AWS On Air ft. Amazon EKS Anywhere | AWS Events

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[Music] hello justin hey justin hello and i mean i just want to address the elephant in the room right now if yeah jeff if this aws thing doesn't work out for you like infomercials might be i mean either that or i'm there may even be like a transition here into like quick change because if you did that live you changed out of that suit really quick and that's like magician level status right there so you may want to think about the magic of television appreciate your support [Laughter] i i was looking for the number i was like if i was up late and i saw you show up on my tv i'd be i'd be all over that i guess i've watched too much tv when i was younger you weren't scouting enough though i mean if you wanted to like really push it home you got to like get in my face a little more all right next time well here's the book again [Laughter] thank you for joining us today uh can you first of all tell us who you are and what do you do for aws yeah i i'm a developer here at aws i work in the containers team at amazon which is a lot of different services that we provide uh eks being one of them there's also ecs and app runner and there's a ton of things in this space that as amazon aws we we provide to customers to get going in a lot of different ways uh specifically today i want to talk about the launch of eks anywhere this week but i did want to like take a step back from that because i don't know everyone watching the stream if we're on the same level playing field of like what yeah what's a container like what is this valuable like yeah i just i want to start there yeah that's a great start like take us through containers and kubernetes and why did why were they invented and what problems do they solve and how do they help our users yeah and i love to associate that with things that have existed in the past so let's just let's just pretend i'm a developer and let's also pretend that it's i don't know mid 90s right like this is like 1995 and i have software that i wrote that i want someone to use like how how does that work and i actually went into my my bucket of stuff and pulled out the og container right here and jeff you might recognize this like this isn't the save icon this is actually like where we put stuff like this was a container this is how we ship software as a developer i said hey i need someone else to use this and at the time you know internet wasn't really like it was around but no one was really on it like software shipped on these containers and yeah they're read write but you don't really want to write to them they're pretty slow uh and and they're pretty limited in what they can do but this was how like i copied files to this and i sent it to a store i handed it to a friend and they plugged it in and they ran it and in a lot of ways like this was how software got distributed it was these box software and it was as a developer i couldn't touch it again necessarily once it went to the store like that if i needed to make an update like i had to like let me let me get another one right like here's another like oh here's here's version two like this is how that process had to work and with containers like we just modern containers we turned all that into software right once we realized that like hey these actually this workflow of i develop something i can give it to someone and i know it'll work the way that i wrote it but once i got you know two of them i got three of them i actually don't have any more here but once we start to scale as a software this doesn't work so well because then it's like how do i distribute this you in the 90s it was more people we distributed that we had people that actually orchestrated like they actually were plugging this into machines and said hey my old computer needed to run this so that's how that works so as a developer they'd have to drive around and go to the place to plug it in it was very expensive if you do that yeah yeah and now you also have to ship all your dependencies on there as well your libraries your dlls whatever exactly like that was you you bundled everything that it took to make your software run into one of these and you shipped it to people and now that entire supply chain is software and that's what containers are like it's it's the same workflow it's the same enablement of developer shipping software to to do that workflow and you don't have to drive around you don't need boxes you don't need physical media and so in that case a lot of your the people using your software are using it through a web interf websites it's it's something that's hosted in aws and they say oh i don't need to like physically go get something to run an app on my computer i can download that or i can use it through the web and that's containers can run in those contexts and it helps developers build software faster and have a lot of those assurances that my software that i wrote is going to run here on my local machine where i wrote it but also on someone else's machine on one or two web servers on a thousand web servers whatever it is they needed so the tools and the services that aws provide ecs eks app runner those are all ways to run these containers i packaged my software i put it in a container i shipped it to a store in this case it's called a registry and then that server ran the container it said okay i'm going to take that thing and i'm going to pull that down and run it and that's how i'm able to make sure i can get the software that same workflow again it's just ship it to a store download it and run it so so so to be technical those were third generation floppy disks that you showed there but how did we get from that point to the the era of containers and kubernetes what other interesting things happened along the way plenty of other software packaging mechanisms have come out there's been rpms and devs there's you know there's zip files there's a lot of other ways just to make that as like a software thing of like hey let's put this software in something that we can send to someone and verify and even sign it and cert you know have a certificate to like make sure that it came from the right place like all those things advanced over the last 20 to 30 years to give us more assurances make it happen faster and and those are all you know add-ons on top of these sort of physical media so we've mentioned kubernetes a couple times can you actually tell us what it is kubernetes is again it's it's the end place that your containers run it's how we orchestrate that at us at scale to be able to say hey i don't have three of these sloppy drives i have a thousand of them and i you know i need to run them and it may be your infrastructure your application has a lot of different dependencies has a lot of different pieces it might be micro services it might need different hardware such as a gpu and so kubernetes allows all of that software all the bits of software the containers to go to the right places to run in the right ways as you define it in some sort of definition of saying like hey this piece of software needs an arm cpu so i need to run on graviton or something like that and that's the basics of kubernetes is doing that kubernetes is open source kubernetes has been around for a little while you can get involved in the community you can run it yourself with eks we host that for you in aws eks anywhere which launched this week now allows you like that's that's big news now allows you actually to take all of the things we've learned of running eks for years and run that in your data center and say hey i might need some help kubernetes is actually kind of complex it does take a lot of technology to make this mostly seamless for your users and so eks anywhere packages up a lot of open source we have another tool or another open source project called eksdistro which is our bits that we run eks in aws eks distro is is like the pieces of kubernetes you need that now can run on-prem and we enable that in a couple different ways you can run it locally on your laptop if you want to try it out and say hey let me see what this is all about or if you have vsphere on-prem you can deploy a fully production and supported cluster into vsphere and deploy your software there so if you have an on-prem environment that's a great way to boost your utilization of vsphere and allow your developers to get this sort of new workflow of shipping and deploying containers into kubernetes on-prem okay so i i think i get it so we're making it much easier for our customers to to run their kubernetes based apps and we've given them the ability to run that in the aws cloud and now you're saying if there's reasons for them to do it elsewhere they can actually do that what what kind of what kind of reasons are you actually hearing from our customers why why why would they not always find aws the place to run their kubernetes apps so i first ran kubernetes on-prem about four years ago i was working at a company that did a lot of on-prem rendering for movies and all of the artists were in the building all of the art that they drew stayed in the building and all of the compute for that stayed in the building it was latency sensitive we had a lot of security around that we had a lot of need to say hey the art is being created here i it's expensive to move terabytes and petabytes of data back and forth between places so why don't we bring the compute closer to where the artists are and so my very first kubernetes cluster that i created on prem took me about three months to build it was not the prettiest thing it wasn't supported by anyone i couldn't it was essentially up to me and a small team of people to support and deploy things to it but we wanted to enable some workflows to our internal developers to say hey just because we're on prem doesn't mean you shouldn't have the benefits of what aws and dynamic infrastructure provide and so by looking at kubernetes and saying this is an open source solution we can run and support it ourselves if we want eks anywhere shortens that by by factors of i don't know how much uh because instead of three months it should take you about 20 minutes to get a production quality kubernetes eks cluster inside of vsphere and if you have critical business running on that you can pay for support from amazon if you're already using amazon enterprise you can say hey you know what like i actually need to make sure that this doesn't go down and we don't you know lose money or dedicate people to it so amazon support is is absolutely available and we have a lot of partners amazon works great within the community and with a lot of different companies for a lot of things that you might have on prem such as storage such as load balancers such as git ops workflows so we've partnered with a lot of other companies we have a network overlay called psyllium which is provided by isovalent which is a company we have a gitops workflow provided by weaveworks called flux and these are all solutions that some companies and some environments will need to really take advantage of kubernetes out of the box because kubernetes work we're making provisioning kubernetes easy and then adding those supported integrations to it so that anyone can say hey actually you know what like kubernetes is great but i need this other piece and i need this other thing over here and i need these other areas and so we're able to really bring in all of our wealth of integrations and our partner networks to be able to support those things okay so at this point customers have a lot of choices of how and where to run their container-based workloads how do we give them the big picture or the roadmap or the decision trees so they can make a a really well informed choice as to how to move forward if you have on-prem and and you especially if you have disconnected environments i mean i i'm a big fan of kubernetes i also have a lot of vcs experience i've i've done ecs in various ways and ecs anywhere works um for on-prem workloads uh but it's a slightly different model where if you have a network disconnection if you have you know only on-prem or you want to take advantage of the kubernetes ecosystem eks anywhere is probably going to be a great fit if you have workloads in ecs in aws already ecs anywhere could fit as well if you're fully in amazon and nothing on-prem you're welcome to pick from a variety of different choices depending on how much shared responsibility you want to have do you want to run a control plane do you want to manage load balancers do you want to manage integrations like how much flexibility do you need and how much control do you need and those are just a back and forth that always depends per class per customer you know i was trying to do the math in my head and i couldn't but you mentioned moving a petabyte of data back and forth for a rendering workstation how many floppy disks would that be it's about a snowball so [Laughter] better answer uh so with this real this is a ga release right uh general availability uh what what is involved with it we've got a couple of questions uh on what is actually supported so can you touch on that a little yeah for sure um it's an open source tool so you don't have to be an aws customer to use eks anywhere which for me coming from multiple environments having an open source tool that lets me use it and try it and see if it fits before i sign a contract or talk to anyone and sales like that's a big benefit to engineering to be able to say like hey i just want to run this and try it i'll know within half a day if it's the fit the thing that i need and that's great because you can run it we spent a lot of time on the the getting started documentation on run it locally if you have a vsphere environment go ahead and try it there currently at ga vsphere is the the only supported production cluster targets so we we have different a model here for different providers where you can run a cluster right now it's vsphere we wanted to start with what we saw a lot of customers had and what we saw a lot of environments on-prem had and vsphere was in a lot of them it was just a good bar that we could set at and say hey a lot of people want to use vsphere let's target that because we can get we can enable a lot of customers right off the bat um but we have other options coming next year bare metal is the next one on our list and so if you have no vms but you just want to use raw machines and you say hey i whatever reason i don't have vsphere or i don't have vms bare metal will be able to support that where we can say hey you can just bring me a rack of actual hardware and point eks anywhere at it and say hey i want that to be a kubernetes cluster now and that's the goal of saying yeah we can absolutely make that a kubernetes cluster that is supported and then at ga we're also enabling this support model where if you are an aws customer you can pay us for support and we will support everything inside of eks anywhere as the tooling and a lot of any of the integrations that are in it that we support there's in the documentation there's a lot of callouts for what is supported things like network overlays and some storage and you know different things that you'll need for your workloads you call aws if you have a problem with them and we have a great team of engineers working on this tool in opens in the open it's already out there you can see as work and pull requests are happening uh we have issues out there of customers already asking for new things and pull requests to add new features already which is amazing that's why i love open source because it just makes some of that visibility for customers so much easier where it's not like i don't have to call you know my tam who has to go call the engineer who has to go call the pm or something like that like that trade-off shrinks a lot for customers in open source and i love that aspect that's really great to hear that we're we're so involved in listening to our customers and and uh responding to what it is that they they need what are the best ways for our customers to actually really get as engaged as possible with with the open source aspect of this absolutely look at the github repo i know i think i saw links to it in the chat already um so that's one place to start if you actually want to get involved more with what we're doing with the tool we've been working inside of the larger kubernetes community for months now there's what's called special interest group that focus on different things and so we use current tools that were already in the open source kubernetes community such as cluster api and kind and i'm blanking on some of them right now but they have special interest groups that if you go look at the kubernetes community they list them all out and they have weekly or bi-weekly calls and a lot of the eks anywhere engineers are sitting in those calls helping those projects get better committing you know resources and time back to push any changes any of the benefits that we see upstream so we can say hey the entire kubernetes community can benefit from this we're going to use it in this productized version of it called eks anywhere which again is also open source but it just has it makes some decisions for you and it it helps you get along a supported path that if you're just starting out with kubernetes is actually kind of hard there's a lot of decisions to make there's a lot of software there's a lot of things in the ecosystem and by making some of those decisions up front we can we can help you accelerate your you know kubernetes adoption and your containers adoption yeah sure well this sounds great um can you show it to us in action yeah absolutely um i i have my uh if you want to pull up my screen actually let me get a quick drink let me know when you're ready and i'll add it go ahead it should be there okay this is just this is my my demo application that i i wrote for uh eks anywhere so it's it's literally just a couple config files for nginx and so again as a developer i might build this software locally on my machine i need to ship it now so the first thing i'm going to have to do is package this somehow in a container and that's like the bar if you want to get into kubernetes put your software to container and then we can talk from there so what i did already was i took this application i packaged it up as a container and i deployed it to a registry so it's up here in the ecr public gallery which is our public registry so anyone can pull this image down and and run my my amazing software of my application um it's it's in our eks uh getting started example so go ahead and run through that but this is this is the app i'm gonna run so the only thing i need to do is essential is create a cluster and i'm not going to go through the whole cluster creation workflow definitely check out the docs if you want to do that but eks anywhere is a sub command of this tool called eks control and it has these options for creating a cluster deleting a cluster uh upgrading a cluster and and also generating like support bundles and those sorts of things if you need to get the support so the first thing i did was i have that container it's published in ecr registry and i just need to deploy it and this again it's it's an on-prem kubernetes cluster there's nothing special about it so all the standard kubernetes tooling works so if i do get nodes i have i already provisioned a cluster here locally on my machine and you can see it has docker at the front of it and so this is provisioned in a docker environment so this is a local cluster and those are two nodes inside this kubernetes cluster and i can apply i can create this uh application actually let me show you this spec real fast so this is when you're deploying a kubernetes application uh this is that container that i showed you earlier that's the thing that's in ecr so that's all of my software everything else in here is just options on how i want it to run how i want it to look so i i call i give it a name when it's running in eks i tell it how many i how many replicas and down here i tell like what port it should be open on so i can say hey if i'm gonna try to get information from that look at port 80. and so this is some of this is optional uh it was just part of the example and it was just something we wanted to do so okay thank you [Music] i can deploy that actually i think i still have it deployed because i was working on it earlier um so it's running inside my cluster i can see that i have one container that was already deployed it's running that's the the name of it that i wanted and i already actually am publishing that on my local port because i'm doing it so i can curl and i can see my wonderful application uh with all of the glorious ascii text because that's that's the way the web should be browsed um that's that's my implication in kubernetes so the benefit here and and again this isn't much different than these floppies here the benefit here is that portability the container portability of saying hey i want this to run somewhere else i want this in a different environment and that's where it's actually really cool because eks on-prem with eks anywhere allows you to take the same container image and everything about it and then say hey actually no i want to put this in amazon now i want this to be hosted in eks i want it to be dynamically scalable whatever the need is you can do all that so i'll switch my tabs here and like i'm in a different kubernetes cluster so you can see here i have these us west 2 this is a node inside of a different kubernetes cluster the only thing i did here was actually changed my the config file that i'm using cubecontrol to call to so i say hey instead of using my local cluster go point at the one i created amazon and i can do the exact same steps the workflow is the same which is why that the container portability and kubernetes running anywhere is so powerful the same people could be managing whether it's in aws or whether it's on-prem yeah the same workflows for deploying applications and applications the one change i'm doing here is i have a slightly different spec that i'll show it off um the only thing i do here is right down here i say my service is a load balancer now because in amazon in aws we have dynamic load balancers and we can provision that and we know how that works on-prem especially on my local laptop uh it turns out i don't have a load balancer on my local laptop so i can't do it that way but i can provision one in aws and i get all the same stuff about you know what port it should be on everything else so if i apply this one the load balancer again i had it running already but i could do get services and i can see here's my hello eksa service and here's my actual load balancer like i like i didn't have to do anything for that except for change a word inside my yaml file the the image is the same the software is the same everything about this deployment is the same which is that portability aspect and so again i can curl this and it's the same thing the same thing if you really notice like the i defined as a dynamic piece in here of like what the app is called so that is is different between the two where this one's on my local machine and that's in the aws and so that's the portability that as developers you can run things on prem workloads that are data sensitive uh you know for either restrictions based on whatever it is you're trying to you know if you have government mandates if you have latency concerns if you have a disconnected environment like these are the things that we want to enable customers to do and run kubernetes and have all those same benefits and a lot of the like management of kubernetes especially with eks anywhere shifts instead of managing servers and trying to upgrade them it's a declarative method of saying hey just like i have a spec here for how my app is deployed i have a spec for how my cluster is deployed and so my cluster actually gets deployed the exact same way as my applications and we have an integrated git ops tool called flux which if you just deploy the new version of it it actually can upgrade your cluster for you and it can do some things and if you want to scale it or if you want to change types of the nodes you have memory and cpu you can do that all through this declarative spec and you push it just like i pushed this application and so that is super powerful that we're enabling infrastructure engineers to do the same thing applications engineers have been doing whether that's on-prem or in aws really nice i think what's what's interesting here is your demo really only featured one container right which but like this is all so that you can scale and so that uh it's more dynamic being able to do this correct yeah i mean anything in kubernetes that you normally would get with dynamic scaling with horizontal pod auto scaling with node auto scaling all of those things it's still eks and eks anywhere is a kubernetes cluster and we want to enable any anyone that wants to use kubernetes to take advantage of everything in the kubernetes ecosystem and we're not you know having some special sauce on like oh if you do it this way with amazon like this is the thing you get it's like no like this is a kubernetes cluster we vent these to you so you can be successful with whatever tools you want this whole this whole time we've been talking about uh open telemetry and and manage grafana all those tools work inside of kubernetes environments great they integrate with a kubernetes cluster whether you're running it yourself or you're running eks and in both these cases you can hook up an eks anywhere cluster to cloud watch and manage grafana and get visibility into the cluster yeah wow okay so uh are our uh our viewers if they'd like to get started what do you recommend as their first step uh check out the documentation let me switch my tab again um oh too many windows and my camera's blocking me there we go uh so check out the documentation anywhere uh we have a getting started guide right here the big old button right there click the blue button and it starts you write with install the tool and and create a local cluster you know create the local environment which is what i have running on on this machine and it'll give you a sense of what's involved in that cluster if you want to actually come see a full cluster creation demo and cluster management uh i have another we have a show called containers from the couch that we have a show on monday that we'll be doing a full demo of let's deploy a cluster let's upgrade the cluster let's look at some of the more advanced features of what it takes to manage an eks anywhere cluster so i'll drop that link uh in the chats i don't know if we can we should probably send that to the other one so i'll put it over here in private chat too um that's that's a great we're we're trying to show off a little more advanced on just like what it means to manage an eks cluster in more details about how it helps the the cluster admins because the kubernetes aspects of that get a little bit tricky so we want to spend a full hour on taking questions and talking to people yeah awesome well thank you so much justin this has been great i know there's been uh a lot of excitement i saw a bunch of stuff people talking about this on twitter yesterday um so thank you for joining us today yeah thanks for having me this is this is great to be able to talk to anyone that wants to hear about kubernetes on-prem yeah and and so that we can see floppy disks again it's been a while i'll always bring floppies yeah all right everyone i think how about i have to scrounge around my house to find a floppy i have some really old boxes of career memorabilia and i have to dig like a decade back i think to find a a floppy disk at this point yeah it took me about 10 minutes i knew roughly where they were [Laughter] all right so uh before we end today uh i'm gonna remind you again that we need your feedback uh the survey there's a link in chat uh that we would love for you to fill out um i forgot to mention this earlier that uh the first i think it's 50 uh people who submit that survey have a chance to get some aws credits uh so uh please do that again your feedback really helps us improve the show um and improve our products as well so uh please do that uh jeff is there anything else you want to add today before we wrap this up i can't think of anything jenna it's been really really fun to to put this together and i i love watching all the the questions on the chat i love to see that we've got this global audience is really really cool that we've got people turning tuning in from pretty much all over the world and i really appreciate everybody's time and attention and great questions and hope that they've found this a really good use of their time yeah i agree and i'm i love that we have the asl interpreters here too so thank you genesis and david uh your help has your your work is very much appreciated by us and by the audience absolutely i i took a little bit of asl in college and so i know this much of it so i've been watching and trying to remember as much as i can [Music] you
Channel: AWS Events
Views: 390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, Events, Webinars, Amazon Web Services, AWS Cloud, Amazon Cloud, AWS re:Invent, AWS Summit, AWS re:Inforce, AWSome Day Online, aws tutorial, aws demo, aws webinar, #aws, #eks, #kubernetes, #awsonair, #demo
Id: mx_2zkzD21k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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