awkward interview ft my girlfriend

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right hello how's it going welcome back to s2w today i'm joined with mia and we're going to be doing an extremely awkward interview oh now mia is now a full-time twitch streamer if you if you couldn't tell by the low cut top who who could have seen that coming you told me don't leave that in all right now today today there's a twist because in this video we are going to be doing this awkward interview but we're going to be doing it live so there's no picking up questions that we don't want to answer is there any one of will's videos that you don't like um yeah and we're going to be doing it on the brilliant app stereo because they are the sponsors of this video it's available on the app store and android for free link to my profile is in the description get it downloaded and let's get on with the video which of your fathers would win in a fight that's a kid really oh who do you think i feel like my dad would win my dad is like he's a gentle calm man but when it comes to it i would back him i know who i'd want to win in a fight yeah i know who i'd want to win as well yeah your dad i'd be rooting for simon yeah but i don't know whether he i don't know whether he'd have it oh dad a big soft sudden [ __ ] and if my dad didn't chin him i would mia would you leave willani for mimulus would you leave me for george i don't know what george looks like so i don't know if you had to leave us for one e boy which one would you leave us for um alex alex why alex is it because he's got a massive knob it's cause he's got a massive knob in it oh you've seen straight through me if i could pick anyone it'd be james i think you just fancy james if we broke up right and i had to watch you but you with i'm alex i mean i would top yourself james at least you'd be like oh well she's happy no do you know what i mean if you could have any superpower what would it be i think there's a correct answer to this i would be able to shape-shift if you can shape-shift you can do everything people are like oh well i'd want to fly well i could just shape-shift into a bird people are like oh i want to be invisible well i could just shape shift into an ant you could also shape-shift over time into like a better looking version of yourself i saw one before on twitter it was like the ability to refill things to refill things yeah empty bank account fill it straight back up i want a glass of water fill the fill the cup up he couldn't save the world with that though he could save world hunger how are you gonna shave the save the world with shape-shifting not because if there's like some big monster that's come and like smash things up right then i could shape-shift into some massive other monster and beat them up you couldn't do that with a full glass of water right if you two had a free some year with one of a british youtuber who would it be who could mean you double team who could we ground and pound zika i think menu peg and circa would be a great thursday afternoon i already told you i don't like i don't like beards well we just would turn him around it'd be fine turn him brow who are your weirdest celebrity crushes i used to really fancy kim possible growing up that's not weird what do you mean that's not weird she's an animated character she's not real shigo is the better looking one with the dark hair i didn't discover me taste until later though i really like sacha baron cohen you borat yeah you fancy borat not as borat just sasha baron cohen if you could shag any shrek character who would it be oh the dragon she's quite fit the dragon if donkey can do it i can what about human shrek yeah yeah i take human shrek i look a bit like him if you could go back to the start of your youtube career would you do anything differently um like on on youtube yeah i would go back to 2016 and tell myself to frame up the camera properly and not cut off half my chin and not not get so close would you rather eat the first 90 of them lollipop or the last 10 will i'd rather just give it all charlie i'm not having someone else claim the you know the glory for my hard work if you're doing the 90 and then i don't want to just sit and go hang so i'll take the whole lot mate hi will hi mia lotta love from ireland what is your favorite movie and why i'll go for the correct answer here it's pokemon the movie 2000 that is the only answer to this question it's the best one you watched that recently didn't you yeah and you called it [ __ ] it was [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] it's the greatest movie of all time mia is will actually your type or do you prefer more alternative boys since you're an ego what what was her name i'm gonna chin it you were a normal person when you met me and then you turned into an ego so really i'm the alternative one you're the alternative one yeah did you not see me chaining the rc boys podcast i look pro rock and roll me do you prefer more alternative boys than your vanilla boyfriend mia i wouldn't know you're not vanilla what would you describe me as the tall dark and handsome oh grow up money will you wait would you rather live with bel delphine or live with mark's mom i would um you're only coming out alive on one of those options i think morg's mum is quite a normal person behind the camera i think she's just a normal you know middle-aged mother who just goes along with the videos i think she'd look after you she should do your washing and ironing is mirror actually uh any girl mia are you actually an e girl i just like wearing the cat ears to be honest i think that kind of does it though because if you look at you i can't see you right now but i know for a fact you've got pink headphones on with stupid ears yeah and your chair's got ears on it and a chain around your neck yeah you've got your spot on there it just profiled me to a t so i would say yes how often do you share on the average day [Laughter] if i ever have a good idea i go and sit on the loop and try and mull it over and obviously sometimes you need a [ __ ] sometimes you don't so i'll probably force about three sometimes you just stand in the in the bathroom i don't just stand and [ __ ] hang on clear that up how did your first date go was it extremely awkward or was it all right i didn't think it was awkward at all and i hadn't really been on very many dates bollocks you just greeted me with like such a big smile and your energy was like it was up there no i don't think it was awkward at all this is very softy for the sdw channel i knew as soon as i met with you like i wanted can i say wanted to be with you yeah yeah yeah i remember like meeting you and be like yeah you're a bit of me that's but no no more of that and we'll stop that there would you rather not speak to mia for a year or not speak to any of the boys for a year if i could choose not to speak to the e-boys for i would pay not to speak to the [ __ ] e-boys for a year i'll take that one what's your favorite thing about each other mia what's your favorite thing about me apart from me gorgeous good looks and me northern charm how your level of like emotional intelligence is really high and like you're really in tune with how i'm feeling you saw me booger you stopped me bugger next question you're not gonna get you're gonna tell me what's your favorite thing about me would you rather never go back to newcastle and never see me again i would never go back to newcastle never [Applause] where do you think newcastle now will finish this season and the second question is what advice would you give to a young aspiring nature write us we're [ __ ] if these days if that big cabbage man stays we're finished and advice mia what advice would you give to an aspiring influencer apart from don't um just find a youtuber to go out with [Laughter] have you ever had any embarrassing parent stories between the two of you oh oh yep well not parent but grandpa okay so christmas eve me and will went to stay with my mum and my nan who lived in spain at the time we had quite a bit to drink will was very very drunk wrapped in a blanket on the floor of the bedroom i was like are you going to write out the cards for tomorrow like the christmas cards and he's like yeah yeah right so don't make anything of it the next day he's got a very sore head comes down christmas morning gives christmas cards to my nan and to my mum and what did you write in the card oh don't make me say it don't make me say it i wrote a nice card out to you to your gran and bear in mind this is the first time i've ever met her and i signed the card lots of love from big gorgeous will and she just read it out and was like oh right yeah yeah thanks horrendous absolutely horrendous is there any one of the wills videos that you don't like yeah yeah when you did the spending two thousand five hundred dollars on bel delphine's patreon he didn't actually tell me so the first i heard of it was seeing a notification coming up on my phone i spent two thousand five hundred dollars on bella delphine's patreon i was like i'm happy now how do you approach that conversation i just thought look i'll put it up and by the time it's up well you know we're over the woods there hello what's it like living with willa knee well not living with him but being his girlfriend is he the same as he is in all his videos yeah every time you wake up the morning you're greeted with right hello via how's it going absolutely am i rather saving my videos i'd say you're much more like more calm and uh strong and daring yeah no way more sex appeal he's really soppy he's really soppy mia did you know who will was before you went on a date with him no when we went on the date yeah because we've been messaging each other you've been like oh you hot stud just been watching loads of 20s please take us out and trailers yeah i was revising what is the worst part of the uk what did you say worst part of the uk the audacity to ask that with a brummie accent middle's birthday of middlesbrough lock in middlesbrough i love you so much me i'm just going to say you're like such an icon button what is will's worth habit hang on hang on hang on did you hear that so she just comes in and goes oh i love you so much for me yeah i love you mia oh mia you're great what's the worst thing about will i've gotta respect it get [ __ ] um the worst thing about you you can get quite frustrated with yourself you can get a bit you get a bit irritable and a little bit frustrated you're quite easily annoyed yeah by small things that i do so if we're ever sat together right i think i'm sat at my desk and like mia's just like sat in the bed or like sat in the chair or whatever it's just a constant stream of tick tocks like background noise in the back of my head it'd be like swipe and then oh it drives us wild so what i've done is i've turned that question and said the worst thing about you the other day you said that um that you have to be annoying on purpose to make up for how annoying i just am the fact that i exist i was joking i was joking this is the most scandalous thing that happened in your school it's a little bit waterloo road but it would be like one of the first episodes in the series not like a series ender there was one like there was one proper lippy last she said something on facebook or whatever and it really pissed off two people from another school at like lunch one day they came into our school right and then locked her in the uh textiles room and beat her up whose farts stink the most uh good question i don't think how long we've been together like what yeah three years yeah i've never heard mia fart i'm not convinced it happens yes i have no clue how you do it i've put the grind in i've put the grind in if you could do any other career what would you do i think mixed martial arts for me mixed martial arts you could do that now you could do that as a hobby what's stopping you what no he said korea if i ha this is my favorite thing i don't have to get punched in the heat here but if i had to switch up yeah i think that would be the one what about you mia i would love to be a pilot i've always said that when i was a child i wanted to be a pilot but my eyes are really bad and you need to have good eyesight to be a pilot if i got on a plane and you were the one flying it my god i'd melt down on the spot right there what do you miss the most about your high school oh dude you know what i miss pulling all those girls yeah chin and all the teachers no you're not this sounds deep but i miss when just like everything was just like just really simple wouldn't it you just do yeah yeah a few hours till three o'clock and then go home and play cod and you see all your mates all the time but that's the one the good thing about lockdown is since like lockdown stuff i'm now spend a lot more time talking to people from school and like playing games with them and that's been that's been really good mia can you make will wear a maid's outfit for his next video please that's weird if you wore and made a made outfit before will one no right but two these messages are usually from last is going oh you know i want to see alex in a maid's dress if you like us that like that just say it mate just say it what is the weirdest public interaction you've ever had with someone there's like urinal ones are always a bit weird in the bathroom you don't like that do you i've seen other people get it worse though like i've been like on a night out and jj been there and people just like hanging off his shoulder whilst he's just trying to take a piss oh there was one night someone started hiding like rocks at my window on christmas morning at like six in the morning knocking on the door to say is were you even there i know i was fast asleep but my mom was raging if you could create an ultimate youtube boy band or girl band doesn't matter who would you put in it oh oh this is like take me back to that what was the one joe sugg was in i feel like we've regressed from there it was like marcus butler uh that jim donnie alfie they looked like a boy band i don't have we got any boy band looking youtubers i mean al's gotta be in it he's got the long long hair i think alex inaubur and lawrence mckenna and and vic give it vic eric he's got some vocals right anyway that is the end the video hope you've enjoyed uh if you have make sure you download stereo brilliant app go and drop us a follow on there i'm genuinely planning on going live a lot more on there in the weeks to come so make sure you get amongst that and anyway uh have a good day and i'll see you guys later
Channel: S2W
Views: 1,271,593
Rating: 4.9695215 out of 5
Keywords: willne, will ne, willne girlfriend, willne mia, miaxmon, awkward interview with my girlfriend, awkward interview ft my girlfriend
Id: 0_TdAGzU1LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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