AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate vs Professional |SAA-CO2 vs SAP-C01 | AWS Career Tips

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aws certified solution architect associate or the aws certified solution architect professional which one is right for me watch this video to find out more [Music] hi my name is michael gibbs and i'm the founder and ceo of go cloud architects and we're an organization dedicated towards building high performance cloud computing and networking careers i've been working in technology for over 25 years and i've been helping others get their first tech job or get promoted in tech for over two decades and it's my favorite thing in the entire world today we're going to talk about the aws certified solution architect associate and the aws certified solution architect professional and these are two common certifications and the reason we're going to talk about them is these are certifications that everybody wants to do and for good reason they're too highly in demand certifications and while both of them are helpful each one of these could help you at different points in your career or would be more appropriate for certain people in certain circumstances since our focus at go cloud architects is not necessarily certification we focus on building cloud architects teaching cloud architect skills and most importantly getting people cloud hired that's our world but certifications are still part of the process certifications don't teach you the job and certifications don't get you hired but they get you an interview and without getting an interview you can't get the job so see certifications are a critical part of the getting hired process now once you get that interview it's up to you and your technical competency your emotional intelligence your soft skills your communication skills your attitude energy enthusiasm and presentation skills to get hired but we've got to get you that interview so let's talk about the first one which is the aws certified solution architect associate now what is this exam from a hiring manager perspective from a cloud architect perspective from people in the industry this certification the aws certified solutions architect associate is a basic intro to aws services which is great it's a great beginning to someone's career now if you already are a network engineer or a network architect or have a data center background and you desire a cloud architect or a solutions architect job this is perfect because if you already know the network and the data center you know the cloud and if you can design the systems in the network in the data center you can go straight to the cloud and this kind of certification the aws certified solutions architect associate shows that all those things that you don't you know when you've worked with for the last number of years you know how to apply them in the cloud and it's perfect for you if you are experienced now who else is this exam perfect for and the certification for let's say you're not a cloud architect or a solutions architect maybe you're a developer or a data scientist or anyone else who uses the cloud in your job this is again a perfect certification for you because you're using this to learn how the cloud works remember this is a basic intro to aws services now let's pretend you're new and you've not worked in tech before well then this aws certified solution architect associate is nowhere close to enough for you so if that is your case you're going to have to build your resume and improve it now i want you to understand the concept of associate certifications to we hiring managers and those of us that are experienced in the field they are a basic introduction to services so they're not really enough to get your first job now if you're already hired they're great because it's basically showing a new skill but they're not enough if you don't have a tech background so i'm going to strongly advise you against one mistake we see a lot of people make we see a lot of people do multiple associate certifications since we view associate certifications as a basic intro if you do a basic architecture certification and a basic sysup certification and a basic devops certification in the end all we see is basic intro to services so that's still not going to be enough for you if you are new if you are new and you don't have this kind of background or experience we have to make your resume look good we have to pad that resume and we have to upgrade you to professional certifications so let's talk about the aws certified solutions architect professional exam now we're moving into something substantial in our mind this is entry level when you've completed this pretty much speaking you know the aws services at least moderately so this is the entry level where you're prepared to work at least from the knowledge of the aws perspective now when you have no experience this is your certification because it's going to make you stand out from the crowd when you really want to get hired this is your certification because you want to be better than the crowd when you build a build your brand this is your certification because it separates you from everybody else and while the rest of the world is getting a bunch of associate certifications you get the deeper ones and this helps now let's talk about this exam we view this as a medium difficulty exam now here's why we say this there are exams that we consider very challenging the ccie for example that's a tough exam the ceh master that's a tough exam and those are what we call the most challenging that are out there of course these are big exams they're expensive exams you got to go take an exam first you take a written exam that's at least as challenging as this and then you schedule a lab exam which is like an eight-hour day that you've got to do stuff in front of proctors and that's why they are such challenging exams so this is a medium difficulty exam but this is one that will really boost your resume it'll boost your resume it'll make you stand out from the pack so because of that we love this certification now i just always want to caution people on certifications certification exams help build your resume certification exams teach you of vendor services and how to use those vendor services but certification exams alone do not get someone hired what makes a cloud architect get hired is this following knowledge of the network in the data center which is not covered in these exams knowledge of architecture and system design which is again not covered in these disarms soft skills great soft skills lots of emotional intelligence executive presence communication skills roi modeling skills business acumen these are the things that create cloud architects not certifications but that almighty interview is so critical and these certifications can really help you get there so now you know which certifications to build your cloud architect or your cloud engineer or your cloud computing career it's always so nice to communicate with the cloud computing community i've been working in this industry before they called it a cloud back when the first cloud was frame relay and the next cloud was atm and the next cloud after that was the bgp rfc 2547 vpn which the next cloud was vpls to the private clouds to the public clouds what an exciting time it is for all of us in the cloud convening community i look forward to seeing you in another video very soon it was so nice having you join us for this video today let me tell you about some free services we do for the cloud community twice per week we have a free how to get your first cloud architect job webinar where we tell you all the things you need to do i know to get your first cloud architect job in addition to that once per week we actually have a free question and answer session on live on youtube where you can come and ask us any questions you want about building your career related to cloud computing or networking and we'll answer them in real time for you because we want to get you to your goals several more times per week we have guests from industry industry experts that i've known for decades that are movers and shakers that have changed the world that can give you information so you can build the best career i invite them periodically they are on my show if there's a chance to do some free training on our channel we'll do it live because we want you all to have the best skills for the best career so please subscribe and hit the bell i look forward to seeing you and i look forward to assisting you in your technology career thank you so much this is michael gibbs from go cloud architects
Channel: Go Cloud Architects
Views: 8,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aws certified solutions architect, SAA-CO2, SAP-C01, AWS SAA, aws sap, aws certified solutions architect professional, aws solution architect certification, aws professional solution architect, aws certified solutions architect associate, Best aws certification, Best certifications, Best certifications 2021, aws career tips, cloud hired, cloud architect, cloud architect career, cloud architect job, solutions architect, Solutions architect career, cloud architect training
Id: 0QKXuPb-AMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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