Avoid These Mistakes! 4K TV Buying Guide Ends Confusion Stops the FOMO

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[Music] you're shopping for a brand-new 4k TV this year but you are afraid of missing out on the right features the right specs it's all overwhelming well stop the FOMO because this video is for you we list the 8 most important mistakes to avoid when shopping for a 4k TV this year so let's play whack-a-mole and see what happens oK you've been saving up you have the cash but you want to spend wisely and there's so many options now right you have all these new things this year HDMI 2.1 8k what are you supposed to look at where do you go for a help which leads us to number one first mistake don't listen to the salesperson at your retailer whether it's Best Buy or whoever you're going to Best Buy has a thousand stores in the u.s. you think there are thousand qualified sales people out there the likelihood of someone at Best Buy knows what they're talking about is very slim yes are exceptions there's always a few great sales people we're talking a thousand stores there's not that many great sales people the chest is that view being misled by your salesperson is very high it's just they have no idea what they're talking about so rather than listening to salespeople where should you go to for advice well it's called the wisdom of the crowds online on YouTube there's lots of people with opinions no single person has all the right answers right but if you add it all up this crowd of opinion a few patterns start to rise including my own reviews right I have my favorites I have my biases but outside of my reviews you have digital trends you have seen it you have Vincent oh there's countless of other youtubers and online outlets that really do try to give you insight to what is the best TV like our teens or flat panels TV comm HDTV test you mentioned and more I mean more coming every day again don't rely on any one source but if you add it up you'll see a pattern for example recently these models keep on popping up TCL six series Hisense h9f samsung q eer LG c9 oullette right these models pop up wait for the reviews to come out and then collect them all shortlist huh in this review these are the top three in this review these are the top five and over the course of the next few months you'll see a pattern arising so that's number one avoid the store sales people and trust the wisdom of the crowds speaking of stories that gets us to number two don't review the TVs at this door whether it's Best Buy Costco or any retailer has it on display it is in accurate what you see on display because you're assuming they have everything set up perfectly and their source actually matches what the TV can handle right when you're at the store the focus should be on the cosmetics oh this remote feels pretty good right or mmm this is a good size there's a good thickness bring your measuring tape and look at the TV's physical appearance whether it's the remote or the buttons you can review that but avoid reviewing the image quality not only is it inaccurate because the TV may have been sitting there not properly calibrated having burnin because it was improperly run a mess and also remember the TVs have what's called a demo mode in demo mode it makes everything bright and saturated to make it look exciting so that the source of the demo looks good this is not what you're gonna see when you get home and as a matter of fact you'll be putting it on the most accurate movie mode completely different looking so do not use then store comparisons to make your decision you can use that just to get a feel the reality is when you bring it home you will not use the stores mode it is not an accurate movie mode it is a demo mode in the store and now - mistake number three and this is the mistake that probably gives the people the most stress and gives FOMO a bad name the fear of missing out specs oh the numbers and features of all these things people are so afraid that if they buy this TV and they're missing this back you know effect and damage that experience it will affect and destroy the viewing experience let's just temporarily say that specs don't matter in the trust the collective wisdom of number one your doesn't reviews these are the TVs that promise to be good from 25 reviewers trust that before you trust the raw specs so what does I mean by specs dimming zones you're seeing that then a lot of these LCD TVs all 500 dimming zones a thousand dimming zones only has a 100 during sales it has no dimming zones at all dimming zones is more likely than not to mislead you let me give me a perfect example from one of my reviews the amazing TCL 8 series or maybe not so amazing the eight series that was released first mini LED ever it introduced almost 1000 dimming zones or in this case of a 65 inch 800 dimming zones something like that it didn't make a difference the Samsung which only had 480 dating zones looked better while is dimming zones important dimming zones helps control the black reduce blooming and generally make an LCD TV look as good as an omen or as close to know that as possible right and so the assumption is the more dimming zones the better deep black levels you get without blooming well guess what this menial Edie from TCL which was an amazing technology screwed-up passive matrix meaning led with almost a thousand dimming zones didn't help it to beat the Samsung which was an old-school non media led with 480 bitten zones it looked better and if you went for the specs you guy said oh what a great deal slightly cheaper than the Samsung thousand dipping zones let me get that safe dimming zones very misleading or nits it has 2,000 myths it must be awesome not necessarily last year the P quantum packs it had lots of myths but there were other issues that affected the viewing experience unrelated to how bright it gets as a matter of fact how bright the TV gets measured in nits more often than not is not important to you for example most of the content you watch even if it's HD are the content itself is 2 to 300 minutes it's the specular highlights that might reach a thousand minutes or more we're talking in an explosion the brightest part of the exposure which may be only this big the TV this big hits close to a thousand nits but the rest of the scene is at two to three hundred nits the focus on the wrong specks will lead you astray as a matter of fact the focus on most specks will lead you astray the only specks that matter the one specification you should focus on is the size 55 inch 65 75 85 start with that spec know how big of a TV you need and work from there for example you find a great TV that's 75 inches you want a 75 inch but the 65 inch has slightly better specs and it's the same price because these specs make the 65 are expensive but you really want to 75 this is where the mistakes happen price is the same except TV a is the size you want the larger size TV B is the smaller size but has these exciting you choose TVB you just made a mistake you went with aspects instead of the size which will give you more of an immersive experience so speaking of specs the two specs that will give you the best viewing improvement is just to the size of the TV and whether it has HDR that's it if it's a large TV and it can pass HDR you're more likely than not to have a great viewing experience the other specs are less important because you've trusted the wisdom of the crowds in number one right these are the TVs you know it's good focus on the size and you've got yourself a TV that you will most likely enjoy next number four a K or should I spend an extra thousand for that 8k I know we've had this discussion my previous video right but this is important here because when you go to Best Buy you're going to start seeing affordable 8k and when I say affordable I mean last year's TV they're gonna start marking it down wow this is 8k and it's only $1,500 should I get a 75 inch TCL six years for 1500 or last year's 8k that's tiny 55 it don't even think about it 8k will not give you the same improvement across the board the way a larger TV will as a matter of fact 8k is great if you're buying a huge screen and you need that upscale I'm talking probably 85 inches money is no object you want the best viewing impossible for 85 inch okay I think they're 8 K can't come into the discussion but short of an 85 inch TV where money is no object 8k at that point may make a difference but for everybody else it is not a consideration and it probably won't be for a few years definitely not this year focus not on the distraction it is K because you will see deals you will see last year's 8k TVs be marked down as a matter of fact if someone's trying to sell you a lg 8k from last year that's an LCD walk away it is not a good viewing experience wisdom of the crowd that TV did not manage to break anybody's top 5 so number 4 8k don't even think about it that would be a huge mistake to have it enter into your decision-making process next number 5 HDMI 2 point 1 mistake number 5 why would that be a mistake at all unless you are a gamer let's just take that out of the way HDMI 2.1 almost all of its improvements of any significance is for the gaming community ok as far as movie-watching HDMI 2.1 4k TV doesn't matter if you have a 4k TV of are you doing is watching content like streaming Amazon Prime Netflix Apple there's a plus what am I missing here HBO right Hulu blu-ray 4k Ultra HD disk all those things hdmi 2.1 does not help at all as a matter of fact you'll have more problems trying to get devices compatible which hdmi 2.1 and that will lead you down a different path stick with hdmi 2.0 and you are covered if you're a gamer this advice is not for you so let's get that out of the way hdmi 2.1 again for the gaming community and number 6 and this is a big one for me the associate that TCO on high sense suck that would be a mistake on your part to assume that only the best TVs come from Samsung LG Sony Vizio would be a mistake now why do I say that while you'd be surprised TCO and high sense most likely source there TV materials from the same companies as Sony LG and Samsung let me be coming out of the same production line now features and fit and finish may be different but at the end of the day we're talking today TCM Hisense are not bad brands at all as a matter of fact there's no guarantee that just because you got a Samsung for several hundred dollars that it's better than the t CL s700 l it has less to do with the brand and more to do with the price the Laura you pay the more likely that Brad is cutting corners as a matter of fact I suspect that Samsung cuts more corners on the budget line than TCL because TCL's willing to have thinner margins to give you a better TV than Samsung Samsung is known to have a very wide profit margin well what does that mean that means that TV is most likely built to a lower spec than the TCL so when it comes to selecting a TV to assume that all TCL is junk would be a mistake next lucky number 7 this is one that's dear to my heart and it is one you'll hear from everyone and I think it's overstated and it is OLED bring it don't buy a Nolan because you're gonna get burnin a few years ago that's probably likely right and if you go online right now and look up all that burnin nightmares you'll hear a lot of stories but look at the model year 2016 maybe 2017 but as you look into the model years of 2018-19 and this year you're going to notice that burnin has become less and less of a problem for many reasons first the LG OLED panel itself is now designed with burn-in mind if after the pixel structure they've increased the size of certain pixels to even out any potential brunette and more importantly all the manufacturers are including certain burn-in features like NHL the TV then panel starts to refresh itself and cycle through to clean up possible or burnin risk number eight no you're a use case you read a hundred reviews and all hundred reviews are about amazing TVs for watching Netflix but you will never watch Netflix you only watch over-the-air antenna these reviews are pointless as a matter of fact what you should focus on is upscaling and maybe the picture quality in your living room because your living room is extraordinarily bright but the truth is you need to know your use case so that you can curate the reviews that match your use kids so if your use case is mostly over-the-air antenna then look for the reviews that actually attempt to see the quality of over-the-air picture quality right no your use case and if you know your use case you will read the right reviews generate the right shortlist and you can ignore all the other mistakes that everyone else will make so am I missing anything let me know in the comments below what have you found helpful when you bought your amazing 4k TV until next time stop the phone [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Stop the FOMO
Views: 1,171,381
Rating: 4.8043728 out of 5
Keywords: qled vs oled vs qled, samsung 4k tvs 2021, 2021 samsung tvs, 4k tvs for 2021, samsung qled tvs for 2021, 2021 qled tvs, samsung tv news, samsung qled tv news, samsung 2021 4k tv prices, samsung qled tv prices, 2021 qled tv prices, 2021 qled tv news, samsung vs tcl 6 series, samsung vs vizio 4k, qled vs oled, samsung 2020 tv, best 4k tvs 2020, best 4k tvs under, tcl 6 series review, samsung vs lg, best 4k tv, best tv deals, oled vs qled, best tv 2021, sony a80j
Id: 5yDeZ-6I0_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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