AW-Lake Environmental Product Applications

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[Music] for many businesses and industries being environmentally friendly is becoming more and more of an initiative whether in the energy food or even Automotive Fields new technologies are being developed every year to reduce carbon Footprints and increase sustainability aw lake is proud to play a part in helping these industries become Greener our flow meters and sensors are being used all over the world in a variety of applications that are not only improving business efficiencies but helping them reduce pollution and even help keep our world green for example a company in the Upper Midwest with proprietary system for recycling plastic waste into fuels and other high grade chemicals is using our tri-core coriolis meters and turbine meters in their processes similar coriolis meters are also being installed on test stands for electric vehicle manufacturers measuring the flow of coolants in the production of electronics and other automotive parts to ensure they can withstand the harshest conditions that Vehicles face but it's not just efficiency our meters help with they're also helping clean the planet our variable area meters are being used in a process called air sparging where pressurized air is pumped into contaminated soil forcing those contaminants to Bubble Up to the surface where they can be collected and removed from the soil whether it's alternative fuels monitoring and controlling potentially harmful chemicals or innovative ways to clean our planet aw lake is there playing maybe a small but crucial part in helping those individuals and businesses that make it their business to keep our planet clean and green would like to see more examples of how awake is helping make flow measurement easy and keeping our planet green visit our website at for more information [Music]
Channel: AW-Lake Company
Views: 98
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flow meter, flow, meter, AW-Lake, environmental applications, TASI, measurement, TRICOR, coriolis meter, turbine meter, recycle
Id: Aag0oZnaYVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 6sec (126 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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