AWS re:Invent 2020: Ten easy and effective ways to secure your AWS environment

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All right, we're going to have a little bit of fun with this session. It says here that we're going to do 10, easy and effective ways to secure your AWS environment. And I'll tell you what we really mean by that. My name is Becky Weiss, I'm an engineer at AWS, I've worked around a number of technology areas in AWS, networking, DNS, Serverless, identity and access management, storage, and mostly around the area of the security controls that we offer our customers. And what we're going to talk about, I myself, am also a builder. In fact, I think I'm AWS's, his biggest fan, maybe not, that's a hard title to have. But I love building on AWS, in particular, I think it offers some really great security controls and techniques that you can use when you're building to just know that you're building securely. So, what I'm going to share with you this is going to, we're going to talk builder to builder here. So, you're in the right place, if you are hands on building things or securing things in the cloud. Because I'm going to talk to you as kind of as your as your peer as a fellow builder in AWS, I'm going to share with you 10 different techniques and strategies and skills around AWS that I have found, make have made me and my customers very effective at securing architectures in the cloud. So, it's going to be kind of 10 different topics, these are going to be different skills that you can pick up 300 level talk, meaning that I'm assuming that you've been building on AWS, know some of the fundamental concepts already. So, the good news is here is 10 topics in 30 minutes, you do the math. The good news here is that if something is boring, old hat, you already knew it isn't relevant to you? Well, you only got to wait a couple minutes till I'm talking about something else. The bad news here is, of course, each of these topics is actually a skill meaning that it's going to take more than three minutes for you to pick it up. So, you know, I'm going to be going through them quickly, covering the high points, just sort of raising them as something, you know, I'll tell you a little bit about kind of what they do, why you would do it. And I have links in all of these slides to my favorite page in the documentation for learning more about how to do these things. So you can look at the list of lists that we're going to go through some of them, you might recognize, I hope that for each of you, even if you have some experience with AWS, that maybe there are some things on here that you didn't know how to do yet that you can come away from this learning how to do. So, we're going to get right into it. All right, yeah, this has got to be the first one here, right? If you're going to build securely on AWS, if you're going to build anything in AWS, you're probably going to have data in AWS and that data is probably going to be in S3. So, the easiest thing you can do to keep that data secure in S3 is to turn on this very easy feature, it's called block public access, you can turn it on across your entire account, set it and forget it. What does it do? Well, I'm sure many of you may be familiar with it. We've had it for a couple of years now. When you create an AWS S3 bucket really any AWS resource and an account, it's private and local to the account. And what that means technically is that IAM principals within that same account with appropriate permissions can access it, but it's closed to the outside world. Now. You know, if you use S3, you can write a policy on the bucket, or you can use the older means of access control called ACL to grant access to specific parties outside the bucket. Now, those are valid scenarios, you probably have them. What's less likely is that you have data in S3, that you actually intend to be publicly accessible. It happens. But it's rare. It's not, not most of the time. And in fact, if you're putting a website in S3, your best bet nowadays is to put a CloudFront distribution in front of it because you get all kinds of benefits just from that. But unless you actually truly have public data, this block public access, what it does is it creates a shield around the data in your account. And it effectively makes it so that no matter what kinds of bucket policies people might put on these buckets in the future, it makes sure that your data is shared with the exact entities you want to share it with. So that part still works. But public access is just blocked, as the name suggests. So, go back and turn that on. You did nothing else from watching this talk do this one. Tip number two. Now this tip is relevant to you if you are in charge of the security and particularly human access to an entire AWS environment, like if you're in charge of the security of that organization. So, for some of you that will be true. For some of you that won't be true. There are probably many of you watching this talk and you work it within an AWS environment that somebody else set up for you, you have a way to get into AWS. So, for those of you in charge of setting this up, nowadays, you want to try to get to make where you can all of your credentials in AWS can be temporary. What do I mean by that? Well, for your applications, this is pretty straightforward, like easy to lambda, et cetera, all these compute environments in AWS, they all give you the ability to, they all have an integration with IAM roles where you choose an IAM role and then AWS takes care of making the temporary credentials available to you. That part's really easy, you're probably already doing it. If you think about human access to the AWS environments, though, in the modern era, your best way to do that is with Federation. And what I mean by that word is it means that you are authenticating to a directory to perhaps AWS SSO to user pools that you create in there. And from there, you're being pivoted into, once again, the short-term credentials. Now the security benefits here, probably self-evident, a short-term credential is obviously going to have less of a blast radius than the long-term credential, which is why it's preferred. And this technique is easier than ever. If you have an existing corporate directory that speaks the skim protocol, and you have the you have access to it, you can set it up to sync identities into our AWS SSO service and provide a really nice experience for mapping people into these different environments. If you're a small shop, and you don't even have a directory, but you're looking for a place to create your human identities to get into AWS, well, you can do that with AWS SSO as well. It has its ability to create its own pool of users and groups. So, you don't even need a directory to be effective here. And what that means is really, in AWS, if you have human beings, getting into the environment, make those credentials temporary, use some kind of Federation. Tip number two. Tip number three is also relevant to those of you who have those of you who have, who are sort of in a more kind of security administrative role over a full AWS environment in the form of an AWS organization. You're probably familiar with CloudTrail. CloudTrail is the AWS service that maintains an audit log of events, all of the API calls that actors make around your entire environment, probably have this turned on in each of the individual AWS accounts that you have, if you don't have it turned on, you should because you know for obvious reasons. But CloudTrail is one of several, a growing set of AWS services around AWS that have an integration with organizations. So AWS organizations, of course, this is the service that helps you manage a group of accounts that go together, it's kind of corresponds to a customer, an organization has a single payer and a management administrative account, these services that integrate with organizations, and we'll see another one later on, they do so because it is, when it is useful, such as in the case of CloudTrail to be able to configure it across an entire organization. So, what you can do with CloudTrail's, organizations integration, is you can set it up so that your CloudTrail gets automatically turned on across all of these accounts, accounts that exist today accounts that you'll create tomorrow, get delivered centrally into one trail, one trail and one S3 bucket. And actually as a as a bonus, point 3.5, go and look at a new S3 feature called bucket ownership controls when you have an AWS service writing into your bucket, like cloud trail, turn on the bucket ownership controls, bucket owner preferred, I'm not going to go into exactly what that does here today, but you know, this is a feature that we added based on our customer feedback about how we can simplify cases when you have external entities writing into your S3 buckets. So, I recommend you look into that, turn it on. It's probably what you want. Tip number four, okay, I've got a CloudTrail. This is such a useful tip. If you've never tried this before, you should go home and try this with your CloudTrail. So if you go to our cloud trail console, you will see that there's and you go to the you go to one of the pains of the console, you will see that it gives you kind of a one click way, it mentions AWS Athena, gives you a one click way to create a to create a database in a technically AWS glue that can be queried with Athena. What does that mean? So, the Athena service is, it's actually serverless in the true sense of the word, it's a service that can take a pile of structured data in S3, such as the kinds of data that cloud trail leaves behind, and give you the ability to issue SQL statements against SQL queries against it. Well, that's really useful, because I've got all of this great data in CloudTrail about who's been doing what, and now this gives me, this gives me really limitless opportunity to get insights out of what's going on in my environment. And I'm not just talking security, I'm talking, debugging, troubleshooting, needle in a haystack kind of things. Now, I've got some examples up here, I've also got a link to the documentation about kind of how to write these queries, it takes some practice, but you'll get the hang of it. And once you do it, you'll realize that you kind of have a superpower in understanding how your AWS environment's being used. I've got some SQL queries up here not to impress you with my SQL ability, but just to give you an idea of what kind of insights you can actually start getting, for example, that top one, what did this role do? Well, if I know what this role did in the last month, I can probably write a very good IAM policy for them, because I know what they actually did do. And now I can write an IAM policy that corresponds to, well, these other things they need to do. So, I'll write a good least privilege policy. That's the kind of thing you can do with these insights, good skill to have, go back and try it. Okay, let's move into your network. This is another, this is another really powerful tool you have for infrastructure security at your disposal in AWS. Now, if you've ever set up virtual private clouds and networks in AWS, you know that we talk a lot about public subnets and private subnets, you probably have both of those, you know, across an environment, you have lots of different accounts, they've got their VPC's, they've got public subnets and private subnets, across multiple availability zones but I'm not showing you that because it would be too much clutter on the page. You probably have some kind of infrastructure as code, like cloud formation stack sets that are stamping out these VPCs so each of them looks exactly the way that you want it to look. So now I've got public subnets and private subnets here. When we use the word public subnet, it has a specific meaning when we use that word, it means that the subnet is part of a network, it has a route to an internet gateway, which means it's routable directly to and from the internet. And that's things in a public subnet if they have public IP addresses on, yeah, they have route ability to and from the internet. Private subnets in contrast, no such route. So public subnet is where I might put my external load balancer that I want the internet hitting the private subnets where am I put my database that's really kind of local to my network and doesn't ever need to be routable outside it. Now start to think about that at scale. Of course, I can write IAM policies about these subnets by their IDs, you know, Cisco EC2 gives me these ideas for subnets. They don't mean a lot, but I can write very specific policies about them. But if I want to try to express this at scale in a more kind of meaningful and easy to easy to interpret way. Well, that's where tagging comes in. EC2 has, has quite good support for tagging, particularly on subnets. So, I can tag my subnets with whether they're public or whether they're private. Now these are, these are properties, I can write authorization policies about that are actually meaningful to me at scale. So, for example, if you look at this policy statement here, this policy statement here, it's a deny policy. So, I would attach it along with a number of other policies that actually give people permission to do things. But if this policy statement is attached to you, it means that my intention is that you should be able to you know, for example, launch EC2 instances only in the private subnets, and the ones that have tagged private. Now, as you get good at writing tag based authorization policies, and IAM, you'll realize that you'll also want to write some policy statements that I'm not showing you here, around who can assign which tags and for something like this, where your VPCs are probably being created by Infrastructure as Code, that's fairly straightforward, you would take the role that those run under and you would give those, that role permission to write these kind of activity type tags, and nobody else and so then things would be tagged correctly from the get go. And you could just off to the races from there. So, more network security at scale. If you're doing if you're using VP C's and you're building security, you know that actually your number one security tool in the VPC is something called the, you know, EC2 Security Group, a very simple firewall, you know, that sort of stateful firewall, things in your VPC, they're a member of one or more security groups. And those security groups have rules and they have rules about who can initiate connections inbound, and who can connect and what kinds of connections can be initiated outbound. So really, that's your first line of defense in your network and it you know, even if the only thing you're good at is security groups in in VPC, you'll actually already have quite good network security at this point. So, um, but of course, once again at scale, these security groups, they have these identifiers, you can absolutely right IAM policies about them. But these identifiers, they're assigned by the system that you know, not inherently meaningful. So, if you want a way to manage these security groups at scale, there are a number of techniques that are useful one to pay attention to that I'm not specifically talking about here is a new, relatively new arrival on the scene in EC2 called prefix lists. So, if you want to kind of canonicalize, the list of IP address ranges that are meaningful to you and reuse them all over the place, it's a really good tool for doing that and making your security group rules a lot more meaningful. But here firewall manager so this is a higher-level AWS services actually not in easy to proper because it's one of these higher-level management services. Firewall manager is again, one of the services it's integrated with your organization. The nice thing about firewall managers, it actually doesn't require, in order to work with firewall manager across an organization, you actually don't need access to that powerful management account. You can designate in your organization an account that is in charge, it's called delegated administration, you might see that word, an account that is designated to be able to manage firewall manager across the organization. Now, you can do some really useful things at scale here to make sure that your security groups and you know I also web application firewall rule sets are kept in line across this organization. So, the WAF rules, they kind of protect you at the at the outside, make rules about what kinds of traffic is even is even going to reach you in the first place. And the security group rules are of course, that next level of defense, you know, what IP addresses, what ports and so forth. And you can make rules that standardize the security groups that you have across your organization, standard rules around which things can be members of which security groups, you can run it in detective mode, you can even run this thing in remediation mode, where it takes action when it finds something somewhere in this organization that's out of compliance, a really powerful tool, we're learning how to use it. This topic of networking, actually, you can do a lot with your network in AWS, and I'm going to talk a little bit for the next two tips are about how the intersection of network-based security and authorization-based security is a really powerful combo in AWS. So over here in this picture is you know, a grossly simplified, grossly simplified version of probably what, about how you think about access in your network, access to AWS from your network. Over on the left-hand side, we've got an EC2 instances running some application under an IAM role, in order to do whatever, it is that they do, they're supposed to be reading and writing data from this from this S3 bucket. That's what they're supposed to do. And of course, when I run something on EC2, when I create an EC2 instance, I know exactly what VPC it's supposed to go in, right, because I put it there, I put it in some subnets. And, you know, sometimes I'll be using something called a VPC endpoint, we'll talk about that in the next tip, to be able to connect to these services. And given that I know that this EC2 instances are supposed to run from this network and not somewhere else, well, I'd like to make an assertion that locks that in. These credentials need to be using this network. On the right-hand side of the picture, I've got a human being, I've got an operator who works for my organization and should be accessing this data in S3. I'm expecting her to access this data in S3. Now, as is often the case, I might have a specific corporate network, including our corporate VPN, that she might, that she's expected to be using our AWS environment from. So maybe I'd also like to make rules about that. Now notice, I'm being very specific in how I talk about this, it is very unlikely that you want to make access rules on the basis of network alone. Right, just because those easy two instances are running in your VPC, just because that human happens to be on your corporate network, that alone shouldn't grant anybody access. You also want them you know, principles of zero trust networks, you also want them to be authenticated and authorized to the specific resource to trying to access and that's kind of IAM's job. But this network signal is a really useful secondary signal to be able to assert who can do what, from where. So over here on my, you know, I've got some policy for the role that my application runs under. I have this additional statement. Again, it's a deny statement doesn't let anybody do anything but makes an assertion about the conditions under which they can't. I say that this role, I don't care what service it tries to talk to, I don't care what it tries to do. I don't care what it's talking about. If these credentials show up somewhere other than this VPC that I know I launched this instance into, well, I'd like that request to be denied. On the other side of this picture my human being, I've attached this policy to her like to her federated role she came in through her directory per tip number two, she came in and she's using AWS from our corporate network. And let's say our corporate network reaches AWS over public endpoints. So, I'm using this source IP, it's kind of the sibling to source VP source VPC is what you get when you're coming through a VPC endpoint source IP is what you get when you're coming through the public endpoint, then dot one dot two dot three, let's say that's my corporate IP address range. Oh, you see that other condition there? That's effective security tip number 7.5. This is really useful. And I'm giving you this example for my human access, because it comes into play, when, let's say my human being is following effective security tip number four, and she's using Athena to query your cloud trail logs in S3. Well, in order the way Athena works is, Athena makes onward calls to S3 to get to get the underlying data. And Athena is not running in your corporate network, Athena runs in our network at Amazon. And so, this via AWS service accounts for those cases, I don't want to block her from using Athena, I don't want to block her from using cloud formation, which in turn will provision resources under her identity. So, I add this condition to say, well, if the you know, she's originating the requests, it's got to be from her network, if, if it's coming by way of an AWS service, that too is okay, because the first hop would have been covered by the rest of this policy. So, this is how you assert network in your IAM, use that secondary signal, it's very powerful. To kind of keep on this topic of the of the intersection of network security controls and authorization controls and sort of flip it on its head, your next effective security tip here VPC endpoint policies. So over here, in my VPC, I'm running some applications, some on EC2, some on Lambda, some on ECS, maybe bunch of other things. And I've you know, to keep the story, really it probably using a whole bunch of AWS services here. But to keep this keep the story really simple, let's say I'm using S3, you know, because all these applications handle data, and I'm using CloudWatch logs, because I'm running agents on the EC2 instance, and so on to be able to get my application logs into Cloud watch logs. We think about that a second, the app, the data that my applications are processing and the application logs. This is, you know, you start to think this is some valuable data flowing around this network. And so, I would like to use this network as a boundary and make some rules that are true across the whole network, regardless of who's doing what and under what circumstances and for what application. I want to make some rules across this entire network about what kinds of actions can take place with these services that I have connectivity to. And that's where the VPC endpoint policy comes into play. I'm going to show you a VPC endpoint policy for my S3 VPC endpoint. You can do this for your cloud watch logs VPC endpoint, as well, though, of course, you could say logs colon star instead of S3 colon star. This is, well, the first thing you might notice about this policy is its law and you might be you know, if you've never seen one of these before, you might be a little bit suspicious about what I'm doing here, because it seems pretty broad. There's a lot of stars in it. The VPC endpoint policy, it's a boundary. So, it's a gate that you need to pass through. Nobody ever gets permission to anything on the basis of what's in a VPC endpoint policy. It's necessary, but not sufficient for granting access. And as such, you tend to write these policies, you know, it's, I find that customers are most successful writing these policies when they just make like a really coarse-grained assertion. This policy here that you're looking at asserts that all use of S3 is from the set of principles that I expect. Principles in my network are going to be using S3 from this network, that eliminates a whole set of unexpected use cases. If somehow there was some kind of problem in the environment where you know, where a different set of credentials showed up, they'd be unable to use S3 from this network, and they had valuable data in here. So that's an assertion I want to make. I could get more granular than this, if I wanted to, for example, if this was a fairly simple, well constrained VPC and I knew that, you know, hey, this list of 10 S3 buckets is being used, I could have added a resource condition to insist that it be one of those 10 buckets. So, you could do that as well. But my recommendation is, as you're using these boundary policies, you keep them really simple and save your least privilege policies for the permission policies that actually grant access. So over here, these EC2 instances, it's an application. It's code. It's machine. It's not man. It's completely predictable. I know that it is, I know that it is writing data to this specific path under this specific bucket. So that's where I write my good least privileged policy that grants access. The VPC endpoint asserts the that, you know, all of my access fits this pattern. I have the corporate network here in this picture as well with a you know the icon for a VPN connection. Most of our AWS services that offer VPC endpoints offers something called interface VPC endpoints. It's the kind of VPC endpoints that they offer. Those are reachable over a direct connect over or over a VPN, because they're just addresses in your they'll just appear at addresses in your VPC. So, if you wanted that network assertion that VPC endpoint policy to cover your own premises network as well, you could do that. Tip number nine, my favorite of these 10 tips. Want to question why I put it Tip Number nine, I'm not exactly sure. Connecting to EC2 instances, in my opinion, a way better way, EC2, for probably as long as there's been EC2 has had the ability to create key pairs or resources in EC2. EC2 hangs on to the public key, you get the part you manage and take care of that private key. And it's just an SSH key. It works exactly like SSH, because it is SSH. You need direct network connectivity to that EC2 instance, within a public subnet, you can do that if it's in a private subnet, you'll need a bastion in the middle, public connectivity to the private to the public to the bastion in the public subnet. And then for the SSH connection to the private subnet, then, of course, you think about the, many of you are probably doing this today. And you probably have good security practices around these private keys. But the fact of the matter is that you know, this is work that you do to secure these private keys because the private key is really outside the world of AWS. And in fact, the effect of a connection, the connection attempt is also kind of outside this world of AWS. So that's where our AWS System's Manager, session manager, really, like I would if you haven't looked at this, I would definitely recommend that you do this, it makes connecting to your EC2 instances simultaneously easier and more secure. Systems manager's just an AWS service, so it's API's that you use to interact with it. When Fred wants to connect to an easy to instance, he no longer has to take the SSH, private SSH key that somebody emailed to him. He now makes an AWS API call that gets authorized, authenticated and authorized against his IAM policy. Either he has permission to call start session on this instance, or he doesn't. Because it's an AWS API call. It gets logged in cloud trail. And in fact, you can even set it up so that the session itself gets logged CloudWatch logs. And from a network perspective that EC2 instance, no, he no longer needs a direct network path to the EC2 instance, because the EC2 instance is running an SSM agent that is that has an open tunnel to the SSM service technically called SSM messages and EC2 messages, these have VPC endpoints, so you don't need any internet connectivity at all to be able to get to them. And that's how we connect to this instance. So, this is from both a control and visibility perspective, this is strictly better, you're now controlling who has access to these instances on the basis of IAM. And in case you're wondering, well, why is he even talking about like SSH access to you know, shouldn't we be taking operators away from direct access to these machines, and I agree, and that's true. SSM also offers functionality called documents. These documents, it's kind of what it sounds like. They're these pre canned sort of operational scripts that you can set up in advance, they are AWS resources controlled by IAM so you can give Fred permission to this document on this instance, but not that document on that instance. And so, if you know once you are at the operational excellence stage where you're doing all of your operations via these pre canned pre-approved steps, you can move to that and it has all of those same properties. Final tip here, DNS logging, though for quite some time, most of you use the EC, most of you use the DNS provided natively by EC2 in your VPC, you have the option to override that and do your own DNS in VPC, but most of you are using the DNS provided by EC2. Used to be called EC2 DNS, we now call that route 53 resolver. If you look at how your DNS resolution works; it's your DNS is going to the dot two address at the base of your VPC address range. There's a lot, for quite a while there's a lot you can do with this resolver for example, set up private hosted zones to get DNS working the way you want a relatively newer arrival on the scene. That's very useful. Both for security and as a builder for troubleshooting, debugging, understanding dependencies, DNS logging, very simple to turn on. You tell route 53, you'd like to turn it on. You tell them where you'd like them to put your logs. It could be S3, CloudWatch logs, kinesis firehose, depending on how you plan to analyze them. And what you get is you get a record of the DNS queries that happened from your network. This gives you great visibility into what's going on in your network. So, you can see here from this log, somebody queried, that is a website dedicated to marine wildlife. Tells me what private address and the VPC tells me what instance ID, not showing you here but you also get ports and information on the answer that was received and of course what this information, you know, of course from a security perspective, I can know what kind of outbound calls are being made but even just from an operator perspective, I'd like to know what the dependencies are, and this is a really great source of truth for that. All right. Ten pro tips. I hope there was something on here that you hadn't seen before. Gives you something that, gives you a thread you can pull on, something you can learn a little bit more about in this re:Invent season. So, I hope you learned something new and have a great rest of your re:Invent and happy building.
Channel: AWS Events
Views: 1,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: re:Invent 2020, Amazon, AWS re:Invent, SEC317, Security Compliance, and Identity, Virtual Private, Cloud (Amazon VPC)
Id: MCp2wB63UQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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