AXP Doing Jehovah's Work & Nothing Makes Sense | Chuck - Honolulu, HI | Atheist Experience 21.25

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all right we've got Chuck in Honolulu Hawaii thanks for waiting hello hello eight oh hey Jen you're talking about bathroom dude did you know that there's a an actual federal law that says women can use men's bathrooms um I did not know nor did I particularly care Wow yes hey if you keep trying to pass these laws but there's already a federal law about some of this know what that's awesome what the hell that's kind of curious that there's a federal law that women can use men's bathroom yeah is there yeah is there a federal wall that men can use women's bathrooms no no that seems like a problem I think it comes out of that idea of reporters going into men's locker rooms you don't a sports events because they wouldn't allow the women reporters to go in before oh okay interesting what did you have for us ah I want to say that go I want to kind of like compliment you guys cause you're really doing a really really wonderful job for God okay so which God Jehovah the God I use so the Jewish God is pleased with me yes why won't he just say so rather than having youth : tell me well I don't know maybe he did you didn't listen how do you know he's pleased well because you're a you you so whole is a servant and his idea is to serve people he doesn't he doesn't require worship that's religion and choirs worship and how do you know they can well it's um it's right in the Bible okay where that's for one thing I don't know where oh you didn't read it yourself but uh you didn't read it yourself yeah you said thank you that you got it you don't know where you think you look well if you look up these things if you're on a computer with with Bibles and you can look up subjects well you're the one making the claim so we're just asking you where where you found that oh no I'm just I was just saying that they it's RIT is it the problem is is that all you guys hear about God is Christianity no no I'm Carey that's not remotely the case you do realize that some of the people on the show are Jewish and that we've engaged with Jews and Muslims and Satanists and Scientologists and yeah yeah but it all still comes from their religion whatever their religions which sake were talking to that guy that Mormon guy anything he knows about God is from his religion so do you know something about God it doesn't come from your religion well yeah got a servant how do you know that I love you how do you know I mean are we are we are we going down the road of the Twilight Zone episode to serve man is that what God has that how God wants to serve me with like turnips and potatoes no okay so how do you know what you know and and can you give us a little more clarity on what you know well we told me for one thing and it's in the Bible it's written in the Bible waiting's the funny you really skipped over something kind of significant you just said he told me for one thing so God God told you how did God tell you it talks to me like do you hear something audible or is it a just in your head well I'm not sure I don't think it's like like us talking here but your thoughts yet it's a fight your brains are kind of a funny thing because you have thoughts but they're not audible okay so how do you tell which of these thoughts are coming from God well because if it's true you can analyze it it gives you a brain to analyze things so you have a thought and you find out it's true and then you conclude that that thought came from God does that mean that your brain can't come up with true thoughts on its own I know your brain your brain can analyze things and your brain can can make conclusions and look for and they can be true right well if it's true yeah so the mere fact that is that the mere fact that I thought your brain had is true doesn't tell you whether or not it came from God so how do you tell if it comes from a God well if it's good your brain can come up with anything good well sure ok so your brain on its own can come up with something is good and true and your brain can also go get thoughts from God that are good and true but there's no way how do you tell the difference between whether it's coming from you or from God well because all good and all truth comes from God well then so your brain is not producing goodness or truth well it can well if all goodness coming from God I'm asking ok you just had a thought and you are convinced that this thought has come from God how did you reach that conclusion well if he talks to me if he tells me something and if I can analyze it and see that it's good and if it's true then I would suppose that it's true you just pointed out go ahead you're not actually making any sense yeah I know but well that's the thing you know is your many really makes any sense here this whole universe does it make any sense well yeah there's a lot of things that make sense but you you understand what gen'l'men you understand what Jen and I are saying correct yeah so there are things in the universe that makes sense well sure there's some set of things that make sense but most of it doesn't make any sense ok for the things that don't make any sense we can just set that aside because it doesn't make sense we can't accept it or believe it or have a position right so we're only talking about oh no no no no if you if you see something that and it works but it really doesn't make any sense if not logical well like the Sun Sun's up there's ninety-three thousand million miles away or something and there's big ball of fire this gigantic ball of fire in a vacuum yeah I know oh so it's not a ball of fun go ahead just because you don't personally understand something doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense or that there's not an explanation so the Sun is not actually a ball of fire in the way you're thinking about it yes it is okay okay it's hydrogen it's hydrogen burning and oxygen no it's not burning yes it is it's an actual fire hydrogen burning and oxygen okay the oxygen and hydrogen comes up to the surface ignited burns just like a candle does so an oxygen goes into a candle where does it where does the oxygen come from it comes from inside the Sun yeah what's happening inside what surface what's happening inside the Sun beneath the surface well it's hot because of the surface is on fire sure all the way around the surfaces fire is nuclear fusion going on right no it's not this is the Sun isn't there's no nuclear fusion taking place in the Sun no yeah I think you were natural you wanted that what were you thinking yeah I was only going by what you know the science books and every astrophysicist on the planet would say well not everyone well every astrophysicist yeah son nuclear fusion I'm googling right now to check it so so just pulling up the first result nuclear fusion is reaction well no I want to get we'll get to the actual Sun thing the energy from the Sun both light and heat energy originates from nuclear fusion so this is what we're teaching in science classes and this is what the foundations of stellar physics is about so you're saying is wrong what yeah if it were nuclear fusion it would be used up the Sun would be burned up a long time ago how do you know if you burned up a long time ago when what we know from science tells us that it will burn up eventually yeah but it's if its nuclear fusion it would have is our Sun been burning there you go how long's it been burning in this nuclear fusion it would have been used understand you know how long is it been burning well science says something like 4 million year billion years or something rather we four and a half whatever so how much how much material is there and when should it have burned out well it would have burned down to a point to where it wouldn't work anymore I don't like when when should this have happened probably billions of years ago why they stopped I mean because it's using it up if it's nowhere fusion yes we're not disputing that what we're saying show your work yeah I mean you know all the scientists are saying that it shouldn't have burned up by now shouldn't have used up its fuel but it will eventually and you're saying that it should have already happened and we're wondering where's your evidence for that but from the guy who said it wasn't fusion five minutes ago it's not fusion ok refusing it would have burned up a long time ago all right love you guys cat burgers the nuclear fusion can't go for millions of years okay can't do that Chuck assuming Jen's ok with it we're going to move on to another call and you should probably investigate you know the findings of science because if in fact you're correct you could get a Nobel Prize for for debunking this stuff now you could look at look at psy agree with you yeah yeah you I agree that you you couldn't but thanks well it's like a badge and Springs yeah that match that I live should have burned out instantly it shouldn't have burned all the way down the stick yeah you don't even know how much material there is
Channel: The Atheist Experience
Views: 162,413
Rating: 4.8547969 out of 5
Keywords: atheist experience, the atheist experience, theatheistexperience, atheist, atheism, atheist vs christian, atheist debate, religion debate, atheism debate, Matt Dillahunty (Broadcast Artist), belief, faith, reason, rational, proof, evidence, logic, fallacy, religion, religious, science, secular, Skepticism, skeptic, questioning god, doubt, is god real, agnostic, agnosticism, evidence for god, Christianity, Islam, morality, evidence for jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, debate, Bible, Bible contradictions
Id: _S_CKg1WOcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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