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hi guys [Music] what's up guys it's henry and welcome back to my youtube channel um today's video i have something very very special but before we start with today's video if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet feel free to subscribe to my channel because i'm doing so many diys and if you're interested in diys then feel free to subscribe i can fully understand if you don't want to but today's video is going to be lit i can tell so for today's video i've decided to do a diy a embroidery beginner tutorial and because you guys asked me so many times how do you do that how do you do your embroidery can you teach us can you teach me and so i decided to conclude this in a video by teaching you today from scratch how to embroider even though if you haven't embroidered in your life before you're gonna make this happen today in my last vlog i told you that i've never seen avatar in my life before so i started watching it and i'm it turned out i'm a complete fan i'm like the biggest fan right now so what i've decided today is since i've shared the upper embroidery in the last video i'm going to recreate this hoodie with another character which is my favorite character of the show it's going to be ang so this is like what we are going to do today all right guys i put it on and it looks so cool so before we start with the materials and actually start with the diy project i wanted to tell you when you are a beginner i can fully recommend to start with a design or a pattern which is not very difficult i can fully recommend to do a 2d design for example this comic character here is a 2d design even though it has some slight of shades but as you can see these shades have only one colors and if you if you choose to do a 3d design you might have to mix some different colors but i think this design is pretty easy for the materials you're gonna need obviously some embroidery floss these are the embroidery colors or embroidery floss colors you're gonna need also you're gonna need a scissor of course some safety pins some water it's not necessary to have this in a sprinkling bottle then also a nail scissor as for the needles i'm using some specific type of embroidery needles i'm going to link them in the description as well and these are out of metal then of course you need an embroidery hoop mine is approximately 20 centimeters long you always need your fabric your piece of clothing you want to embroider on so i can fully recommend to do a hoodie and because the material is very soft and smooth last but not least you're gonna need your design print it out and so many people ask me if it's a specific type of paper but i can say it's normal printing paper but more like premium printing paper so the paper is not very thin but also not very thick so as a first step beginning the tutorial we're going to cut out our design we do not need the whole paper around it we're gonna cut out our little ang and then we're gonna attach the embroidery hoop to our hoodie which is going to happen here magic we're gonna attach it also with some safety pins then we're gonna start our embroidery process you're gonna first embroidering the outline of our design and by outline i mean all the outlines of our design after the outlining process we're gonna remove the paper and then we're gonna fill it out the whole design with our colors when you have your embroidery floss um you will see that your embroidery floss is very thick so what i can fully recommend is dividing this thick um embroidery floss into two pieces i always cut my embroidery floss as long as my arm is that means it's about 30 centimeters or something like that then we're gonna tie a little knot at the end of our floss which is a double knot so you put a knot first and on top you're gonna put another knot then we're gonna loop our little thread through the hole of our needle and we start embroidering and we always start embroidering by going from the inside to the outside so our little thread axis is going to face in the inside and not to the outside of our hoodie i'm gonna use two different types of stitch all the time when i'm doing my embroidery work so for my first stitch i always use a split stitch so the first stitch we're gonna do is we're going to start from the inside poking our needle to the outside of the hoodie and pull our yarn through until the very end until it hits our knot then we're going to set our next stitch which is a little bit along the line we want to go of our outline then comes the specific spat the step that defines our split stitch we're going to go a little bit back in our stitch and poke our needle from the inside to the outside splitting the first stitch and then we're going to gonna continue our next stitch by moving a little bit further along our line as i said i'm combining two types of stitch the other stitch is called the back stitch the back stitch i'm using for like round shapes and more like edges it works similar to the split stitch but this time you're gonna switch up the process for the back stitch you're gonna start from the inside this time you go along your line already from the inside you poke you define your next stitch by poking from the inside to the outside and then you go back all the way back to your last stitch and poke from the outside into the inside and pull your yarn through so that's like the two types of stitches i'm using for the whole embroidery process and as i said we're gonna do the outline the black outline first when you are done with all the black outlines as you can see i'm starting to do the other outlines where i'm starting with the code for example because as you can see in the card he has two types of colors which is one of the shade colors which is a darker red and one of the bright colors which is a bright red and to define these kind of parts i'm gonna outline the outer line of the dark red colors as you might recognize during the process of embroidering your embroidery floss will get shorter that means i usually end my embroidery floss when i only have like something like five centimeters of excess thread left so you set your last stitch for this that means that you poke your needle through from the outside into the inside and then you turn your work around and then you're gonna tie a double knot to end and close your stitch and embroidery floss the axis of this end you gonna cut with your scissors so when you are done with all the outlining you're gonna start obviously removing your paper and in order to remove our paper we're gonna need our water as you might know when you put water onto paper and leave it a little bit it will get very very soft and you can easily rip it off so that's what we are actually going to do now so i have my sprinkling bottle here so i sprinkle some water over the design and work it in by wrapping it in and then you will see it gets very very loose and you can start ripping off big pieces of the paper with your fingers and for all the tiny and detailed stuff i can fully recommend to use something very sharp and pointy and for example a nail scissors this will take some time and if you are working very gentle it is very easy so when you have removed all your paper um you i can fully recommend before starting the filling out process to let it dry in order to start filling out our embroidery design it's actually the whole same process as the outlining so for this we're going to need obviously our colors in my case i'm starting with the flower so i'm picking my light pink as for the filling out process you can set your stitches a little bit bigger not more than two centimeters i try to shape the objects i'm going to embroider in a certain pattern for example for the flowers i'm going to go from the center of the flower to the outside of the flower for example later on you will see in the code for example i only have straight lines going all the way next to each other also in the face they go all the same directions next to each other for my stitch i'm also using the split stitch so this intertwining process will also stabilize your embroidery and i figured out that it won't take up too much thread for the face you can see i outlined the eye section as well when i embroider at these kind of spots i try to loop my floss underneath these kind of stitches and set my next stitch behind it that's actually it i mean there's nothing more like to describe i this took like so many hours i can tell you so that's like if you want to start embroidering you have to be aware that it will takes up some time but it's very very meditating and relaxing as well so i can fully recommend doing it when you are bored you can always watch avatar during it or some other kind of tv show but sometimes when you outline through the paper some details might get a little bit messy what i did is i'm using my black floss to finalize some details for example the eye parts and some parts of the teeth and some lines that weren't connected before to secure your whole project in the end i can fully recommend to iron it i first obviously take off the embroidery hoop then i'm going to iron it and what i can fully recommend to put parchment paper on top as a layer on top of your embroidery to not destroy the embroidery by the heat what the ironing process will do is it will seal your thread in the inside [Music] well that's it i hope you guys like this video i would be very very happy if you could give it some thumbs up if you like this video and also feel free to subscribe to the channel if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet there will be so many more diy videos in future and as you can see i also released new music last friday which is absolutely cool because i love the song so much it always makes me happy when i hear the song and it was so much fun producing the song also check out my social media which is linked over here and yeah that's actually it i can't wait to be back in the next video and to see you guys soon so yeah i'm out see you guys soon bye ciao [Music] you
Channel: Henri Purnell
Views: 1,046,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar embroidery, embroidery beginner tutorial, hand embroidery, avatar embroidery beginner, avatar custom, embroidery diy, avatar embroidery diy, avatar diy, embroidery tutorial, Henri Purnell, Avatar Embroidery Beginner Embroidery Tutorial
Id: d6iLLrNUjiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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