Awaiting His Return - Fort Worth, TX, Session 1

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laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] no no no no foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] moment baller praise the Lord praise the Lord it is so great to see you all this morning all of you it is our turn to give our worship our praise to our Lord Jesus Christ why don't you get on your feet let's praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing hard y'all all right here we go foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] away from me to their places [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] troubles and trying [Music] enjoy [Applause] [Music] Ed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] together [Applause] [Music] I can't remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will tell me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] foreign [Applause] amen amen amen thank you worship team it is great to see you all here on this wonderful morning and especially those of you who are watching us online yes all you European Bible lovers Australians and Indonesians and Filipinos we love you warm greetings from Texas many of you have flown in many of you have driven from a long Place long long long drive so we thank you for that just a few things as we begin and continue our worship time I'm Mike Goulet the director of operations behold Israel I'll be your host your MC for the day we have tons of resources to equip you to put into your magazines you Texans like firearms and we're going to be quipping you as spiritual firearm ballistics today Lock and Load baby oh yeah oh yeah so they are a little bit cheaper than if you buy them online wink wink just feel free to take advantage of that restrooms ladies uh we're doing the best we can guys you know it goes a little faster you know but uh right outside these doors there's restrooms to the right down the ramp you'll see a ramp just follow the ramp down there there's some restrooms and there's some secret restrooms here and there if you ask a staff member they'll say I could set you up yeah when in doubt when in doubt and when you're in the line just Dial 1-800 patience okay we will have lunch we'll give you an hour and a half for lunch today it's going to be great you can hang out with friends come back and in the back of your booklet there's a serrated edge for questions and answers we're going to do a q a at the very end of the day and hopefully work through some of those with that being said let's continue this amazing worship time that we were doing [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] leaning all the Everlasting on [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] us [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] last savior [Music] come on praise the Lord who ran from you Faithful he has been in truth [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get on I'm leaving [Music] now Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] what do I have to dress yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] we thank the Lord for his blood this guide foreign I remember who I was I was lost I was blind I was brought in god of time [Music] separated breed was far too wild but From The Far Side of the chasm [Music] Made A Way across the Great Divide Left Behind Heaven's throne filled it here inside there at the cross [Music] broke my chains free my soul for the first time I had hoped thank you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus you have saved my life [Music] you are married for three days what happened [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know [Applause] [Music] even you have [Music] my mind [Music] [Applause] is [Music] we are ready [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I feel fine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby walking from the darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hallelujah [Applause] let us lift our eyes to heaven and pray to the god of armies Jehovah oath that name in Hebrew is indicative of you as a military commander a general an admiral of the highest rank under your command or Myriad upon Myriad evangelic host and we too who name the name of Jesus are in your army but our weapons are not of this world you have equipped us with your word it is sharper than any two-edged sword able to pierce into the very division of Soul and Spirit Lord Commander teach us to wield your word in a manner that is efficacious and Winsome as we await your return and we Echo the refrain out of Revelation come quickly Lord Jesus come quickly amen please be seated [Music] by the savior I feel fire from above I've been down to the river I hate to say a prodigal return s [Music] it was [Music] a kind of thing that just brings me break some down to his knees God I've been broken [Music] here and show me what it means [Music] oh my God [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I see her [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right go ahead and have a seat imagine taking all of this passion and putting it into a bottle and injecting it into all of the church worldwide and then equipping them with the word of God wow amazing are you guys ready to launch you guys ready for our first speaker yeah hold on hold on gotta brag on you a little bit brother Calvary Chapel Pastor starts a church with the spirit of the Lord with six people in a home group Rises to ten thousand people per week as an online Ministry meets reaches countless people don't even know does Middle East updates has Intel has extensive Bible training Charisma and and Bible prophecy knowledge that is unrivaled and he lives like a flashbang that just went off in one of the darkest areas of the country California Pastor Jack Hibbs oh my goodness I was done I was waiting for him to say but wait there's more uh Pastor Mike is very generous with his words but I love this behold team and I don't get the chance Amir is so faithful and kind to invite me to uh their events uh many of them around the world but I just I can't do that very often at all but if you were here with us last year this is one of the highlights for me to come back to this place I want you to know I love this church I love Pastor Bob and uh in a post in a post uh in a post-covered world it's not easy to direct people who are fleeing your state to this the the freedom of Texas you gotta you got to direct them to you got to direct them to a good church and that's hard to do these days and so we're very grateful for you being here and so father we pray that you'd bless the going forth of your word all day long we pray father that even now is your holy spirit sets the tempo and the pace of things we pray that Lord we would all be students that we would all find ourselves this morning learning from you so Lord we give you our lives we give you our hearts we pray that you would Lord reach out and save our family members our children or our parents our grandkids grandparents whatever the case may be Lord we can sense everyone I would assume in this room and maybe those that are watching right now can sense that the hour is late we can feel it on our bones we're glad Lord that no man knows the day or the hour but of the times and the seasons your Bible tells us that we'll have no need that any man should write unto us for we will know that you're coming is at the door so father bless our time together now in Jesus name and all God's people said amen Well church family we're going to be looking at the scripture today we're going to launch if you would in Matthew's gospel I'm going to ask you to stand if you would Matthew chapter 16. can we pretend that we're at home back we're gonna this is how we do it at home we're going to do it here and I need that and so Matthew chapter 16 the verses will be on the screen and I'll read the odd numbered verses if you'll pick it up nice and loud right in the even numbered verses so this is what we do at home and uh we're gonna do this uh because I want to be at home with all of you guys right here right now so may the Lord bless the reading of his word Matthew 16 beginning at verse 13 Jesus said when he came into the region of caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying who do men say that I the son of man am [Applause] foreign but Jesus said to them who do you say that I am [Applause] and Jesus answered and said unto them blessed are you Simon barjona for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven [Applause] and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in heaven [Applause] and from that time on listen Church Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders the chief priests and the scribes and be killed and be raised on the third day but he turned and said to Peter get behind me Satan you are an offense to me for you are not mindful of the things of God but the things of men [Applause] for whoever desires to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it for the son of man will come in the glory of his father with his angels and then he will reward each according to his works foreign and all God's people said amen so Church we're looking at a message this morning that comes actually as uh a point of inspiration to me from someone from our church at least I hope he's new to our church because uh in the foyer a couple of weeks ago uh this man came up and he said uh you're talking about the Lord's return and the Bible teaches about the Rapture pastor but uh things are getting really rough uh he's gonna he's gonna come right before things get really bad he's going to come and uh I told him I said well I hope and I trust you know Christ could come today but I have to ask you Sarah I'm a little concerned about your your question are you thinking that Jesus is going to come and Rapture us out of here before you have any trouble in your life and he was very honest and he responded exactly yes and I said what gives you the thought that out of all of the 2000 years of church history that we would Escape hardship and difficulty that the rest of the church in the world has to put up with on a daily basis and there was this thought and you could see him pause for a moment because his his mind hadn't gone that far yet he thought that before any act of violence or uh certain persecution would come to us in the west anyway that we would somehow be spared now look I am absolutely pre-tribulational Rapture view I believe that Jesus Christ could come back before I finish this message and I would love for him by the way to finish this message uh that would be great but friends listen we need to realize that the Bible tells us that all of us who live for the Lord Christ Jesus uh will suffer persecution if we live a life that is listen righteous you say Jack who can be righteous the word righteous means to do the right thing and so I want you to know that though I hail from the People's Republic of California that our state is moving so fast in in a bad dark direction that uh I I arrived here on Tuesday we had commitments at Daystar and with Glenn Beck at the Blaze and all of that stuff and just in the last few days I've been getting news reports from California that our governor has issued yet another edict and that is that they're going to start policing social media in California and what we say is it in line with the direction of the way California is trending so who knows but if like King George uh in the founding of this nation sermons had to be submitted right to King George and in the colonies to see if they met his approval well it may be that by the time I get back home uh pastor Barry and I get back home to SoCal that things have possibly dramatically changed we're not surprised by that we're getting kind of used to it so I feel like a voice crying in the wilderness I almost feel like Paul's saying you know many have prophesied that chains await me when I get to Jerusalem and uh you know for Barry and I that might be the case for all I know but that's okay because we're looking at a message this morning if not up then what if not up then what so if Jesus doesn't come back today how are we going to live tomorrow if he doesn't come back until next week how are we going to live if he doesn't come back for three months or for three years how are we going to live it is absolutely my desire that we understand that now that we're Christians I trust you are today and if not I I trust I'll give you an opportunity to come to Christ today before the end of this message but um you need to be ready you and I need to be ready if we're going to stand for Jesus there's a promise that awaits us and that is that the world is going to hate us now the number one most beloved name in all over the world at this hour is the name All Around the World Imagine That people are praying people are praising the name of Jesus but at the exact same time all around the world the most hated name in all the world is the name his name is the most famous curse word in all over the world it doesn't matter what culture you go to they'll use the name Jesus Christ in a curse is that interesting nobody shouts Muhammad nobody shouts Buddha when they slam their finger in the door and it's it doesn't matter you could be in Beijing and somebody will cuss and you'll hear the name Jesus what in the world is going on well the fact of the matter is our Jesus is Lord and Savior it's the King of Kings he's the Alpha and the Omega he's the first and the last to begin in the end he's the way the truth and the life and those simple verses that just rolled off my tongue is native to the soul of every believer but the Bible warns us that in second Timothy 4 verse 3 for the time will come and I want to argue with you today that that time is now that the time will come when they will not endure sound Doctrine you know this there's churches everywhere but find a church that teaches sound Doctrine it's a very difficult thing to do but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will Heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables I believe that passage verses three and four describe the watch my fingers air quotes the church in America if not the world today I want to Pastor the world is saying that tells me what I want to hear I want to go to a church that makes me feel good and don't don't get me involved in any of that stuff that Ruffles my feathers I I want to take a break on Sunday morning I want to unplug from the world and I want to go to maybe some sort of a Christian Resort that happens to be called the church and my community now don't get me wrong the church is a resort and the church is a hospital but more than anything we've got commissioning from Jesus that the church is a place of disciple making that's what we're to be doing and living in an age like this all of us are to be on guard and I trust that you are here and certainly in this church and those of you have gathered to this conference that you're on guard and we're going to be talking about those things right now uh so if not up uh then what what do we do how are we to live at a time like this so church are you ready we're going to go quick ready are you ready we're gonna go quick okay here we go get your pin out take notes I've worked hard on this so take some notes number one what do we need to know is recognize first of all that there's the preeminence of the church that according to Jesus Christ the church is preeminent on Earth how do we know this he just got done telling the disciples you read it a moment ago that the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against this church well Pastor we've seen churches fold up in our town so have we oh pastor we sing those who walked with us now they're not walking with us anymore they've given up me too I've seen that what's going on Jesus Christ is refining and actually elevating his church it's not during a time of peace that the church seems to be so preeminent it's historically always a time of difficulty that the church Rises to the top our church stood during the pandemic and if our state didn't recognize our desire to help thank God our local politicians did and we came right alongside our local and County government and we worked hand in hand reaching those that were shut in those that were hurting where money was lacking the church stepped up and helped people out and the our local government became as it were a partner in the work and we reached the needs by the way did you know historically that's what happened with Charles Spurgeon in London with the great pandemic of the cholera pandemic what about Martin Luther with the Bubonic plague what did they do the churches stood up in the moment of Crisis why because the church is preeminent Jesus gave us this promise the very Gates of Hell will not Prevail against my church so this is what's great about what's happening right now and I don't say this to be Cavalier or cold I mean this to be accurate we need to stop looking at the names and the faces of either both friends or Christian leaders in America today and look at the word of God not be swayed by the fact that we identify that person but do we know the word of God because listen the Bible tells us that in the last days there will be many who will depart from the faith it doesn't mean listen I'm a big fan about what I'm about to say I believe that means they didn't lose their salvation they looked like they had salvation when things were easy but when things got tough what salvation they pretended to have I would say they're almost a Christian they never went all the way they believed but their belief never took them to Faith that when these Hard Times come and they're coming again and they're coming more don't panic the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against the church so what you and I want to make sure is that we are rooted in sound Doctrine very important the Bible tells us in Ephesians 5 verse 25 husbands love your wives and all the women said ladies that was your big moment you blew it it was it wasn't very loud you should have husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her that's what a husband's supposed to do right the what yeah the wife the wife is supposed to say hey give up your life hey baby do you love me I sure do sweetheart give up your life for me Jesus lay down his life for the church and Paul is painting a picture that the love that a husband has for his wife is modeled after the love Jesus has for his church and I don't know about you but I like that kind of talk when the Bible talks like that I just love the fact that Jesus is designed to wrap you up and keep you safe and um look is it is it really easy here in Texas that's how we View Texas in California by the way you know there's always that temptation to like let's go to Texas in California we're going to stay and fight and fight as long as we can we're not leaving but um but I also realize there's no Mayflower coming to pick us up either so you guys better keep Texas uh healthy so we so we Californians can join the other million Californians that have come here but um that that's gonna that's gonna imply that uh you see the church's presence in the world as preeminent listen if you fled California to come here you better protect this place because uh if newsom's aspirations make it to 2024 and his presidency is successful he's coming to your town so be very very careful people what are we to be doing we are to be lucky and we're to be verse 26 tells us in Ephesians 5 that we he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of the water of the word that he might present her to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she should be holy and without blemish Jesus Christ views the church as his hands and his feet in this world at this time question to you and I are we doing that do we view our calling as believers preeminent in this world think about it we need to stop looking at the politicians to be our deliverer I said this a long time ago say it again the Messiah is not coming in on Air Force One it's not going to happen should we be involved in doing righteousness yes should we oppose evil yes the church is to be the light and the defender of Truth absolutely but just know this we are going to fight for what's right all the while knowing that Jesus could come at any moment you know what that's called in the Bible occupying till he comes we're not going to lay down we're not going to put the sheet over our head and wait for it to all end we are going to rise up in this manner we are going to be Winsome we are going to be loving Christ loving the Lost and we're going to be speaking the truth and our nation is in the condition that it's in I can say this because pulpits have been asleep at the wheel for decades that's too many questions don't know what to do so many Christians are hiding because they weren't prepared and I love the fact that Pastor Bob and a mirror that's the last thing that they'd want to have happen in your life the Bible also tells us in first Timothy 4 verses 1 and 2 that the church is to be strong and relevant as we look to this she's preeminent now the Holy Spirit expressly says that in the latter times right at the time of the end notice the end of what the end of the church age not the end of the world people will ask you know CNN all those guys call up when there's a war pastors at the end of the world no you got at least seven years to you CNN have at least seven years by the way that goes for almost all the other ones except except Newsmax uh on Sunday mornings I don't listen you need to pray for them they're getting thrown off of Networks but uh they were crazy enough to have me on every Sunday morning live to give a commentary about the culture of our nation at the moment every week and uh they're taking a hit for that by the way they're hated for that but pray for Newsmax they're getting yanked by all these programmers but um listen the the fact is this that when he goes on there about the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed here it comes giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy and having their conscience seared with a hot iron now that word seared with a hot iron implies that they're scarred so badly that when you're so badly scarred you can't feel anything anymore you know if you're really scarred in a certain area or something's happened you don't feel anything and the Bible says you you judge right now and see if the Bible is true the Bible says in the latter times people's consciences will be seared with a hot iron as it were and the evidence of it is that they have no feelings so that when somebody's getting beat to death in the subway people pull out their phone and stream it lawlessness lovelessness how are we to counter these days it's the church it's you it's me it's us and the Lord holds our great Mission preeminent as the body of Christ he loves his church it's remarkable number two is the protection of the church if not up then what well number two is the protection of the church and I'm not talking about a security detail right I don't know if you guys are aware of this but in the uh since January there's been over 60 houses of worship attacked or vandalized in the United States and it's the most in our nation's history why why are houses of worship being targeted listen Satan's on a roll these These are the days of darkness and they're increasing but I'm not talking about a church needing protection with security cameras and security guards no no no I'm talking about the church being the protector of what is good and of what is right this is very important by the way I Think Jesus views it the same way that's why I'm I'm saying this didn't he say this basically to the church is at Ephesus for example or pergamum or thyatira or Sardis Smyrna Philadelphia and laodicea didn't the seven letters of the seven churches basically it's Jesus giving them an evaluation of where they're at with him and he's announcing to them basically either if you're strong stay strong if you need to get strong then get back to being strong if you love me keep loving me and if you've forgotten to love me give back to that love and if your host by the way false Doctrine get away from it right the church you and I are the Protectors of Truth we are the ones that are to be on the front lines we're the ones to be arguing and battling for what is true I love the fact that the church you know the the Puritans used to look at it this way they used to say that the church is really divided into two uh stations there's the church militant have you ever heard that before the church military say what are you saying just calm down hang on the Puritans used to say the church militant is the church on Earth contending against evil and then there's the church triumphant those who have died and entered into Glory you you and I are either one or the other and you're not the other because you're here right now and you and I are to be the ones that take forth the truth and what I so love about our God is that we don't this is great we don't have to protect our God we don't have to protect the gospel we don't have to protect the Bible listen he's alive the gospel is pure truth it can't die and the word of God burn every Bible in America listen Burn every Bible in the world do you think that changes anything the Bible is spiritual it is alive and that truth is eternal and the church needs to get excited about getting behind the Eternal truth of God and standing in that and living in it Jesus said I walk through the midst of the seven lampstands it's amazing the seven lampstands of the churches which is interesting because the seven lampstands is first of all mentioned in Exodus and then it's answered in the Book of Revelation did you know that God tells Moses build up seven lampstands put it in the holy of holies and then you read about the seven lampstands you read about Jesus walking through the middle of them by the way if you ever visit our church because of a mirror when you come into our foyer there's a 2 000 pound uncut Stone from Jerusalem that's sitting in the middle of the foyer and coming out of that is a 59 pound pure bronze Menorah seven lampstand uh from Jerusalem uh that Amir and like when was that like eight when did you bring it over do you remember when that was 1804 something like that back in those days I went to pick up a mirror at LAX and he's walking off his flight British Airways and he's carrying this menorah remember that it was awesome it's so cool that rabbis come from LA and they come and look at it they take pictures of it it's amazing why did I bring that up I almost forgot it's because seven the seven lamp stands you be thinking it speaks about wetness witness Jesus is walking through think about Jesus walking through your home Jesus walking through your personal life you know he is anyway you have to imagine that and he's talking to you is he not he's saying things to us like this listen sit with me longer now who would say such a thing somebody who's in love just sit with me longer we're in Charleston South Carolina recently Lisa and I it was amazing it was Lisa and I it was just Lisa and I that's a rarity in our lives man and you know they have these little benches I don't know what you call them maybe you do too but one person sits this way and the other person sits the other way and you sit and you Converse your faces are right with each other's face and Jesus is saying you just come and you sit with me for a while and you sit with him and you know what happens when you spend time with Jesus I'm going to confess to you I'm half nuts okay I'm crazy I'm add it's hard for me to sit and be still it's a discipline for me it cost me a lot to sit still but every time I've sat still and waited on the Lord I've come out energized ready to take on whatever because I know he's with me and he'll never leave me or forsake me and he loves me I thank God for that he listen he knows me and he loves me he knows you and he loves you listen your husband knows you too but Jesus knows you and he loves you right but the church is to be the great protector and I love the age in which we're in the Bible tells us I want you all of you to write this down and if you don't have paper write it on your hand I'm serious you can write it on the person next to you so Pastor is it true that we are to be preeminent in the work of God on the earth and are we to be really the protector of Truth Listen to What God said to Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 7 and I think this speaks to all of this even for those who have fled to Texas for safety listen to this I don't care if you get called away to Baghdad it still applies listen to this seek the peace of the city where I've caused you to be carried away captive and pray to the Lord for it for in its peace you will have peace the Bible says in the 29th proverb that when the wicked are in power the people groan but when the righteous are in Authority the people rejoice God wants you to live a quiet and Peaceable life did you know that so something's going on in our world it's quite amazing Jesus said let your light so shine before men that when they see your good works they'll glorify your father which is in heaven isn't that amazing what we often don't realize is that that statement is it's a statement that is spoken to the believer assuming a hostile age number one who cares about shining your light if it's sunny and bright outside it implies Darkness church are we in a time of Darkness and then he said let your light still shine before men notice he spoke generic men the Greek word implies not believers don't shine your light in front are you listening don't shine your light in front of Believers but when service is over you put your light away and wait till next Sunday the word implies when you go to church you ought to get all lit up and get on out into the world and let your light shine before an unbelieving world and listen to the conclusion it's crazy great he said that they will say they will announce and that you let your light so shine their response is they'll glorify your father which is in heaven now you need to understand this that is a huge statement it doesn't mean that I'm going to shine my light in California Nancy Pelosi is going to say Jack oh [Applause] that is [Applause] good for you Jack that is so great we just honor your father in Heaven for that do you know what it means it means that you and I living righteousness now it means in the day of judgment that you and I Living For The Lord that will be a witness of light and the world on the day of judgment will stand and say I should have listened I have to glorify you God because you did send me a witness way back then and I didn't pay attention us being faithful to the Lord and Shining our light now in the Darkness is actually a testimony of the coming Judgment of an unbelieving world are you willing to live for Christ in such a way that on Judgment Day God will turn to the unbelievers and say did I not send Bill to you did my sin carry into you or Susie or whoever it might be didn't I send them to you I believe that's going to be the case I won't read the whole thing but it's a spectacular quote you can read it later from one of my Earthly Heroes and that is Samuel Adams Samuel Adams when Congress was giving up and said that's it we can't win this thing Sam Adams stood up in an impromptu speech said listen we will never be abandoned by heaven and it's protection if we Act worthy if we conduct ourselves in a worthy manner of Heaven God will respond you think about that for a moment look if you're if you're here today and you're backslidden and you're not living for Jesus but you do know him today's the day to get it all together today's the day to repent come back home hurry up you know come on seriously stop goofing off yeah but you know what she's really beautiful oh stop it she's not that beautiful no not really not in comparison to what's up oh but he's so amazing no he's not not compared to what Jesus has done for you listen if somebody's lured you away or if you're being fooled or tricked or whatever it is flee and then listen before we go into the third point is that in the Book of Revelation 3 verses 10 through 11 Jesus speaks to the Church of Philadelphia and he says and I love this so do you because you have kept my command to persevere the church is to persevere don't give up I also will keep you from the hour which will come upon the whole world I think we're getting close to that hour to test those who dwell on the earth notice you don't dwell on the Earth where's your citizenship Church heaven behold I'm coming quickly hold fast what you have that no one will take your crown today we're seeing a lot of um I don't know surrendering I don't know what you call it where wokeism has infiltrated the church our church does several tours and one of those of course Israel but the other one is a Heritage Tour as far as I know this is the only country in the nation where you can take a biblical tour in the United States like you do in Israel it just doesn't work anywhere else we take Heritage Tours God and American Heritage to her and we go to sites where God did amazing things and uh recently our church had one of those great tours and in New York in Boston for example in um some of the other great cities that we stopped at churches beautiful established churches from yesteryear had the LBGTQ flag hanging out in front of the church I want you to think about that for a moment God's word is crystal clear on this topic not only is it Crystal Clear Jesus said oh let me give you a hint before I come back it's going to be like it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and in the same churches they had on the Marquee black lives matter now listen I got to tell you something I'm white on the on the outside I'm white on the outside I'm black on the inside uh I found that out speaking at an old black church in Arlington Virginia I was the only white guy there there are 2 000 people I was the only white guy and I found out in 10 minutes I am absolutely black I mean I started preaching and I started bringing it down and when I mentioned Jesus people stood to the feet and I was like this is great I'll never listen after I preaching at a black church and then I went home I love our people back home they're watching right now that's probably gonna be in trouble but let me tell you seriously if please wake up everyone if somebody was to post a sign that said Canadian lives matter okay I'm Portuguese for reals Portuguese lives matter I would say will you take that stupid sign down because I don't need you to post a sign to tell me that my life matters I'm smarter than that of course black lives matter I think it's an insult to the blacks to post a sign that says black lives matter does that make sense that's ridiculous instead of having John 3 16 on these churches they have these statements of cultural change in which direction salvation hope no wokeism is killing the witness of the church well we don't talk about those things that's why your church is dying well we would never have a prophecy conference because it's controversial that's because you've never been taught as a pastor to teach on Bible prophecy well we would never speak about abortion that's a political issue yeah since you surrendered it it's a god issue by the way let's get this straight right now there's really no political issues they're all issues under the domain of God and he's watching he's looking he sees the acts of the sons of men on Earth and he's watching I love that when when Jesus says whose signature or impression is on this coin they shouted back Caesar they think they're they think they had Jesus caught and Jesus just dropped the bomb on them and said hey then you know what render to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are Gods think that through for a moment see there should be a separation of church and state and all this stuff first of all there should be a separation of church and state according to Thomas Jefferson the state should stay completely out of the business of the church that that was Tom that was Tom's whole idea when Jesus said render to Caesar the things that are Caesars everybody in the room listening got it oh my gosh did you hear what Jesus just said Caesar's not Lord render deceives the things that are Caesars it's almost funny if it wasn't so incredibly striking true what Jesus said he's saying Caesar belongs to God render to God the things that are Gods what belongs to God Caesar Caesar salad Caesar's Palace all of it belongs to Caesar so he thinks number three is the purpose of the church the purpose of the church is this yes it's to preach the gospel that's our number one calling I want to encourage all of you if you do not know how to truly evangelize your neighbors you need to learn how to do that every Christian needs to be equipped Paul told Timothy to do the work of an uh evangelist it doesn't mean you have the gift of evangelism I don't have the gift of evangelism I tend to drive people away but guys like Greg Laurie they have the ability to bring people in listen I don't have that gift but I do know this that all of us are called to do the work on evangelism which is what give your friends your neighbors the gospel know what it is by the way do you know I hope you know what's the first word of the Gospel say I heard I heard over here louder yeah yeah yeah Jesus said it all the apostles said it it's repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved the word repent means metanoia it means change your mind have an afterthought or think again about who you think Jesus is preach the gospel and the next thing that we need to do as a church is to listen to the heart of God and see what he wants to do next what does he want to do next in Fort Worth what does he want to do next in Dallas or the town that you're from I mean this sincerely based on Jeremiah 29 7 we read a moment ago Lord I live in this town I live I live in a really awesome place in Southern California I have to tell you Keller people think California is a you know loony bin our governments are crazy but it's an awesome place to live and I live in a community it's it's very hilly big oak trees and stuff and I love it and um I pray I pray for our mayor I pray for our city council why because that whole world that I'm living in is right there at my front door are you with me and the church ought to be not only preaching the gospel but figuring out how to get that gospel out to every spot of your community even if it's a billboard print up a verse I don't know put her on the telephone pole something do something think about it if each of us from our town where we're from decided we're going to go Tuesday afternoon or Tuesday night and we're gonna We're Gonna Knock on a door and we're going to say excuse me just want to know is there anything we can pray for you we're from the local church here we'd like to know something you can pray for by the way you'll be shocked at the responsive people and then say just this listen with no pressure we Have No Agenda other than to tell you this as we leave Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins he rose again from the dead and he would love for you to acknowledge those sins and meet him face to face you can call out to him God bless you thank you for listening to us and walk away and walk away if just you here this morning adopted that in your town imagine what would happen the purpose of the church remarkable first John 4 verse 17 says love has been completed or perfected Among Us in this that while we have boldness in the day of judgment I love that statement because here's the reason why we get that boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world that's a pretty huge statement that means you and I are going to be his hands and his feet that's a beautiful call mark this down number four is the perseverance of the church we read it a moment ago in Revelation 3 that the church is to be persevering we're to be hanging in there not giving up and what does that mean persevering hanging on to the scriptures and believing the promises of God didn't Church did Jesus say he's going to come back yes you did in fact listen you want to know for sure we're living in the last days in second Peter 3 verses three through five it tells us that knowing this that scoffers will come in the last days walking according to their own less saying where's the promise of his coming do you know people today that are making fun of what you believe about Christ returning the Bible said that as we approach the end people would make fun of the doctrine of his return as I mentioned earlier that in the last days there'll be doctrines of demons there'll be Spirits promoting false teachings don't think that that's limited to a religious setting the things that are going on in our campuses of our universities look I I mean everything I'm about to say and I'm not going to hold anything back on this you have worked hard all your life to save up for your kids college fund only to find out that you paid for the absolute destruction of your child you didn't know this but your kid left your home loving Jesus and respecting you and they're coming home now saying gosh mom and dad you're nothing but a descendant of slave owners and uh you know you're the man or the system and I'm not sure if I'm a boy or girl anymore listen we we're funding this stuff there's one thing good in California and that is people have stopped funding that people have pulled their kids out fastest homeschool movement in the nation is California right now [Music] one Los Angeles County school not far from our town in the city of Diamond Bar is shutting down and they're putting the property up for sale because the county cannot afford to keep the school open you want to know why because when it came time to go back to school the parents did not send their kids to public school didn't even show up persevere [Applause] persevere mark 13. 35 watch therefore you do not know when the master of the house is coming in evening and Midnight at the crowing of the rooster or in the morning be ready and we'd be ready by how we conduct ourselves and we persevere to the end so gee Jack I've been waiting for Jesus all my life and now I'm 95. wow boy you lucked out that's amazing first of all you were ready all those years and now you're just a Heartbeat Away from meeting them so how great is that Listen by the time you reach that age it's like I'm good yeah it'd be kind of cool come just be honest it'd be way better to be raptured but to be absent from the body is to be and that happens in a nanosecond of time that's good news perseverance the fifth thing is that the church needs to be a preaching Church and I'd like to throw teaching in on that I personally am convicted that preaching and teaching are two different things uh I think the the Bible makes that clear but I'm going to Clump it together just for time's sake preaching the church used to be a preaching Church the Bible tells us that uh the preaching of the Cross is foolishness I don't care what your topic is in your devotion or if you're a group leader or if you're a pastor of a church I don't care if you're talking about the ten toes on Daniel or Nebuchadnezzar's statue you need to end your message with the cross every moment is all about the cross Jesus died on the cross for our sins the Bible tells us 743 years before Jesus was born the book of Isaiah announced that you listen he'd come through the scandalous rumor right of a virgin bringing before the child the version shall conceive and bring forth the son Micah chapter 5 verse 2 500 years before Jesus was born you can pull out your app wow when's where's Jesus going to be born and it's going to go like this Bethlehem how do they know to go to Bethlehem the Bible said 500 years before Jesus was born the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem how did you know that it was him on Palm Sunday because Zechariah 9 9 says you'll identify him he's going to come down the Mount of Olives riding on the back of a little baby donkey that was written centuries before Jesus was even born I'm a big fan of announcing that our faith is founded upon fact and with all the science that's going on look what's happening I don't know if you keep up with this because it doesn't make big news there are more scientists today that are either Believers or they're entertaining belief or they've adopted the intelligent design belief because they can no longer believe in the religion of evolution it's an absolute fallacy there's no evidence of to back it up [Applause] you say what does it have to do with preaching you and I wherever we go we need to be walking living moving breathing preachers that doesn't mean you get up to your desk on Monday and hi everybody no you want to be Winsome you don't want to get fired you want to say hey Lord if there's anybody at work today that you'd want me to talk to will you open up that door and please God if you open it don't let me be distracted help me to see it in Jesus name amen and then go to work and be the best employee possible because listen I think it's Augustine that said preach the gospel always and use words if you have to don't be surprised if somebody comes up and says hey you know what aren't you a Christian yeah well can you pray for my mom we just found out she had cancer you guys that's that's the Lord opening the door number six the prognosis of the church what's the prognosis of the church now this is this is one where some people might get nervous about or they get concerned about I don't worry about it a bit and I tell you why the prognosis of the church According To Jesus Christ he taught us this in the beginning of the scripture reading is that the gates of hell are not going to prevail Jesus is the one who introduced to us listen write it down your friends will tell you the Rapture is not in the Bible well you need to tell your friends to read their Bibles because not only is it in the Bible but Jesus introduced it in John 14 verses 1 2 and 3. are you aware of that there not only does there have to be a Rapture According To Jesus but I believe strongly that there has to be a pre-tribulation Rapture and you're going to hear a lot about that today you're going to get some great great teaching on that but listen to this Jesus is telling the disciples would you love to have been there so sweet he's getting ready to go back to heaven he's got his guys together and he says let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions and if we're not so I would have told you I go now to prepare a place for you and if I go I will come again and receive you listen to myself that where I am there you may be also listen I'm not listen I'm I'm not beating you up if you're a post-tribber but if you're a post Tripper uh my uh my message and understanding of the Bible is way better than yours let's be honest because if you're a post trigger you got you got the church mixed up with Israel and and you got the Antichrist beating the snot out of the Bride of Jesus Christ it doesn't work there's the Old Testament Saints there's the church age Saints called the bride of Christ and there's the tribulation Saints there's three groups of saints in the Bible and you need to remember that Jesus said to the guys I'm going to go away watch you'll see I'm going to be I'm going to be preparing a place for you I'm going to come back and pick you up now that ought to be enough but Paul in first Thessalonians 4 13-18 tells you exactly how it's going to happen did you know that the Rapture of the church is not a coming [Music] the first coming was Palm Sunday found in the Book of Daniel chapter nine the second coming is found in the Book of Daniel chapter nine did you know that first coming Jesus came to what city shouted out look we're going to rewind that the answer the answer is Jerusalem so look real smart okay so here we are you ready when Jesus came what city did he come to us right right now and in the second coming when he returns what city does he come to that's the first and second coming in the middle is the appearing in the atmosphere I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also he's gonna take us there while he throws out his wrath upon this Earth and you're going to be here in a great message about the wrath of God and to whom it is directed later on from some of our great speakers the church family I want to leave you with this George Washington said truth will ultimately Prevail where there are pains to bring it to light I want you to have that settle in for a moment This is Our Moment church this is our hour to stand and to be courageous to know that God's on his throne and the powers that be on this Earth are under his watchful care he's got it well Pastor I was just received word about this regarding my health God's got that my husband just left me a note this morning he said he's leaving listen God's got that does it concern you God's got it so what does that mean I don't know but it means this he loves you he's going to take you through it and listen how many of us can say this after we've gone through it all at the end we look back and say those famous words I wouldn't have changed the thing nothing will prevail against you you stay close to Jesus we're not strong he's strong I'll leave you with this picture I love when you see little kids and you know as pastors we get to enjoy this stuff all the time and in California we have you know like you guys great weather and so I we're out in the courtyard there's thousands of people around and I love meeting the little ones and they'll they'll come up sometimes the parents will say you know Billy there's Pastor Jack give him a hug and this the kid doesn't want to give me a hug he doesn't know me I'm a stranger to him and uh what do they do they back up and they get right behind their mom or dad's kneecap have you noticed that they hang onto the leg and they'll go like this you know what that's where I'm at right now I look around this nation and this world I see everything taking place now in a choreographed manner this is the first time in human history friends and covid was the real wake-up moment where people were suffering the exact same thing on camera connected media real time globally instantly and the next thing as we just heard today on the news is the the global issue FedEx the CEO of FedEx announced today and he got together with Walmart and Jeff Bezos CEOs and they they're they're they're they're down so much I think it's FedEx is down 500 million dollars for the for the quarter and they said we don't see a recovery happening and it's going to be Global they said it's going to by the end of the year there's going to be a tremendous Financial drama played out in the world around us he said oh my goodness what did I do Pastor you selling gold in the hallway after service if I hear one more commercial about gold I'm gonna gag everything that's coming do you understand it's not surprising Our God he's got it see I've loved my Bible I but the last days come on Jesus or giddy up or whatever you guys say here let's go let's go let's go well we've been we've been looking for is coming for a long time now it's upon us and and it's like whoa wait a minute today accept Christ if you're not sure if you died today and you'd meet him on good terms why in the world have you allowed yourself to live like that if you can have Security in your own Earthly home when a kid gets dad and mom's arms wrapped around them and they feel like just just absolute safer than anything in the world do you think God would not allow or afford you the same thing if you're tiptoeing around thinking oh my gosh I think God might be mad at me today listen do you understand Jesus died for you and there's nothing you can do to better that and do you understand that what he did for you he though it cost him everything he gives it to you freely so that if you try to pray longer to put a smile on the face of God honestly come on that's a very legalistic sick way of living and you're not happy you you're being you're being so tortured by religion and Jesus is basically knocking on the door of your heart saying why don't you let me in and we'll take care of all of this junk that you got caught up in well I haven't given enough money Jesus said I want your money well I didn't do it I didn't know enough good works I didn't go to Africa maybe he's not telling you to go to Africa one thing I know for sure he wants to sit down with you face to face and be with you that's where you start that's where you stay and that's where I pray we end with the trumpet blast that'd be great just talking to Jesus walking with Jesus like God walked with Enoch remember Enoch's Walking with God the first guy raptured in the Bible Jay Vernon McGee you guys know who that is from California Pasadena so McGee puts it this way that one day Enoch was walking with God and God turned to Enoch and said we've been walking so long together that Enoch it's closer to my house than it is for you to go back to your house so let's just go home and and that's what we're living for God bless you tools in the tool kit flash bang that blew away the darkness and continues in California thank you Pastor Jack you see yeah yeah in the so-called prophecy Community there are a lot of YouTubers sensationalist click bait guys that are trying to get likes trying to get views but the substance is nothing more than sugar and spiritual candy that does not last so so let me get Jack slide back up there if you want a resource if you want to have a direct contact to some excellent contact content that's not just like some of the others if you want meat and potatoes and substance good vitamins and minerals follow Jack now we are going to push straight As is our custom before lunch and our next speaker I I just got to brag a little bit nobody nobody told me to do this this is on my own free will put up pastor Barry stagner pastor Barry stagner also is a Calvary Chapel Pastor also has been married for 40 000 years just like oh I'm sorry more than 40 40 years but uh he's actually one of the go-to pastors for behold Israel when we travel around the United States and the world um Pastor Barry is also a a mentor of myself in a mirror for a lot of the challenges that we face um as we go through a lot of challenges within Ministry pastor Barry was recently with us in South Africa and all of those five cities by the way South Africans we love you it's good to see you again Pastor Barry is a man of content and is somebody also that you need to be following if you look behind me there he also has a show on the Middle East and uh the lineup so Pastor Barry stagner come on up here brother hoorah thank you good morning it is good to be back with you here today and uh let me just say this before we begin I have a tough message today but this is Texas my ride from the airport was interesting I had an Egyptian driver who took me to the hotel and he was very passionate about the state of Texas and his love for Texas he's been here for 20 years he moved from Egypt with his family and said I will never leave Texas he said I love this state and I said you mean country [Applause] and that that opened the door for some rather interesting comments about people and places of power he said what's with this old man in Washington he's too old to be working he ought to be sitting at home with his family he said and on top of that this Egyptian guy in his thick Egyptian accent he said he is very stupid and he said in that lady that works for him is even more stupid than he is [Applause] every time we come to Texas every time we hear and joke about people from California moving to Texas multitudes of people say yeah you can come but leave your politics in California no body who has California politics is staying we want to send them here you throat punch them and send them back to California [Applause] because you sure straightened out this guy from Egypt and I know you can do it for the Liberals that uh sadly are taking over our great state well this morning would you open your Bibles to Revelation chapter 6. Revelation chapter 6 Pastor Jack brought a message that said if not up what then my message is if up what then he brought us to the end of the church age and I'm going to take us into the tribulation now the good thing is we're only going on paper [Applause] we won't see one millisecond of the tribulation period so pray with me as we begin this morning Father we are so grateful to be together as family and we thank you that we are family in Christ Jesus and we thank you that your blood is thicker than water and your blood is what makes us blood relatives and Lord therefore we all have the same father the same brother and Sisterhood and Lord as your family we pray that you would equip us further this morning for the work of ministry that you would give us a passion for the lost in perishing around us as we look at the proximity of The Nearness of that moment and twinkling of an eye experience that we all long for prepare us for the days in which we live we ask in Jesus name amen now I think all of us have wondered or pondered at one time or another how much further can mankind sink how worse can things get how many more babies can be killed in the womb how much can God's moral standards be besmirched to belittled before he responds with the removal of his church and we have all asked in our minds or said at one time or another man I don't see how things can get any worse and then they do think about what's going on today prepubescent children who have no concept of sex or sexual drives or anything are given puberty blockers by their own parents and doctors because they said maybe when they're a boy you know I really feel like a girl or they wanted to try on their sister's dress or something of that nature or a girl is a tomboy listen how many little girls have said I'm a mermaid you know what do we do with the little boy in California that says I want to be a cowboy do we send them to Texas we may as well their families headed here anyway most likely well listen because a boy wants to be a cowboy doesn't mean we send them into cowboy country and if a little girl wants to be a mermaid we don't throw them into the ocean so why do we have this different perception regarding this gender issue why is all this happening it's happening because the God of this world has sold his agenda to the multitudes of people on this planet and Satan's agenda and plan is anti-god his plan is Antichrist his plan is anti-church and thus he is anti-truth and we are moving rapidly toward the end of the church age and listen to these headlines that just came out a couple of days ago Pastor Jack alluded to this said Governor nuisance I'm sorry Newsom signed a controversial social media bill into California law in other words all social media platforms have to report to the state of California what it is they're doing about those who present disinformation especially medical disinformation or hate speech on a social media platform you know what Biden just said yesterday he said we have to take control of social media so we can get rid of all this hate speech online hate speech in our day is anything a conservative says and this is a day in which we live a Democrat Senate candidate said we have to kill all the extreme where we have to kill the extremists Republican movement listen to what we're experiencing today food prices have hit a 40-year high and keep breaking records every month there's a two-year jail sentence listen listen to this there's a two two-year jail sentence for prayer outside of abortion clinics being considered by the British Parliament praying outside an abortion clinic here's a headline I read the other day that just floored me thinking of Revelation chapter 16 verse 12 and the drying up of the Euphrates River if you want to have any idea how close we're getting to things that will develop even at the end of the tribulation period listen to this authorities estimate that the Euphrates River could dry up as early as 2040. and we're seeing things that are unprecedented and we're seeing things happening all around the world on every level every spoke of the wheel is in place for the Rapture of the church to happen and most of us have heard it said or set ourselves that we wish that last person to get saved would get saved so we can go home [Applause] well the truth is the last person getting saved is not the cause of the rapture because God's going to be saving people during the tribulation as a matter of fact the numberless multitude of every tribe tongue nation of people that no man can number is going to be saved during the tribulation God is going to be saving Souls during the Millennium and listen the Rapture happens not when the time of the Gentiles getting saved ends or a number of Saved Gentiles that reached though there is a number that's not the Catalyst for the Rapture the Catalyst for the Rapture is what Jesus said in Matthew 24 36 but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven but my father only and we don't know when the day or the hour of the Rapture is but I submit to the Lord today be a great day for it after all what problem do you have that the Rapture wouldn't solve apparently you didn't hear what I said what problem do you have that the Rapture wouldn't solve no more mortgage payments no more broken appliances at the worst possible time hang on no more elections and listen we don't know when that day and hour is but we know that it is a day and an hour already known and predetermined by the Lord we might even say God's not counting heads he's watching the clock and at one point in time there's going to be that tick of the clock that says that's it we're done bring my church home and we're going to start the tribulation period and that's what we're going to talk about today now it's clearly stated in Scripture that we can see the day approaching you'll find that mentioned in Matthew 21 28 Jesus said when you see these things at their beginning look up for your Redemption draws night Hebrews 10 25 says that we are to keep assembling together all the much more as you see the day approaching so what is it that we can see in Matthew 24 4-8 in what I call the preamble to the Olivet discourse Jesus answered the four inquiring disciples Peter Andrew James and John who said hey you said this Temple and all the walls are coming down when's all this stuff stuff going to happen what are the signs of your coming and Jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and we'll deceive many and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you're not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against Nation Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be what's the next word famines pestilences and earthquakes in various places all these are the commencement of birth things that's what the phrase beginning of Sorrows means and in Matthew 24 later in the same chapter 37-39 he'll add this to it but as the days of Noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the son of man be now we can see right now that there is a birth pang-like progression meaning an increase in frequency and intensity of false claims of an anointing from Christ and this is what that phrase actually means you know people who come and say I'm the second coming of Jesus are usually pretty quickly dismissed but what we have is a lot of people saying today the Lord told me the Lord said I am I have an anointing from Christ you ought to listen to my voice we have false apostles today and false prophets just abounding in our world today the deception of many is the end result of that we all have wars and rumors of wars on our minds and know that they're Rising International and ethnic tensions are increasing famines and disease are abounding geological and Atmospheric events are exponentially increasing in these last days and add to these things what Jesus said about the days of Noah he's talking about a business as usual attitude and in difference to the signs of impending judgment they didn't know until the day the flood came and the Ark was lifted up and they were left behind we live in perilous times there's an unwillingness to endure sound Doctrine Pastor Jack alluded to that Paul wrote of this in second Timothy 3 and 4. we have a rather exhaustive list of things that we can see and verify that the day is approaching Jesus is coming soon now our time today is going to focus on the fact that sometimes there are things that you can hear before you see them like when you hear a helicopter how many have looked for a helicopter to find out where it is and you heard it before you could see it the same thing is true of an airplane as we search the skies to find out the source of the sound there are times where you can hear something in your car's motor that tells you something you can't see is malfunctioning inside the engine even though you can hear it but can't see exactly what is happening many have said you know the refrigerator or the washing machine is making a funny noise you can hear but you don't know exactly what's going on and we have all said at some point what's that sound because we couldn't tell what it was of the source but listen there's also something important we need to know not hearing anything can be concerning too ask the mother of any toddler when the toddler is quiet something is afoot so I would say this morning if there are any here who cannot see the day approaching who cannot hear what we're going to talk about today my prayer is that your eyes will be open to Christ and his word and that he may anoint your eyes with isab as Jesus said to the church at laodicea representative of the last age of church history and that your eyes may be open to the truth that makes people free and I submit to you today that we are living in a time where we can see the day approaching and for our purposes we can hear the day approaching as well what day is that it's the day of the Lord it's the day when God finalizes his discipline of Israel it's the day when the 70th week of Daniel is fulfilled it's the day when a christ-rejecting world chooses to worship the Antichrist instead of the actual Christ the day when the world experiences the direct wrath of God in unprecedented fierceness and fury and we can see the day approaching through all the things we mentioned a moment ago and we can hear the day approaching through what we are never going to see and that will be our subject this morning so listen quietly and let me know if you can hear the day approaching did you hear that what was it well you better know the answer to that it's a Texas the title of our message is the sound of the horsemen The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will be a study this morning and as I said it's a tough study because these aren't the good guys coming in this is a tough time in world history that's going to happen and we are seeing the precursors to it developing right now I mentioned this often because it needs to be said Jesus using the days of Noah and the days before the flood tells us he is talking about what life is like on Earth before God's Global Wrath he's giving us a description of things that happen before he flooded the world and therefore he is relating them to before he judges all of the Earth in his undiluted wrath and therefore it would include things that will be developing during the church age and since the topic of the Olivet discourse where he said that this is the last days and the signs of his coming we can then understand some of the content is related to things we can see but the things we're going to hear this morning are not things we're going to experience now why would God tell us about things we're never going to see and I believe we have such a detailed description in Revelation 6 through 19 of things we will never see or experience so we know how desperately we need to be out there telling people about Jesus because he's the only way to escape the things that are coming upon the Earth we need to recognize that the first horse opens a tribulation period and the first writer is the Beast of Revelation 13 who makes the seven year Covenant with Israel that finalizes the 70 week because of weeks of Daniel and we're told by Paul in first Thessalonians 5 9 God did not appoint us to Wrath why you aren't jumping up and down saying hallelujah I don't know God did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation to our Lord Jesus Christ he said in Chapter 2 7 and 8 of his second letter for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way and then the Lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and Destroy with the brightness of his coming there's the second coming and listen what we need to recognize is that the Holy Spirit no longer restraining the Antichrist rise to power and the removal of the restraining force of the church on Earth is God's Wrath his wrath is not limited to cataclysmic events there's also such a thing as a consequential wrath of God and we see that in Psalm 95 10 and 11 where the Lord said 40 years I was grieved with that generation that in the wilderness and said it's a people who go astray in their hearts and they do not know my ways so I swore in my what my wrath they shall not enter my rest mankind is largely largely rejected Christ the night God is Creator worship the creation violated every aspect of God's plan and the world is about to experience the consequences of having done so beginning with the rise of the Antichrist to power so would you read with me please from Revelation chapter 6 verses 1 and 2 and we'll spend a little bit of time on each of the four horsemen and then close now I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with the loud voice like thunder come and see and I looked and behold a white horse and he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer now we see a rise today in false claims of an anointing from Christ as we said we see a rise in wars and rumors of wars we see a rise in international and ethnic tensions as famine and pestilence are raging around us and weather anomalies abound and we are hearing things today that take place on Earth during the tribulation and the ride specifically of the Four Horsemen and we are getting very close to that point in time with that twinkling of an eye experience is going to happen and since we can see things that will increase in birth pain like progression that will reach their ultimate fulfillment after we're gone it's not a stretch to say that we can hear things that we'll never cease since the day is approaching and we're hearing lots of talk today about a Global Systems uh system of governance anybody hear about a great reset we're hearing such things today about this governmental system where there are a few people in places of power we're hearing lots of talk today about equality of opportunity equality of outcome we're hearing and amongst young people in particular socialism and Marxism are popular topics today and neither of them have have room for God they are anti-god and they are Antichrist and this is all setting the world up for the man of sin as he rides into town in a position that makes him look like a good guy he's riding on a white horse today we're constantly hearing about climate change which is something I fully believe in only I call it weather it's been around for a while but climate change today is actually a charade to hide the actual motor behind it which is the redistribution of global wealth it's daily in the news what we're hearing about today is a world hungry for change our own country has changed Beyond dramatically in the last half century and everything that made our country Great Is disdained by much of the population today listen to the claims of the world economic forum who wants to bring about the great reset they say quote as we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape recovery the initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of the global relations the direction of national economies the priorities of society in other words we'll handle everything the nature of business models and by the way the new king of England is part of the Great reset plan and drawing from the vision and the vast expertise of leaders engaged across the forums communities the great reset initiative has a set of Dimensions to build a new social contract that honors the Dignity of every human being now they're talking about climate change regarding carbon offsets carbon offsets occur when a polluting company buys a carbon credit to make up for the greenhouse gas it has emitted the money should be used to fund action somewhere in the world that removes the same amount of carbon out of the air or to prevent carbon emissions detractors say that's the offsetting is a greenwash allowing companies to avoid cutting their emissions while still being able to claim they are or will be carbon neutral proponents say offsetting if done properly can help thanks two words Channel funds redistribute the wealth to conservation and sustainable development projects that will reduce emissions giving companies time to work towards zero emissions in other words if you exceed your allotted amount of carbon footprint you can just buy a pass by sending money to another country it is a plan that is covered with Marxism and socialism and we are hearing the hoof beats of these things today and these systems give the government the power over the day-to-day lives of its citizenry they are anti-god they are Antichrist and these systems lure young people in with Promises of governmental position of provision a chicken in every pot so to speak and they use things like student loan forgiveness to gain support among them some of you I'm sure have heard of Saul Alinsky who wrote a book called Rules for Radicals and those who studied his book closely I'm not going to name any of them Hillary Clinton and I'm not going to go as far to say anything about a president who also studied Saul Alinsky very closely just I'm not the type of guided name names Obama um but rule number five of the 13 rules for radical is ridicule is man's most potent weapon there is no defense it's irrational it's infuriating it also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions who's the enemy conservatives people who want to see our country continue in its efforts to advance and Bless the people who live here and think about what we've been hearing Lately from the current Administration we've been hearing of late even especially this week the Maga crowd is trying to destroy our country now listen Donald Trump was kind of mouthy and you know his personality was abrasive and whatever your position on the former president may be I want you to think about the lunacy of that statement Mega make America great again is trying to destroy America does that make any sense and yet what's happening in our country yep they sure are they're trying to destroy our country our democracy and listen who's the main support base supposedly of the former president Evangelical Christians and therefore we're targeted in this hate group so to speak that is trying to destroy America but it's a self-refuting argument but it makes a point people around the world today are willing to follow foolish leaders no matter how ridiculous their statements are contradictory their statements are and for this reason the first of the four sounds of the horsemen tells us that the writers are on their way how do we know because mankind will tolerate anything but Christian beliefs mankind will tolerate anything but Christian beliefs and in order to follow the man who's very moniker means against Christ the world will have to have that shared attitude towards Christ and his followings when the tribulation begins and we've been hearing about the hoof beats of hatred from the world towards what we believe today and you can search news stories and find out every day somebody has animosity towards Christianity and thinks it needs to be eliminated and the writer on the White Horse He is the ultimate human deceiver he comes with a covenant in his hand that's what the bow represents if you read the Septuagint the Greek Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament you'll find the word rainbow in Genesis where God made a covenant with the Earth not to destroy it with water anymore is the same word used in this passage Revelation 6 2 where the writer comes in with a bow in his hand so we have a Biblical precedent of a bow symbolizing a covenant and he brings that Covenant that he makes with Israel that seven year Covenant into the world and the world follows after him even though he has no intention of keeping the Covenant but at the halfway point is going to break it and declare himself to be God he's given a crown that symbolizes his authority he went out to gain Victory which is the meaning of conquering and to conquer him he acts like a good guy he comes riding on the White Horse he acts like he has the world's peace and people in mind and on this Mount of a conqueror he comes into the world and the world accepts him yet this we know about him in Revelation 13 did I mention we're going to be out of here before this happens yeah okay like five you were excited about that where are the rest of you we're going to be out of here before any of this happens including this now the Beast which I saw was like a leopard and his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion the dragon who's the Dragon Satan Satan gave him his power his throne and great Authority then I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded meaning it really wasn't and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and followed the Beast so they worshiped the dragon who's the Dragon Satan they worship Satan during the tribulation who gave authority to the beasts and they worshiped the Beast saying who is like the Beast who is able to make war with him and this Beast with a mock execution attempt and pseudo-resurrection is empowered by the father of all lies and he's marveled over and followed after by all of the world we're told he's like a leopard his feet are like that of a bear and his mouth is like that of a mouth of a lion and this is in reverse order because it's looking backwards to what Daniel 7 and 8 talked about regarding the Babylonian medo-persian and Greek Empires and that gives us the geographic boundaries of this area of the world where he's going to rise up from which would include the former Roman Empires the statue in Daniel 2 indicates and the Covenant that will be spoken of in Daniel 9 27 will be the one that fulfills the 70th week of Daniel and in order for the world to follow this man revelation 13 says they will there has to be a level of moral depravity unparalleled in human history since the days of Noah is that happening today we are hearing the sounds of the horsemen is it God's will the babies be killed in the womb yet most people see it as a woman's reproductive right is it God's will that there be 100 genders I've never even read the list the list is fluid it changes every day God has a shorter gender list dose male and female end of list amen but the world says you're talking like that is actually bigger than hatred you're transphobic and you know the word phobic is fear phobia it means you're afraid I'm not afraid of homosexuals I'm not afraid of transsexuals they need to come to Jesus amen they're centers just like the rest of us listen does God's will say sexual activity is limited to a male female relationship in marriage well that was quiet you're freaking me out well the world says that's archaic and Antiquated so is the world ready for a lying phony who promotes Satan's agenda and rejects all that is good and of God you know how we know they're already electing such people into places of power the sound of the hoofs of the first Horsemen can be clearly heard today the world is ready for the man of sin the Son of Perdition to ride onto the scene like he's one of the good guys now listen we could spend hours talking about the writer on the first horse but we've got other things to discuss this morning so we're going to have to say whoa Nelly right now and keep moving on verses three and four keep reading when he opened the second seal I heard the second living creature saying come and see another horse fiery red went out and it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth and that people should kill one another and there was given to him a great sword and as Jesus opens a second writer and the second beast comes and calls John to come and see this writer takes peace from the earth now for anyone who would like to say because the first writers on a white horse this is Jesus listen when Jesus brings peace nobody's taken it away because he is the Prince of Peace amen now this indicates that there will be a time of pseudo peace at the beginning of the tribulation but remember the very presence of the Antichrist is an act of God's consequential Wrath it is the wrath of God the whole seven years as Amir will explain in great detail this afternoon is God's Wrath now we might think this is an indication of war between the Nations men killing each other but the fiery red horse actually brings something on more of an individual level to the planet now the word peace here is interesting and rather telling it means an exemption from Rage in other words there will be a pause in The Rage of humanity during the early months of the Antichrist Reign now I want you to think about this the Rapture is going to do two things it's going to deliver people and it's going to kill people now you know we've all seen some of the movies about the Rapture and you know some of them are kind of corny do you remember early on when the barcode first came out the thief in the night he had big old fat barcode across your forehead and that was the the mark of the beast and all these other things and we went to the RFID chip and now it's bio attached and all these other uh things that are possibilities but you know what even though there may have been kind of cheesy efforts to present what the Raptors going to look like it's going to kill people because there are going to be pilotless planes there are going to be driverless cars and some people who think well I'll just get saved during the tribulation you may not survive the rapture because of what's going to happen we also know that it's going to take people home and it's going to leave other people home alone and it's not going to be any movie it's going to end the worries of some and increase the worries of others it's going to lead to mass corruption confusion and economic chaos as properties and bank accounts and cars and goods are all going to be left behind by those who've been raptured and the writer on the White Horse will conquer the world with his plan that brings about an exemption from Rage for a time but it won't last the rage in people will have been held and checked for a time and then Millions will realize what has happened and some will come to Faith because of it others will hate God because of it but this first writer was given a mouth-speaking great great things and he was given authority to continue for 42 months he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name his Tabernacle those who dwell in heaven it was granted to him to make war with the Saints and to what is it up there two let me give you a hint starts with over ends with come and to overcome them we just heard from Pastor Jackson wonderfully that the Gates of Hell will not prevail against the church so if the Saints and the tribulation are being overcome they can't be the church as he pointed out there's Old Testament Saints Church saints and tribulation Saints and that's what is in view here it can't be the church and Authority was given him over every tribe tongue and Nation all who dwell on the earth will worship Him the Beast whose names have not been written in the book of The Life Book of Life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world and after this brief time of Peace the man of sin will say to a god-aiding christ-rejecting world you know who caused all these problems it was the Christians and now they're multiplying again and now there's more of them they are the ones who left spouses behind they are the ones who left bills unpaid they are the ones that left behind this mess and now they're multiplying from every tribe tongue nation of people and we have to do something about it and Revelation 13 15 says he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast at the image of the Beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the Beast to be it's not up there again is it kelp in Revelation 24 John says I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God who had not worshiped the Beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for A Thousand Years the writer on the fiery red horse Takes peace from the earth he causes people to kill one another the word kill is actually the word for butcher it's the same word that would be used for cutting up an animal sacrifice and the word beheaded in Revelation 20 doesn't mean a slick smooth cut with a guillotine it means to chuff off with an ax it's a Act of brutality and why does this happen because of the refusal to worship the Beast or take his Mark and thus All The Godly who are in the same group who caused all the turmoil in the first place need to be killed during the tribulation and can the people of the world actually become so delusionally vile that they would actually agree on killing people because of what they believe oh you know they can you know why they're already killing people have yet to be born and when you are indoctrinated in killing the most innocent of all Society and of all human beings it's a short walk to do the same with those who believe you believe to be the source of all the problems listen where are we headed are we getting close to the rider on the second horse Spectrum news in New York says hate crimes Rose 44 last year in all the major cities in our country the article talks about 16 of the biggest cities in the country in the astronomical rise in hate crimes as much as 342 percent in some specific areas 44 jump in hate crimes in Phoenix Sacramento Tampa all these cities that are named in this rather lengthy article listen U.S estimates the number of adults willing to kill for a political objective in 2022 something published by a statista research department on August 22nd 2022 a study was released it found 2.4 million Americans are willing to kill somebody to advance their political objective well thankfully 188 million point eight thousand would not be willing to do so well listen to this from the Gateway pundit the headline says if you don't want a civil war vote for Democrats in November who said this psychopath Kathy Griffin I think that's an appropriate description of her the New York Post says there's an Irish teacher suspended from school jailed over transgender pronouns flap a teacher in Ireland has been suspended from work then jailed for contempt of court after he refused to use the correct pronouns to address a transgender student listen the correct pronouns are determined by biology not feelings and this man named Enoch Burke was arrested on Monday for violating a court order barring him from teaching at Wilson's Hospital School in West Smith or even being present there he was taken into custody the article goes on to say because he would not violate his conscience and he said I can't believe that I'm being jailed because of my Christian beliefs it's coming it's coming we can hear the sound of the horsemen now we also need to remember it's the sovereignty of God that is being alluded to here it was granted to the writer on the red horse to take peace from the earth and secondly we find the depravity of man at its worst in view here and this too is the consequential wrath of God I told you this was heavy today but you're okay you're Texans right now mankind is reaping what they've sown they sow hatred and now they reap the results of such deep hatred and the great sword indicates a massive number of people who butcher each other Hosea reminds us in 8 7 they sow the wind and reap the Whirlwind the stock has no bud it shall never produce meal if it should produce aliens would swallow it up I will resist temptation to say something about all the talk about aliens today but this you know these kinds you know you know the ones that come down from the sky I don't know what has to do with aliens but it just seemed like the appropriate sound effect now that was the sound of a spaceship I'm guessing I I don't know Jose was writing to Israel about their apostasy and but the truth we have to recognize is universal so to the wind reap the whirlwind and this is what we see under the writer of the second horse people butchering each other now here's the sound of the Horseman we can hear today we've already said it but here it is in point form the majority of the world already supports murder as a means to protect their lifestyle the majority of the world already supports murder as a means to protect their lifestyle what do we hear about in the abortion argument all the time what about rape and incest which is actually less than one percent of all cases of abortion what about the other 99 Point whatever percent it is where it's not those things nobody wants to talk about that but the fact is abortion is used as a means to protect one's lifestyle I can't afford this I remember some years ago there was a gentleman that I worked with and he announced to all of us that they were having their seventh child and one of the co-workers said how in the world can you afford to have seven kids and he said well all I know is God will provide and that's true amen after all he presents himself as our provider and in second Thessalonians 2 9-12 we're told about the coming of the Lawless one being according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they may all be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in what unrighteousness listen there are only two reasons to believe that anything other than a human child is inside a mother's womb and they are one mental incompetence or two spiritual delusion and I think today we're living with a combo pack we've got both of these things functioning it's just irrational you know you have a five-year-old child can walk up to a pregnant woman and say what is your baby due is your baby a boy or a girl a child knows that that's a baby inside its mother but suddenly people and places of power and authority think that it's fetal tissue or a clump of cells it's a human being in there designed by the Father in Heaven amen and think about what we said up earlier in blaming Christians for all the people that left behind and what they had to endure if you're already willing to kill those who've done nothing to you the most innocent of society how easy is to move to kill people who you think have harmed you or disagree with you listen close and you can hear the hook beats of the second Horseman let's look at five and six and when he opened the third seal I heard the third living creature say come and see so I looked and behold a black horse and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand and I Heard a Voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for Denarius and three quarts of barley foreign and do not harm the oil and the wine and at the opening of the third seal we have the repeated actions John told to come and see by the third creature he sees a black horse who's writer had a pair of scales in his hand and what's he do he announces the price of grain are we hearing any talk about the price of grain today grain shortages today what about food shortages today Bloomberg says wheat price of surges Putin a sales Ukraine grain deal Vox news not Fox News but Fox News says the horrific bird flu is wiped out 36 million chickens and turkeys this virus known as Eurasian h5n1 Avian Influenza began tearing through Europe Asia and Africa in late 2021 and it's still raging with Europe experiencing the worst flu outbreak on record it was first detected in the U.S in January of this year and has since spread to 32 states resulting in the death of more than 36 million chickens and turkeys and triggering a spike in Eggs prices so this Thanksgiving we're all having cornish game hymns apparently now anybody hearing any talk about inflation the rising cost of food blocks again reports yet another inflation problem food prices are driving up world hunger Pew research says in the U.S and around the world inflation is high and getting higher now we're told during the tribulation the famine will be so great that a court of wheat will be sold for a Denarius or a day's pay three quarts of wheat the grain of the poor will be also sold for a Denarius and they are equivalent respectively to one meal for a day's pay if you buy heat of wheat three meals for one person if you buy barley and you know all these things are interesting in these headlines I think validate how close we are but listen these stories would be just that interesting if the Jews weren't back in Jerusalem if many in the church would not put up a sound Doctrine these would just be news stories if the invading nations of the Ezekiel War are not in Coalition together posed a strike on the northern border even as we sit here today they'd be just normal news stories if there weren't wars and rumors of wars International ethnic tensions pestilence and weather anomalies to say nothing of people being willing to tolerate anything other than Christian beliefs and if the majority of the world did not already support murder to defend their lifestyles are we hearing sounds of runaway inflation of food supply shortages around the world today well they will reach their Zenith under the writer Zenith under the writer of the third horse now as I said our topic is heavy so let me lighten things up with a pun Point regarding the third Horseman listen let's see if you catch him you ready are you ready we're not going to play anything but I want to see if you catch the point food shortages are a growing problem see what I did there food shortages are a growing problem just this past week zero heads reported from the San Francisco Chronicle satellite images reveal agricultural Wasteland across California's rice Capital now you may not know this but California is 100 self-sustaining we grow all our own food we have our own cattle we have all those things we export much any sushi lovers out there two of you that's right this is Texas if you only eat steak and you have some good ones that's for sure but do you know that California is the number one supplier of rice for sushi number one supplier and the waste the weight agriculture Wasteland is because New Simpson company have shut the water off to the rice paddies in central California The Wall Street Journal reports a U.S Heat Wave hits supermarkets produce section and it's interesting and we usually have pretty good looking produce in California we've had a drought of watermelons this year for some reason even Costco doesn't have watermelons but it's interesting we've noticed lately the lettuce is about size of a softball and we usually have nice big soccer ball size heads of lettuce or near that but the truth is there's problems with the food supply in our world today and it's getting more and more expensive and again we'll reach its ultimate fulfillment during the writer on the black horse now in Matthew 24 27 we're told about Nation Rising against Nation Kingdom against Kingdom there's uh the words are basilia and ethnos between those two speaking of international tensions and ethnic tensions and there will be famines pestilences and earthquakes in various places now earthquakes is the Greek term seismos but it's not limited and obviously seismology comes from that term but it's not limited to geological events because the word can be translated as a gale or a tempest so it would include atmospheric events are we seeing unusual amounts of rain in parts of the world today you just had it here not too long ago Pastor Bob was saying and I was sharing with somebody beforehand that you guys got 11 inches of rain in in like uh three or four hours something like that California's annual rain is like 13 inches you got almost all we get in the whole year in just a matter a compact amount of time there's catastrophic flooding going on around the world and unprecedented droughts going on in other parts of the world thousand people killed in Pakistan because of the flooding that is taking place there and all of these things are impacting the food supply now the writers told not to harm the oil and the wine there's been a lot of ink spilled over what this actually means some say that this is the oil and the wine of the provisions of the rich and therefore the Socialist Marxist type government at the end of the tribulation where the world is divided into two groups a few rich in power and everybody else is poor others say this is actually an act of God's mercy because you need oil to cook with and wine is the drink of uh most countries around the world at dinner meals now there's one other interesting possibility and I want to submit this to you you can do with it what you want I just thought it was a bit curious where Jeremiah says in 11 16 the Lord called your name Green Olive Tree speaking to Israel lovely and of good what fruit with the noise of a great tumulty is kindled fire on it and its branches are broken and then in Isaiah 5 3 and 4 and now will happen it's of Jerusalem and Men of Jew to judge please between me and my Vineyard what more could have been done to my Vineyard that I've not done in it why then when I expected it to bring forth good grapes did it bring forth wild grapes Israel is represented by the Olive Tree in the vineyard the Olive Tree in the vineyard are the sources of oil and wine could this be pointing to the protection of the one-third of the Jews who are going to look Upon Jesus whom they Pierce when he returns and mourn for him as One Mourns for an only son it seems like a possibility I don't know for sure but what I do know as a fact we're not going to be here to find out now let's wrap things up with seven and eight with this very happy clappy message when he opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying come and see so I looked and behold a Pale Horse and the name of him who sat on it was death and Hades followed with him and power was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill the sword with hunger and with death and by the what the beasts of the Earth now it's interesting the fourth living creature invites John to come and see a horse of a different color and that's not just a phrase nor is it a double entender there are white horses there are red horses there are black horses and all types of colored horses but I've never seen a green horse this one is chloros and it is a sickly green and the word chorus in the Greek that's translated pale here in our text depicts the color of a corpse and advanced stages of corruption and the writer on this sickly green horse is named death and he's got someone traveling with him it's Hades he's given power from God which means again this is divine wrath to kill a fourth of the inhabitants of the earth he will kill the sword or he'll kill violently he'll kill with hunger because of the famine and with death and the beasts of the Earth now is to kill and to kill with death redundancy another Greek word Thanatos means to separate the soul and the body and it implies the future misery in hell with the separation now remember the writer's name of thus's mission is death the means of death are the sword hunger and the beasts of the earth and his motive is to send them to Hades who is traveling with him now the beasts of the Earth has several interpretations uh the first being now because the Greek word therion is used uh 38 times in Revelation to describe the Antichrist and his actions and armies others see this as a reference to pandemics like covet or avian flu or Ebola sweeping the Earth and personally I think the context tells us what the content is all about with food and short supply not only will humans be feeding on animals but animals are going to say it's our turn and they're going to start feeding on humans they will become the food sources for one another and the writer on the fourth horse kills a fourth of the Earth's population the current world population by the way just FYI in the middle of November is going to reach 8 billion now let's say the Rapture of the church takes a billion people which I think is actually probably generous since it will be as it was in the days of Noah but let's just say for argument's sake the Rapture takes a billion people off the planet well let's say another billion are killed by the butchering that takes place under the rider on the fiery red horse now that leaves six billion people on the planet that means that under the writer whose name is death with Hades trailing behind him 1.5 billion people will be killed in a short stance of time now something we need to remember about the devil he's not trying to protect his own people he wants to kill them too and I think that's what's in view here because Hades travels with death and it's a separation of the soul and the body that he is trying to do he wants to kill them because he only comes to steal kill and destroy and it seems as though this writer does just that he kills unbelievers while the believing Jews are protected do not harm the oil and the wine again a potential interpretation because Believers don't go to Hades anymore Abraham's wisdom is empty christ-led captivity captain now to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord no believer goes into Hades the only people that go into Hades are unbelievers it's the realm of the unbelieving dead until Hades is released and they stand before God at the great white Throne judgment and are judged because of their deeds now this Global famine and food shortage Death Rides onto the world scene with Hades in tow kills as many as 1.5 billion people who go to 80s and listen we can't really say other than what we talked about with the other three writers that there's any precursors to the fourth Rider so let me leave you with something exciting since we've had a heavy text all day you ready for this one if we can see the day approaching and hear the sound of the horsemen Jesus is coming for us soon [Applause] therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect remember what Jesus said about the days of Noah they didn't know that the flood was coming they weren't expecting it he said that's how it's going to be when he comes again for his church it will be an hour of low expectation of the second coming of Christ you know there's a lot of rapture deniers in the church today a lot of people who don't believe it's a Biblical Doctrine and you're going to hear quite clearly this afternoon that it is as biblical as one can get as far as scriptural doctrines but the truth of the matter is Jesus admonition to be ready is because when he's ready there's no time to get ready so you need to be ready now and as Pastor Jack said we have a burden for those who may be a church participant as Jesus said and when he closed out the greatest sermon ever preached a Sermon on the Mount he said you know in that day many will say to me Lord Lord and they'll come to me and say you know we did a lot of Christian looking stuff you know he cast out demons we heal people but you know the interesting thing in their presentation to Jesus is they have no mention of preaching the word all they did was things that are deemed as Sensational in the eyes of people of the world including many people in the church and what did he say he said depart from me I never knew you you who practice lawlessness now listen one of my favorite preachers from a generation ago a man who and if you don't think the church can accomplish anything after what Pastor Jack shared with us this morning let me add this to it Billy Sunday basically drove alcohol out of this whole country and pushed forward the 18th Amendment or prohibition this is one man preaching because he was against alcohol because it almost destroyed his life and the truth is Billy Sunday in his preaching he was a former professional baseball player he got saved under the preaching at D.L Moody and the Billy Sunday preached and a man got saved named Mordecai ham and then Mordecai ham priest and a man named Billy Graham got saved by Mordecai ham don't think your life doesn't matter and your influence doesn't matter but Billy Sunday used to say going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you an automobile and listen you can go to church all you want but do you know Jesus because he know you is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life and if it's not you're not ready if it is the devil can't snatch you from the father's hand nor can you be separated from the Father's Love so we have that Assurance but let me just say this morning if you're not ready you need to get ready because we've been presenting evidence all morning that he's coming soon at an unknown day or an hour but we can see and hear that that day is approaching so if you're not ready you need to get ready and you need to get ready right now how do you get ready you must be born again think about who Jesus said that to the first time we encounter it he's talking to Nicodemus who came to him at night that's where we have Nick at night and Jesus said I love what Jesus said he just cut to the Chase he said Nick are you the teacher of Israel and you didn't know this I'm telling you unless you're born again born on the water end of the spirit born of a through natural means and spiritually born again you're not going to see the kingdom of God it doesn't matter that you're the teacher of Israel doesn't matter what your position is Jesus is telling a Jew it doesn't matter that you're a Jew you need to be born again and listen you might say I am a Christian I'm American uh no you're a Christian if you're born again and if you're born again you're ready if you're not born again you're not ready first John 1 9 says if we can confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness now the word confess me is to see as or speak of as the same and let me translate that for you well John the Beloved said this is the message we heard from him and now declare to you the hymn he's talking about is Jesus and what he heard he heard for three and a half years during Jesus preaching he said this is what Jesus preached if you confess your sin in other words if you agree with God's definitions of sin and recognize how his definitions of sin have caused you to be in need of a savior in God's righteousness he will cleanse you completely with the blood of his own son so listen it's not a partial commitment to God's word it's an all or nothing proposition that's why John presents Jesus in John 1 1 as the word of God you cannot say I'm a follower of Jesus but I don't believe all the word you cannot say I'm a follower of Jesus but I don't believe in the Bible's moral dictates you cannot say I'm a follower of Jesus but I think other ways are equal to what the Christians claim to be so nobody else has one who is perfect and always who died for their sins it is a message exclusive to Christianity I just want to make sure you understand what we're talking about here today so if you're not born again you need to be born again and you need to be born again right here and right now and I want to give you the opportunity to do that so bow your heads with me please father we are so grateful for your matchless word and we thank you Lord for the things that you have declared to us thank you for the great word you brought through Pastor Jack thank you for this very uh ugly and difficult but necessary passage in Revelation 6 1-8 and thank you for the admonition from Jesus himself your son Our Savior to be ready and if you are unsure this morning or you know for sure that you've never made a commitment to Christ I want to give you that opportunity to get ready right now so if he comes for his church today you're going too and it's just simply by admitting that you are a person who has sinned against God violated his law and thus proven yourself to be one who is in need of a savior and Christ died for the sins of the whole world including yours he promised to cover your sins and mine in his own blood and this is what the Passover Lamb was trying to communicate to Israel for 1500 years that innocent blood must be shed for the sins of the people and that's what God has done for you and what he's asking for you to do in return is except his son is your savior and Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved so if you would like to make that confession of faith today before men I'm going to ask you to do something and I'll pray over you in a moment but I'm going to ask you to do something right now and here's what I'm going to ask you to do this I'm going to ask you to stand and I'm going to ask you to stand in this room in front of people who are going to applaud what you're doing and be thankful for what you're doing because if you can't stand in front of people who are thankful for what you're doing you'll never be able to stand in front of people who hate you for what you did so it has to start here so if you would like to accept God's offer of Salvation through Jesus Christ I'm going to ask you to stand to your feet right now and I want to pray over you don't let this moment get by he could come today anybody here at all it's hard to see with these lights but stand your feet don't be ashamed and don't say well people are going to know I've been going to church all this time well you know what it's better to take care of business now and have them find out after the Rapture so if you don't know Christ the lord and savior stand up God bless you anybody else I can't see the balcony at all but stand your feet if you don't know I don't want to pray over you here before we go anyone else want to join them and father we are grateful for this opportunity Lord to add to your kingdom by the preaching of your word we thank you Lord that your word says that the implanted word is able to save our souls and thank you for implanting your word in the hearts of these today we thank you for the instantaneous change of direction that they have experienced today who pray you protect them from the evil one and Lord you said that you sent your son into the world for this very purpose that those who believe in you would not perish but have everlasting life so thank you that this extension and offer of forgiveness continues to this very day and thank you for saving souls and doing what you said in Proverbs 24 to rescue those who are drawn towards death and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter thank you for changing the Eternal Direction and life direction of these today we give you all honor and Glory the name of Jesus we pray these things amen amen and amen thank you foreign you can actually remain standing because I only have 30 seconds worth of announcements because you're hungry and you need to pee and you want to go but I know that you're hungry for more so stay standing just a few things one for those of you who are watching online we're going to close the live feed and then we're going to come back in an hour and a half so if you see dead space don't panic and say oh no I've lost the feed no that's because we closed it you just have to come back later the the most uh under misunderstood book of bold Israel is Israel and the church this should be in every seminary in the world this talks about God's plan for Israel and for the church in the end times this unconfuses you and it also has a study guide to go through with your church if you are wounded or know someone who is Pastor Barry wrote a very good book Dancing with the scars not the Stars the scars okay now we are going to come back at one o'clock note true or false let's see if you listened true or false we're going to come back at one o'clock true true true true or false you will be here by one o'clock okay except for you online folks you can go do whatever you want hey have a nice lunch there's free water outside free water
Channel: Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati
Views: 151,649
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Keywords: behold israel, amir tsarfati, bible, bible prophecy, middle east, jerusalem, amir tsarfati latest update, behold israel latest update, amir tsarfati latest, amir tsarfati behold israel, behold israel amir tsarfati, amir tsarfati latest update 2021, behold israel live, amir tsarfati update today, behold isreal, amir tsarfati 2021, end times, tsarfati, amir tsarfati breaking news, behold israel live stream, behold israel breaking news, prophecy, amir tsarfati middle east update
Id: L2lh1DK0UTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 10sec (9370 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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