Aws for Data science Basics | Aws cloud computing for beginners | aws tutorial

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in data science there are knowledge areas which is heavily statistics focused there are knowledge areas which are heavily domain focused and there are knowledge areas which are heavily it focused and Cloud technology is one such area which is very very heavily it focused and that is the reason many people coming from different background than i t do not feel quite comfortable with Cloud Technologies okay and let me tell you guys gone are the days when you say in an interview that well I don't have any exposure to Cloud technology and still you used to get a job nowadays in good organizations your resume may not get shortlisted if you don't put cloud Technologies at all I'm here to solve the same problem for the people who find it very very difficult to learn Cloud Technologies I am going to create a series of videos which will help you too number one clear interviews and answer cloud-based questions number two getting your hands dirty with AWS and number three building deploying your models and how to use various components of cloud Technologies how to be quite comfortable so that tomorrow in a project you are given a cloud project you are quite comfortable to work on that let's see one by one guys and let's start with the basics video first in this video we are going to learn about basics of AWS for data science okay and what are the topics we are going to cover we are going to see what and why of cloud computing non-bookish definition not the bookish definition okay then why we are learning AWS why not gcp or Microsoft Azure I am going to tell you that public versus private weight versus hybrid Cloud what is the difference very very important and interview question how to create your own AWS account many people have confusion around this I will show you how to create it storing your first file in Cloud how to do that very very easily I will show you you can do it parallely with me and how to access your file via browser that you have stored in the cloud okay AWS Cloud let's see all these one by one guys first of all what and why of cloud computing pay attention here guys this is a non-bookish definition very very important to understand okay so I will not take any other example I will take my example so Aman is a data scientist okay Aman is a data scientist Aman wants to create one or two data science courses okay and he wants to host it somewhere so currently there is a website called www dot unfold data okay so you can open it in browser I am going to show you also this is to relate why do we need cloud computing okay so this is the website unfold data let me go to that website and show you how it looks like so this is how the website looks like now unfold data and I have couple of courses here so what is happening right now is for a moment just think that there are 10 students who have purchased this course okay but tomorrow I don't know if 10 students or 100 students or 10 000 students will purchase my course okay that is my problem number one problem number two is I want to ensure that nobody should be able to download this course and use it in a wrong way I mean resell it or something like that that is the security part what is the third part I want to be ensuring I want to be ensuring this course is available in India in USA in Australia in London in let's say UAE all the geographies this course is available and same content same Latin I mean low latency same kind of quality in terms of video is available at all the locations okay and I want to ensure that if I want to migrate my entire thing to some some other platform tomorrow or if I want to host it to somewhere else that process should be easy I have explained here four things guys what I explained you the first thing I explained you is scalability okay so that is my first need why that is my first need because now let's say 100 students are buying my course tomorrow then 10 000 students God knows tomorrow 1 million students may buy my course so my platform should be able to support for that I should scale up my back end right I should scale up my server wherever I am hosting my course that platform has to be scalable okay then I told you it should be secure okay so that nobody is able to use it in a bad way nobody is able to download it resell it all those kind of things security comes there then comes flexibility flexibility means tomorrow I want to use it in some other platform or I want to migrate my courses or I want to add a new chapter new module more um you know data examples more python notebooks or more programming examples whatever it is it has to be flexible okay and then I told you it should be accessible in UAE India China Australia USA UK all over the globe it should be accessible so it should be reliable okay Now understand my problem guys I am a one person okay I don't have a team so I am the one who is creating the courses I am the one who is hosting that on the on that server so um you know from your from your normal understanding you can think that I should focus more on creating good content course or I should focus more on these things both are equally important but where is my expertise line my expertise is lying in data science right so I can create very good quality courses in data science but I cannot ensure all these things because you know that is not my expertise somebody else should take care of that okay and all these all these things are needed in my business so you can think this is a business where you know one thing is product one thing is what is my business so my business is you know creating courses and hosting it somewhere but there is IIT part of it as well IIT part of it means it should run in a smooth way it should be available it should be secure it should be reliable okay and here comes the non-bookish or non-formal definition of what you hear as cloud computing so what cloud computing tells you is you take care of your business and you give all your ID to me you give me some money I will take care of all your ID part so everything here is ID okay everything here comes under the it management or it infra or IIT side of the business you can say this is the product side of the business okay this is IIT side of the business now imagine uh here I spoke about one simple course okay suppose you talk a big big organizations who are making shampoos and some famous hair care products some big big Pharma companies right they should focus more on their research their business how to grow Market how to do advertisement Etc right and less on how it will be managed that is where cloud computing or all these cloud service provider comes into picture what they say is you give us money I am writing here you give us money okay I take care of your ID I take care of your ID this definition guys remember this and you will never confuse what is the meaning of cloud computing okay this is the basic simple meaning so I take my entire content I take all my data I host it on a cloud service provider now I am using this word many times cloud service provider cloud service provider is an organization or entity that provides Cloud Computing Services or that sells Cloud Computing Services okay some of the big players in this space are AWS standing for Amazon cloud services gcp Google Cloud platform and Microsoft Azure okay why I am writing these three names says only these three uh capture almost 70 percent 65 percent plus that is for sure I think it will be reaching 70 now of cloud computing Market okay and why I am focusing on AWS in this series is AWS itself is roughly 33 percent of the total Global Market capture okay so one third of total Global Market of cloud computing is AWS itself cloud service provider as a service provider okay that is the reason we are learning AWS so what is the simple definition of cloud guys these service provider tells you you give us money and I take care of your ID okay what is the meaning of taking care of your ID guys one simple example I will give you okay let's say in your computer you have a file okay this file this one file is your let's say um let's say uh daily workout schedule okay so daily you go to gym and this is daily workout schedule okay scheduled and there is another file I will call it this is let's say file one there is another file file too this is you know what this is your monthly expense monthly expense calculator okay so first file file one you use how many times in a month you use 30 times in a month I am thinking you go to gym daily 30 times in a month you use this file and this file you know how many times you use in a month only once okay one time in a month obviously as a normal practice what we do we want to keep these kind of files on desktop so that we can easily access it okay some files which we don't you know normally access we keep it on some D drive some inside folders right and we expect low latency here what we expect low latency low latency means if I want to open this file this file should open fast right I should be able to access this fast and this file even if it takes some time I don't bother because you know I do it monthly once so in spite of doing you all these things I mean this is just a part of what cloud computing can do but what I'm trying to tell you is in addition to normal things in your IIT it makes your IIT infrastructure smart also smart means cloud computing will enable you to have low latency on frequently accessed file and kind of little high latency on files which are less frequently accessed of course at the cost of money they will charge you more for these kind of files less for these kind of files okay we will see in the demo now don't worry so these are some of the basics of cloud computing guys you need to understand so what is cloud computing I told you for any business if you want cloud computing provider to take care of your ID and that that becomes your clouding Cloud some service provider and entire thing that happens on their platform is called cloud computing okay and why cloud computing because businesses want to focus on their Core Business not on the IIT side of it and they want to you know utilize their bandwidth in focusing on business growth not on the IIT side of it and that makes sense also right and why not if somebody is giving all these things at a low cost you know people will go and take it okay so we will see into detail but this is just a non-bookish to understand kind of definition you can relate to unfold data science website and try to understand this okay why we are learning AWS I already told you now I will tell you there are three different variants of or three different kinds of services that cloud service provider can give you okay so who are cloud service provider again AWS gcp and Azure kind of guy here we are talking about AWS in particular now guys suppose in unfold data science website what all things from the ID point of view I need to take care okay suppose in unfold data science website from it point of view what are the things I need to take care I will just keep writing here okay so that I'll tell you what is the difference between three types of services that we take from cloud with example not by bookish definition okay first of all I should have application application means I am hosting my courses right so corsage should be there quizzes should be there um assignments should be there so that is part of my application okay then comes my data data is nothing but my user data my you know maintenance of my users or addition of new user or deletion of user or um what what file formats I'm using what files I'm adding right application data I'm just looking at my notebook so that I should not miss any anything runtime the meaning of runtime is when my application runs then it should be managed in a proper way so that front-end users are not facing any issues okay then comes middleware middleware means is it calling to some apis or is it is it doing some kind of communication with the back end right that part will come into picture and then comes the operating system where it is running on which OS it is running and then comes virtualization if any it is not always needed but if any virtualization is happening which means if it is running on any VM or any virtual servers then that will come into picture and then comes what servers is getting used okay and then comes what storage is getting used okay and then comes what networking is getting used Network okay now I will write here three terms guys I am sure you have heard about this one is called infrastructure as a service okay I a a s one is called platform as a service p a a s and one is called software as a service okay don't forget all the definitions that you know about all these things okay again relate to unfold data science so what all should be taken care when a course hosted on unfold data science website is accessed by a student okay application data runtime middleware all these may not be applicable for all the applications for example let's say I'm hosting on a local machine and from local only I'm accessing so virtualization will not come into picture I'm not using any VM okay similarly um I'm using you know um storage local storage so storage is not very complex in that case but overall all these things will come into picture if I am running a full-fledged application okay remember what I'm going to tell you now this is an interview question people will ask you suppose Aman does not use any cloud services suppose Aman does not use any cloud services and maintains runs the website the platform by himself so what all things Aman is responsible for a money is responsible for everything from here to here okay everything from here to here Aman is responsible because your money is not Outsourcing kind of his I.T a money is not using any cloud service a man is responsible for all these things okay take a moment guys try to understand now suppose amman's business grows and Aman wants to you know give some part of IIT to a cloud service provider so Aman decides that I will take care of from applications till OS okay from applications till OS I will take care of my application I will take care of my data I will take care of my runtime middleware and Os but but I want the cloud service provider to give me virtualization if any I will use your servers I will use your storage I will use your network this becomes infrastructure as a service simple definition okay from the cloud platform what you are taking what you are renting is infrastructure what infrastructure you are renting virtualization servers storage and network capabilities of the cloud service provider fine when we see the AWS console I will show you what all comes under these categories don't worry okay so infrastructure as a service is basically you give me the infra rest of the things I will take care so you give me the storage you give me the server rest of the things I will take care so that is kind of least use of cloud platform you can say and mostly the company or the Enterprise or the business itself is managing most of the things this becomes your iaas standing for infrastructure as a service now what happens in platform as a service in platform as a service everything right from run runtime everything right from run time till end will be managed by cloud service provider okay so what you are managing you are just managing your application and data what you are managing you are just managing your application and data so if you want to add a new feature in the application if you want to as a you know delete a feature from your application if you want to do something with your data those things you manage apart from that everything is managed by cloud service provider that is the definition of platform as a service I will give you examples in all the in these three categories okay and then comes software as a service what happens in software as a service everything is managed by cloud service provider you just use that software okay everything happens on cloud you just use the software as an end user examples in software as a service category here are some examples I have noted guys you must be using something known as Dropbox I'm sure you have heard this sorry Dropbox Dropbox is nothing but a cloud storage given to you where you can store file retrieve later so what you are doing here you are just using software as a service you are not managing application nothing you are doing you are just as an end user you are using Dropbox to store your files very simple Microsoft 365 okay your Excel your PowerPoint your word all these things what you are doing you are using those applications you don't bother about how the runtime is how the middleware is how the virtualization is how the server is how the storage is if you are in a you know AWS sorry Azure Cloud kind of platform okay then one more example I will give you which most of you would have used Cisco WebEx okay Cisco WebEx in Cisco WebEx what you use you use just the front end just the application you don't care what is the software code written what is the storage written uh how much data I will be storing where it will get stored you just do the meeting your file gets stored later you can you know get that file that's all end of the story all these are example of software as a service where you are an end user okay now suppose you are not an end user you are a team of developers so here you are managing some bit of i t some bit of IIT you are managing your application you are managing your data you are managing you just say to cloud guys hey give me your platform okay I want to host you my application on your platform give me your platform that's all okay that's all I need I have the expertise to manage my application and data those guys will give you and one kind of example here will be Heroku if some of you have hosted your application on Heroku you know data science application or any kind of web app you will see that you are managing your code you are managing your data you are managing code means you are managing your application cloud service provider is giving you everything right from runtime to virtualization to middleware everything okay so this is you know middle middle level it expertise okay middle level IIT expertise this is zero attacks expertise and infrastructure service means more IIT expertise you are saying hey just give me the infra I will take care of rest of the things okay so here you will just take the infra and you can do whatever you want so many kind of application which are hosted on the cloud and being managed by individual organizations okay that can come under infrastructure service for example some of the CRM applications organizations host on the cloud some of the invoicing applications some organization host on the cloud they want to keep their data secure and they want to have most of the control apart from just they are renting the apartment you can say for example you rent apartment to stay whatever you do in the apartment that's your business right you rent the servers you rent this storage then you do whatever you mean so anybody asks you the difference between IES PS SAS remember the difference SAS list control all the control is with cloud service provider PS mid-level control IIs more control these are the things that will be controlled by cloud service provider in all these categories okay so this is basic of three different types of services that cloud computing provider cloud service provider will provide you in all these categories you will see different different components we will show you in AWS I will show you an AWS console okay now one simple and straightforward concept I want to cover here guys uh suppose this is your Cloud okay uh cloud service provider or you know Cloud you can say and this is your another Cloud okay so there is a terminology called public Cloud okay one simple concept here public cloud and there is a concept called private Cloud okay private cloud and there is a concept of hybrid Cloud hybrid Cloud okay so guys you have to understand what is the difference between public Cloud private cloud and hybrid Cloud suppose I'm I want to host unfold data science website on AWS okay so I will I don't care much about my data security because it's it's like you know students name and email ad it's not very very sensitive data okay students name and email ID and my my course files right so what I will do is I will look for a little cheaper option to host in AWS and the cheapest option is using public Cloud okay public Cloud means wherever you are hosting your application or wherever in the in the clouds are the cloud service provider is allowing you to host it in a public space where somebody else can also host their application it will be secure of course by multiple security protocols but in public Cloud many uh many customers of the cloud service provider can use the application to keep it very simple okay but think of a scenario where it's a bank okay it's a bank in the bank the data is very very sensitive customers account balance card number pin you know debit card pin or CVV number Etc so banks will not want to use the public Cloud because by mistake if something happens okay then their data may get they are afraid that though the cloud service providers say that your data will not get exposed but they are afraid that it may get exposed and also there are lot of security protocols they need to follow on their data so if you want to store something sensitive on the cloud okay remember this if you want to store something sensitive which which is very very sensitive and very very private then you will use private cloud if you want to you know store or use cloud service provider for normal things not too sensitive you will use a cost effective method or cost effective flavor that is known as public Cloud okay mostly in any organization it will be a mix of both so they go for hybrid Cloud why there are three different concepts guys in terms of dollar you know charge that cloud service provider will pay you know charge you for the service right it will be leased in public Cloud it will be highest in private cloud and it will be somewhere mid-level in hybrid Cloud okay but sometimes if you want to store sensitive data or Banks do not want to compromise they will go for private Cloud otherwise hybrid cloud and public Cloud for good for the businesses where we want a cost effective solution we are a small business and we don't want you know not lot of security protocols we have to follow on the data Etc just an example I give you now there are more differences to this for example if you if you say who is the owner of a private Cloud so here company itself will be the owner of this Cloud okay in terms of owner I'm saying honor is company okay who is the owner of a public Cloud owner is cloud service provider owner is cloud service provider okay and in the hybrid Cloud also owner is company company means if unfold data science then unfold data science is the owner of this okay so you can compare public hybrid and private cloud in terms of many things for example if you ask me where the skill scalability and flexibility will be more obviously in public Cloud it will be more because private Cloud there will be again lot of restrictions coming lot of protocols coming right if you ask me where the charges will be less of course public Cloud if you ask me who will own this guy will own if you ask me what is the reliability and what is the security obviously hybrid Cloud will have more security private Cloud will have more security than public Cloud okay so somebody asks you the difference you have a overall idea I will not explain you more I don't want to confuse you I want to go to the lab fast okay now what we learned guys we learned public private hybrid Cloud I also explained you how do you differentiate between infrastructure as a service platform and software as a service now it's high time let's go and do some lab guides um let's create your first this is called AWS Management console okay and I am logged into this but what you can do is you can go to Google and search for AWS Management console AWS stands for Amazon web service one of the leading cloud service provider and my entire playlist on my entire series will depend on AWS itself okay so if I go to AWS Management console here then what you can do guys you can see a button here to create a new account okay so here you will click on this I think I'm logged in so it is taking to my account let me log out first give me a moment let me log out okay so this is my sign in to console okay and is it remembering my password no it is not remembering my password so first you have to do guys what create a new AWS account if you don't have an account okay and here first thing they will ask you is create your AWS account with an email ID give an email ID here give an email ID here they will send you a passcode okay that passcode you enter here give a email ID for example ABC ABC at okay and you enter your name so for example dummy name okay and then you say verify email address if you say they will send you a passcode enter that passcode here and it will take you to the next step Next Step they will ask you your name address and credit card or debit card number now remember guys without credit card or debit card your account may not get created so when I added my credit card Indian credit card just 2 rupees I think got debited okay just two rupees so don't be afraid guys you can add your credit card or debit card just two rupees two INR okay two rupees will get deducted from your card just to ensure that you are adding a valid card okay do that until or unless you use some heavy service Amazon will not charge you don't be afraid you can add that I will also show you how you can control your budget okay so once you do that then you are good it's like normal um any any kind of account creation okay and then you have your user ID and password created as root because you will be on a root user email address you give which means you are the master of that account you are the owner of that account okay using root you can create once you create you will come to something known as AWS Management console so I am a root user I have created my account this is my user ID password I have saved it let me try logging in it is asking me again let me try okay so I'm inside AWS Management console which means Amazon web service Management console if you are doing with me congratulations you are inside the first cloud service provider AWS okay now I told you there are lot of services that cloud you know service provider will provide let's see what are these services so for example I told you in storage in storage they will provide you different kind of services so see for example I am in storage okay so here AWS backup is one category of stories okay AWS elastic Disaster Recovery is another category of stories okay so in one liner they are trying to tell what is the use of these storage so scalable cost effective application recovery okay S3 scalable storage in Cloud simple one S3 Glacier is archive storage in the cloud in my next session I will cover in more detail different storage and what are the functionalities provided in different storage for now just you remember I gave you one example guys you remember I give you one example of file being used regularly and not being used regularly so Amazon web service enables you to become smart and save cost based on what is the how many times you want to use that file okay and if you see multiple types of stories all these is trying to serve one or other kind of um service to you for example if you say Glacier Glacier is one kind of archive okay so it will not be it will not focus on low latency it will focus on low cost okay and then managed file storage EFS volume EFS is applicable for something which you need many times and there are different purposes of different files okay what we are going to do is we are going to go to S3 which is known as scalable storage in the cloud okay let's open this S3 all of you can open this S3 is basically your you can say um one root storage uh you know one kind of storage simple storage service in Cloud okay so let's come here and I want to explain you if you want to what what we are going to do now is we are going to upload one file in the cloud okay and I want to tell you something here guys from Theory then you we will create that okay in S3 what happens is in S3 there are two concepts okay one is called a bucket bucket and another is called object okay what is Your Bucket guys a bucket is a common repository kind of thing okay so this is a common repository inside one bucket you can have multiple objects multiple objects means multiple files you can upload no matter what is your format video or doc file Etc whatever is your format multiple formats multiple files multiple varieties multiple things you can store I am making different shapes to tell you that multiple flavors of file you can have inside a bucket and what is your object object is your actual files or actual data I will tell one more time you cannot have you cannot store file in AWS without creating a bucket you create a bucket first in this bucket you store whatever you want those are called objects let's see by demo okay guys if you are liking the video so far please don't forget to press the like button and drop a comment saying that you want these kind of videos so come here come here and say create bucket click on create bucket and name here so unfold DS bucket bucket uh first let me see this okay unfold DS bucket first and I'm not I'm not kind of uh doing anything else I am just going with default settings now you remember guys I told you uh I will access this whatever I am storing in this bucket I will access this using open internet okay so I will just uncheck this this is a dangerous thing to do but I will uncheck this so that Public Access is enabled if I check this it will block all public access later also I can change this but okay let me change later only okay so bucket I am for now I am blocking all public access okay simple now let's go here and create bucket okay what it says some error bucket name must not contain uppercase character okay fine so unfold bucket first let's go here and create a bucket so what we are creating a bucket inside this bucket we can store multiple files okay so I will go here and I will upload any file now if I go to my local machine guys there is a file called upload to AWS this file okay and I want to upload this file in Cloud now so see the magic of cloud now and you can also parallely upload one of your file add file add file go to my downloads upload to AWS take this and say upload okay upload it now so now my file that you saw in my downloads folder is uploaded where Amazon S3 which means cloud service provider okay and upload status is done I will say close now this is my file guys okay in this file there is something known as copy S3 URI copy S3 URI means in the world of Amazon S3 what is the uniform resource name for this or uniform resource identifier okay and then there is something called copy URL copy URL means it will give me a public URL now let's go here and try to paste this okay and let's see what happens see here the XML file does not have permission see access denied do you know why access is denied because I don't have public access for that file okay let's try to go and change it so another thing we have to do here is go to this new bucket that we have created and go to the permission and we have to edit the bucket policy now what is bucket policy guys since we want to access it from outside from open internet so we have to say to AWS that give this access to open internet or make this bucket available to the public okay how to do that this bucket policy is basically a Json file but to a new person it will be difficult to write that Json file so there is a very good graphical user interface where you can generate the policy okay if you go to policy generator here first say select policy type so you can go here and say S3 bucket policy okay second thing it comes here what I want to do I want to allow okay and I will say principle is star okay AWS I will say Let It Be uh this and here I will say all services all actions so Amazon S3 is the one one you know in this service we are trying to do okay so not in all services Amazon S3 service and here x and I'll say all action this is a dangerous thing to do which means delete the bucket update the bucket Etc I am giving a public permission but for showing purpose I can do that otherwise what you can do is you can go here and select you know get object access or read access or delete access Etc okay for now I am saying add all actions and then one important thing is Amazon resource name Amazon resource name is nothing but your bucket AR and arn wherever it says Arn it's Amazon resource name copy this and come here to the policy generator come here to the policy generator and paste it okay and then you say add statement once you have added statement then what you can do is you can click on generate policy it will give you a policy copy this come here and paste here okay so if you see here what what is this this is a policy that is this version version is taking default from my previous policy actually then statement ID then S3 then allow then on this bucket and principal register let me try adding this okay so it has got added and now my bucket should be publicly available let me go here and Let me refresh it it should show me public in in this bucket as well the other bucket okay so you can see it is public now let me try open this URL let me try refresh this from the open internet again it does not open it says access denied can you guess what is the reason for this guys let me tell you in the bucket policy we have given the access up to bucket only not up to the objects so come here in the permission in the bucket policy edit this okay and if you are familiar with file structure here I am saying up to the bucket I have to say slash star so that it is applicable to all the objects inside that bucket and save changes okay once I save changes and I go and I try to refresh the page as you can see here from the open internet you are able to access the file which is there on the Amazon S3 bucket in the cloud environment now this file is more secure this file is more reliable this file is can be version can be controlled okay and Amazon will charge me if I am you know using something which is not in free tier but up to 12 months there are many things which is in free tier so guys what all we learned today we learned about uh starting from basics of cloud computing to different uh services that cloud provide different types of cloud creating your account storing your first file and what are the settings you need to do to access your file from the open internet in the next lecture I am going to tell you more about um what are the different varieties of storage and what are the things that you will be very very surprised to see that all these things you wanted in your application and Cloud provides you all these things very very simply and easily okay give me a thumbs up guys if you like this video and you want me to continue on this series by likes and comments I will see you all in the next video wherever you are stay safe and take care
Channel: Unfold Data Science
Views: 27,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aws for Data science Basics, Aws cloud computing for beginners, aws tutorial, aws certified cloud practitioner 2022, aws cloud, amazon web services full course, amazon web services, aws for beginners, aws for dummies, aws for data science, aws beginning, aws beginning hindi, aws beginning telugu, aws hindi, aws hindi playlist, aws hindi tutorial, amazon web services hindi, aws telugu playlist, aws tamil, aws tamil training, aws tamil cloud, aws, unfold data science
Id: 0SYV7o_fd50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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