AYA NAKAMURA feat. MALUMA – DJADJA Remix (Official Lyric Video)
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Views: 176,032,580
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Keywords: Official Video, Lyric Video, ayanakamura, djadja, chacha, maluma, ayanakamura y maluma, maula djadja, elite, ohdjadja, aya, nakamura, jaja, djaja, ochacha, aronpiper, pookie, netlflix, music, aya 2020, maluma 2020, djadja letra, remix, canción, emoji, emoji songs, song challenge, wmlatinapop, maluma baby
Id: 8H8L2yPgI68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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