to somebody that could open their heart to go and read something how long did that process last for me not very long not very long because as soon as i had the the knowledge it's like allah opened a a another door so this brother said look have a look at this film and it was a video in those days it was show youth a video now there you go video because yeah vhs video absolutely and it was a reseller oh yeah yeah long film maybe three three and a half hours long i was a teenager so i was in and out of the room where the film was being shown um and so we watched this film for the evening and i was in and out in and out so remember so far my journey i've got the elm and i am convinced but the girl hasn't been ignited yet now at the end of the film there's this scene where billel radhila is on the top of the kaabah and he does the advan i came into the room at the moment when bilal is doing the adhan on the top of the kaaba and i heard this amazing sound and i didn't know a single word of what it meant yeah then the other every single hair on my body stood up and i got what i can only describe as a wash of eman like almost this warm feeling traveling all the way through me this was when allah gave me the the the taste of iman the sweetness that rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam talks about the sweetness of amen and so then this is when i said and i turned to my friend i remember her face and i said if this is just the call to prayer what about the rest of islam i want to be a muslim and i want to do it now wow what was her response no problem no problem so of course we went back to the brother and he invited us to the uh to the masjid and i remember it was on a thursday um and i went down there and took my shahadah and that's where my journey alhamdulillah as a muslim began and that's also where my journey of dawa began now how much a change that meant in your life i mean let's begin first with your family what was their response how did they react to this i think it's very important to note here that the the context that the time context was before 9 11. so we're talking 1992 so there wasn't this fear and this demonizing of muslims being terrorists the idea of muslim and muslims and islam being something to to fear at that time however there was of course um cultural difference so muslims were very much viewed as the other you know something different not necessarily to be feared but maybe a little bit backward a little bit um sort of primitive so i remember coming and i actually came into this room here um and my father this was your family this was our family house absolutely and my father was sitting and he was reading the newspaper he was reading the guardian and i said to him and and i my idea because all my muslim friends were pakistani who weren't massively educated about islam so there is more culture than religion absolutely so their idea and what they were passing on to me in my earlier earlier days of being a muslim was in order to be a muslim you've got to dress like a pakistani so i put some soul welcomes on that had been donated by a friend who was i must have i'm i'm about five foot six my friend was five foot two so i had these trousers on but that was halfway up my leg walked in on my father dressed in these pakistani clothes and probably not very eloquently or elegantly announced that i decided decided to become a muslim and all i could see was him lower than newspaper sort of peer over the top and his eyebrows raised up really dear he said so he was he was kind of surprised but not surprised because i'd been a bit of a wild child as a teenager and so and he probably thought this was a whim another way this is another it's exactly what he said to me this is another phase you're going through dear my mum on the other hand was concerned about not terrorism or anything negative like that what she was concerned is that what she'd seen from the muslim community in the uk was women walking five or six places behind the husband which in that i don't see it nowadays then it was quite a common thing in the muslim community it was really cultural absolutely cultural practice so she'd seen this she turned around to me and she said well you're going to end up walking six paces behind your husband and be tied into the house of course the only way that i could show my parents that that was not going to be the case because i wasn't the type of person who was ever going to be that person who would be you know sort of walking six paces behind the husband i had to show them islam but of course like many new muslims new muslims at first tend to get a little bit evangelical because we're so happy about our conversion to islam that we want everybody around us to be muslim as well so we get a little bit over enthusiastic and a little bit pushy sometimes which can be kind of damaging but subhanallah that didn't last for very long um and and i i had some very strong lessons of uh of da'wah at the time fellow muslims not from fellow muslims actually i was really at that point quite isolated and i've noticed um that with new muslims allah subhanahu ta'ala does sometimes give you the new muslims a period of time a period of isolation and i've noticed that this is a pattern and then when i look at um rasulallah he receives the where he before he receives the revelation he has a period of reflection he has a period of isolation away from society so you look at this phase of isolation as a positive thing yes many people look at it as a negative thing yeah i heard i have seen many people look at it as a negative thing but that's because we are almost told that isolation is a negative thing i had the isolation and i was searching and i see now that allah when he isolates somebody whether it's a new muslim or a born muslim or somebody very often it's because he wants us to turn to him alone for our hidayah for our worship because we're very used to turning to other people nowadays we'll turn to facebook and we'll turn to instagram and google and all these different forums but how many of us can actually honestly say that first stop is allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala this is very interesting because actually what happens if you're attached to a certain individual or to a certain institution that could backfire if you see something wrong if you see misconduct on on their behalf so i think i think this concept of isolation is a very interesting one very much so but what i was looking for um and this isolation maybe continued for about six months and i wanted so badly to start practicing islam and i had some very early and very very awkward moments of of dawah i remember one time i was i mean me trying to give da'awa as a non-practicing non-hijab all i knew at this time was rasulullah best that's it that's all i knew and at the time i was living in a bed and breakfast place waiting for a longer term apartment to come through and this bed and breakfast place was also a hotel which had the hotel bar now there was a guy who used to be the security at the hotel bar who happened to be a jehovah's witness very very nice guy and so i used to go and get into dialogue with him about islam and christianity and of course as a jehovah's witness marshall i heard that he had a lot of knowledge about christianity and about being a jehovah's witness and i had la ilaha muhammad rasool allah and he literally chewed me up and spat me out wow but it made me determined to gather knowledge and i also was desperate to learn how to pray but the people around me you know there's two types of inshallah isn't there yeah there's the muslamic inshallah which generally means actually i probably can't do this and then there's the islamic inshallah which means i will do this unless allah subhanahu ta'ala stops me in some way so my friends used to use the muslimic inshallah make promises made promise but not because they couldn't teach me the salah please teach me how to pray show me how to be a muslim inshallah and i'd wait and i'd get frustrated perhaps because they themselves were not they were practicing they weren't they had the best intentions they were amazing sisters but they they didn't know how to pray themselves but they didn't they felt embarrassed yeah we have a proverb in our because if if you're missing something you cannot give it exactly exactly so um what happened is i ended up doing the correct thing which was making dua to ask allah ta'ala ya allah please show me islam show me how to be a good muslim show me how to pray you never occurred to you that they were islamic centers for instance or a community not at that point not at that point in time so i ended up um meeting with a sister called tracy who was also a revert and she ended up being my mentor and this was purely through daughter allah sent me actually you remember the old phone boxes so i went down to a phone box and there was a guy in the phone box and he was he was kind of it was a rough area i lived in and he was kind of scary this guy and he's staring at me like this out of the phone box he's about six foot two six foot three and he looked through the phone box at me and suddenly the door opened of the phone box and he said are you muslim and at this point i was terrified i thought i'm gonna get mugged something's gonna happen to me i'm gonna get attacked what was he was he he was a big big mixed-race guy very tall mixed-race guy not dressed as how did you guess you were a muslim i was wearing my pakistani clothes again ah okay so i sort of stood there and went yeah he said wait there at this point i it was either stop or run i was frozen and just onto the spot and he dialed a number in the phone box stuck the phone out of the door and said here speak to sister tracy wow it turned out that this was also a revert brother who would recently become muslim could see that i was a revert somehow i knew this sister look how allah subhanallah took me to this phone box two minutes either side he would be gone allah answered your door answered my daughter but he didn't answer my daughter until i asked him directly subhanallah it is strange that in that early period you did not receive sufficient support from from the muslim community usually muslims when they hear of a sister or a brother who have converted to islam they'd be jubilant about this they'd be so happy and welcoming and want to do whatever they they could but it's probably the locality you were in at the time there were a lot of muslims in the locality and i knew a lot of muslims um but i didn't know the type of muslims who could help me with that journey so you know i learned how to be a very efficient pakistani but i wasn't able to learn how to pray and do you know practice islam because basically the people who i was mixing with weren't practicing muslims and didn't have that knowledge but actually again sister tracy you know started to teach me how to pray but there was one amazing thing that happened that brought me into praying full-time and this was probably all around the same time so the pakistani family that i knew had their uncle who would come into the house every day he would make wudhu at the kitchen sink and then he would come into the room and he would make his salah and i used to watch him and i would want to learn i really want to learn how to do this i said this is why i'd be asking my friends subhanallah the brother had a heart attack and passed away now culturally english people are terrified of death we run away from death or any type of association but the muslim community very different especially the pakistani community very close and very coherent and positive when it comes to um you know dealing with death dealing with the body etc so my friend said look you know he he really respected you for becoming muslim please come come to this gymnasium oh and she invited you to come she invited me to her it was her father um and so i went and there was a living room very much like we're sitting in now full of people full of ladies and in the middle of the living room was the the coffin on a stand and i looked at this coffin i was terrified because i'd never seen a dead person before never not even on the tv so she led me over to this coffin and i didn't want to look and she said it's okay and i looked down i eventually opened my my eyes and i looked down into this coffin and this brother had the most amazing noor in his face and he was smiling and at the same time as i saw his face i remembered his seller allah subhanahu ta'ala had shown me you established that then this is how your death will look wow so this was like a message so exactly so after that moment until now i didn't miss a salah subhanallah so i learned to pray with a book in my hand and it was difficult at first tough the arabic and the the pronunciation but this was my journey into being a practicing muslim you
Channel: Ayatuna Ambassador
Views: 564,091
Rating: 4.8847775 out of 5
Keywords: ayatuna, ayatuna ambassador, mualaf, kisah mualaf 2020, kisah mualaf dunia, mualaf center, mualaf indonesia, hidayah, kisah menjemput hidayah, fakir ilmu, Salam Akal Sehat, Qaf Media, Ameena Blake, perjalanan seroang mualaf, murtadin, murtadin odong odong, cara membedakan murtadin asli dengan palsu, david wood, christian prince indonesia, ameena blake
Id: SZirunZS51g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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