AWESOME 2Mink Hunting Muskrats (Hush Colab)

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he's got it by the tail here we go holy crap my name is Joseph Carter and I am the meek man when I was a senior in high school I started learning about the American mink I was told that make for horrible vicious little animals who are impossible to tame challenge accepted I've been in love with me ever since I get weak from fur farms and give them a new life in this new life my mink live as naturally as possible even hunting for their dinner the way a wild mink would so come join me on my adventures as we learn more about this intense little predator the amazing American mink Chester from the last video yep we had a good time we did this before and this is gonna be a second time out with these guys well have a link in the description below to show you guys is Eric's channel hey guys I'm Eric with hush our hunting channel is basically hunting fishing and outdoor cooking this is the second time I've been out with Joe and we're gonna go hunt muskrats so it kind of ties into what our channel is but it's a way different than what we do for mostly big-game and all kinds of fishing so if you interested in anything outdoors like that go check us out at hushing the mink we have today this little tongue stick or outer just like your dad Brock this is a little Miss Black Mamba and her and her dad both like to do that funny little stick their tongue came out I'm down here we have spot and we have his brother midnight we're gonna give midnight a try first off and we have his brother in the car but well we'll give him the first shot this whole I think 5050 maybe less maybe like forty sixty chance there's something in there this water if you look at it there's a long corridor of water they could be anywhere along there the reason that decreases our chance of being somewhere is there's no little island that they're kind of trapped in and we know they're there they could very well visit this spot and then live way down there or even live here occasionally just at this mall they're somewhere else so that kind of decreases our chance of there being something for sure but we're going to give it a try all righty that was good enough that hole looks pretty simple straightforward he went in one came out the other so pick him up and go try another spot even when they're not involved in the actual hunting I still bring my dogs along so they can get out and have some exercise and have a little fun now the boss and Lily are over a year old I let them run with the car while driving along the canal searching for muskrats this exercise helps to keep them strong and fit and of course he could tell the dogs love doing it unfortunately for sure knees she's still young and developing so she has to ride along the car instead of running with the other dogs when she gets older we'll let her run to notice how there's kind of a cloudy it's kinda hard to see if all the sticks in the way probably back there's a little bit of a cloudy residue floating in the water that might mean muskrats recently gone through it's honestly not cloudy enough for me to confidently say that but it looks like maybe we're gonna stick old mr. midnight here down in the hole and see what he finds Oh going back in he's going back in the main hall yep get up there oh he's up here go back down come back up he's back down yeah you're trailing a buddy turn around [Music] you see him up there last I saw the Muskrat was right in here here we go holy crap [Music] good job midnight good job in a gonna take him up in your box boy oh good boy good job midnight Wow see I told you last time sack time yeah last time was fairly slow so tell me are these muskrats a problem being right here next to the farm field are these they cause some problems the reality is main reason we're hunting this for their meat and their fur for me the number one reasons their meat number two is their fur and then three is enrichment for the mink this is what they were born to do in the wild that's what they would be doing in my care that's what they get to continue doing so it's a very unique lifestyle they get to have the best of both worlds they get to have the comfort of captivity where there's someone protecting them someone making sure that on bad days they still get fed but they have the liberty of freedom of being able to go out search for hunt and kill their own food so kind of the best of both worlds now forth behind those three other reasons yeah it is pest control these muskrats if you look at these holes that are digging he causes a lot of erosion and potentially flooding hazards this is a man-made canal made for for irrigating crops and so when they start digging they could possibly flood homes or massive erosion that cost a lot of money to fix so sure its pest control but in this specific situation for me this is like fourth on the list of why we're doing it there are other places where it's the number one reason I'm doing it I'll go I get paid for certain city parks to go in and clean out the muskrats that are causing the same kind of erosion problems and in thalis cases yeah the number one reason I'm there is pest control because I'm being paid to do it here it's mostly meat for exercise and enrichment for the meat so anyway yeah interesting stuff guys learn and learning new things all the time but you're not worried about him and the muskrat will never get the mink oh yeah I mean you can always happen but mink urban bread not bread but selected for this for thousands of years I mean mink mink you've been hunting muskrat since the beginning of time so the ones who aren't very good at it they get injured they don't reproduce and don't pass on their genes so they've got to be good at doing this cuz those muskrats a very big dangerous teeth and if they slip up sure there's the real chance of injury but from the mink that I've seen the overwhelming majority of the time they don't even get a minor injury they're just so good at it but is it possible sure have I heard of it happening yes not with my own mink but with other people's so it's possible so it make have no problem dispatch and a lot of people wonder why don't you help them eat kill it all they they kill it plenty find themselves Hey look at that I could push my finger into his brain right now that skulls all broken smashed up he gets in there and just bites the back of that head and totally demolishes that pretty quick debt very very quick very humane say hi what are we catching you want to go see the chickens huh what'd you find [Music] Maggie you film behind us see this this is perfect this is like they made it for us oh it's like one of those those nature shows that you know they freakin stage there's no way that was real this actually is look they just barely dug this you can see all this is super dug fresh and there you can see the nipple and right on the cattail root so they're somewhere close somewhere and we're seeing that's the freshest sign we've seen so far so maybe they're under the bridge I don't know they eat a lot of the roots huh digging in the digging and getting the roots yep fresh way down there that white part okay yeah there's this this is I need to swear that you gonna try as far you [Applause] come on little man yeah there's there's this path this one and then all this look at that [Music] here you see already he's got it by the tail Oh keep buying some downline it's too deep yep yep there's two head in that way all three are going that way oh three muskrats have a big advantage of our Menken deeper water not only are they much faster swimmers but they can hold their breath for quite a bit longer than a mink can most mink are too intimidated to even attempt to take a muskrat in deeper water with only the biggest and boldest of mink even giving it a try it's toll-free muskrat well he's here he got three of them out of this hole guys look there's two more down there so you just caught one come on down here spot these two are heading back down to the deeper water look at this guy no way oh we had it Papi's up there hey right here right here behind you ooh careful sheesh okay the third one is still going up to shallower water yeah he had three of them out of that one hole he found the right hole come on there's still one more let's go oh shoot shoot a hole through where's that other one go well it's going upstream yep he spun around good job you work for that one who doesn't have a camera one of you guys owe me he got the third one did you grab the cameras guy her the box I mean the cashing box he he had three out of that one hole can he put an X come over here spot okay that was crazy boys that was crazy me that much guy there's a big old boy that was a triple he found the right hole - had all those different holes he found the right one - I'm proud of him he's like nope nothing home oh nothing home nope nothin hope there we go went right in me as well I was second-guessing it what makes you so excited with the meek well they do their job and they do it well they're both like their dad they work like dogs they totally read you like both of these make just like the death their dad was like a dog without very much experience she started honing in or keying in on your body language really quick and he knew oh this guy knows where the rats are and he'd follow you or if you just walked along he'd ignore you and he looked for so just like a dog he could read oh this guy knows where it's at and he'd follow you and just like it a good dog when you don't know where it's at they start looking for it just really nice temperaments and they're both just like that just like yeah when we had the muskrats but when when it came to when he came to the time to find the muskrats himself and we were on him boom he just went right in the hole this is Mamba yeah it's funny guy see his viewers really get to know his minks which i think is cool so this is Mamba this is a popular one right I don't know what she thought I was but she didn't think it was me we're standing a little closer she blew her what was that she almost grabbed me and then she just must you're okay you're okay sweetheart it's just me so she's only nice to me she will grab you and chew a big hole in you and I don't know if she thought it was Erik reaching to grab her if she thought it was the other mink or what but she she wheeled around just about pulling my finger but well they're all black let me say hi yeah I can I can tell all these mink apart they look like but to me they're all different they have a little bit different shape or size or some of them have a little spot on their chin or something that I can identify and several of them are pure black and those I still don't know to be honest sometimes how I do part banana but I can yeah they get their own little space huh yeah no fight otherwise look at these guys they look friendly but I wouldn't stick your finger in there he's got him trained good but that's that's why you have about an inch gap between these so they can't fight each other in nature adult mink are highly antisocial and very aggressive creatures Paul Arrington a naturalist who devoted his entire career to studying mink and muskrats claim that more wild mink are killed by other mink than by all other natural predators combined this season I tried to overcome this natural antisocial tendency with some of my mink but in the end their natural instincts took over and they began fighting so much that I had to separate them oh yeah you can tell he gets into it which is actually really cool guys just to see his excitement his passion for what he does and before we end this video I wanted to go over what exactly he does with these the muskrats so these muskrats a lot of people don't realize that their fur has some value they go into building making hats coats mostly trims of coats it's not usually the full coat but it could be the full coat but uh so you skin them you save the skin you save the highest you know I actually so what I'll do is I I skin them I take the meat and I freeze it and I either eat it myself or I feed it to the mink and then the the pelts rather than sell them I actually get more bang for my buck if I go and trade them to fur fur traders and they give me their muskrat bodies and beaver balms that they would have just chucked otherwise and so they trade me bigger better than they would have if I wanted to give em em for cash and then I get a whole bunch of muskrats and beavers that I then turned into mink food and you grind and process your own yep so these guys have the freedom like you said to get out and hunt for their own food pretty cool operation well thanks for having me again that was fun so if you look over here there's a school and the shallows oh look there's one right there oh oh oh that was cool
Channel: Joseph Carter the Mink Man
Views: 616,882
Rating: 4.8313332 out of 5
Keywords: mink, vs, muskrat, Hush, Colab, Collaboration, Spot, Midnight
Id: uTg8tys4cSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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