AWS SQS Part-3 Hindi/Urdu | LEC-94 | SQS Visibility Timeout | Short Polling and Long Polling | SAA
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Channel: Technical Guftgu
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Keywords: AWS SQS Concepts-when to use queues Hindi/Urdu/Nepali, SQS VS SNS IN AWS, Why we use sqs in aws, short polling and long polling in sqs, visibility timeout in sqs, dead letter queue in aws sqs, AWS SQS real world example, AWS SQS DEMO, aws sqs nodejs, aws sqs lambda, aws sqs and sns, aws sqs in tamil, aws sqs with spring boot, aws sqs queue, aws sqs dead letter queue, aws solution architect tutorial for beginners in hindi, aws devops tutorial, aws sysops, what is cloud
Id: pypjxGaUQHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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