Awesome New Shop lift! / Doall Drill press 1st run and clean.

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so it's time for this compressor to go out and live on the small concrete pad that i poured for a few weeks ago but unfortunately i don't have a way to move this thing with a machine or anything so it's going to have to be manhandled out back luckily i have my buddy al here to to help me move this so what i'm gonna have to do to make this thing manageable is tear it back down now i should have left it apart when it originally showed up here but forward thinking is not always my strong point so i'm going to tear this thing down get it in pieces that can be handled and we're going to try to get this thing out back you've done it once yes it's not that hard slap it back the other way nobody business so when it's said and done you're gonna have four pieces when it's all said and done enough with four big pieces yeah laughs uh is it break time now what are you going to eat what are you eating these are tricks cause tricks are for kids yes they are prosper but you got to live so [Music] there we go just leave it hooked up push push push push push push push push pull bottom out there you go got it let me start lifting that up my way set it down there we go [Music] oh ah [Music] that's all right yeah set it down you ready yep all right [Music] so okay making my way a little bit there we go oh man that thing's heavy oh it's not close enough so i just received these machine pads in the mail i'm not exactly for sure who sent them i believe it was probably my friend my because these are what's going to go under the feet of the air compressor and when he brought that compressor he had a few of these with him so i'm assuming that he sent me these but before i can use these under the feet as a compressor i really do need to put some holes in them and before i can put some holes in them i have to have a drill press to use so i temporarily wired this thing up so we'll get to see together if it if it works it should it better got that right it does work [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so it sounds pretty good i think in reverse it's got a a little clicking but i think it's probably just some build up on the gear teeth i'm not you know you don't normally run these things in reverse unless you do a lot of you know slow tapping and then you reverse it out which i do with the one we have at my day job quite often so i think it'll be just fine need some tlc but it's gonna work great i think so the good thing about this drill press is that it it's a gear drive head for for one quick to change speeds on and plus it runs at a slow enough speed where you can run larger drill bits and steel without worrying about burning up the drill which is not something that i could do easily with the with my old drill press there we go so all i'm doing here is drilling the concrete pad for some half by 13 drive-in concrete anchors and that'll be what will hold this compressor to the concrete pad the compressor will obviously be sitting on the cork and rubber pads that i showed let me now drill through just a second ago now i am going to change the way that the way that i mounted this compressor up or the way that i actually hooked this compressor into the air loop that's in the shop now in this video i use a solid piece of that blue line which i think was a bad idea and several viewers brought up the fact that probably shouldn't hook the compressor up using that method so i'm going to go to a rubber whip or a soft flexible line that runs through the wall instead of a rigid piece to help isolate any vibrations you know that i'm gonna get from this compressor because i think that's the best way to do it um no looks good just thinking so there it is on the rubber feet ran through the wall connected to the loop still gotta obviously build the enclosure over to keep it dry you don't want something like this setting out in the weather so that's next the roof so me and al decided we'd at least get started building the roof that i'm going to put over the compressor rotary phase converter and potentially all the way over the doorway that leads out of the back of the shop i had a lot of viewers suggest that i go over that far and it's i'm definitely considering it but it that presents a few problems with access around the building if you're you know considering the support posts that will need to hold up the end of this roof so i'm not for sure yet that i'm going to go over that far but you know we'll see now we're working as fast as we can here because there's a large rainstorm on its way the radar actually is showing that it's right over top of us basically while we're doing this but we want to get everything done outside that we can while he's here and i have his help so we're at least going to make some progress on this roof that's going to cover all my stuff outside so unfortunately due to weather we really didn't make a lot of progress past what you see here on the on the roof we got our flashing up we got our seal plate or head or whatever you want to call it attached to the building it's just a treated two before tap gone to the block work about every two feet and this will be what the end of the roof that attaches to the building hooks to with some joist hangers and then we'll just build off from that and support the end of the roof with some treated two befores now or four by fours i'm not exactly for sure how i'm going to connect those four befores to the ground yet i haven't really thought that out but it's going to be relatively simple and just going to be shingled with the same shingles that i used on the roof of the building [Applause] [Applause] so this box just arrived in the mail the other day and i want to share with you what's in it it's from a viewer of the channel named chris claus thank you chris definitely appreciate it he noticed that i had this tool on one of my on my wish list on amazon and he said i've got one lightly used would you be interested in it and i said absolutely i would be because i don't care if it's new because i that new does not last me very long if you haven't noticed so i want to share it with you because you may find that you need one for your shop or home i don't see why you wouldn't there's also a couple more items in here that i wanted that i'm glad that he sent so thank you chris i appreciate it let me share this thing with you i'm excited to try it out all right let me show you what he sent and i've had my eye on one of these ever since this rebuild shop revolve project started and it is a small four and a half inch little uh little skill saw really obviously change the depth of cut it miters as well which is nice and it doesn't feel cheesy and flimsy it's actually got a pretty good feel to it i've never used a rockwell branded tool before i can tell you that it is heavily glass fiber reinforced on the plastic and the switch if you can hear that got a really good solid feel to it not not what i would expect actually so i can't wait to try that thing out it feels like a quality tool sent me this sent me some extra blades which i appreciate he said he only used it a couple times it wasn't uh you know he just bought it for a project i guess so thank you chris i will work on my project with it let me show you what else he sent so the last item that chris sent was the entire outfit for a five gallon bucket now you see all sorts of tradesmen they use this technique for carrying their tools around and that's because it works extremely well electricians you know ac repair just pretty much anybody who has to go from one place to another and wants to carry their tools and keep them somewhat organized look at all the pockets on the outside of that i mean literally you could fill this thing up so heavy you wouldn't even be able to carry it so that's the outside and then for the inside of your bucket several well two one made by dickies one made by bucket boss and they're just multi-pocketed inserts that go inside of your of your bucket so if you just got a you know certain tools for a certain job you could you know keep them in these removable pockets and you know go to your job instead of carrying the whole deal but you get the idea handy i'm gonna get a better bucket to put this on but that's nice i can't wait to to start using that [Music] [Music] [Music] so i'm really excited to add this table to the shop nice work bench it's a butcher block style i highly recommend these they're just really pleasant to work on a nice large area there fits in front of the window beautifully my dad's got a couple of these that he's been using for decades and they just hold up extremely well you can really hammer on one of these tables and they just seem to last forever this one's obviously used but it'll last forever as long as they're kept dry that's one of the one of the main things now it's drilled for a vise and it actually came with the vice which is a which is a bonus i took it off because it was easier to move this thing without the extra weight it's just a cheap craftsman vise but nothing wrong with it perfectly good and usable so i'm going to put it right back where it come from i'm excited to have this thing let me get you a little better shot of the top of it and like i said it's used but it's perfect in my opinion so i'm sure most of you are familiar with the way that these are made but you can see the individual piece of wood they're just glued and pressed together and then the top is plain flat which makes an extremely durable wood work surface and they make great work benches and you can pick up a table top like this i believe anywhere from two to three hundred dollars for the top depending on where you buy it and really they'd last a lifetime it's like one and done you buy it once and that's it the original owner of this table passed away and now you know it's passed to me actually i bought it but you get the idea they last for a very long time you can see that the individual that worked on this table worked right next to the vice like all of us do so there you go it's a nice table it'll live probably next to the window because it's a great spot for it good light got to mount some lights to it and let's stick this vise down real quick so i bought this table as a package deal table obviously vise these lights which are really nice you can't have too many work lights i bought it as a package deal from a really good friend and colleague of mine who whose friend passed away and the family was trying to clear out a laboratory that they shared you know to work in and that's how i ended up with it so i'm glad to have it and i appreciate my my friend turning me on to this because i've been wanting one of these for quite some time these table tops they're nice but i didn't want to pay the price that one cost new so this light here is just a standard fluorescent light obviously really nice over the over the vise we're going to be doing a lot of work and then we have a dazer a little fluorescent magnifying work lamp which would be really nice as well it's kind of far away but maybe uh maybe i'll put it up here on the corner i don't know we'll see but both really nice to have you definitely can't have too many work lights so let me introduce you to the new shoplift which i'm extremely excited to have this is basically the cadillac version of a pallet jack which i was in the market for a regular hand pump pallet jack and this thing came up along with the table at a really fair price so i decided you know this was head and shoulders better than a standard pallet jack because it lifts i think five to six feet close to two meters which your standard pallet jack only lifts six or eight inches plus this thing is self-propelled and also in extremely good condition it lived its life primarily in a laboratory type environment and i think was used mostly as a mobile work table so let me show it to you a little better detail i'll show you what i know about it anyway and uh man i'm excited to have this thing it's so nice let me show it to you so caterpillar branded portman lift let me show you what's wrong with this thing because it does have it does have some small problems uh nothing major for one the charge cord is uh is eat up on it and will have to be replaced and for two the batteries that are in this thing i think they're original and this is from this is a 2003 model or nfg so they no longer hold a charge more than a few minutes now these are glass mat batteries which i think are deep cycle as far as i know and pretty expensive if you contact the manufacturer for direct replacements but they look standard size to me i haven't dived into that at all and i think i can get away with replacing these batteries with just two standard 12 volt car batteries which are much cheaper than these things as far as as far as i know because dc voltage is dc voltage and amperage is amperage isn't as long as i can remove those requirements i think it will work just fine it has a built-in charger so you just plug this thing in the wall at night it charges itself up and you know you're good for probably all day i don't plan to run this thing like you would in an industrial setting where you run it to its dead so that's probably why it has some deep cycles on it but i think i can get away with much cheaper by putting two standard car batteries on this thing but other than that i think this thing doesn't have any more problems so let me show you around it because it's in extremely good condition [Music] otherwise so one of the major things that tell me that this little lift has been lightly used is that the coating is not even wore off the forks on this thing nor is the back plate here scratched up at all really and the sides still have paint on them which if you've noticed uh the backs of forklifts are usually scratched all the pieces where they turn from the back and this just has a few a few little scratches on it so this thing's obviously lived a pretty pretty tame life so let me show you a few more details about this and i'll show you how high it lifts as well [Music] so there's the forks all the way up that's about five feet actually because i'm five foot seven so not quite two meters now the only thing i don't like about this lift is that the forks aren't adjustable in width which is super handy if it would be but you know it's kind of being picky uh this will probably serve me just fine um has a lift capacity of 2200 pounds at the back near the mast and then 1100 out at the end of the forks says the sticker so pretty good pretty good actually for what it is are you ready [Music] okay no i mean you can move it really slow like here like this two thousand two hundred and four pounds at the back of the forks so pretty good you know plenty strong enough to lift the majority of stuff that you that you're gonna lift it's got a horn [Music] so here's a couple shots of me getting this thing out of the back of the truck just rolling it down some some tuba two by twelves using my favorite force multiplier they'll come along you move about anything with these if you're careful so i know it's dark and you can't see but we have one keeping it from going and then one making it go and i'm just adjusting those you know as i need to the in the world of heavy this is not that heavy but uh in the world of awkward it's ranks up there there we go it's in the shop this thing uh it really needs back well not really it does it needs batteries they're bad so let's get started cleaning up the old do-all badge it's a swedish made drill press we actually have this same drill press at work but it's labeled wilton i was told it was manufactured by strands but you know i don't know it doesn't doesn't matter who badges it it's still a awesome drill press and this one needs a lot of tlc cleaning and adjusting but we'll start on the table the most obvious in your face part and then we'll work our way around it inspecting and cleaning as we go so i'm going to start off with just some purple power and a razor blade this table does have some amateur peck marks in it but it's really not all that bad we'll we'll know more as we as we get this thing uh tore down or cleaned up a bit hopefully we don't have to tear it down [Music] so [Music] so so the drill press has got some peck marks in it that's for sure and two places where it's drilled all the way through and given the age of this drill press it's really not in that bad of shape i've seen a lot worse [Music] do [Music] so do [Music] do [Music] so so i think that looks really good and that's how you turn a 300 drill press into a thousand dollar drill press in about four hours just a good cleaning a going over right adjusting everything when stuff works the way that it should you know it's not all crunchy or doesn't feel like it's grinding you know it changes changes people's perspective on a machine you can take a a dirty machine just does not have the appeal that a cling machine does and if you haven't noticed when you wash your car it drives better so clean machines just nice um i got a lot of interest in this machine last time last video when i when i first showed it people want to know why that i like this thing so much what are the features that i find most most appealing on it and um the major thing let me get you in closer we'll go over them really quick before we end this thing because i'd like to share it with you so the major thing that i like about this drill press is just the massive table compared to the the drill size itself that this thing has plus it has large t-slots in it and you can move a vise around i know at work we have the same machine like i've mentioned several times and sometimes we'll work on bigger stuff and this is just a good sized table for medium sized fabrication and stuff like that in my opinion another thing that i really like about this machine is it has a morse taper number three spindle which is nice the spindle is also adjustable which is a feature that you may use once uh you know to take the slop out it also has two nice adjustable stops on this on the on the spindle so you can repeat drill depths very easily you know you can have two set up at one time another thing that i really like about this machine let me change the camera angle i'll show you so the other thing that i really like on this machine is the extremely large foot this table rotates as well um if you if you wonder just like any drill press but this large foot plus this head that can be adjusted down the drill head on it you can drill some pretty large items which i have used several times in the past it's nice to have a foot that has some t-slots in it and it's big enough to use so that's another thing that i really like about this machine so probably the last couple things that i really like about this machine is the gear driven head because it's quick to go from one speed to the other and i and i like the range that it has anywhere from 120 rpm up to 1640 so it's a four speed box but a two speed motor and another thing about this machine is that it's just a good solid drill press you know it's not flopping around everywhere like the little tin can that i have right now good and smooth i may be a bit partial not may i am i have used a machine exactly like this for the last 14 years daily and it's never let me down so you know my experience with with the machine of this design is really good this drill range also allows you to run some of the larger bits unlike the little one that i have right now which even a half inch drill and if you're if you're cutting steel you know it's just too fast you know burn them up especially if you're trying to drill stainless or something you know like 13 millimeters max in my opinion where this you know you get up in the you know quite a bit larger because it has a lower speed and it has the torque to to run it the major downfall to this machine it's achilles heel in my opinion is that the motor for this machine if you notice you don't see one there's no attached motor it's actually in the case and it's incorporated into the into the machine so if you had electric motor problems with it it would be it would be an issue but i've never never seen one give trouble although i'm sure it's happened but that's it you know i like this machine if you find one out there in the wild at a reasonable price it's definitely a good machine to have i'm glad that i have one that's for sure so keep your eyes open you'll find one if you're interested so this video is getting pretty long and i guess i'm going to call it here i've got some real exciting stuff coming up in the near future that i'm that i'm looking forward to sharing with you so hang in there for that big thanks to my friend al for coming down helping me for a couple days it was really nice of him we got a lot done we really really busted it and made some progress around here which is nice i've been holding out on doing the siding because it's been so muddy it's just ridiculous on that hillside as muddy as it's been so hopefully the weather will cooperate and drop a bit i know it's starting to get a bit warmer which is nice i think spring's knocking on the door also a little bit of progress on the enclosure over the compressor and the rotary phase converter i'm going to try to work on that some this week maybe or or just try to finish up on the siding we'll see you know there's a lot there's a lot around here to do there's no shortage of jobs that's for sure and there's a shortage of time but not jobs so i guess that's it this week drill press is awesome and i'm excited to have it so that's it i guess huge thanks to anybody who supported me on this project in any way people who continue to help me out and you know support the channel it's it's what keeps everything rolling around here so thank you very much uh from uh all of us here so that's it thanks for watching guys and i'll see you next time [Music] hold on to your dream [Music] [Music] on your own waiting for the sun
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 50,396
Rating: 4.9756866 out of 5
Keywords: Machining, lathe, shaper, welding, awesome, funny, metal, threading, tools, repair, fix, diy, Doall, drill, milling, shoping
Id: iCTq04_N2yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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