AWS DynamoDB Demo-Hindi/Urdu | LEC-82 | Create Table,item in dynamo DB | AWS Databases
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Channel: Technical Guftgu
Views: 46,204
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Keywords: AWS Dynamodb Demo Hindi/urdu/nepali, what is amazon dynamodb, dynamodb nodejs, dynamodb vs mongodb, dynamodb use cases, aws dynamodb schema design, how to create table in dynamodb, aws solution architect tutorial for beginners in hindi/urdu, aws devops in hindi/urdu, bhupinder rajput, technical guftgu, amazon webservices, cloud computing tutorials, aws nosql databases demo, sql vs nosql, relational vs non relational databases, aws vs azure, aws vs gcp, gcp vs microsoft azure
Id: 8Bl-6Hv424Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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