Awakened Ice Fruit Gives FREE GOD MODE... (Blox Fruits)

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all right guys we're back with another Awakening video hey guys I'm not gonna lie we're almost done with this series okay last video we awakened spider fruit and if you guys don't know spider food bro this is one of the sick in the game right you have a sick movement ability and you have a really high damage ability so all these other abilities like this one this one or this one don't do that much damage but if we go over to the V ability having the punishment disability might be the most damage ability there is in the entire game I'm not even joking okay this opportunity was like 8 000 damage and it stuns the enemies so I'm convinced spider is one of the most broken fruits in the game but in today's video we're gonna awaken a fruit that you guys have been requesting a ton okay I've seen a ton and a ton of comments and the fruit I'm talking about is obviously the ice rule okay ice is one of the best fruits in the game you guys said or PVP So today we're gonna awaken this PVP food and see how good it actually is guys let's go and eat this food right here because I already have a full storage of this route so Nom Nom and guys we have ice root activated and as you can see I've never used this fruit in my entire life okay we have ice Spears and that's it and as you can see we have one two three and four abilities so that means the less ability is the awaken so it's gonna be a little faster and guys stars in the server but I don't know where it is okay I've been looking for him for a while and wait never mind he's right over here why are you sitting at the trade I guess he wants to trade or something let's see where he has for me bro no what what what is that man I don't need kilos like come on now you can keep them yourself okay but hey start let's go and raw food okay because today is the day okay today we're gonna get the ice fruit come on please come on and bro I got this the last video as well come on man what do you got oh my God what do you got you got what you got I bro what it is not even up bro what do you mean you got it you definitely got a kilo fruit not ice oh my God this guy man wait I need help I got the kilo virus yeah you definitely got some kilo virus or something man not really sure how to fix that but guys anyway let's go over to the shop because we do you need ice permanent okay and as you guys can see it's a really low fruit so it's gonna be a little Robux right let's see it's gonna be 750 Robux but wait you cannot gift or buy fruits while you have it equipped that's pretty interesting I guess we have to equip the other food and now we can buy it okay I did not know that by the way but anyway it's time to purchase ice for 750 Robux because we all need it permanent okay and you guys said it's a good fruit so I believe in you guys okay now guys we have one two three four abilities and the Mastery is a hundreds so we'll be mastering this fruit super easy and guys if you haven't already noticed we have a spare in our hands and oh we can wait so this is a really good food because you have like a belly weapon type so look if I hit him yeah I can literally do damage that's why it's really good for grinding you can put all your stats points on blocks truth in place of like Millie or something and you can just find with your blocks which is really really amazing but anyway let's go and try the first episode which is Ice Bears which is Mastery one let's go and check it out okay uh three two one and oh wait 3K that's I guess that's all right for the first ability I mean I've seen worse okay I've seen worse ways I didn't really see the ability hold on let's try it one more time okay what is happening wait that is actually really sick let's go try it from a little bit of distance okay it's gonna reach oh my wait that's insane and keep in mind these are unawakened abilities so we have to awaken all of these and then we'll see how cool they are okay so now let's go and unlock all these abilities and then awaken them and check this out guys you can literally like kill that and yeah look at that we can just literally kill him with the ice root like the Trident or whatever and guys look at that even if I kill with my Trident I get Mastery on the Block suits which that's really really nice and we just got 57 so let's go test these other two abilities I Surge and Ice a bird all right first that's that's ice surge okay so three two one oh okay what okay and boom a bunch of ice spikes but it didn't do much damage uh yeah that's not a lot all right and it didn't froze him so that's going to try it one more time yeah it just kicks him back a bit but it does almost no damage it's a pretty cool ability though but yeah I mean already that impressive right now we're gonna try Iceberg which is 50 Mastery okay so let's go try it out right now and uh oh I froze them you guys saw that but it was like one second okay this one tried one once again like from here or something I'm sending a bird oh I didn't even reach him so it doesn't have a lot of range okay that's not too good current ability like that we need a much more range but anyway let's go try it again like that look is Frozen no way so now I can freeze our opponents but it didn't do much damage either way I mean I guess it's a freezeability so it's decent now let's get this last ability which is a hundred Mastery and come on 96 ooh almost wait so that means we can also freeze NPCs no let's see oh that's a wrong one and it was this one right yeah he's Frozen Wait what it was like for one second Andreas go new skill available guys did you know ice root is the easiest like masterable fruit that you can awaken because every single other one that is in a shot I guess flame is the same thing yeah flame is the same thing but flame has one more ability I guess it's the same as flame but now let's go try glacial epic which is the last ability of the viability okay let's try it out three to one and oh okay wait did it freeze you yes all right so it also froze you okay so now we've got two abilities that freeze hopefully if I awaken all the abilities we get way more Frozen abilities let's go and try it one more time okay so we do this and then we can yeah look at that he's Frozen look now we can just attack him and do a lot of combos so it has a lot of combo potential now the mastering part is done guys we have all the buildings unlocked let's go and awaken this route oh wait look at star he also has like a a light spare right that's a light fruit right star yes yes so light fruit and Ice root are the only fruits that have a melee sword that you can literally fight with which is insane now let's go awaken this food right here okay I should Awakening here we go oh and guys look at the island it's like a frozen Island this looks actually pretty cool it's like a snow village from C1 which I kind of like all right let's go to the next Island wait a minute I Can Walk on Water I forgot about that I guess I didn't know I mean magma is the same thing right yo look at that I can just go on to what bro this is sick that is actually insane if you guys remember magma had the same thing which was actually really nice it's pretty good for grinding CB so maybe ice is also a good fruit to grind seabis with maybe I'm not really sure about that guys look at this island is it like three bridges that looks pretty cool one side we got like a mountain I guess it looks like a mountain it's not really like a rock stone and then we get like a village wait are these igloos no way look at that wait this looks like a really good Island like a winter Land This is actually so sad I'm pretty sure these are the igloos from the harukond island from like C2 that's pretty nice on to the next Island and what is this what is that statue this is something new I've never seen this before and guys this rate is really easy like compared to every other raid I did this is like one of the easiest one I did wait what the what the wait we got just stunned like that all right guys it's time to switch to ice right over here hey look at the boss ice Master yeah guys we're about to take a spot because we're about to become the ice Master okay let's go and get this guy out of here hey that's freeze mop right come on come on come on and let's go we froze him with his own abilities okay six minutes 41 seconds remaining and a thousand fragments amazing and now all we have to do is talk to this guy over here and awaken our Z ability for 500 okay that's pretty nice new titles the Ice King and the ice queen all right awesome all right guys so the ability before the Awakening was called Ice Bears and now it's cold storm so it completely changed I'm expecting it to be the same ability kind of so I guess let's go and come on uh what okay guys that ability definitely changed what even was that I just summoned a storm what it doesn't do that much damage but it kind of stuns him right it stuns oh yeah I guess it stuns right so if we do cold storm and we do this in I mean oh wait I didn't yeah you just freeze him oh that is so sick and look at that ice for it looks so away well I'm so chill right now ah okay dude right because you are frozen okay good one but now guys it's time to awaken our next ability which is I'm pretty sure X right yeah I searches this one right over here yeah hopefully this one gets way bigger and way better alright guys as you can see we're back at the boss okay okay what does it start doing with the boss what okay let's do this come on do the storm do this one okay let's do a combo real quick come on to this and yes die bro bro oh my God what the I was close bro okay we got him though and wait why is the radar bro what is going on what is this guy doing over here man like bro are you camping do you really not want to die come here man and he's dead there you go combination 6 minutes 11 left that is slower than the first one but it's all right because now we're about to awaken the F ability way what's weird bro that's the second fruit I'm literally randomly getting another ability okay alphability for two thousand okay I guess so and there you guys go 2000 fragments for the F ability ice skating wait am I already like kind of skating on eyes maybe that's not what they mean all right guys it's time to test the ice skating ability okay I'm not sure what this is this is an Awakening like I just really randomly got this about you anyway let's go and try it out I'm not sure if it does damage so let's see three to one and the go oh all right it doesn't do it wait what the uh why can't I move wait is it like a one direct why can't I move wait what the am I not supposed to be able to move there it looked really weird guys oh wait a minute guys I can move I can move so I had to hold W and like move around where I want to move to but wait star wants to race with Ming V4 okay buddy all right guys let's go and try it out okay is ice faster three two one go oh my God bro come on he's faster with dashing no way bro alright this looks really fast but I guess he's faster man what is happening it's glitching a bit but guys this is insanely safe this is a really good way to get fast with like slow races it's a really good moving ability from what I've saw with other fruits this is insane but guys we still have to awaken three more abilities so let's go do that so far it's looking pretty promising all right guys while doing this raid I have some really fun facts that you want to hear about ice fruits you guys know it takes 14.5 000 fragments to awaken it yeah quite a lot and it also has a 15 percent chance to get into the blockster dealer that kind of means that you don't buy it permanently because it's so often in stock that it's literally no point in buying it it is not value ways though so and guys the ice road is most popular in PvP so we're gonna see all right once it's fully awakened I'm excited now let's kill this boss over here hi guys there he is he has one HP and we're about to destroy this guy wait oh why did it go backwards what I guess it's freeze them up and now let's beat him up come on okay and there you go we got it in with seven minutes okay it's not a record time or something that's pretty good all right now we can awaken our ax ability for 3 000 fragments okay let's go do that right now and there you go we got it and guys before we test that I'm blocked through a spot okay 900 meter where is this thing let's go to sea castle oh it's 80 meters away it's right over here somewhere where's this guy go away he's gonna get it before me no way where is it what is it oh it's up bro it's okay you can have that actually it's a revive route score a mode yeah guys what the it's a duty fruit at least I've never mastered it so I don't really know maybe I should do it one day anyway we're about to test that flexibility which is called kelly show surge alright guys let's go and test it out okay three to one and go okay that's exactly what I expected it's bigger and it does more damage and it stuns it's not a lot of damage though so once we do it let's see it's is he stunned or something where's he where is he it looks way better yeah that's what I think too look at that it's like way way bigger yeah I'm frozen in the air wait really are you frozen in the air while I'm doing it all right that's pretty good now let's gonna weaken the next one wait but when I land I on freeze wait what that's really interesting so in the air you're freezed off that's really cool now let's go now we can the iceberg ability which is a c all right guys we're once again at the last boss and he has one is put it he's attacking the wall anyway let's go and do this that and the bird which we're about to awaken it's frozen okay and there you go seven minutes and 16 seconds wait that is an insane time not too bad now let's go and take me to Ascension and awaken the seability for four thousand to have enough and I do so let's awaken it and there you guys go perfect all right so far boys this fruit is not disappointing okay not even gonna this is one of my favorite like low-tier fruits now it's called the Frozen Dragon okay a dragon okay all right guys three two one and go wait what what was that I'm guessing you got stunned again hold on hold on let's I might try to do that again nice dragon I didn't even see a dragon it looked really cool let's go try it zoomed out maybe like this show and he's Frozen right yeah for the time being but that is insane guys guys look at the dragon look at the dragon sure okay you can barely see it but that looks insane I'm not really sure if this is better for PVP or the iceberg let me know in the comments but now it's time to awaken the last ability which is the viability all right guys there's the bot why is he lying on the okay he was just lying on the ground I guess he was being cheating guys the rains are so boring he was already sleeping anyway let's go and kill this guy over here and there you go seven minutes and 30s even faster bro I was even stalling at the end can we do it in eight minutes I don't know about that one anyway let's go over here and the viability for 5K do we have enough bro really really I am two fragments sure are you Siri right now come on I need to buy this one right here you know what I'm just gonna buy 16k fragments guys support a small cause guys rip Indra needs it okay rip intro really needs it now there he is go we're about to awaken the viability for 5 000 and oh man okay there you go now it's time to see the true powers of the ice root I'm gonna go from ability one to ability4 okay so first we have this one right here the storm now we got this one which is a huge Spike and we got the Frozen Dragon we spawn a dragon that's freezing him and then we got absolute zero we haven't seen his ability yet let's go try it out three two one and go go I guess you got frozen doesn't do that much damage the birdie didn't change much he just got a bunch bigger and it freezes what I think the best thing is about this fruit is the ice Trident and ice skating like bro it's so fast it is one of the most amazing things and don't forget oh what the you can go on water so ice rude is definitely up there with the fruits now wait um why are you not getting damage what why can I see your you have magma wait you do but why do I wait I don't see anything below you it looks like you're a Jesus just walking up water what that is something I've never seen guys but don't forget to like And subscribe and what do I awaken next that is the question oh guys I just did a raid and I got Phoenix fruit I already know what I'm Awakening next nice [Music]
Channel: SeerRblx
Views: 258,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seerrblx, Bloxfruits, Roblox bloxfruits, ICE fruit, ice fruit v2, ice awaken, ice awakening, ice fruit awaken, ice akawen, ice fruit 2, ice fruit awakening, awakening ice fruit, blox fruits ice fruit, awakening ice fruit blox fruits
Id: ba2xcaaTc7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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