Avi Wigderson & László Lovász - The Abel Prize interview 2021

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[Music] professor lobaz and professor victorson we first want to congratulate you for being the abu prize recipients for 2021 and we cite the arbel committee for their foundational contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics and their leading role in shaping them into central fields of modern mathematics our question to you is the following and here is the background we would like you to comment on the remarkable change that has occurred over the last few decades in the attitude of say mainstream mathematics towards discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science as you are fully aware of not that many years ago it was quite common among many first-class mathematicians to have a skeptical if not condescending opinion of this type of mathematics could you start professor lavage to comment on this i think that's true it it took time uh before two things were realized i think actually there are two things about theoretical computer science that are very relevant for mathematics one is simply that it's a source of exciting problems when i when we when i finished university with some other young researchers we started a group to study computing computer science and because we realized that it's it's it's such a huge unexplored field what can be computed and how fast and how well the uh and then the second thing is that when when uh answers began to come in particular when the notion of np non-deterministic polynomial time and polynomial time became kind of in the center then we realized that all mathematics can be viewed in a completely different way through these through these notions through effective computation and through proof of uh short proofs of of of existence and and so these two things for us young people were so inspiring that that we we really started to to make this connection with with mathematics uh so i i think that it took time until the rest of mathematics realized but it gradually went i mean number theory a number theory it turned out to be very important then then in group theory these notions came in and then slowly over a lot of other areas of mathematics victorson please uh yeah i completely agree that there is some truth in the fact that there was a condescending attitude in you know some mainstream mathematics or maybe more mathematicians towards discrete uh mathematics uh it was probably less thoughts theoretical computer science because this sort of existed in the realm of computer science and was developing and you know maybe just people were less aware of it directly i think that uh you know lassi is obviously uh right in that uh the very uh ideas of algorithms uh that were introduced in theoretical computer science and notions of complexity where where and are fundamental to mathematics and it took time to realize uh i think that the real truth is that it was realized long ago by all mathematicians of all ages they all use the algorithms they all needed to compute things i mean gauss's famous challenge to the mathematical community to actually find fast methods to test whether a number is prime and to factor integers you know is extremely eloquent uh given the time it was written it is really you know calling for fast algorithms to be developed so it's not that these were not realized i think that more of the part of discreet mathematics was viewed by some by some as trivial in a sense in the sense is that if the only finite number of possibilities that we uh you know we have to test then in principle it can be done so what's the problem though uh i think the notion of efficient algorithms uh you know clarifies what's the problem there i mean because yeah there may be an exponential number of things to try out and you will never do it right so if instead you have a fast algorithm for doing it then you know it makes all the difference and the question whether such an algorithm exists uh it clarifies the importance of uh having it similarly as last he said having efficient certificates just ways of convincing somebody else that some property holds uh you know this is the core of uh making characterizations of mathematical properties uh if you know that you know property like that is mp complete we realize because of compensation or complexity that you are unlikely to find such characterizations so i think this understanding uh evolved it of course caught up first with uh you know definitely uh pioneers at the time in the 70s in the combinatorics area in the discrete mathematical area because that was the most natural that's well at least it's easy to formulate problems so that you can attach complexities to them and then you know gradually it evolved to other parts of mathematics and the number zero is a great example because there too uh um you know there are discrete problems and the discrete methods are hiding behind lots of you know famous number theoretical results so um yeah and then from there it's gradually you know dispersed on i think by now it's pretty universal the understanding how important discrete math and theory of computation is this is admittedly a naive question but as a non-expert i have few inhibitions so here it goes why is it that turing's notion of what is called a turing machine captures the intuitive idea of an effective procedure and so to speak set the standard for what can be computed and how is this related to hilbert's and scheidung's problem could we start with you vegeta please yeah avi will be better that will be easier to pronounce uh yeah of course i think that my first recommendation would be to read touring's paper i mean to read all his papers he writes so eloquently that when you read let's say his problem his paper on computing procedures and then china's problem you will understand everything the there are many reasons why uh several reasons why the turing machine is uh so fundamental so basic uh the first one is that it's simple it's extremely simple it's so simple that it was evident to turing and to many others at the time that it's so simple it can be directly implemented and thereby he started the computing revolution if you look at other notions of computability that people study together and others and definitely hillbilly with recursive functions and so on they don't lend themselves to being you know you have to make a machine out of them so this was fundamental uh the second is that it was subsequently in in very few years proved that all notions all know all the other notions of efficient uh you know of convincibility were equivalent so the turing machine simple as it is consider could simulate all of them so it was you know uh encompassed all of them but it was much simpler to describe a third one is that one way uh turing motivates his model he is saying well look how what we do we humans do we human calculators do when we are supposed to solve a problem let's say multiply two long numbers look at what we do on the piece of paper just you know abstract and formalize formalize it and when you do that you are led automatically to my model to my turing machine so that's the the fourth reason is the univ universality then the fact that uh with his model he makes this point of course immediate uh is that it's a universal model namely that in a single machine you can have part of the data be a program you want to uh you want to run and it will just emulate this program so that's why we have laptops computers and so on you know there are just one machines you don't have a different machine to multiply a different machine to integrate and a different machine to test primality right you have one machine in which you provide a program that's a [Music] that's another point and yeah so so you know all these reasons i can talk more about it but maybe i should uh that's enough it's it's uh it's just an amazing uh social revolution encapsulated in a in a really simple notion that everybody can understand and use so that's the that's the power of it now the uh relation you asked about the relation to the enchanter problem uh uh you know hillary belt had the dream uh and the dream had two parts that uh everything that is true in mathematics is provable and that uh everything provable can be automatically computed that was the two parts of his dream will get their shatter of the first one he proves that there are two facts that say about integers that cannot be proven and then uh during a chat of the second one it shows that there are you know uh provable things that are not computable uh turing's proof uh is uh not only far simpler i mean it's a diagonal argument it's a clever diagonal argument i'm sure everybody knows but it in fact also implies they get a result if you think about it and the way most people to teach you know gathers the incompleteness it's via uh well i don't know if most but anyway the way we do it uh is using touring the notion so that's the connection now of course turing was inspired by by gathers work i mean the whole thing that led him into uh working on computability was there was gender's work so yeah that's a connection professor lobage um yeah maybe just uh just one thought i i would like to add uh the turing machine is really just consists of two parts it's a finite automaton and a memory now if you think about it the uh memory uh is needed you whatever computation you do you you you need to remember the the the partial results so there is a memory and the simplest wave is just uh just write it on a on a on a uh on a tape on a honest in a string and and then the the finite automaton is sort of the simplest thing that you can define which will do some kind of will have any kind of computation and if you combine the two you get the turing machine so it's it's also natural from this point of view um now comes a really big subject but i have some leading questions so what is the p versus np problem what is it where why is that problem the most important in theoretical computer science and of course it prestige is enormous because it's one of the seven clay millennium problems what would the consequence be if p is equal to np how do you envisage a proof of p different from np would require all tools and the first question the question goes to you professor lovaj well let me again go back when i was a student i i talked to tiborgala he was a distinguished graph theorist and my mentor and he said well you know here is here are these two very simple graph theoretic problem does a graph have a perfect matching so can can the vertices be paired so that the pairs are connected to each pair is connected by an edge or the other one is whether it has a hamiltonian cycle so does it either whether it has a cycle which contains order all the nodes the vertices and he said that one is well solved and there is a lot of very nice literature about it and the other we just have sort of superficial results maybe non-trivial results but still very superficial and so he he said well maybe you should think about coming up with some explanation now unfortunately i couldn't come up with an explanation for that but uh but we we tried to do with my friend peter gatch we were trying to find ways and to prove it and then we both went off and he went to to moscow for a year i went to nashville tennessee for a year we got different scholarships and then we came back and and then we both started to sort of wanted to speak first because we both learned about the theory of pnp which completely explained this that the perfect matching problem is in p and the hamilton cycle problem is np-complete so after this that that we that it explains something that was a really tough question uh it was clear that this is going to be a central topic and then of course with the work of carp about proving the np completeness of everyday lots of everyday day problems uh the whole theory was uh so so peter gatch learned it from leonard levin in moscow and i learned it from you know i i not personally but it was already discussed at at uh coffee coffees at conferences so uh that was so so i can understand so so the pro so so this theory or this these notions p and np they they they made such a an order where there was chaos before that that that was really overwhelming victorson please so yeah let me speak of course uh the fact that it uh uh puts an order of things in a somewhat uh you know the world that looked uh pretty chaotic uh is a major reason why uh this problem is important and uh in fact uh this sort of almost a dichotomy almost all natural problems we we want to solve are either in p as far as we know all are np completes namely in the two examples that lassie gave perfect matching is in p we can solve it quickly and uh we can characterize this we can do lots of uh we understand it really well and hamiltonian cycle problem is a representative of an np completes problem and the main point about mp completeness is that every problem in this class uh is equivalent to every other so if you solve one you've solved all of them and by now we know thousands of problems that we want to solve in logic in number theory and combinatorics in uh optimization and so on that are equivalent so suddenly we have these two classes uh that seem seem separate and whether they're equal or not this is a previous mp question and we know that all we need to answer it is just know the answer for one of them one of these mp complete problems but i want to take a higher level point of view uh about the importance of this problem and related to what i said you know natural problems we want to compute i often argue in uh you know at least in popular lectures that uh problems in np uh people feel that it's you know maybe too technical to understand are really all the problems that we human we human uh and especially mathematicians can never hope to solve okay because the most basic things about problems we are trying to solve is that we will at least know if we solve them right i mean we we don't normally embark not just mathematicians the physicists don't try to you know uh you know build a model for something if they don't think that when they find it they will know if they found it or the same with engineers with designs or uh you know detectives with the you know solution to their puzzles every i think that in every uh undertaking we that we seriously embark on we assume that when we find what we were looking for we have we know that we have found it but this is the very definition of of np this is the problem is mnp exactly if you can check that the solution you got is correct okay so now we understand what mp is now if p equals mp it means that all of these problems have an efficient algorithm all of them can be solved really quickly on a computer so in some sense uh if p equals np then everything we are trying to do uh can be done you know i don't know maybe find a solid cure for cancer and serious problems uh can be you know all this can be found quickly by uh by an algorithm so uh that's why it's important but let's also i think to most people is the reason to believe that probably p is different than mp uh maybe if i can add another one more thought so you asked about how it will how how can it be proved that p is not equal to np maybe ah so there's a nice analogy here with constructions with ruler and compass so that's one of the oldest algorithms notions exact notions of algorithms what can you construct by ruler and compass and probably the greeks already i mean they formulated a problem like tri-centing the angle or doubling the cube and they probably believed or conjectured that it was not solvable by ruler and compass but to prove this that it's not solvable by ruler and compass even even today it's not easy i mean it's it can be taught in an undergraduate class but in an advanced undergraduate class let me say this so you had to develop the theory of algebraic numbers and add a little bit of gala last theory in order to to be able to prove this so sometimes the problem is much simpler but to prove that it's not solvable by in that case very specific class of algorithms takes a huge development in in a completely different area of mathematics and i expect that maybe p not equal to np might be similar of course we probably won't have to wait 2 000 years for the solution but but but it will take a substantial development somewhere in some area which we may not even know are aware today of but i take it for granted that you both think that p is different from np right i i do but i must say that the reasons we have are you know are not very strong you know main main reason is that you know we uh what i what i said before is that uh uh uh you know for mathematicians and i'm sure for you too uh the very fact that it seems much easier to read proofs of theorems that were already discovered than to discover these proofs uh suggested p is different than np and many people have tried to find algorithms for many of these mp complete problems for practical reasons like various scheduling problems optimization problems uh graph theory problems and failed so this failure may suggest that there is no such algorithm but of course it's a weak argument so in other words yeah i intuitively feel so but [Music] yeah i don't think it's a strong argument i just believe it as a belief working hypothesis professor witcheson you were born in 1956 in haifa in israel could you tell us when you got interested in mathematics and in particular in theoretical computer science uh sure yeah so i of course i got interested in mathematics much earlier probably is a very young child i my father introduced me to to this he liked to ask me questions and puzzles as a very young child and seeing that i was interested you know as i was growing up he found books that i uh i could read and there will be you know more problems in there and this was my main early interaction that in mathematics in high school we had a very good uh mathematics uh uh teacher who came from uh from the ukraine and uh he had uh a special class for interested kids and he you know you know starts us more exciting stuff like college level stuff and i got even more excited about it and of course in college [Music] i got much more into it it's it's actually uh an accident that i got to computer science and thereby to theoretical computer science after my army services i was applying to colleges in israel i thought of i thought i wanted to do math but my parents uh suggested that maybe it's good also to have a profession when i graduate so they said why don't you study computer science and you know there'll probably be lots of math in it anyway and you'll enjoy it but when you graduate you'll have a computer science diploma nobody was thinking about academia i mean my yeah uh and so uh yeah i went to the computer science department at the technion and uh yeah i think it was extreme lucky i'm sure i i if i were in a math department i would be interested in many other things analysis combinatorics i don't know and so on but because i was in a computer science department i took several theory courses we had in particular very inspiring teacher shimon evan at the technion and his courses were you know mainly on algorithms uh and np completeness uh were extremely inspiring and so i was drawn into this that was you know you know it was math but the math i loved doing so when i applied to graduate school i applied to uh continue doing that so that's how i was drawn to theorize your computer science but still so in another interview earlier on you have described yourself as a beach uh beach bum and as a soccer devotee so that contrast rather starkly with what you're telling us now there are two sides to you don't i don't think it's all that there's a contrast uh yeah i mean if you think about the place i grew up i mentioned that my dad was the main intellectual contact with mathematics the schools in this neighborhood were not very good was pretty boring and anyway everything that anybody did we it's a neighborhood by the beach so everybody wasn't the beaches but you you are a beach bum by definition we were and the weather in israel is wonderful so it can be maybe 300 days a year on the beach or in in the water right so that was the one past time activity the other thing there was no you know soccer is the easiest you know it's the easiest game to play where you have nothing uh no facilities and that's what we did we did a lot of it so i think it was uh just under i mean growing up and you know you know involved being involved in these activities uh yeah i never saw myself as a kid as a an intellectual i knew i loved math but i that was one of the activities i loved i loved soccer i loved swimming and i loved reading and that's that's how i spend all my youth and i don't see any contrast i mean if anything it's probably good to do other things yeah actually of course it's it's been famous that you can do mathematics on the beaches of rio so i guess you can do it in haifa as well professor lavarz you were definitely not a beach bum you had you you were supported by the by the hungarian school system in every aspect weren't you you follow it through i was until i was entering eighth grade i didn't have any particular special subject that i was particularly interested in the eighth grade i started to go to a math club and i realized that there are how interesting problems there are and then the teacher of the math club recommended that i go to a particular high school which was just starting there which was specializing in mathematically talented kids and we had about 10 hours of mathematics 10 classes of mathematics a week which which this group of people of students enjoyed very much i including myself and i enjoyed very much the the fact that i was among among a fairly large group of children who were or students or pupils who were uh quite similar uh interest and in the in the elementary school i was sort of a little bit outside the sort of the the cool group of the class so i was not not in the in the mainstream of the class but but in in this high school class i was i i found myself much more at home in fact so much at home that uh i i married one of my classmates and we still are together so this is uh this this high school was really uh an absolute uh great uh start for my life that's how i feel about it before that it was yeah you had to survive the the school but that was so at the end this uh this high school was really not only the other kids but uh that was in the first half of the 60s and and there were many good mathematicians in budapest but they didn't really have a chance to to travel or to do anything outside hungary so they had more time in in uh they came to the high school and gave talks to they they had great interest in this group of of our group in our group and so we learned a lot from them and i mean i should of course mention paul addis who was who was often visiting the class and gave talks gave problems and so it was very inspirational there so but but even so to quote actually uh professor bitterson he says in the land of prodigies and stars in hungary and its problem-solving tradition he that meaning you shown from a very early age and i have a witness who recalls rushing home from school to listen to the final of one of the competitions in which you participated on national broadcast is that correct where you solve the combinatorial problem real time it's kind of hard to imagine here in the west that you do such things but but this was part of what you were doing uh that was one of the uh things that went on uh for a few years then unfortunately then it stopped because i thought it was a very good uh popularization of mathematics i mean not that uh you know people would want to compete so so the way it worked was that there were two two glass cells and in each there was one of so two two children where two students were sitting in the two cells and they got the same problem and then they had to solve it and then and then verbally tell the solution maybe there was a blackboard in the behind and uh and i i i remember that people i think people like to see young nice young people sweating and doing their their best to to win uh and and you know most people cannot jump over two meters but nevertheless we look at the olympic games and so so people had probably the same approach to this and even today i i meet people of course older people who say yeah i saw you on tv when you were in high school and i was maybe in eighth grade of elementary school and it was so nice to watch you so it it's really really uh something quite special i i think part of the story which makes it so fun to listen to is or or hear about is that you i think you told that the solution to the final problem that you won the competition was you had learned a solution from the other competitor isn't that correct yes yes yes yes yes so that was but yeah so we were also good friends we still are very good friends with with the especially the two two people who i had the final the semi-final and this final was one was latzkovich is came up with the proof of of tarski's conjecture about squaring the circle and the other one was lawyers porsche is very well known in in education in math education he did a lot in in developing methods to to teach uh talented students so so this was was good very good times yeah i we before we leave this subject we should also mention that you won the gold medal three years in a row from 1964 to 65 and 66 in the international mathematical olympiad when you were only 16 17 and 18 years old that's fantastic i i don't know any one that has such a record in in that competition but anyway yeah there are others they people have won it four times some some others yeah you can go to the to the to the home page of the international mathematical olympiad and that there is a list of achievements we often characterize mathematicians as theory builders or as problem solvers where would you place yourself on a scale ranging from zero that is a theory builder to one being a problem solver let's start with the uh avi i love solving problems i love solving problems but uh you know i i i think it's probably true for uh for many that you know if you are not satisfied just be with solving the problem you had but you immediately think of oh this is how i solved it uh maybe there's a techniques that can be applied in other places and you do apply it in other places and you write it in most general forms and that's how you present it then you may be called also a theory builder so i don't know i i don't want to characterize myself i can live it to others i i enjoy doing both things finding solutions to problems and trying to understand how they apply you know elsewhere i love understanding connections between different problems and more between different areas i think we are lucky in in the theoretical computer science that many sort of dispersed areas are so intimately connected sometimes not obviously so like with the hardness of randomness and yeah so so theorem is built by such connections that's it i i i have similar feelings i uh i like to solve problems i started out uh sort of uh by the under the inspiration of paul eddish who was really always putting everything into breaking down the questions into problems i think that was particular strengths of his mathematics that he could formulate a simple problems and i don't remember who said about him that it would be nice to know the general theories that are in his head which he breaks down into these problems that he feeds us so that we can solve them and therefore and indeed based on his problems whole new areas rose extreme graph theory random graphs theory probabilistic combinatorics in general and and and also various areas of number theory so uh i think i am a little bit so that i started out as a problem solver but i always like to to also make connections and and try to build something more general on a particular uh problem problem i have solved okay we'll continue to to professor lavage the following question you have published several papers with your mentor paul erdersch i think six papers all together and i could ask you of course which one of these is your favorite but i think i have the answer to that and you can correct me if it's not correct uh namely the the the term low watch local lemma first of all tell us what it's all about and apparently a weak version of this was proved in 1975 in a joint paper with erdes so that's why i think this maybe is your favorite paper probably erdos and dilemma is very important uh and to attest to that importance is that maeser and tardos i don't know if i pronounce it correctly received a good price in 2020 for their algorithmic version of the lowers local emma anyway could you tell us what the lorash local lemma is all about okay i'll try uh if you have a lot of events i mean almost everything in mathematics you can worry at least in discrete mathematics you can formulate like there are a number of bad events that are bad events and you want to avoid all of them and then the question is can you can you give a condition under which you can avoid all of these so the most basic thing is that if the probabilities of these events add up to something less than one then with positive probability you avoid all of them that's a very basic trick in ineptly in in application of combinatory of probability in in discrete mathematics but now suppose that their number is much larger so you the the probabilities add up to something very large another special case when you can say it is if they are independent events then if you can avoid each of them separately then there is a positive probability that you avoid all of them just simply the product of the probabilities that for each of them that you avoid that and the local lemma is some kind of combination of these two ideas if the events are not independent but each of them is dependent only on a small number of others then you can still have this this chance so that if the sum of the probabilities of those that it depends on is less than one not the total sum but just those then you can still do positive probability avoid each of those and maybe i should add one thing here is that there was a problem of erdos which i was thinking about i came up with this lemma we were together with erdos at actually ohio state that for the for a summer uh school there and so i was and and so it it solved the problem and then we wrote a long paper on that problem and related problems including this lemma but erdesh who realized that this lambo was sort of more than just dilemma for this particular problem he made sure that it was no it became known under my name so normally it would be called erdes sl edersch hyphen lobas locolema because it appeared in a joint paper of us but but he he always promoted young people he always wanted to make sure that for young people if they had something then it became known and so that was that was one of these uh one of these things that of course i i benefited from his generosity in 1955 knesser conjecture how many colors you need in order to color a type of naturally occurring graphs known as now as kinesiographs in 1978 you lassi proved the knesset conjecture by encoding the problem as a question of high dimensional spaces which you answered by using standard tools in homotopic theory and by doing so you boosted the field of combinatorial topology how did such a line of approach occur to you and can you say something about the problem problem in your solution it very briefly but it goes back to one of these difficult problems the uh the chromatic number problem how many colors do you need to color a graph properly where a proper means that the neighboring points must have different colors and that's a difficult problem for in general it's an np complete problem and one of the first approaches is that one looks at local structure so if a graph has many psa many points which are mutually adjacent then of course you need many colors and the question is is there always such a reason and it was already known at that time that there are there are graphs which have absolutely no local structure so there are they don't have short cycles uh but but nevertheless you need many colors to color them uh but it was an interesting question to construct such graphs or maybe just exclude triangles or exclude somehow it's easier if you exclude odd cycles from the graph and there was there was a well-known construction for such a graphs for such graphs by looking at the uh the sphere and then connecting two points if they are almost antipodal and then borsuk theorem says that you need more colors than the dimension to color it so that these almost and the border points have different colors so that was one construction and the other one was a construction where you the vertices will be the k element subsets of an n element set where n is larger than 2k and you connect two of these if they are disjoint and gnazer conjectured what would be the chromatic number of such a graph and it was an interesting problem and going around in budapest and uh actually uh mikey shimonovich one friend colleague mine of mine he he said well he he could actually my attention that these two problems are sort of similar there are two constructions or yes are they similar and so i came up with a reduction of one into the other but then it turned out that the reduction was more general and it gave a lower bound on the chromatic number of of any graph in terms of some topological construction so that's how topology came in and it took actually quite some time to make it work but i remember it i spent about two years to make this idea work but eventually it worked but but the idea of using bursulum that was circulating in the community already to similar problems that the boursoukulam construction has similar properties than the nasa conjunction nasa construction that was circulating yes to reduce one to the other maybe was not explicitly formulated this idea but it was in the air [Music] by the way i i will secure that we have a a ignacio graph in the printed version that people can look at avi early in your career you made fundamental contributions to a new concept in cryptography namely the zero knowledge proof which more than 30 years later is now being used in blockchain technology please tell us more specifically what does zero knowledge proof is and why this concept is so useful in cryptography uh yeah that's one of the easiest things to explain so for mercedes mathematicians in particular so suppose you found the proof of something uh you know like the human hypothesis and uh you want to convince your your colleagues that you have found this proof but you don't want them to publish it before you do you just want to run it by them but you are worried that they uh you know for some reason uh they uh you know you just want to convince them only of the fact that you have a proof of this theorem and nothing else it seems ridiculous it seems absolutely ridiculous and you know it's uh contrary to all our intuition that there is a way uh to convince something it's going to convince someone of something they do not believe uh without giving them any you know shred of new information uh but it's this very uh you know idea that was raised by uh uh gold advisor mikhail and rockoff in 85 where they suggested this notion now they did suggest they did not suggest it for paranoid mathematicians they suggested it for cryptography they realized that in cryptography there are lots of situations in fact almost all situations in interaction between agents in a cryptographic protocol that no one trusts the other one and nevertheless each of them makes claims that they are doing something or they are knowing something uh which they don't want to share with you for example their private key in a public key crypto system right so you know each one is supposed to compute their uh public key by multiplying two private numbers which they keep secret so i give you a number i say tell you okay here's a number i multiplied two secret prime numbers and this is a result uh why should you believe me maybe i did something else and you know this is going to ruin the protocol uh to fix this it would be nice as they said if there was a way for me to convince you that that's exactly what i did namely that's a theorem right there are two prime numbers whose product is the number i give you it's a mathematical crm i want to convince your feet without giving you any idea what my prime numbers are or anything else okay so they suggested this notion as an extremely useful notion if we could have it and they gave a couple of non-trivial examples uh which were related already to existing cryptosystems where this might be possible and they ask the question what kind of mathematical statements can you have a zero knowledge for it looks extremely special and so a year later with uh syria mikali and all that gold like we proved that it's possible for any mathematical theorem if you want it formally it's true for any np statement anything for which there is a short proof so this is the content of the theorem i'm not going to tell you the proof of this theorem although something can be said about it and the proof uses cryptography essentially uh it's a it's a it's a theorem which assumes uh the ability to encrypt um so uh that's the content of the of the zero knowledge theorem why it's useful in cryptography is exactly why i described but in fact it's much more general as we observed in a subsequent paper uh given uh zero knowledge proofs you can really automate the generation of protocols that are that are safe against bad players once you have a protocol that works if everybody is honest and doing exactly what you should what they should because uh the way to get uh you know protocols are resilient again against bad players if you have one that is just working fine when honest players is just to intervene every step uh with the zero knowledge proof in which the potentially bad player will convince the others that it is doing the right thing it's much more complex than that zero knowledge is not enough you have to have a way of computing with secrets but i let me not go into that yeah i i it's an amazing result and i think yet you have said that probably the most surprising the most uh paradoxical of the results i have proved which i can really appreciate let me continue uh harvey with the following question to you when you began your academic career in the late 1970s the theory of in computational complexity was in its infancy your contribution to enlarging and deepening the field is arguably greater than of any single other person we want to focus here on your stunning advances in the role of randomness in in aiding computation you showed together with coworkers nissan and impagni so it's difficult to pronounce that for any uh for any fact algorithm that can solve a hard problem using flip coin flipping there exists an almost as fast algorithm that does not use coin flipping provided certain conditions are met could you please elaborate on this and be a little more specific yes but let me just add one sentence on the zero knowledge aspect uh i i want to stress that when we prove this theorem uh it was a theoretical result it was clear to us uh from the beginning that the protocol which enables zero knowledge proofs is complex and we thought it's unlikely to be really useful uh used in cryptographic protocols that are running on the on the ground on the on the machines and so on uh and it still amazes me that people manage to to transform them to much more efficient protocols that are being used both you know these protocols and others so the fact that it became practically useful uh is still an amazing thing to me and i think that's a that's a good point to say about many other theoretical results in theoretical computer science in particular about algorithms people tend to complain sometimes about the notion of p as being too liberal uh when describing efficient algorithms because some algorithms where they are first described if they are first discovered may have a running time that looks uh you know too large it's a polynomial time but maybe it's n to the tenths power and you know and to the tenths for size thousands of size a million which are problems that come up naturally in practice it seems just useless as useless as exponential and what you learn and again and again both in the fields of cryptography and in the field of algorithms is that once you have a theoretical solution with ideas in it that make it very efficient then other people especially if they are motivated enough like in cryptography or in optimization you can make it then much more efficient and eventually practical so that's a general point i want to make okay so uh now let me return to your question about uh about randomness so uh randomness has always fascinated me the the power of randomness in computation and not only in computation uh and this is probably the um you know the area i invested the most time of my research apart from you know i would say successful part of my research the other part would be trying to prove lower bounds or hardness results in which i you know generally like everybody else failed like proving that p is different than np so what you are trying to understand is uh the following ever since the 70s people realized randomness is an extremely powerful resource to have in algorithms there were initial discoveries like the primarity test survey slossen and rabin discovered fast methods with randomness to uh test if a number is prime uh then and the also encoding theory beryl camp and number theory and then many others all over the place in grazio in optimization and and so on people just realize it's extremely powerful there are problems we have no idea how to solve without randomness efficiently and nevertheless uh with randomness you can you can find the social solution very fast another famous class of examples is monte carlo methods right so you explore a lot of space using randomness and without it it seems like it would take uh exponential time so the power was was realized and it was natural to believe that uh yes uh having randomness is much more powerful than not having it uh nevertheless the uh mainly from uh motivations in cryptography uh people started in computational complexity uh trying to understand pseudo-randomness you need you need the randomness in cryptographic protocols for secrecy and so on and on the other hand you know sometimes they you know random bits were not so available and you wanted to test when when are random beats good as good as like having really independent coin flips which you really assume when you are talking about probabilistic algorithms so there was a quest to understand when is a you know distribution uh let's say of beats is as good as random so this started in cryptography with the very powerful works of blah blah and and the yao and notions began to emerge which suggested that if you have computational hardness if you have some hardness or something if you have a heart problem then uh you know you can generate pseudorandom bits cheaply so you can invest much less randomness in order to generate a lot which is still useful let's say for public algorithms so the this this kind of understanding which started in the in the early 80s uh it took about 20 years of work to really elucidate it and and be able to make the weakest assumptions on what hardness you need in order to uh have a pseudorandom outcome which will then fool probabilistic algorithms uh part of it was indeed developed by in my papers with the with nissan and then with the barbarian fort now and uh then within poliato and with cabanets uh the upshot of this development is again it's a conditional result right so it's you have to assume something if you want the conclusion you stated uh what you need to assume is that some problem is difficult you can take it to be the problem of coloring graphs or you can take it to be any np complete problem you like or even problems that are higher up but you need a problem that is exponentially difficult this is an assumption that the result is conditioned on it's uh and if you if you are willing to make this assumption then the conclusion is exactly as you said that every efficient probabilistic algorithm can be replaced by a deterministic algorithm which does the same thing in fact without errol and is roughly as efficient as the original one so in other words the power of publicity algorithms is just a figment of our imagination it's it's only that we are unable to find deterministic algorithms uh that we can prove are as efficient this result suggests that you know there is no such power randomness doesn't help in making efficient algorithms more efficient the hardness assumption that you need to make was that something that you were expecting or did that come as a surprise to you as well they're completely expected it's a first of all it is expected in the sense that it was there from the beginning the works of the blaming kali and the yao uh papers that i mentioned which do create uh pseudo-random generators that are good against efficient algorithms assume specific hardness assumptions like those used in cryptography for example that factoring is difficult or that one way functions exist uh these are very specific hardness assumptions these problems you know are unlikely to be np complete and in my paper with nissan we realized that a much weaker assumption is enough it was not enough to give the the result states that that's the end because it's not efficient enough but it's already got us pretty close to the understanding that random random algorithms are not as powerful as they are it didn't give the you know bpp equal p consequence which is the you know the sort of the final one but uh it was already no it was not surprising this was the connection this paradigm between hardness randomness uh came from their very uh initial studies of compensation of pseudorandomness and if i remember correctly the paper of lamin mccauley or maybe the the phd thesis of syria michali is titled hardness versus randomness so yeah it's the there's an intimate connection there uh it was there from the start and the question is how tight is the connection i should probably mention that uh you know the consequence we just discussed is hardness implies randomness and the question is whether the reverse holds also if you have a good pseudo-random generator if you could randomize all probabilistic algorithms does it mean you can prove something like p different than np and the answer is that we have partial results like that the paper with the impaleazzo and cabanets is one there's another paper of just the two of them this is another the partial results in the conveyors and we don't understand it fully but it's a fascinating connection because these two issues seem separate from each other so that's yeah i think it's a very fundamental discovery of the field this intimate connection between computational difficulty and the power of randomness we also of course want to talk about the ll algorithm an algorithm which has striking applications for instance it is claimed that the only cryptosystems that can withstand an attack by a quantum computer use lll so the algorithm appears in a paper together with the lens strap brothers on factorization of polynomials which more or less follows the expected path of reducing modulo primes and then using hensel's lemma but as far as you understand the breakthrough of elasti here and the lens stress was that you were able to do the lift in polynomial time by an algorithm giving you an approximation to the shortest vector in lattice how did the collaboration with the lens stress come about yeah this is actually an interesting story about uh mathematics and uh and the the role of uh sort of beauty or at least elegance in mathematics so uh uh with the martin virtual and like scriber we were working on on applications of the ellipsoid method in combinatorial optimization and that was uh we we came up with some general theorem state it's called equivalence of separation and optimization so that for a convex body you can you can these are polynomial time equivalent uh problems under some might additional circumstance conditions uh but there was a case where it where the algorithm the method didn't work and that was when the convex body was a a lower demand lying in a lower dimensional uh linear subspace and that could one could always get around this sometimes by mathematical methods uh focus on that lower or map everything into that lower dimensional substrate sometimes by blowing up fattening the but they were always that hard tricks so we would like we wanted to get something and and so at some point i realized that we can we can solve this if we can solve some really ancient mathematical problem uh algorithmically and that was dirichlet's result that that several real numbers can be simultaneously approximated by rational numbers with the same denominator if you could solve this algorithmically now the one looks at the proof and one sees immediately that the proof is the opposite of being algorithmic it's uh it's a pigeonhole principle proof so it just shows the existence of such a such an approximation and then after some trial and error and i i came up with an algorithm which actually actually computed in polynomial time such a an approximation with rational numbers with common denominators and then i i wrote to i a little bit earlier i heard that talk of uh of uh aryan you know of handyclandstra where he sort of talked about similar problems but in terms of lattices and redux basis reduction in that disease so i wrote to them and it turned out that they had a proof that if you can do this this is a little bit the shortest lattice vector problem which uh it is easy to reduce the dirichlet problem to a shortest lattice vector problem so if you can solve this then they can factor polynomials in polynomial of time which was actually surprising because one first would think that if you want to factor then factor a an integer should be easier than factor a polynomial but it turns out that it's the other way around and polynomials can be factored in polynomial of time so that's how this joint paper came about and it in about another couple of years then discovered that that this algorithm can be used to to uh to break the so-called knapsack cryptosystem and since then this algorithm is used a lot in in checking the security of various cryptosystems as far as i understand it has wide applications way beyond anything that you perhaps imagined yeah definitely yeah so shortly after it was published it was used in in a very s very extended numeric computation to disprove the so-called mertens conjecture i think it was odlisco and terrilla and uh and so there were this is a number theory in prime number theory about zeta function so all together it's uh yeah it had a lot of so the point is why i i wanted to tell this is that that the whole thing started from something that was really not so important we just wanted to get the nicest possible theorem of about optimism equivalence of optimization and separation and this is good enough motivation in mathematics to make something nicer but but as far as i understand you kept improving your method constantly during a process together with or or while you were talking to the lens stress not that much actually not that much i mean there was this extension from the dirichlet problem to to let it to lattices but that was an abandoned connection other people of course worked on it i have not worked on improving this again last year this is a question to you in 1981 you published a paper together with co-workers co-authors gretchen and scr scriver i don't know if i pronounced the names correctly titled the ellipsoid method and its consequences in combinatorial optimization a paper which is widely cited there is a pre-history to this namely a paper by a russian kashi gun i don't know how i pronounce that correct either containing a result that was regarded as sensational could you comment on this and why your joint paper is related to his um he published a paper he he gave the first polynomial time algorithm for linear programming using uh what's called the ellipsoid method today which was actually i i should say that was in in the soviet union in the air there were several other people who worked on similar results but he he applied it and probably proved the necessary details that to come up with that was kachian who proved that that linear programming can be solved in polynomial time of course everybody got interested in a programming before that was one of those little bit mysterious problems that in practical terms can could always be efficiently solved but but in there was no polynomial time algorithm known to to solve linear programming and so we got interested in it and we realized that to apply khachian's method you don't have to have an explicit description of the linear program it is enough if you if the linear program is given in such a way that you if if you ask about a point whether it satisfies whether it's a feasible point then you should be should be able to tell this and you should be able to find the constraint which is violated if any constraint is violated ah that observation was made by by several people also by carp and papadimitriou and i think padberg and rao so but but we try that became we realized that in combinatorial optimization there are many situations like this and then i met uh martin grocho and he came up with a with a way to apply this method to it's another old problem to to find the chromatic number of a perfect graph which was also an unsolved problem in those days how to whether it can be found in polynomial time and for that it turned out that you had to apply this ellipsoid method not only to linear programs but to comebacks programs more generally and so the the three of us with like scriber who actually was a roommate or or office mate of me we he visited sagat for a year and we we shared an office and we worked on this and so we we started to to to see what happens in general in convex optimization how to apply this and that's how we came up with this result that i mentioned that the equivalence of separation and optimization it is uh it it was sort of the main outcome of this of these studies eventually we we wrote a monograph about this subject this is such a hard thing because you have so many wonderful results between you but i do want to talk about this exact graph product can i or can we so expander graphs of course they have their and constructions of expanding graphs they have had a recurring theme for the albert price so last year we had margulis who gave the first explicit expanded graphs after pinsker had proven that they existed and gromov who won the overprice in 0.9 used expanders on cayley graphs on fundamental groups which led to study of the bam khan conjecture and of course ceremony in 2012. who as i as far as you understand avi you have some papers together with with sarah meredi isn't that right but not on this on this yeah yeah no it's not on so but you together with reingold and vadon uh presented the zigzag product on regular graphs which is as far as you understand analogous to the semi-direct product in group theory and by which you gave explicit constructions of very large and simple expanders could we just start what is the zig and what is the zag so first maybe i should start with what is an expanded graph brilliant uh yeah so um should think of networks and you should think that one desirable property of networks is that there will be uh sort of fault tolerance will be able to be very connected and if some of the connections are severed you will still be able to communicate it can be networks you know on the internet or on network on the computer networks can be also networks of roads you would like to be highly connected and you know if something yeah anyway uh yeah so and of course you don't want to pay so you would like these networks to be a sparse you don't want to have too many connections so you want a large graph in which the degree of uh every vertex the number of connections of every vertex is small let's say a constant maybe 10. okay so a random graph uh will have this property and the whole question this is what pinsky realized and then the whole question is uh can you describe such graphs can you build them efficiently and indeed margulis uh gave the first uh construction using uh this deep algebraic concept the kashidantal property and they can be built from other from selbergs number theoretic results and then people started simplifying the proofs the you know by by the time i was teaching this material there were reasonably simple proofs like jimbo maroca well it's just you could teach it in a class of an hour or two it just basically uh goes down to uh uh you know uh fourier transform in finite groups so they you know you have everything you want you have a very nice explicit construction you can prove it in a class to even undergraduates and but to me it was this like many algebra proofs mysterious i mean what's going on i mean what's what is really driving the fact that these are uh highly uh connected uh uh graphs why why why don't they have this small cuts what's really and uh this was sort of an obsession obsession of mine for years but you know i didn't know what to do with it then uh in the year 2000 i had two postdocs here just after i moved to the institute uh and omar angel then we were working on a completely different uh project uh part of the big pseudo-randomness project where another important notion is the notion of an extractor something to purify randomness i i will not talk about it now but we were trying to build better extractors and uh as we were doing this we realized that you know one of our constructions may be useful towards creating expanders and the constructions in the extractor business were often iterative and had a very different combinatorial nature than constructions let's say of the algebraic type and yeah we once we realized this we uh you know we we understood that we have a completely different combinatorial uh construction of expanders and not just combinatorial one in which for me at least it was clear it was evident from the proof why these graphs are expanding so this is the result the zigzag is just uh there was actually a name suggested by peter winkler uh just uh if you look at the construction the construction starts with a small graph which is expanding something of constant size something you can have anyway and just uses it to keep boosting another graph uh to being expanded you you you get an expander then you plug this little graph in somehow and you get a bigger one and then you get a bigger one and so on so you can generate arbitrarily without expanders the this local construction has some zigzag picture in it if you look at it that's that's the only that's not the important thing i would say that uh maybe the way uh the intuition reveals itself in the property of expansion is just when you think about another way of describing an expander an expander is a graph where no matter what distribution you have on it just the you know distribution of the vertices of if you take this distribution you take a vertex from this distribution and apply uh you go from this vertex to a random neighbor the entropy increases of your distribution if there is room to grow of course that's another way to describe expanders and this uh you see almost you know with your eyes in the zigzag construction you see how the enthalpy grows and that's uh yeah what i like about it but but so to have the picture as far as i understand so you you take a small graph you have a graph and then you place this other graph at all the nodes and then you're so then you have to decide how am i going to put the edges in and then essentially so and here you must correct me because i don't know what i'm talking about but what essentially you're doing is that just like in the product of the semi-direct product when you have the multiplication rule you move a wee bit in one of the nodes then you jump all the way to the next node and then you do the similar jump there is that correct vaguely completely it's completely correct and moreover uh this connection to semi-direct product is something we realized like two or three years later uh with alex luboski and noga alone so it was a sort of challenge which i felt uh early on these graphs that we got were expanders the compilatory regenerated simple we understood them everything was good and i was wondering whether it can be useful to construct scaly graphs because such constructions existed and i it was just sorry curiosity and then with the with nogalon and alex luboski we realized that actually it's not just similar the zigzag product is a combinatorial generalization of semi-direct products of groups applied to caliga so it's just it's a more general uh it's just specialized in the case of cavity graphs to semi-direct product anyway because because of this for example uh you can prove that scaly graphs of groups that are not simple can be expanding with a constant number of generators this is a you know no method knowledge break method is known to uh to give this yeah and so you actually so i'm amazed that you got this formulation for the uh for the zigzag product without previously having the the intuition from the semi-direct product that's truly amazing it came from an extractor construction which was uh yeah yeah so you know i agree there's a it is strange to me it was strange that there was a connection to algebra but but of course this was this has been used extensively in in in many situations and of course one of the things one perhaps should mention is the um that the symmetric log space and the log space rheingold in in 2008 that they are the same um this seems to have been an idea that really caught on um do are you still using it yourself or have you let your baby grow up and run into the mathematical community i think it's great that we have a mathematical community many many many ideas i had were taken to places beyond my imagination uh uh yeah this uh there's something fundamental about this construction and it was used like you said in uh this wrangled result which can be more simply described as a lockspace algorithm for uh um just connectivity in graphs in fact it goes back to a result of lassi and these collaborators and can be viewed as a pseudo-randomness as a derandomization result lasting in 1980 with the carp and the leonis and lipton and i forget who else i showed that uh if you want to uh test whether a large graph is connected but you have no memory you just have you have just enough memory to remember where you are then by tossing coins you can explore the whole graph okay this is a the result it's it's a random log space algorithm for graph connectivity and the randomizing this algorithm was another you know project of mine that i never got to never got to do but the rheingold observed that if you uh take the zigzag product and apply it in very cleverly to their algorithm to their randomized algorithm you get a deterministic log space algorithm for the same problem so it's a particular pseudo-random generator tailored to this it was also used in the you know new pcp theorem of iridino uh yeah there is something uh general in this zigzag product that other people found extremely useful actually this this brings us to an interesting place in this interview because here we're seeing connection between what the two of you are doing uh could one of you would one of you like care to expand on the connections between the mathematics of the two of you well let me see you see you didn't tell us what to start so let me just mention one of the most influential things that happened to me in my postdoc years it was in 85 i was a post-workout berkeley and there was a workshop in oregon in which latse gave 10 lectures i don't remember exactly what it was called on the lectures on optimization the geometry of numbers and yeah so i um the kind of point of view i got from this type of event was a whole week of lectures anybody who heard that talk knows you know uh just how extremely clear everything is but the one thing i got out of this is what latin described in when you ask him the previous questions about the ll algorithms and the work on the ellipsoid and so on is how a high level point of view uh rather one focus and a problem rather a high level point of view uh can connect lots and lots of areas of mathematics uh of great importance i mean you saw unless you described it before how a question that was a bit particular about just having a more elegant solution to a problem in optimization led to uh you know just solving the uh lattice basis reduction uh problem and how it connects to the front-end approximations and how it connects to cryptography and how it connects in cryptography both to breaking crypto systems and creating crypto systems and uh you know you get this panoramic view where everything fits with each other i i was extremely influenced by this this was uh yeah an amazing memorable event in my early career uh i think i have uh some similar uh memories like zero knowledge proof was such a shockingly exciting uh thing that i learned about and it sort of showed me how how powerful these new ideas of cryptography and computer science theoretical computer science in general how how they how terribly powerful they are i also i think i was always very interested in his work on on randomness even though i was sometimes trying to go the opposite direction and find examples where randomness really helps now one has to add that this is sometimes a matter of the model of the computational model so this i i mentioned some results about convex optimization convex geometry algorithmic results in high dimensional convexity and there was a there's a basic problem there that if you have a convex body how you compute the volume and one of my uh who was a a phd student at that time uh came up with a geodesic he came up with a beautiful proof showing that you need exponential time to approximate this volume even within a constant factor that was in our model of which in which we formulated this equivalence of optimization and separation so the convex body is given by a separation oracle and then a few years later and that actually refers back to another thing that ravi that avi abi said that dyer fries and cannon came up with a randomized algorithm to compute the volume to approximate the volume in polynomial time with arbitrary small relative error but their algorithm took i mean the interesting thing is the dependence on the dimension if the dimension is n then their algorithm took n to the 29 steps so obviously it was very far from being being practical and but that started a flow of of research i was also part of it i really liked this result obviously and i was i was quite interested in in in making it more efficient and understanding what are the uh why why does it go that high up and then it uh then the exponent went down nicely from 29 to 17 to 10 to seven to five to four it stood for a long time to four and i think a year ago or somebody it went down to three so so now this is close to being practical it's still and cubed is still a sort of not a really fast algorithm but but it's definitely not not ridiculous so this idea are two things so in this example because it's a different computational model provably randomness helps uh it's provable that without randomness it takes exponential time and with randomness it's it's now down to a decent polynomial and the second is that really polynomial time is an indicator of that this problem has some deep structure and then you explore this deep structure and eventually you can improve the polynomial time to something decent we are going to end this section on your work very soon but uh i am going to ask you lassi about the two results of yours well anyway we don't have time to go through all of them so i have to select i would love to have asked you about what is a limit theory for graphs and what are good limits good for and also what the graph phone is and so on but the question i have selected and you are free to take the other one is that about the shannon capacity because in 1979 you published a widely cited paper title on the shannon capacity of a graph in this paper you determine the shannon capacity of the pentagon by introducing deep mathematical methods moreover you prove that there is a number now called the low lobas number which can be computed in polynomial time which is an upper bound for the shannon capacity associated to a graph could you tell us a little more about that then elaborate on and tell us also what the shannon capacity is um okay so you know i don't i won't give a formal definition of the shannon capacity is that you have an alphabet and you are sending messages uh composed of the letters of this alphabet some but certain letters are con confusable or confoundable so they they are not necessarily clearly distinguished by the recipient and you want to pick a largest subset of words which can be sent without the danger of confusion so for any two words there should be at least one position where they are clearly distinguishable and so if the pentagon now the alphabet is described by a graph where an edge means that those two letters are confusable and shannon came up with this model and he determined the capacity the capacity is if you are sending very long words then how how many words you can you can send and that grows exponentially and the base of this exponential function is the is the shannon capacity and the the pentagon was the first one for which this was not known and i introduced some technique called called orthogonal representations which which enabled me to answer this this question it is again one of those things that you answer a question and then all of a sudden it begins to have its own life uh it was used which i mentioned before that to determine the the uh chromatic number of perfect graphs and maybe it's interesting to mention that recently uh some group of physicists found some i think quite interesting applications of it in quantum physics so so this is one of those examples where all of a sudden you hear that something you did has inspired other people to do something really interesting and that's that's a very nice thing to have okay so here is a question to you lassie what is a limit theory for graphs and what are graph limits good for on that subject explain what the graphone is please okay so ah if you want a very short maybe too too technical but i will try to be not not too technical so imagine the graph is often given by an adjacency matrix so you can imagine it as a 0 1 matrix and now suppose that the graph is getting bigger and bigger and you get the sequence of matrices and we always think of these as functions on the unit square where we just cut into small squares each square carrying a zero or a one and now these functions in some sense tend to function which may be continues or anyway not discrete anymore on the unit square and that's a graph form so for example if if the graph is random so each square is randomly one or zero then then it will tend to a gray square identically one half graphone so that's a function a graphone is a function on the unit square which is measurable and symmetric and and it turns out that that you can exactly define what does it mean that the sequence of graphs converges to such a graphone and a lot of properties of the graph are sort of preserved if if all the sequence has this property then the limit will also have this property uh so for example if all these graphs have some good eigenvalue gap then the limit will have a good eigenvalue gap just to refer back to expanders although this is all about dense graphs and so you go up to this space of graphones and then and then of course you have to prove and that's uh there are lots of technical details there that the space of graphones in an appropriate metric is compact which is very convenient to work with because from then on you can uh you can so for example if you take a graph parameters maybe i don't know density of triangles this has a limit so the okay it can be defined in this limit graph one what's the density of triangles and then uh in this limit graph form there will be a unique graph on or at least there will be a graph form which minimizes say this under certain other circumstances so you can you can play the usual game with which you play in analysis uh that that is the uh the minimum the minimizer and then you try to to do the minimizer uh to to determine whether it's a local minimum or a global minimum so all all these things that you can do in analysis and you can do in in this setting and this all has some translation back to the graph theory so my last question to you concerns um concerns what is called and this result from 1972 called the elders faber lavage conjecture how it come came about and your initial thoughts on how difficult it would be to prove it and this is what we said before the break that has it now been proved question mark i also should add that apparently erdos considered this to be one of his three most favorite combinatorial problems the the background for this problem was that there was a meeting in 72 august 2072 at ohio state where we discussed hyper graph theory which was just beginning to emerge the idea is that if you have a graft and an edge has always two endpoints but you can instead look at structures where an edge has three end points or five endpoints and so on these are called hypergraphs and the question was given any particular question in graphs theory chromatic number connectivity all sorts of things how can this be generalized to to these hypergraphs and one of these questions was uh uh the what's called the edge chromatic number or chromatic index and for graph theory it's a well-known variant of of the chromatic number problem here in which case you color the edges not the vertices and you want that edges incident with the same node should get different colors and then you can ask the same question about hypergraphs and what upper bound you can give on that and we came up with this observation that in order known examples the number of nodes was an upper bound on the number of colors needed to color the edge color the hypergraph and but that was already a little bit a few weeks past this meeting and i was visiting uh boulder uh the university in boulder and soboz abdush and the vance faber gave a party and then we were beginning to discuss mathematics as mathematicians do usually at a party and so we we uh came up with this question and elders did not really believe this question that that it's true uh i i was more optimistic i thought maybe it will be true with a nice conjecture the number of nodes is all there that many colors is always enough and then we realize that it has some non-trivial special cases like something called the fischer inequality in in the theory of block designs and uh and and and that that's where we got stuck and and it it became more and more famous it's a very elementary question very simple to ask and uh nobody could actually get a good good grip on it eventually jeff khan was able maybe 10 years ago or so i don't remember the exact date was able to to prove it with a factor of one plus epsilon for every positive epsilon and a year ago this was daniella kuhn and her students who uh were able to prove it at least for every large enough and but that's that this peculiar feature of these conjectures that you can make a conjecture based on small n then you can prove it for very large n and what's in between is is is often often remains like a question mark but she gave a talk about it at the european congress uh a couple of months ago and and it was it was very convincing so i i think it's it's uh it's it's now proved i would like to to ask or or if you have any comments in january to 2020 four people and i again pronunciation of these names are not correct probably g notary john v dick and yen announce the result in quantum complexity theory that implies a negative answer to khan's embedding problem in operator algebra theory as i'm very familiar with the common embedding property or problem because i work in operator algebras this to me is a stunning thing that really quantum complexity theory can prove a theorem which has seemingly nothing to do with the complexity theory so sort of bringing us back to the when we started this interview it seems like the connection between call it core mathematics or traditional mathematics and complexity theory is well it's an example that they are not to entirely universes there are connections here do you have any comment to that yeah yeah i've been uh ever since this results came out i've been given uh popular lectures about the uh evolution of uh you know the particular field that's relevant uh to this result namely proof interactive proofs the evolution of this area of interactive proofs and eventually the study of quantum interactive proofs and how it connects to uh this mip star equal result and to the particular questions uh uh like the chron's embedding conjecture and the serial zone problem in quantum information theory and you know of course every particular result may be surprising but i'm not at all surprised by uh by this connection by now uh we have lots and lots of uh places all over mathematics where ideas from theoretical computer science algorithms and of course discrete mathematics are our presence and reveal their power but uh in that particular case i think that well maybe in in many cases uh the point of view of computational complexity so i'm not going into the connection but i will just say uh you know the connection to operator uh uh algebras to phenomena algebras is not so mysterious because uh quantum measurements uh you know are just applications of operators and the question of whether this operator's commute is is fundamental in the understanding both of quantum information theory and in the power of quantum interactive proofs so the connection is not that surprising i would more focus on the reason that possibly proofs could be obtained in the in the realm of quantum interactive proofs and maybe not in quantum in a classical quantum information theory and this is uh again it's basically the sort of uh tradition and uh you know vocabulary vocabulary and ethos of computational complexity of classifying uh classifying everything classifying problems classifying algorithms in in classes of equivalent uh of roughly equivalent resource allocation this allows generalization reductions between various problems and so on if you look at the formulation of quantum interactive proofs and you compare them these particular ones these mi p star ones with multiple uh provers and you compare them to the epr paper the uh einstein pozzolski rosen uh experiment famous experiment testing quantum mechanics you see the same picture you see there are super interactive proof like you see it in the you know more recent complexity theoretic quantum interactive proofs you see the same pictures but you look at the history of studying such uh experiments or proofs uh in the physics world the focus one on was on particular you know different type of problems like uh you know so there are several famous ones and the bad inequalities and uh there are many uh examples of such tests of quantum mechanics as the main study is on par of particular problems whereas very naturally for people studying quantum interactive proofs they studied them as a collection there's a collection of games all games reducible to each other and the proof that mip star equals re is a sequence of amazing reductions and amplification results and using race quantum coding theory techniques and so on even pcp techniques to to build a better understanding of how they behave as a whole uh and i think that's that's the source of the power and i think the application comes from the final results just because the objects of study are operators on an input space avi you are currently working on on something that appears to me to be quite different from what you've been working on earlier i may be wrong here but you call it non-commutative optimization and it seems to me that you're you're doing optimization in the presence of symmetries by certain non-commutative groups general linear groups and stuff like that it seems like a truly fascinating project from from many points of view with connections in many places would you care to comment the wee bit on on what you're doing here yeah so first of all it's completely true that it's very different than anything i've done before because it's more about algorithms than about complexity and even more it's using far more mathematics that i didn't know in compared to previous projects that i've so i had to learn and i still have to learn much more um mathematics especially in variance theory in representation theory and some algebraic geometry that is uh i certainly was uh i'm not aware of and never needed so you know it's just a general point about the again the connectivity of mathematics in part and in particular the connectedness of algorithms or what is used for efficient algorithms and for results in this case mathematics from different areas of mathematics and of course the other direction as well uh it is uh it started from something that's very dear to me from a derandomization project that uh you know it's this been thinking about for 30 years one of the uh simplest problems which have uh probabilistic algorithm uh that we don't know a deterministic counterpart i mean without assumptions we don't know that is the testing of algebraic identities so algebraic identities you can think about the neutron identities between symmetric polynomials or you can think about the van der mande identity and uh you know there are plenty lots and lots and lots of algebraic identities in mathematics and we all seek them and if anybody conjectures one what do you do how do you check it well there's a sure probabilistic way i mean you just think about these are polynomials with many variables of course you cannot expand them because this will take exponential time exponentially many coefficients but we'll just plug random numbers into the variables and see whether you know they match just evaluate them right so you assume they are given by some method that you can quickly evaluate like a determinant or something okay so there's a fast probabilistic algorithm for this and we don't know the terministic one and about uh 20 years ago combination imperiato realized something absolutely fundamental uh namely that if you find a deterministic polynomial time algorithm for this problem you would have proved something like p different than mp it's a the analog is in the algebraic method it's a valiance theory user proven that the permanent is exponentially harder to compute than the terminal but anyway something along these lines so this first of all i want to say is sort of uh you know shocking for anybody who uh didn't see it before because the an algorithm a positive result the fast algorithm implies hardness of a different problem implies you know um computational hardness results which is uh uh and i will not go into this i'm just pointing this out uh so i was having you know even before this result this was a basic problem to try to randomize uh and um yeah so various attempts on many special cases that i worked on and others worked on uh there was progress and of course this result made it far more important and uh it's some years ago five years ago or six years ago the issue of what happens if this polynomial the rational functions that you are trying to prove are equivalent are not with commuting variables but are others with non-community variables of course it's natural and in fact people worked on related stuff this became uh you know evident that uh we needed it in a project here with two postdocs uh uh pablo huber schedule day off and we started working on on this non-communicative version of uh testing algebraic identities it's basically the the word problem for sku fields uh so very basic problem and it became apparent from uh our attempts that invariant theory is absolutely crucial for this problem i mean it's because i will not explain it but understanding uh the invariance of cells and group action on on a set of matrices uh understanding the degree of this uh generating violence for this environment became uh essential and so i kept asking i started learning about this and i kept asking people in in this area this was this was open and uh i started working collaborating with two students in princeton uh and chris garg and rafael oliveira and uh eventually cutting a long story short with together with leonis grovitz we found in polynomial time the terministic polynomial time algorithm for solving this problem in the non-communicative domain for non-community variables nothing like this was normal even a randomized algorithm was not known and it used essentially results in uh in environment theory and uh then uh just trying to understand what we did i mean the last five years for me but just repeated attempts to better and better understand uh what we did the extent of this power of this type of algorithms uh what other problems they are related to and or can solve and you know what this can techniques can do and what is the meaning of these results led again being very brief so i i should say first about applications of this uh it turns out to capture lots of things that seem unrelated both work of us with many collaborators i would maybe not name them all and uh understanding that it it is useful not just for testing identities but for testing inequalities uh the brass complete inequalities uh it's good for problems in quantum information theory it's good for problems in statistics for problems in operator theory i mean it seems to be very uh very broad the very basic questions though uh but the more uh uh i would say fundamental understanding as we have now you know six or seven or eight papers later is that what we came about so i mean the the all these algorithms just evolve along the orbit of a uh a group action on a on some linear space that's the nature of all of them and we we have grown to understand that the the really the appropriate scope of uh placing these algorithms is as generalization i mean many of these algorithms of these problems are not convex so standard convex optimization methods don't work for them and uh but this algorithm work and what we understood is that these algorithms are really or can be viewed as uh doing convex optimization the standard you know first order second order methods that are used in convex optimizations only instead of taking place in euclidean space they take place in some romanian manifold and the convexity that you need is the geodesic convexity of that space and by now we have a you know a theory of this of this kind of algorithms and of course there's plenty we don't understand many of the potential applications that we don't have as efficient but i think it's uh yeah i i find it's fascinating in particular the growing number of application areas of this uh uh yeah it's it's really fascinating and there's lots more to do and of course i'm hoping that maybe eventually it will help us solve the commutative case and uh understanding what works and what doesn't work there is yeah is also fascinating i guess this is yet another instance why the two of you are such heroes in the mathematical and computational science community and which brings me sort of artificially but still it turns out that it seems that young koreans have discovered that you're a sort of superheroes as well and that this your two sons have a common phd advisor at stanford uh jacob fox as far as you understand and which was seized upon by a korean popular science uh journal for younger a younger audience where you and your sons are various characters from star wars as high-profile scientists do you feel at home at being action heroes in such a korean thing with lightsabers and whatnot i i always like a good joke so i i i think this is this was great that that cartoon yeah i also loved it and i think that uh uh it just shows that you know you can be always more creative in getting uh young audiences excited about mathematics in ways that you didn't expect before before before we come to the final ending i there's just one [Music] question i'd like to ask that has nothing to do as such with mathematics and that is so what is your feeling do you feel that science is under pressure and is this something the mathematical can or should engage in uh well you have different perspective from where you are i don't know who of you who would like to start that asia has much more experience i think that's true science is under pressure and the basic reason for that as far as i see is that that it has it has grown very fast and it has people understand less and less of what's going on in each particular science and that makes it frightening that makes it alien and also that makes it more difficult to to identify what to believe and what not to distinguish between science and pseudoscience so and this is a real problem i think i think we have to very carefully rethink how we teach students in high school now mathematics is is one of the areas where the teaching of mathematics is is really not up to up to what it could be so as long as 90 of the people i meet say i have always hated mathematics uh i i think we are we are not doing our job really well i'm saying this in spite of many of my some of my best friends are working on trying to improve mathematics education so in itself many people realize that there is this problem but it's it's it's very difficult to move ahead i have less uh experience with other areas but i i i can sort of just looking from the outside to see what how biology is different from what i studied as biology in high school it's clear that there is a huge task there for in front of the scientific community and mathematics should play a central role because it has its uh a lot of sciences are using more and more mathematics uh not only statistics which is sort of standard but but for example network theory or or or of course analysis and differential equations and quantum physics which is really also mathematics a complicated area of of multi-linear algebra so to say so i i think uh i think the problem is there and we should do something about it so we would dearly like to ask you what of all you have done you are most proud of and but but they're so immense amount obviously so it would probably be like asking which one of your children you love the most so on behalf of the norwegian mathematical society and the european mathematical society and the two of us we would like to thank you for this very interesting interview and again congratulations with being awarded the hubble prize thank you thank you very much [Music] you
Channel: The Abel Prize
Views: 4,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discrete math, theoretical computer science, P vs NP, Avi Wigderson, László Lovász, Lovasz local lemma, Kneser conjecture, Zero knowledge proofs, Derandomizing, LLL algorithm, ellipsoid method, zig-zag product, Shannon capacity, Graphons, Erdos-Faber-Lovasz conjecture, Erdos-Faber-Lovasz, Non-commutative optimization, Connes’ embedding problem, Laslo Lovasz
Id: VAk0rtlKtMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 35sec (7895 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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