Avatar: The Last Airbender (The Rift) Motion Comic Episode 1 - Toph Returns

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water Earth fire air was such a big part of making this happen too bad he couldn't join us today ASA and her family are visiting the capital city for the first time since our Exile B Lord Zuko needs to be there to support them how did your tenure us the interim Fire Lord goat I had much more fun and more tea than I had expected the national tea appreciation day was a rousing success but it only made me miss my little t- shop all the more yo you'll be going home soon I hope oh yes attending this is my last bit of official business afterwards it's back to bossing sa for me looks like they're ready to make an announcement citizens of udow the election results are in please welcome your city's new coalition government Fire Nation alongside Earth Kingdom you really think those people will get along long enough to govern this place twinklet toes they've got to udow is the example the remaining colonies are all trying to set up the same system ah my favorite part of any celebration the [Applause] banquet hey jinin is one of your friends coming late no everyone who's supposed to be here is already here I'll be right back excuse me sorry excuse me please I'm trying to get coming through right above you oops sorry about that hey are you an acolyte I don't know if we've ever met before where are you going what wait up hop on my air scooter I can take you to join the other acolytes Avatar Yang Chen I can't hear anything you're saying I don't understand no no don't go Yang Chen oh man you D's got to make braak new governments more often my mouth is so happy right now yely you've got to try this Turtle duck no thank you the ancient acolytes followed the ancient air Nomad practice of vegetarianism sorry to hear that your mouth is missing out on a whole lot of Happiness how are things at the Academy to good I guess I've got so many Lily livers or students these days I had to make a bunch of Earth tents outside of the school just to house them all I want to expand the building but we don't have the money why don't you charge tuition with all those students you'd be richer than the earth king the bayong metal bending Academy isn't that kind of school I don't want it to be a business we're doing something new you know something important I mean I didn't charge Ang tuition I'm not about to start now speaking of a has anyone seen him nope but when you find him tell him he's got to reconsider that vegetarian thing his mouth will thank you nothing what are you doing out here on the way here I saw Avatar Yang Chen in the crowd y Chen yeah she was for avatars ago the Airbender avatar before me she was trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear her voice so you've been trying to contact her through your meditation beads I can't get through for some reason meditating just hasn't been going all that well lately sweetie I'm sure it's important but if you can't do anything about it right now come inside celebrations like this are important too that's it celebrations of course he acolytes clear your schedules tomorrow we're going on a field trip yay yay you guys are coming too a I was hoping to visit the udow markets tomorrow morning I need a new bag man you guys are going to love this doubt it oh cheer up Saka I'll help you shop for a new purse when we get back not a purse a bag a manly manly bag we'll be sure to find one that matches your manly manly belt today's one of the highest holidays on the air Nomad calendar y tense Festival it's also one of the funniest it hasn't been celebrated in over 400 years and with everything that's happened it might have been completely lost to history if Yen Chen herself hadn't reminded me last night Avatar rang please tell us more where are we going and what are we going to do those accolate kids are super nice and all but don't they seem awfully eager yeah we're going to a cliff overlooking the ocean where there's this giant statue of a beautiful woman that's where Yen Chen's Festival begins we'll gather together and bow four times as a sign of respect then we'll walk down the cliff to a secluded Meadow playing traditional air Nomad music along the way oh good I brought my symbols when we get to the meadow we'll eat a ceremonial air Nomad meal let me guess tofu veggies and not a lot of salt yep spect spacular afterwards we can visit an island just off the coast where monk gatso used to take me and the other kids to fly kites the winds there are perfect I even packed an air Nomad kite with our stuff where's the string why would you need a strain oh it all sounds so wonderful Avatar Ang it'll be more than wonderful it'll be the way things used to be if only for a day look at everybody we're almost there she's more beautiful than I'd imagined wow hello there Mr Crane Fish happy an chains Festival what a beautiful creature beautiful but noisy they're pretty common around here huh I thought it'd be a statue of Yang Chen but this lady doesn't have an arrow sticking out of her forehead who is it to be honest I'm not sure the festival suppos to celebrate yin's defeat of a powerful dark Spirit she's the dark Spirit no I don't think so the a noad Elders used to tell the story every year but I'd always miss it because I was flying kites with mon gatu you'll have plenty of time to learn the Ines of air Nomad history when you're older isn't it a little weird to be bowing when you're not sure who you're bowing well that's just what you're supposed to do for the holiday that's just how it's done that's just how it's done but why do I have to bow to that giant slab of rock young lady that's just how it's done but why do I have to wear this scratchy scratchy dress young lady that's just how it's done but why do I have to take such small sips young lady that's just how it's done father I want to go play with those kids I don't understand why I have to spend every single day locked in this house it gets so so lonely in here I'm sorry my daughter but this is just how it's done everybody let's line up to do our bows no thanks Toof come on don't be like this I just don't feel comfortable doing that kind of stuff all right tof Bay Fong doesn't bow to anybody but this is important to aqara it's okay so important he doesn't even remember who the giant stone lady is if it hasn't been celebrated in over a hundred years and the world didn't end maybe it isn't all that important after [Music] all don't mind her air acolytes in fact this is a perfect learning opportunity peace is at the very heart of the air Nomad way of life we let insults fly past us like a gentle breeze leaving our inner peace undisturbed come those of us who are not stubborn thunderheads will now do our bows be my guest wow that was incredible my goodness um you guys were doing something else all I did was bow do you need some help with that backpack jingbo no thank you as the most Junior air acly present it's my honor to carry the festival supplies acolytes pull out your instruments it's time to walk down to the meadow for our ceremonial meal hope you guys are hungry for some yummy tofu and bean [Music] sprouts [Music] if we have to do this can't we do it quietly to please I thought I was done with these sorts of funy Dutty rituals when I left ging can someone at least explain to me the point of it all let's keep going acolytes we're almost there Avatar rang is the meadow just beyond that town what town oh no this this is where the metal used to be none of this is supposed to be here this is was a sacred Place 100 years have passed sweetie a lot can change smells like meat I'll enjoy the air Nomad ceremonial meal a whole lot more on a full stomach we'll be right back Katara is that you Muk I haven't seen you since you left home I can't believe it what are you doing out here in the earth Kingdom we came to work at that Refinery we is that NAA yep that's my sister NAA it's me qara neok neok get back over here I should go well it was good to see you hey Avatar what are you seeing Ang Yang Chen just appeared to me again behind the refinery yeah come on what is that smells like rot smells worse than rot go ahead guys step on we're going to go check it out but doesn't defense mean we're not supposed to be here no the fence isn't supposed to be here make sure you keep your knees [Music] bent was that fun or what I love being an air acolyte G it's 10 times worse now this must be what Yang Chen was trying to tell me it wasn't just about the the festival this land was once sacred to the air Nomads now it's being defiled hey you're not allowed back here this is private property don't you people know what fences are for sir I need to talk to whoever's in charge of the refinery who do you think you are to make demands like that kid I'm the Avatar once you cross that fence all you are is a trespasser guards let's get him out of here [Music] [Applause] are you guys Hurt No we're okay move out of the way Ang I've got them no not yet here's another learning opportunity a little help please air acolytes as I told you before peace is the very center of air Nomad life we don't engage Eng in Conflict unless it's absolutely necessary and even then things will often work themselves out with just the slightest nudge see Bravo Avatar this has got to be the best field trip ever flying fire fets that was [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazing [Applause] [Music] he [Music] oh
Channel: Revive Comics
Views: 23,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar the last airbender the rift motion comic, avatar the last airbender the rift comic dub, avatar the last airbender, avatar the last airbender comics, avatar the last airbender books, motion comics, comic dub, revive comics, toph, sokka, team avatar, avatar the last airbender audiobook, toph avatar, avatar the last airbender season 4, nickelodeon, comic book, comics, dark horse comics avatar, gene luen yang, zuko, katara, avatar the rift
Id: oi4ZAB3ENqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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