Semilla de AGUACATE 🥑 Propiedades, Beneficios y cómo consumirla 💚

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Hello all Blog del Runner followers. Today we are going to talk about avocado, one of the most complete and healthy fruits. Avocado is original from central Mexico. Its usage has been known since the time of the Maya. It is currently being grown in tropical areas and regions with Mediterranean climate. Due to its nutritional values and its many properties it is considered as a superfood that is highly recommended to be included in our daily intake. Another important part of this fruit is its seed, also known as pit. It accounts for 15% of the weight of avocado and has excellent properties. Many people are unaware of this and thousands of tons of this seed are currently being dumped. In this video we will learn the properties of avocado and its pit and how to use it for eating. Properties and Benefits of Avocado The fruit is known by the name of avocado. There are numerous varieties. When it ripens it becomes spherical or pear-shaped. In it we can distinguish the following parts: A thick, rough, dark green skin when mature. A green and creamy flesh. This is why it is also known as "butter fruit". A seed or pit in the inner part, which is covered with a woody shell. The lack of sweetness in avocado flavor makes it also usable as a vegetable. The main nutrients of this extraordinary fruit are: Fat: It contains 10 fatty acids, which is the most substantial nutrient of this fruit. It is especially rich in Omega 3, 6, 7 and 9, which take care of our cardiovascular system. In addition it is totally cholesterol free. 70% of the fats it provides are monounsaturated, which help us to lower cholesterol levels. Minerals: Avocado is an important source of potassium. It contains 60% more potassium than a banana. It has high content of chlorophyll, and is therefore rich in magnesium, mineral that favors the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular system. It also provides phosphorus, calcium, zinc, copper and silicon, which helps us to synthesize collagen. Its sodium content is very low. Vitamins: It provides 10 vitamins: A, C, D, E, K and group B, which improve the immune system. It has high content of vitamin E, which is a great natural antioxidant. It contains vitamin C, which also acts against free radicals. And it also contains folic acid. Protein: It provides 17 amino acids, all vegetable protein. Fiber: Avocado is the fruit with the highest soluble fiber content, making it very suitable for improving intestinal transit. It improves the absorption of cholesterol and blood glucose. How to use Avocado Seed and benefit from its interesting properties First, we will need the avocado seed or pit, which we have previously let dry for three or four days. We will need a knife or peeler and a grater. First we peel the woody shell of the avocado seed. For centuries the avocado seed has been used to combat muscular pains and parasites, due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to the great amount of tannins it contains. It is rich in essential fatty acids and sterols, which promote cardiovascular health and contribute to lower cholesterol levels. The avocado seed has important antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing properties, thanks to its content in polyphenolic compounds, flavonols, vitamins and minerals. It also has a high content of soluble fiber, which helps to improve intestinal transit, to evacuate toxins and to avoid the peaks of glucose. In addition to all of this, 70% of the avocado's amino acids are found in the seed. For further information you can visit the link in the description of the video. The seed, once peeled, will quickly get a reddish color due to oxidation. Then we proceed to grate the seed completely. To finish the last pieces we can use a thinner grater. Here we can see the result once the seed is grated. After a few minutes it can get this color due to oxidation. To dry it, we can leave it exposed to the sun or we can heat it gently, trying not to exceed 40 degrees Celsius. Little by little we see how its volume is reduced due to the loss of water, as its color changes. Once we check that it is completely dry we remove it from the heat source. This is the result after drying it. This way we can use it to make infusions. If preferred, we can use honey or stevia to sweeten the infusion. If we want to use the seed as a seasoning, we must first grind it. The result after grinding is a fine orange powder. We can store the powdered seed into a glass container and then add it to different dishes. One way to eat the avocado seed would be as follows. Add a little virgin olive oil on a brown bread toast. Spread the avocado flesh over the surface of the toast. Sprinkle the seed powder on the avocado. We can season it with Himalayan salt. Another possibility is to add it to the salads as well as the seasonings. If you liked this video please give it a Like. You can subscribe to my channel here. Or if you want to watch another interesting video, click here. You can write me your doubts or questions in the comments. Greetings and see you next time.
Channel: Blog del Runner 👣
Views: 7,435,067
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Keywords: Cómo tomar semilla de aguacate, Propiedades del aguacate, Semilla de aguacate, Avocado seed, Beneficios del aguacate, Avocado benefits, Aguacate beneficioso para la salud, propiedades de la palta, beneficios de la palta para la salud, beneficios del aguacate para la salud, avocado seed benefits, semilla de aguacate propiedades, beneficios de la semilla de aguacate, propiedades del hueso de aguacate, pepa de aguacate, pepa de aguaco, mejora la inmunidad, potencia la inmunidad
Id: T83rQHtK_7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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