Good morning or evening or night ladies and gentlemen or boys or girls uh? How we doing? It's your boy, big Slaz here. That-that's my new channel name, big Slaz. And thank you for 200k, means a lot. Ah... let's get into the video. Yeah, so life hacks I've talked about them a few times on this channel It's almost routine at this point. And we all know that a life hack is meant to make your life easier, more convenient in some way in some respects But the bad ones are just so fun to take the piss out of So let's do that. Alright so the first one here is from 5-minute crafts a channel, I'm sure you've seen it's Everywhere. 5-minute crafts, twenty useful tips for life. Let's, let's roll it Depressing. Right, so you come home with someone You know, you show them where to put the bag or whatever, and then you got to take your shoes off? But your socks have a hole in them, damnit! What do I do now, slazo, you're probably asking Well probably not, but I'm gonna say it anyway What you do is you go grab a black marker, and do you just draw the sock in? It's-it's drawn to life. What happens when you take the socks off, and it's just a black mark on your foot? Don't worry. We'll cross that bridge when you come to it, and then the next one which I thought was dumb is just squeezing an egg through through a bag into little pieces I don't know why you'd do it quite frankly but... You can do it. It's, it's a possibility in real life, and then later in the video some battery related ones. Let's have a look Ah yes the obvious simple way to light a match just get a battery In case you have any matches that you bought that didn't come in a box um there you go It's it's a hack for you, and the next one's worse. I'll be honest. It's just this Well what's this video called again? 20 useful tips for life. This changed my life, okay fellas? What do you want to burn some cotton for some? Unspecified reason don't use a match okay? We just used our last one It didn't come in a box either instead what you should do is just get some foil, wrap it around a battery and and touch it to them. What's a lighter? Sorry? What's that? No, never heard of it then there's a battery and a magnet spinning around a a Coil. Essential for life, everyday life will never be the same with this at your disposal Did I ever tell you the definition? And then lastly in this video there's a bowl with the suction cap and some googly eyes that holds things and that's that's it you can hold a pen with it you can hold your keys with it even a hand towel with it and You can even make the entire Postal Service wonder what you're doing with your free time Why'd you do this you can do that as well life hack useful tips for life I would do more on 5-minute crafts but the upload rate and upload length is formidable to say the least so I'm gonna be going back to a favorite the mentally inept little brother of five minute crafts are Mr.. Gear, okay, so here. We are seven simple life hacks. Let's go Hey guys, did you know that if you want to get something off you can Remove it by levering it off Did you know that that's a life hack and not just something you do wait until next week where I'll tell you about Bottle openers this cool new thing I discovered ok now, let's play the next one see what we've got From speechless honestly left all right I came into this video with such low expectations No expectations right but despite that mr.. Gay. It's truly remarkable You've still managed to disappoint me mr.. Gere. What is this? What is why? Why would I do that? Why would I ever I hey guys so I came up with this thing It's like a soul But it's circular never been done before right uh basically just get this thin weak ass piece of tin The very soft metal I think and you can use it to cut away like a fifth of a paddle pop stick It's a lie fat right so next up you get these I'm not sure what they are these needle looking things you bend them And then you hot glue them to any surface and use them as really intimidating crooked looking hawks nice Why would you buy nice? Wall friendly harmless hooks that are designed to be hooks when you can use needles? Misaligned crooked ass looking needles. Hell. Yeah, okay now this next one It's something I'm gonna shorten it down for you, so you don't have to go through my misery might Consider yourselves lucky And what do we get at the end of this ordeal at the end of this trial? We get um This it turns around and it's an arm massager Insanity have you ever wanted an arm massager don't answer that of course you do well here you go step-by-step on how to make it out of straws a Kinder Surprise egg thingy and I've choked right before about how you know these types of accounts and pages and all that will make the thumbnail and then reverse-engineer the actual hack from there because they need you know a good thumbnail but It's not a joke anymore. I think that's actually what they do like the actual one. That's in the thumbnail. I didn't show it because It's just nothing I'll play on the screen now while I'm talking because it's not worth the time out of the video but it's legitimately just shortening a knife Yep, yep, okay Sure, why not see its rationale. That's that's thought that's rat. Yep, and I like how in the comments here We have a young bro gamer. Just saying subscriber Dislike all of this is just useless benign crap so no swearing channel, and I'll be honest I Love it. It's a great source of content Thank You mr.. Gere and Five minute crafts taking the piss out of life hacks is fun And it helps distract me from the fact that that I'm making a video about Mr.. Gere from my shared bedroom at my parents house ah Yeah, anyway. I hope you enjoyed the video it would mean a massive amount to me if you could subscribe like the video So, thank you for watching all the way through or Skimming all the way, thank you for watching It's a little-known fact that if you hit like right now it helps me forget the fact that mr. Gere is pulling in ten times my view count Life is good. I appreciate all the support recently it's been Really cool like I hit 200 thousand. Thanks for that again. I despite some personal things. I think I've alluded to on my Twitter Things have been going great. The channels doing well, which I appreciate because without that. I have nothing anyway. That's my little pandering bout over um Yeah, YouTube. I'm on 200k if you could offer me the 100k plaque that'd be nice I'm just talking about absolute shit now Hope you enjoyed the video as always like and subscribe social media links for Instagram Twitter down below Hope you enjoyed the video and without further ado see you in next one bye!