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So good 🙌🏻

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/owlemblem 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
Narrow as the road may seem I'll follow where Your spirit leads Broken as my life may be I will give You every piece I hear You call I am available I say yes Lord I am available Here I am with open hands Counting on Your grace again Less of me and more of You I just wanna see You move I hear You call I am available I say yes Lord I am available I hear You call I am available I say yes Lord I am available Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all For the one who gave me life Nothing is a sacrifice Use me how you want to God Have your throne within my heart I hear You call I am available I say yes Lord I am available Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, Here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all Here I am, here I am You can have it all, You can have it all
Channel: Elevation Worship
Views: 7,465,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elevation Worship, Elevation Church, Elevation worship music, Worship Music, Worship, Worship Songs, New Music, Christian Music, live music, live, Graves Into Gardens, Graves Into Gardens Elevation Worship, Elevation Worship Graves Into Gardens, My Testimony, Available Elevation Worship, Elevation Worship Available, Available, the blessing, RATTLE!, o come to the altar, do it again, resurrecting
Id: mTSQun6B66E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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