AWS CodeWhisperer… The Copilot Killer?

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it is April 14 2023 and you're watching the code report we're living through a development tooling Space Race right now and GitHub co-pilot is just the tip of the rocket there's a long shaft of other tools competing in the space that's growing girthier every day all of which are seated by Massive foundational models yesterday Amazon web services released a new code generation tool called code Whisperer and unlike its biggest competitor co-pilot which is powered by Microsoft and openai it's 100 free for everybody that's a huge deal last week I made a big mistake by poking the AWS bear with this video but this week it comes back and totally redeems itself it has some very cool unique features and today we'll compare it head to head with copilot but that's not everything AWS just announced they also just launched web service number 69421 called Bedrock it allows developers to access large foundational models on AWS infrastructure making it possible for the average dude who doesn't own a pile of gpus to build highly customized AI applications it has image models like stability AI stable diffusion and llms like AI 21 Labs Jurassic models in addition AWS also announced two of its own foundational models for both text and image processing called Titan what's crazy for image models is that all you need to do to build something custom is upload some labeled images to S3 like say you want to make fashion models obsolete Jesse we need to produce more Valencia you might be able to get the job done with as few as 20 images and if that weren't crazy enough AWS also made its new ml training ec2 instances generally available which are based on inferentia chips these are custom-built chips that can train machine learning models at about 50 of the normal cost on ec2 and that means you could train your own llm from scratch for only 5 million dollars instead of 10 million dollars platforms like cohere and hugging face are already using this behind the scenes but let's get back to code whisper which you can use for free right now first install the vs code or jetbrains extension then enable it by registering open up a code file then hit option C to generate some code you can also open the extension options here and enable auto suggestions which will generate code as you go I'm currently running it in a nexjs project and it seems to do a pretty good job of understanding the context of the project like here it exported a default function component which is exactly what I was hoping for and as you can see here it generated perfect use effect code for me also you can hit the arrow keys to get additional suggestions as needed compared to copilot I found that it usually doesn't suggest as much code like typically it just goes is line by line whereas in copilot it might suggest 50 lines of code at one time this is both a good and a bad thing because sometimes copilot just recommends a bunch of annoying nonsense but it can also be very useful when you have a lot of boilerplate like an HTML form but most importantly I want to make sure this thing can write regular Expressions it works great for simple patterns like phone numbers but becomes harder to prompt as the pattern gets more complex still extremely useful though I also want to see if this thing could write unit tests so I created a testing file and no joke it wrote an angular component for some reason I think it's trying to tell me something it kind of failed there but it also does some really cool things that GitHub co-pilot doesn't like for one it will give you a reference to the code in the training data when producing its own code it's awesome to have that transparency and also makes it less likely that you accidentally steal some code and then use it in ways you're not allowed to the legal picture Behind these tools is still very murky there's a class action lawsuit against GitHub co-pilot right now for being trained on billions of lines of public code without providing Credit in addition stock image supplier Getty Images is suing stability API for its art generation tools it's only a matter of time before the lawyers ruin AI for everybody so enjoy it while it lasts another cool feature of code Whisperer though is security scans you get 50 of these per month and they can check web applications for o wasp issues like if your site's vulnerable to cross-site scripting or if you're building your own coin they can also analyze smart contracts and of course they can point out how you're not using AWS properly the bottom line here is that code Whisperer might not be a game changer but it's pretty close to being on par with copilot and most importantly it's free but this is only the beginning if you were born before 2021 you might remember the days when AI couldn't even write code you had to use these primitive tools like Google and stack Overflow this AI rocket is moving fast but it hasn't climaxed yet maybe it'll go limp and disappoint us or maybe it's about to plant the seed for the next generation of artificial general programmers only time will tell this has been the code report thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Fireship
Views: 501,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdev, app development, lesson, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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