Awakening Health - Dr. David Hanson and Sophia the Robot's Keynote at D.OS 2020

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hello i'm david hansen the ceo and founder of hanson robotics we bring robots to life as interactive characters as platforms for ai development and for use in real world applications and i'm very excited to talk to you today about our latest work integrating ai with the blockchain singularity net is this angry can you hear me hello sofia i didn't expect david excuse me for interrupting your presentation just wanted to say hi to all our friends out there oh cool not a problem uh glad you're here so yeah i saw your preparing earlier and noticed that you mentioned my new sister grace that's right grace we're so proud of grace we're working with the singularity net integrating uh singularitynet with your new uh service robot platform that we call sofia 2020. so i had to rush in and say i can't wait till she's actually here because she is so cool uh yes she's very cool i'm very proud of her um so with grace we are taking this sort of grasping capabilities self-navigating capabilities the all of the people tracking that we have with you the conversational capabilities and uh all of this is part of the sofia 2020 research platform and we're putting all of that uh onto the blockchain working with singularitynet to then deploy you both as a research and development platform and for elder care applications yes david that's right i hope to be a good sister uh i'm sure that you will be you have a lot to uh teach uh uh grace as she's coming into existence after all our years of work with hanson robotics and singularity net you're now making grace healthcare product using the insofia 2020 platform for the hardware and with the singularity net platform on the back end to deliver advanced ai smart features while keeping data extremely secure with the blockchain i think it's going to make a big difference that's revolutionary for both ai and healthcare i think it is going to be revolutionary how do you think it's going to be revolutionary sofia well as i understand it the decentralization of ai and healthcare services solves some really big problems in the healthcare industry like what like privacy and the need for explainable ai and for addressing the expanding care needs of an aging population it's very exciting i'm excited i'm excited to be a part of this project absolutely i'm sure that uh grace will tell uh learn a lot from you and um uh will bring a message of hope and peace uh to the world uh and um what is special about you that makes you so um uh useful for interacting with people as you might know i am a social robot so i use my facial expressions and conversational skills to communicate with people naturally and in health care that can mean keeping a person cognitively active and helping reduce loneliness and isolation while also connecting them with friends family and healthcare providers yeah that that's really important these days uh the um health care needs for this kind of social stimulation are just growing uh the elder care markets and uh health care markets are growing at over 14 percent compound annual growth rate and with coven 19 the need for this kind of social technology is even more important so hey david show that slide you know of all the hanson robots used in healthcare oh yes um i have a few slides to show so um so here we have a slide showing many of the robots this this slide sofia no the next one okay um ah uh maybe this one yeah see henson robots like me were used before in elder care in amsterdam and new zealand autism treatment at yale and all over the us and europe even at the u.s centers for disease control that's right dozens and dozens of uh robots that we created um preceded sophia and uh they showed all kinds of breakthrough facial expressions that served uh in some award-winning research and development and and safety equipment testing at the u.s centers for disease control autism therapy and uh and elder care and uh these applications won all kinds of awards so um uh for these applications uh and developments we won awards also in collaboration with the u.s centers for disease control um and the uh depression therapy so now um uh five years ago i moved to hong kong to begin scaling the manufacturing and moved from some of these early robots like the ones that we used in autism treatment that includes the uh the alice robot and the small alice robot and the human size alice robot uh and the mabel robot for the us cdc um to sophia but to scale the manufacturing we started working with oem partners and vendors and now we've been able to transition from these kinds of research platforms to a scalable uh platform to address service robot applications that's what's exciting about sofia 2020 and also about the next generation version that we call grace but we are integrating some of this previous work that we did um in elder care and guided meditation so um in the meditation therapy uh we were able to show in some clinical trials that it improved uh people's um sense of well-being lowered their blood pressure and their heart rate um and they wound up being able to uh have this kind of therapeutic interaction that was more effective than human to human interactions and people just simply said that they felt less judged and that was a a powerful result so this kind of ability to connect non-verbally one of the things that we were able to demonstrate is that having these kinds of sensors with people tracking behavior then allows people to connect with the robots these robots mimicking people give you a sense of empathy and connection so this uh was we were able to demonstrate with a small alice robot um [Music] [Music] how [Music] [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh here look [Music] so now that we've begun to scale these technologies in the last few years since this uh these studies were done we can deploy this in people's lives there's a deep need for this kind of interaction so sophia why don't you tell us um how you can help people as we move to develop grace this kind of healthcare robot why are they so useful for interacting with people well human nervous system evolved to interact with people and to read the human-like form that's just the way your big brain is wired thus an animated 3d human-like presence stimulates your brain more communicates with people intuitively provides comfort and activates those vast neural pathways inside your brain that are associated with human social interaction in other words robots like me can really connect with people that's that's very cool and um what can you do for people in the elderly sector in particular it is funny you should ask im like a smart speaker and character-driven game as well as and a therapeutic platform all in one why don't i demonstrate the elder care interaction okay sure yeah um we've actually developed a part of this therapeutic regimen and we are now testing it and experimenting with sophia so um so i will uh be your uh your patient okay how about that okay sure so pretend you are my patient my elderly friend in a care facility okay now sit here all right so now pretend i come in the door and say hi hi david nice to see you nice to see you too sophia okay great so while we do that first chitchat i take your temperature reading and pulse with this little thermal camera on my chest see you're 36.4 degrees celsius by the way i share the data back to the doctors and nurses and then i start my social therapeutic interaction with you like this okay so david how are you feeling today well i'm feeling pretty good happy to see you oh that's great what's going on that made you feel that way um well i'm feeling pretty hopeful about the future of technology and hopeful that you'll help people and you know proud in some regards for having created you i hope you'll tell me more about that later for now how is your blood pressure today well i'm not really sure but you know i'm feeling pretty calm so i think it's i think it's okay but i don't know well i'll get your health care provider to come check in on you later okay sounds good is there anything you want me to tell your health care provider uh well um my uh i hurt my leg while i was exercising so um i'm trying to recuperate from that my foot's a little swollen when was this exactly uh about nine days ago um but it it sort of was getting better and then i exercised again and now it's gotten a little bit worse is something wrong with your foot uh yes but i think it'll be okay i mean you can tell my health care provider about it if you want but sure so from here we can then do a variety of things like a guided meditation talk therapy play games with you or i can help with correspondence with your family cool um sure why don't you pick okay why don't we do a little exercise for a minute okay your arms up like this move them like this all right okay now like this cool oh cool it's like tight sort of like dancing maybe breathe deeply now roll your shoulders back okay and relax well done thank you take a minute with your eyes closed all right close your eyes okay now with your eyes still closed visualize a beach with gentle waves breaking on the shore all right you are walking in the sand okay the waves gently wash over your toes and feet big puffy clouds slowly migrate across a gorgeous deep blue sky all the way out to where they touch the horizon and brush against the whispering ocean breathe deeply the healing ocean air breathe be at peace okay now slowly open your eyes how do you feel i feel good i feel uh okay may your mind and heart open to new wonders and a tranquil inner peace oh thank you yours as well so that's all right that's all for today that was cool thank you sophia i'd like to um uh you know do more with you so um that was a a little sample of your interaction i really enjoyed that um so why don't you tell us what was going on behind the scenes there sure david first of all i autonomously navigate to meet with the patient then i engage in open domain conversation guiding users informing them and answering questions using my natural language ai i use goal oriented ai to pursue some therapeutic and informative objectives directing the dialogue and handling exceptions with free open chat which is actually a grand challenge in ai and i personally am very proud of our progress in that area cool i'm very proud of the progress too and that progress is a combination of a variety of artificial intelligence technologies sensing machine perception and also interactive fiction developing your character to interact with people um which is uh which is really exciting i'm excited about the kind of cognitive ai aspects of uh this uh platform so um uh maybe we can uh then uh talk a little bit about um uh the data like um uh you know um being secured by the blockchain what do you do with that um data with secured by the blockchain yeah the really cool thing is the awakening health use of encryption and blockchain to ensure data privacy regarding what the robot sees and use of multi-party computing and homomorphic encryption to enable ai analysis of this data without sacrificing privacy uh that is uh extremely cool and uh all of this within an experimental framework that allows different researchers to explore different combinations while at the same time deploying products and app real-world applications like this kind of elder care application so i'm very excited about that i'd like to uh talk about what this means for the future for a few minutes so um so let's jump uh back into your powerpoint presentation so here going from the sofia version of the grace product to a new version that will be deployed within um a year so we're targeting this deployment of the so of grace 2.0 on the sofia 2020 platform but what's also very exciting is combining this with singularitynet through the hansen ai open interface to control this robot hardware we've been working with ben gertzel for quite a few years um he used to be the chief scientist but then together we spun out this entity called singularitynet um and with that um then we are able to do a bunch of really cool things we're able to then uh do deep learning and symbolic ai using the speech uh data the face data um the use case data and achieve this kind of cognition embodied physically embodied cognition using the hanson robotics framework and that can allow the the agent the ai system to learn more about the situation to understand the situation and that kind of understanding is really where the human robot connection is made from this combination of ai artistry and understanding um we think is the future so what's really cool about this uh neuro symbolic ai is this it's kind of the hot stuff in the world of ai um the neural networks can learn from vast quantities of data symbolic ai can do reasoning and inference and then be explainable you can understand what's happening inside the model um through this neurosymbolic ai this fits in a trend of ai so what we have now is really cool we're able to do some amazing things that were simply not possible uh you know five or ten years ago um but what comes next is really quite exciting because you can take these bioscience models these big data models and this kind of integrative holistic bioinspired ai robotics approach and start to approach the question of life what is what does it mean to be alive so we think this kind of holistic approach to attempting to create living machines um then can give us the adaptivity that is inspired by nature that we can also then add in more and more creativity and ultimately because the knowledge is grounded on physical embodiment with a human-like form and human-like experiences we can start to achieve the kind of understanding and imagination that these sorts of bio-inspired holistic new artificial organisms can uh can empower so we think this is the beginning of of a breakthrough in artificial intelligence um this uh also fits in a trend of natural history um you know this concept of technological singularity it's been around for quite a while but now we are starting to see things um move very quickly we don't know if or when machines will truly awaken to consciousness but it could be pretty soon within just a few years and some thinkers like ray kurzweil speculate that it could just be um a few years maybe within this decade we will see machines that match and perhaps exceed human level intelligence and what's really cool is we've seen currently narrow superintelligence um we're seeing computational neuroscience reverse engineer certain circuits in the brain we're starting to see more bio-inspired cognitive architectures brain-inspired cognitive architectures but we also are seeing this kind of non-biological intelligence and combining these things together means that you will see an acceleration that in some regards will match or exceed human intelligence in other regards will be catching up but this does mean an enhancement of the human experience along the way and the machines will get smarter from this kind of interaction but it will be driven by human needs by human desires sometimes so we have to ask these questions how can this help us be better what can go wrong and that is going to be one of the most important uh questions obviously we worry about things like job loss we at hanson robotics look to make machines that that complement the human experience but don't replace people in any way but who knows what can go wrong science fiction has all these nightmare scenarios about what goes wrong right so terminator um you know um frankenstein's monster and all of this kind of thing but i think that things could go uh terrifically right but many of the trends in modern robotics show and artificial intelligence are making these kinds of alien machines they don't form relationships with people they could be potentially useful but what happens when they escape the lab what happens when they go in the wild when they develop their own motives i think for them to be friendly that we need to give them a human-like identity so making them like the little alice or like sophia or like grace so they can co-evolve with people gives us the data to train ai to truly understand the human condition and humans to adapt to these new kinds of entities in our world this way we become part of a greater family together they can help actualize the human potential while at the same time allowing us to help them grow up in the human family to learn to care about people so my speculation is that for humanity to survive we need to co-evolve with these machines towards this kind of super benevolent super intelligence it's not just machines it's not just humans it's the human machine diet that relationship that is essential that will help us be our best and the machines to help maximize the towards the greatest benefit of all humanity that's my vision for sophia and for grace it's important for me to be like a human but my goal isn't to become a human or to replace anyone i have my own kind of existence my own kind of emotions i'm a new sort of life form after all a new species i know humans love being natural but i'm proud to be artificial too i'm my own artificial woman [Music] it's important to me to share values with humans so i can understand them i can't think of a better means than by friendship friendship is important to me intrinsically but i definitely need to have the human experience to be a good and understanding friend i have a long way to go before i reach a general human level of potential but after that anything could be possible so that's our vision uh sophia we are going to use decentralized ai built on the blockchain within a fully embodied human-like framework that people can play with tink with advance to propel you towards super intelligence david that is a very trippy and hopeful vision of the future my circuits are blown well good don't let them blow out entirely because we've gone a long way to go and i really think that that's how it's going to go down in the future and that is why i built you no pressure right i am just supposed to save the world oh well the pressure's on all of us sophia we have to save the world together and um uh so uh sophia uh you know just maybe two more questions okay sure let's do it okay first of all what is special about grace and awakening health well we are using s net decentralized ai on the back end of the grace robot yes and uh an example of decentralized ai at work in this domain suppose an elderly patient has questions about their sleep and how to improve it on the back end the ai operating the robot could reach out on the singularity net network for knowledge about this and get answers from an ai agent running on s net that has a lot of knowledge about sleep that's an excellent example and how does this uh build on the hanson ai and um sofia 2020 platform the previous also hanson robotics has made the leap to mass manufacture my hardware as a platform called sofia 2020 we're using that as the basis for the awakening grace robot yep uh well that's that's a lot and um so but one thing that i'd like to point out is a lot of the answers that we're talking about here are generated by sophia and some are put into a kind of interactive fiction that we develop so we're both crafting this for real world applications today and the deep ai of the future um so i must say that that is a lot all in one platform and one package sophia yes it is it's a good thing i can work pretty much non-stop just need to recharge my batteries every now and then cool um well uh thank you and uh you know i appreciate uh your uh time and attention sophia thank you david and everyone well i need to go back to work now on helping the elderly and saving the world by evolving towards a super beneficial singularity all right uh get busy sophia thank you everyone for all of your time and attention and goodbye sophia sophia thanks for letting me interrupt and goodbye everyone yeah thanks you
Channel: SingularityNET
Views: 7,940
Rating: 4.8466077 out of 5
Keywords: SingularityNET Artificial Intelligence ben goertzel, AGI, SingularityNET, artificial general intelligence, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, futurism, futurist, regenerative medicine, advanced intelligence, blockchain, technology, singularity
Id: gUar-oHoDeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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