AWS Storage Day 2021 | AWS & NetApp introduce Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

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welcome back to aws storage days this is thecube's continuous coverage my name is dave vellante and we're going to talk about file storage 80 of the world's data is in unstructured storage and most of that is in in file format devs want infrastructure as code they want to be able to provision and manage storage through an api and they want that cloud agility they want to be able to scale up scale down pay by the drink and the big news of storage day was really the partnership deep partnership between aws and netapp and with me to talk about that is ed name who's the general manager of amazon fsx and anthony lai executive vice president and gm of public cloud at netapp two cube alums great to see you guys again thanks for coming on thanks for having us so ed let me start with you um you launched fsx 2018 at reinvent how is it being used today well we've talked about fsx on thecube before dave but let me start by uh recapping that fsx makes it easy to to launch and run fully managed feature-rich high-performance file storage in the cloud and we built fsx from the ground up really to have the reliability the scalability you were talking about the simplicity to sport support a really wide range of workloads and applications and with fsx customers choose the file system that powers their file storage with full access to the file system's feature sets the performance profiles the data management capabilities and so since reinvent 2018 when we launched this service we've offered two file system choices for customers so the first was a windows file server and that's really storage built on top of windows server designed as a really simple solution for windows applications that require shared storage and then luster which is an open source file system that's the world's most popular high performance file system and the amazon fsx model has really resonated strongly with customers for a few reasons so first for customers who currently managed network attached storage or nas on premises it's such an easy path to move their applications and their application data to the cloud fsx works and feels like the nas appliances that they're used to but added to all of that are the benefits of a fully managed cloud service and second for builders developing modern new apps it helps them deliver fast consistent experiences for windows and linux in a simple and an agile way and then third for research scientists its storage performance and its capabilities for dealing with data at scale really make it a no-brainer storage solution and so as a result the service is being used for a pretty wide spectrum of applications and workloads across industries so give you a couple examples so there's this class of what we call common enterprise it use cases so think of things like end user file shares corporate it applications content management systems highly available database deployments and then there's a variety of common line of business and vertical workloads that are running on fsx as well so financial services there's a lot of modeling in analytics workloads life sciences a lot of genomics analysis media entertainment rendering and transcoding and visual effects automotive we have a lot of electronic control unit simulations and object detention detection semiconductor a lot of eda electronic design automation and then oil and gas seismic data processing pretty common workload on fsx and then there's a class of really ultra high performance workloads that are running on fsx as well think of things like big data analytics so sas grid is a common application a lot of machine learning model training and then a lot of what people would consider traditional or classic high performance computing or hpc great thank you for that just quick follow-up if i may and i want to bring anthony into the conversation so why netapp this is not a barney deal this is a lot of elbow grease going into a barney deal you know i love you you love me we do a press release but but why netapp why on tap why now ed that was to you the question was that a question for anthony no for you ed and then i want to bring anthony okay sure yeah i mean it uh dave it really stemmed from both companies realizing a combined offering would be highly valuable to and impactful for customers in reality we started collaborating in amazon and netapp on the service probably about two years ago and we really had a joint vision that we wanted to provide aws customers with the full power of ontap the complete ontap with every capability and with ontap's full performance but fully managed and offered as a full-blown aws native service so what that would mean is that customers get all of ontap's benefits along with the simplicity and the agility the scalability the security and the reliability of an aws service great thank you so anthony i have watched netapp reinvent itself started a workstation saw you go into the enterprise i saw you lean into virtualization you told me at least two years it might have been three years ago dave we are going all in on the cloud we're going to lead this next next chapter and so i want you to bring in your perspective you're reinventing netapp yet again you know what are your thoughts well you know netapp and aws have had a very long relationship i think it probably dates now about nine years and what we really wanted to do in netapp was give the most important constituent of all an experience that helped them progress their business so ontap you know the industry's leading shared storage platform we wanted to make sure that in aws it was as good as it was on premise we love the idea of giving customers this wonderful concept of symmetry you know ontap runs the biggest applications in the largest enterprises on the planet and we wanted to give not just those customers an opportunity to embrace the amazon cloud but we wanted to also extend the capabilities of ontap through fsx to a new customer audience maybe those smaller companies that didn't really purchase on-premise infrastructure people that were born in the cloud and of course this gives us a great opportunity to present a fully managed contact within the fsx platform to a lot of non-netapp customers to our compressors customers dave that frankly haven't done the same as we've done and i think we are the benefactors of it and we're in turn passing that innovation that that transformation onto the to the customers and the partners you know one is the the key aspect here is that it's a managed service i don't think that could be uh you know overstated and the other is the the cloud nativeness of this anthony you mentioned here marketplace is great but there's some serious engineering going on here so ed maybe maybe start with the the perspective of a managed service i mean what does that mean you know the whole ball of wax yeah i mean what it means to a customer is they go into the aws console or they go to the aws sdk or the the aws cli and they are easily able to provision a resource provision a file system and it automatically will get built for them and that there's nothing that they need to do at that point they get an endpoint that they have access to the file system from and that's it we handle patching we handle all the provisioning we handle any uh hardware replacements that might need to happen along the way everything is fully managed so the customer really can focus uh not on managing their file system but on doing all of the other things that they that they want to do and that they need to do so anthony in a way you're disrupting yourself which is kind of what you told me a couple years ago you're not afraid to do that because we don't do it somebody else is going to do it because you're used to the old days you're selling a box and you say we'll see you next time you know in three or four years uh so from from your customers standpoint what's their reaction to this notion of a managed service and what does it mean to netapp well so i think the most important thing it does is it gives them investment protection uh the wonderful thing about what we've built with amazon uh in the fsx profile is it's a complete ontap and so one ontap cluster on premise can immediately see and connect to an ontap environment under fsx we can then establish various different connectivities we can use snapmirror technologies for disaster recovery we can use efficient data transfer for things like dev test and backup of course the wonderful thing that we've done that we've gone beyond above and beyond what anybody else has done is we want to make sure that the actual primary application itself one that was sort of built using nas built in an on-premise environment an sap and oracle etc as ed said that we can move those over and have the confidence to run the application with no changes on an amazon environment so so what we've really done i think for customers the netapp customers the non-netapp customers is we've given them an enterprise-grade shared storage platform that's as good in an amazon cloud as it was in an on-premise data center and that's something that's very unique to us can we talk a little bit more about those those use cases you know both both of you what are you seeing is some of the more interesting ones that you can share dad maybe you should start yeah happy too uh the the customer discussions that we've we've been in um have really highlighted four cases four use cases that customers are telling us uh they'll use a service for so maybe i'll cover two and uh maybe anthony can cover the other two um so the the first is application migrations um and customers are increasingly looking to move their applications to aws and a lot of those our applications work with file storage today and so we're talking about applications like sap we're talking about relational databases like sql server and oracle we're talking about vertical applications like epic and the healthcare space as another example lots of meeting entertainment rendering and transcoding and visual effects workload workflows require windows linux and mac os access to the same set of data and what application administrators really want is they want the easy button they want fully featured file storage that has the same capabilities the same performance that their applications are used to has extremely high availability and durability and it can easily enable them to meet compliance and security needs with a robust set of data protection and security capabilities and i'll give you an example accenture for example has told us that a key obstacle their clients face when migrating to the cloud is potentially re-architecting their applications to adopt new technologies and they expect that amazon fsx for netapp ontap will significantly accelerate their customers migrations to the cloud then a second one is storage migrations so storage admins are increasingly looking to extend their on-premises storage to the cloud and why they want to do that is they want to be more agile and they want to be responsive to growing data sets and growing workload needs they want elastic capacity they want the ability to spin up and spin down they want easy disaster recovery across geographically isolated regions they want the ability to change performance levels at any time so all this goodness that they get from the cloud is what they want and more and more of them also are looking to make their company's data accessible to cloud services for analytics and processing so services like ecs and eks and workspaces and app stream and vmware cloud and stage maker and orchestration services like parallel cluster and aws batch but at the same time they want all these cloud benefits but at the same time they have established data management workflows and they've built processes and they've built automation leveraging apis and capabilities of on-prem nas appliances it's really tough for them to just start from scratch with that stuff so this offering provides them the best of both worlds they get the benefits of the cloud with the nas data management capabilities that they're used to great so anthony thank you do you want to talk about the other well so you know first and foremost you heard from aired earlier on the the fsx sort of construct and how successful it's been and one of the real reasons it's been so successful is it takes advantage of all of the latest storage technologies compute technologies networking technologies what's great is all of that's hidden from the user what what fsx does is it delivers a service and what that means for an ontap customer is you're going to have ontap with an sla and an slo you're going to have hundreds of thousands of iops available to you and sub millisecond latencies what's also really important is the design for uh fsx netapp ontap was really to provide consistency on the netapp api and to provide full access to ontap from the amazon console the amazon sdk or the amazon cli so in this case you've got this wonderful benefit of all of the sort of the 29 years of innovation of netapp combined with all the innovation of aws all presented consistently to a customer what what ed said which i'm particularly excited about is customers will see this just as they see any other aws service so if they want to use ontap in combination with some incremental compute resources maybe with their own encryption keys maybe with directory services they may want to use it with other services like sage maker all of those things are immediately exposed to amazon fsx for that app on tap we do some really intelligent things just in the storage layer so for example we do intelligent tiering so the customer is constantly getting the sort of the best tco so what that means is we're using amazon's s3 storage as a tiered service so that we can back off cold data off of the primary file system to give the customer the optimal capacity the optimal throughput while maintaining the integrity of the file system it's the same with backup it's the same with disaster recovery whether we're operating in a hybrid aws cloud or we're operating in an aws region or across regions well thank you i think this this announcement is a big deal for a number of reasons first of all it's the largest market like you said you're the gold standard i'll give you that anthony because you guys earned it uh and so it's a large market but you always had to make previously have to make trade-offs either i could do file in the cloud but i didn't get the rich functionality that you know netapp's maturity mature stack brings or you know you could have wrapped your stack in the kubernetes container and thrown it into the cloud and hosted it there but now that it's a managed service and presumably underneath you're taking advantage as i say my inferences there's some serious engineering going on here taking advantage of some of the cloud native capabilities yeah maybe it's the different you know ec2 types but also being able to bring in we're entering a new data era with machine intelligence and other capabilities that we really didn't have access to uh last last decade so i want to want to close with you know give you guys the the last word maybe each of you could could give me your thoughts on how you see this partnership of for the in the future particularly from a customer standpoint ed maybe you could start and then anthony you can bring us home yeah well uh anthony and i and our teams have gotten to know each other really well um in in ideating around what this experience will be and then building the product um and and we have this this common vision that it is something that's going to to really move the needle for customers providing the full on experience with uh the power of a native aws service so we're really excited we're we're in this uh for the long haul together we have uh we've partnered on everything from engineering to product management to support um like the full thing this is a a co-owned effort a joint effort backed uh by both companies um and uh we have a uh i think a pretty remarkable product uh on day one one that i think is going to delight customers um and we have a really rich road map that we're going to be uh building together over over the years so i'm excited about getting this in customers hands great thank you anthony bring us home well you know it's one of those sort of rare chances where you get to do something with amazon that no one's ever done dave you know we're sort of sitting on the inside we are a peer of theirs and we're able to develop at very high speeds in combination with them to release continuously to the customer base so what you're going to see is rapid innovation you're going to see a whole host of new services services that netapp developed services that amazon develops and then the whole ecosystem is going to have access to this whether they're historically uh built on the netapp apis or increasingly built on the aws apis i think you're going to see orchestrations i think you're going to see the capabilities expand the overall opportunity for aws to bring enterprise applications over for me personally dave you know i i demonstrated yet again to the net customer base how much we care about them and their future uh selfishly you know i'm looking forward to telling the story to my competitors customer base because they haven't done it so you know i think we've been bold i think we've been committed as you said three and a half years ago i promised you that we were going to do everything we possibly could you know people always say you know what's what's the real benefit of this at the end of the day customers and partners will be the real winners this this innovation this sort of as a service i think is gonna expand our market allow our customers to do more with amazon than they could before it's one of those rare cases dave where i think one plus one equals about seven really i love the vision and excited to see the execution ed and anthony thanks so much for coming back in the cube congratulations on getting to this point and good luck you
Channel: AWS Events
Views: 717
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Keywords: AWS, Events, Webinars, Amazon Web Services, AWS Cloud, Amazon Cloud, AWS re:Invent, AWS Summit, AWS re:Inforce, AWSome Day Online, aws tutorial, aws demo, aws webinar, storage day, now is the time, aws storage, cloud storage, data storage, amazon fsx, netapp ontap, amazon fsx for netapp ontap, file system, edward naim, anthony lye, netapp
Id: BkdK_Wn8CaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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