AWS Postgres Aurora Vs RDS - What one should I chose?

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hi guys welcome back to the channel for those of you who are new here i'm johnny cheers i'm a data engineer working in aws with over 10 years experience in today's video we're going to take a quick look at the differences between rds postgres sequel and aws aurora sql so there's two options for postgres inside the database as a service offering from aws the first is rds postgres which is as it says it's rds with postgres on it and the second form is aws aurora that has a postgres engine built into it so let's just get down into the business and take a look at the actual architecture behind these two services this is where one of the core differences come up if we look at the rds postgres option it looks more like a traditional database there's a server there's a replication instance if you want it the postgres engine itself is actually installed on the server as you normally would and the storage is attached to that server if we then look at the aurora architecture it's different it actually operates off these things called storage nodes which go across availability zones and the compute is actually separated from the storage fundamentally we don't have to look after any of this aws look after it for us but this means we get better performance gains when we go to aurora because of this proprietary architecture underneath when compared with the more traditional rds setup starting with the storage and the way it's handled because the storage and the compute are separate in aws or roar it actually means it can scale out quicker and to larger volumes when compared to postgres rds it also operates read write functionality without having to spin up more servers which is what you traditionally do in postgres rds you create more replica instance when you move into the aurora world you create more storage volumes and then you can have reader and writer compute instances talking to that storage volume the way that a roar handles replication is also different so on the rds version the replication is synchronous it's coming from the logs of one instance and being pushed across to the other instance that's not what happens on the storage nodes it doesn't read off the logs anymore because the storage is separate from the compute it's actually replicating the stories underneath across those availability zones and because the stories is separate from the compute in aurora it means that failover is quicker rds postgres can take up to 120 seconds to do failover once it notices that a node is down compare this to a roar where actually that failover time is less than 30 seconds so if you want to be highly available and highly scalable aurora really is a great option to go for over the more traditional rds approach the biggest question i always get asked is price what is the price difference between these two models and actually i find this surprising aurora is significantly cheaper an example i'll put on screen here you can see it's 40 cheaper to use aurora than aws rds so aurora is cheaper but also it's faster more scalable and indeed can handle higher workloads than rds which then brings to the conclusion that everyone asked why doesn't everyone just use aurora it's cheaper it's faster it scales better it's more available and the answer usually is one of two reasons the first one is they're not comfortable moving under this architecture held by aws the rds postgres is a very traditional approach you essentially have a server and you install postgres onto it and that means if you ever wanted to move away from aws or you were comfortable knowing this is how you did it on premise there's no change in that pattern or infrastructure albeit the rds service is obviously managed for us so we're not physically doing the install ourselves we're clicking buttons on the console moving away to the aurora architecture where the nodes of storage are separated from the compute is a change in that pattern and some organizations and some people just aren't comfortable putting that in the hands of aws then the other reason i see on my daily basis why companies or individuals won't move to aurora is the offerings of the versions so there's significantly more versions and minor releases for rds postgres than aurora however aurora does have all the major versions i think 11 12 and 13 are there now for me personally over the last 18 months i've always used the aurora version i've moved away from using the rds one because of the price but two i'm comfortable with the aws infrastructure architecture set up behind and if you're comfortable with that too i think you should make the move i think aurora is the future of aws let me know what you think in the comments and that's everything for today guys so thanks for watching as always if you would like more content please like and subscribe to the channel it really helps me out my website is in the description below where i have loads of free aws resources and until next time guys thanks for watching
Channel: Johnny Chivers
Views: 883
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Id: rQlp2PzklYE
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Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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