AWS IoT GreengrassV2 (Part 1) Installing on a Raspberry Pi 3 2.0 aws iot

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hi everyone this is the first of many videos where i will go into using aws iot green grass and how we get a device connected to iot green grass i'm going to start with a raspberry pi device so something that's very accessible and everyone can use i've got one of those set up on my desk here so the first step i'm going to do is take the sd card out and we're going to put raspbian on this device using the sd card imager from raspberry pi so if we go on to the raspberry pi website we can see that we can download this i'm using windows so i'll download for windows raspberry pi image up okay that's the software installed so i'm going to open the raspberry pi imager prompting me now there it is so so i'm going to install the desktop version the raspberry pi software the reason i'm doing this is so i can do a virtual desktop to that device and then i can share that on the screen a lot easier so you can see exactly what's going on on the device and i'm also going to develop the code on the device first of all and then deploy that using aws iot green grass to other devices that we have so we can do all our test and development on the actual raspberry pi device itself and then push that code up to the cloud and then redeploy that back down to all of the other devices i'm going to choose the sd card now that i inserted it's a big one and then write that yes everything else is going to be lost that's fine okay that's finished now i'm a little bit older i wish i hadn't picked a 200 gig sd card so click continue i'll just eject that so that i can ah it's ejected already that's great i can pull that out and i'm going to insert the sd card back into the raspberry pi and connect a keyboard and monitor to that at the same time so that i can set that up on the other device i use a wireless keyboard and trackpad so i'll just put usb in for that and connect hdmi it'll always be the opposite way to the first way okay and then i can power that on and use the tactical blue tack to hold it in place the reason i have this camera on the device is because we can integrate later on using the uh gpio pins on the device to actually get it to control some leds and integrate some switches okay so this is the view of my monitor sorry the picture quality is not the greatest but we won't need this for long so in here i'm going to just set up the country it's uk bridges create a password yeah i don't care about that um i'm gonna skip the wireless because i'm gonna plug in this in i'll do the software updates later set up the preferences in the configuration i'm going to enable vnc so doing that you should see the vnc logo up here at the top right up here so now if i switch back to my other monitor i should be able to connect to this device so now the device is connected and i've created a username and password and enabled vnc i should be able to connect from my machine to the raspberry pi so the ip address t yep continue username is pi password someone i set so the next step is to install greengrass on the device which i can do using the remote desktop window that i'm using now and get that connected so first of all we're going to have to set up some an aws iot account and the im credentials that go with that so now i'm going to switch to my aws account you can see it's a brand new account first thing i'm going to do is select the region closest to me which is in europe island and then i'm going to go to the green grass service from here you can see the getting started on the left hand side and i'm going to set up one core device so in step three you can see the various parts that we need to run through so we need to install java on the device because greengrass v2 runs on java then we need to configure some aws credentials on the device the reason we need these credentials is to set up green grass itself and provision the device onto the aws account so we'll run through these two steps now before we run through the installer and do those parts so we're going to set up one core and scroll down so install java on the device so let's just check to see if the device has java already so we'll go back to our remote desktop open a terminal just check java okay command not found so we don't have java on this device so we'll need to install that and yes okay that's finished so we'll just check the java version that we've got okay that's excellent we'll go back the next step is to create the i am user that will let the device provision from the device to the aws iot cloud so we're going to go into density access management i am and create a user i'm going to call this user green grass for provisioning we only need programmatic access because it will be using the cli to provision the device so we only tick that and we can attach the policies directly because we know which ones we're going to need so we need i am full access in order to create the token service we need s3 because we can use that later to create buckets in the deployment um we need iot to create the device there's a lot more iot ones for access and we need to add green grass green grass full access so we don't need to tag so there's our four managed policies we'll create that user and then we need to store these access keys for later so i'll download the csv and save that and we can use that on the device to provision so that's done so i can close that and go back to the green grass service okay so we'll scroll down and configure aws credentials on the device so we need to put the access key id and the secret access key that we got earlier from the other account and put those on the device before the device tries to connect and provision itself okay so we're going to name the device my group will be called my pi group we need to configure the aws credentials on the device so these are the credentials that we had from earlier so i'll copy those paste those into the terminal now then we can download the installer okay now we'll run the installer okay so that's finished installing now everything went okay as you can see so we can now go back into our i am management console and for that user we can just disable that user because we don't need to leave that open anymore you can alternatively use temporary credentials which you can cover in another video so i'm just going to go into that user and [Music] under the security credentials make that access key that we created earlier in active for now okay so that's done so now if we switch back to greengrass console we should see in there that we now have a green grass device connected so that's the raspberry pi and it's showing it's healthy so we can do our first remote deployment to the device so if i select that device we can go to deployments and we see deployment for my pi group in there we have our current deployment which only has this one component which is the aws green grass cli so i'm going to revise that and add a few components that i will cover in later videos what each component does if there are any of these components that you're interested in knowing more about please just put that in the comments and i'll pick that up and move those up the list to make those videos quicker but for now we will add let's just add the debug console because that'll be useful if i can find it it's here somewhere filter by name there you go local debug console select next next next and deploy so we should see that deployment happen successfully to the device so we can look in this iot job and see how the deployment is going and if the device has picked up that job yet and carried out the actions it currently is in progress so that should update okay so now that's deployed we'll switch back to the device and there's a few commands we can use locally on the device um the local green grass cli so that first command is for to get the component list of the components running on that device so we run that command and we'll just check to make sure that the extra component that we added which was the local debug console has been deployed and is running so you can see here that's been deployed and it is running and i can see some of the other parameters around that device so that's it for this video we have green grass up and running on the device and we can now communicate and do deployments to that device for the next video we'll focus on creating some code that interacts with the real world but if there's anything i missed or you would like me to do another video on and focus on please put that in the comments and i'll add that to the series thank you very much
Channel: AWSomeIoT
Views: 446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #AWS, AWS, IoT, Greengrass, GreengrassV2, Greengrass 2.0, AWSomeIoT, aws, 2.0, #aws, #greengrassv2, raspberry pi, #iot, iot, raspberrypi, greengrassv2, #components, components, pi, #pi, pi3, #pi3, #raspberrypi
Id: rLswsgz77I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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