AWS CloudFront | Creating Amazon CloudFront Distribution | AWS Training | Edureka

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[Music] hello guys i am vishal from eureka and i welcome you all to yet another session on AWS in today's session we would be understanding what a debase cloud Prentis but before we do go ahead and understand what cloud front exactly is let's start by taking a look at today's agenda first first and foremost I would be talking about what AWS exactly is should also understand why do we need in the best cloud front and what it is exactly then ever talk about how content gets delivered using Amazon CloudFront and what are its applications finally I would finish things off with the demo part where I would be talking about a diverse cloud current distributions [Music] having said that let's not waste any time and jump into the first topic of discussion that is what is AWS well a de base stands for Amazon Web Services which is a leading cloud service provider in the market and it has the highest market share when you talk about any cloud service provider now what Amazon Web Services does is it provides you with 70-plus services and these services are constantly growing to name some of these services we have something called as your computation services your storage services your database services and all these services are made available to you through cloud that means you can rent all these services and pay only for the services that you use and only for the time duration you use these services for if you want to know more about how ADA base works exactly I would suggest that you go through the videos that we have on YouTube we have quite a few videos on YouTube which talk about it abuse in particular all you have to do is you have to go to our YouTube channel and type in your a calibration you'd be having all the videos that are related to ADA base but that is not the discussion for today we are here to discuss what CloudFront is and I would like to stick to that so coming back to CloudFront when you talk about AWS you have some services now what a double does is it offers you various infrastructure services and even platform as services now these services are made available to you in the form of infrastructures or platforms where you can actually go and host applications or so when you do go ahead and host these applications online what your cloud Prada has to worry about is the way data is fetched because if you have a website online now that website would be visited by quite a few people and they would be requesting particular content or data right so in that case that data has to be made available to your customers so how does it happen exactly and how does it abuse make it happen to understand that consider the scenario suppose you are a particular user and you are trying to visit a particular website and imagine that that website is based somewhere at a very far location suppose you have based somewhere in USA and that website its server actually hosts or is based in Australia now in that case when you make a request for particular object or particular image or maybe content now your request is sent to the server that is in Australia and then it gets delivered to you and in this process - there are quite a few interrelated networks that deal which you are not aware about the content directly gets delivered to you and you have a feeling where you feel that you type in a particular URL and the content is directly made available to you but that is not how it works quite a few other things happen in the interim and due to that what happens is the data that gets delivered to you it does not get delivered to you very quickly why is that because you would be sending in a request it would go to the original server and from there the content is delivered to you now if you are based in USA the situation would be convenient if the data is delivered to you from somewhere close by now when you talk about a traditional system where you are sending the request to somewhere in Australia this is what happens your data or your request is sent to the server based in Australia and then it processes that request and that data is made available to you this gets delivered to you but if you have something like CloudFront what it does is it sets in an intermediate point where your data actually gets cached first and this cache data is made available to you on your request that means the delivery happens faster and you save a lot of time so how does a w's CloudFront exactly do it let's try to understand that but when you talk about a de beast CloudFront what it does is first and foremost it speeds up the distribution process and you can avail any kind of content whether it's static or dynamic and it is made available to you quickly what CloudFront does is it focuses on these three points one is your routing two is your edge locations and three is the way the content is made available to you let's try to understand these one by one when you talk about routing I just mentioned that the data gets delivered to you through a series of networks so what CloudFront does is it ensures that there are quite a few edge locations that are located close to you and the data that you want to access it gets cached so that it can be delivered to you quickly and that is why the data that is being delivered to you is more available than in any other possible case so what happens exactly and how does this content gets delivered to you let's try to understand this with the help of this diagram suppose you are a user so basically what you would do is you would send in a request that needs to reach a particular server now in this case what happens is first your request it goes to an edge location and from there to your server to understand this too you have to understand two scenarios first and foremost suppose you are based in USA and you want to fetch a particular data that is based in Australia you would be sending in a request but what aw does is instead of sending that it was directly to your server which is based in Australia maybe it has these interim edge locations which are closer to you so the request it goes to the edge location first and it checks whether the data that you're requesting is already cached there or not if it does not cast then the request is sent to your original server and from there the data is delivered to the edge location and from there it comes to you now you might wonder as in this is a very complex process and if it is taking these many steps how is it getting delivered to me quicker than in normal situation well think of it from this perspective if you do send in this request directly to the main server again the data would flow through some network and then it would be delivered to you instead what happens here is at the edge location the data gets cast so if you request it again it would be delivered to you quicker if it is requested by anyone else it would be delivered to them quicker plus how is locations work is when you do send in this request and when there is location fetches this data from your so-called original server in that case - when the first byte it arrives at your is location it directly gets delivered to you and how does this content exactly get stored here well first and foremost what happens is what your is location has is it has some regional cache as well now this cache would basically hold all the content that is requested more frequently in your region suppose a website has some a number of content and out of it some content is kind of requested a lot in a particular region so surrounding that region the closest is location would have a regional cache which would hold all the content that is more relevant for those users so that it can be frequently delivered to these users and can be made available to them quickly in case if this data gets outdated and it is no longer being requested then this data can be replaced with something else that is requested more frequently so this is how CloudFront work what it does is it creates a distribution and you have some edge locations through which you can actually request that data faster [Music] so what are the applications that CloudFront has to offer to you now I won't say applications instead I would say some of the benefits of using CloudFront let's try to understand those one by one first and foremost what it does is it accelerates your static website content delivery we just discussed that that means if you are requesting a particular image or something like that it gets delivered to you quicker why because it is cast at your s location and you do not have to worry about any latency issues next what it does is it provides you various static and even dynamic content suppose you need some video or a live session or something like that even that gets delivered to you quickly I just mentioned that when you request a particular thing when the first byte it arrives at your is location your CloudFront starts streaming that to you our start delivering that to you same happens with your live streaming videos as well you would be getting that streams instantly without any latency whatsoever encryption now when you do access this content what it abuse CloudFront does is it lets you have this so-called domain where you put in HTTPS and you get secure data so you already have one layer of security but it also lets you add another layer of security by giving you something called as encryption by encrypting your data or by using your key value pairs which is the same you are actually ensuring that your data is more secure and it can be accessed privately as well customization at the edge now what do I mean by this now there is some content that needs to be delivered to the user or to the end user if the customization it happens at the server again it might be time consuming and there are quite a few drawbacks of it say for example I need a particular content and it needs to be processed or customized at the very last moment so these things can be done at the edge location as well thus helping you save time money and various are the factors as well and finally what it does is it uses something called as lambda H which again lets you deal with various customizations and lets you serve your content privately so these were some of the applications or users of CloudFront [Music] what I'm going to do now is I'm going to switch into my database console and I'm going to talk about AWS cloud trend distributions and how can you go ahead and create one so stay tuned and let me quickly switch into the console first so yes guys what I've done is I've gone out and I've logged into my aid of this console now for people who are completely new to AWS what you can do is you can actually go ahead and create a free tier account you have to visit a W website and search for free tier you would get this option just create an account they would ask you for your credit or debit card details probably but they won't charge you a minimal amount is charged and that is reverted back to your account that is for verification purpose and after that what AWS is it offers you certain services which are made available to you for free for one complete year that is as long as you stay in the limits or the specified limits which aid abuse has set so those limits are more than enough to practice or to learn AWS so if you want to do go ahead and get a proper hands on on various alw services I would suggest that you do visit their website and create this free tier account once you do have that account you have all these services that are made available to you as I just mentioned there are 70 Plus services and these are the services that are there which you can actually go ahead and use for different purposes our focus today however is creating a cloud front distribution which we just discussed in the so called theory part I would be repeating few topics here too while we do go ahead and create our CloudFront distribution now as I've already mentioned we want to fetch data or fetch a particular object and if that is placed at a particular edge location that would be made available to me so what we are doing here is imagine that our data is placed at a particular original server in our case let's consider it as an s3 bucket now s3 is nothing but a storage service with a device that has simple storage service rather that is sss and that is why we call it s3 so what we are going to do is we are going to go ahead and create an s3 bucket in that we would be putting in certain objects and you'd be accessing that by using our cloud tran distribution so let's just go ahead and create a bucket you can see we have s3 in my recently used services you can just type as three here and that would made available to you you can click on it and your simple storage service opens you would be required to go ahead and create a bucket this is how you do it you click on create and you give it some name say maybe bucket new small letters bucket for it obvious demo maybe and I would give in some number 0 I see next next next I need a basic bucket so I won't be putting in any details do we have a bucket here ah there you go we have a bucket here and in this bucket what I'm going to do is I'm going to put in some content that we can actually request for so let's just go ahead and create an HTML file and put in maybe an image or something so I have a folder here in that folder I have a logo of ad rekha I would be using that logo and I would want to go ahead and create an HTML file which I can refer so I would open my notepad and I would write a simple HTML code I won't get into the details of how to write an HTML code I assume that you all know it if not you can use this code so let's create a head file basically or a head tag rather let's say demo tag maybe and I close this head tag I need somebody in here right so let's see see welcome to Eddie Rekha and I and the body here and I saved this file I say save us where do I want to save it and save it here now would save it I say maybe index dot HTML I say save probably got saved somewhere else let me just copy it and paste it here I've done that this is the file now we have these files let's upload it to our s3 bucket come here I say upload I want to add files so add files where do I go I go to the F folder I go to demo and I select these two files and I say upload there you go my files are here and I say upload small files so should not take a long time fifty percent successful hundred percent successful there you go you have these two files now we have our s3 bucket and we have two files this is our origin server now I need to create a distribution and use it to do that I would click on services and come here and I would search for cloud front there you go and I say create a distribution so I click on this icon now you have two options first one is something that lets you have your static data moved in or moved out or if you want to lifestream your data you should go for this option but that is not the case we would be sticking with this thing I say get started I need to enter in a domain name so it gives me suggestions and this is the first one which I just created original path is something that you can give in for the folders from where you want to access the data but mind directly resides in the bucket there are no extra folder so I don't need to enter anything original ID this is what I have here basically I can use this or I can just go ahead and change the name if I want to but I would let it stay the waiters restrict bucket access yes I want to keep it private so I say restrict and I create a new identity and there you go I have a new user created here apart from that grant read permissions one bucket yes update my bucket policy accordingly is what I would say then I would scroll down customer headers and on I don't need to put in these details how do I want my data to be accessed the protocol policy I would say redirect HTTP to HTTPS so that it is secured if I scroll down I have some other options as well cast STP methods and all those things do I need to change these object caching can I customize it yes I can but again I would be using the by default one if you want to you can customize it Smooth Streaming no these are some of the things that you need to focus on if you have some streaming data you can put in details accordingly but we are not doing that what is the price class that you want to choose you have some options here which you can pick from I would be going for the default one and then I just scroll down and I say create a distribution so your distribution is getting created now and this process might take a long while if you click on this thing you realize that it is in progress and it takes some around 10 to 12 minutes for this distribution to get created so meanwhile I'm gonna pause this session and I would come back with the remaining part once this distribution is completed so bear with me for that while so there you go the distribution has been deployed the status is deployed here so we can actually go ahead and use this thing now we have a domain name here which I can use and I can just enter it here and we would be redirected to the page and what happens here is you would be actually given access to this page through the edge location that means you're not going to the server instead the data is being cached to you from your distribution aurilla is location rather so you enter this website and you hit the enter button there's an error it shouldn't have been oh I know what this happened when you do go ahead and create your so-called distribution in that you actually have an option of selecting a by default file which I did not so I'll have to given an extension here saying slash index dot HTML and if I hit the enter button now it should redirect you to the demo tag which says welcome to Ed Eureka right so this was the HTML file that we created and we also had a PNG file which we wanted for access the name was logo dot PNG okay this is funny this should not happen why is this happening let's take a look at it whether we have that file there because if it was there we should be able to access it and what was my bucket this was the one oh this has happened when I uploaded that file it got saved with this extension dot PNG dot PNG so if come here and I type dot PNG here there you go you have that object delivered to you through your so-called distribution so yeah this was about cloud print I hope you all had something new to learn and understand if you do have any queries put those queries in the chat box below and we would be more than happy to get back to you with the answers as soon as possible as far as the session goes I would be resting it here thank you bye bye I hope you have enjoyed listening to this video please be kind enough to like it and you can comment any of your doubts and queries and we will reply them at the earliest do look out for more videos in our playlist and subscribe to any rekha channel to learn more happy learning
Channel: edureka!
Views: 116,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, AWS CloudFront, aws cloudfront tutorial, cloudfront in aws, cloudfront aws, Amazon CloudFront Distribution, aws cloudfront deep dive, aws cloudfront setup, introduction to aws cloudfront, cloudfront tutorial, cloudfront dictribution aws, AWS Training, aws certification, aws tutorial for beginners, aws tutorial, Creating Amazon CloudFront Distribution, aws edureka, edureka
Id: sQNONcj0cvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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