Ava Max - Who's Laughing Now [Official Music Video]
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Views: 65,591,802
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Keywords: ava max, sweet but psycho, ava max sweet but psycho, sweet psycho, ava max music, ava max song, ava max lyrics, ava max kings & queens, kings & queens, kings and queens, ava max music video, lyrics ava max, ava max who's laughing now, ava max heaven and hell, heaven and hell, who's laughing now, ava max new album, ava max album, whos laughing now, ava max whos laughing now, whos laughing now ava max, lyrics whos laughing now, ava max whos laughing now lyrics
Id: 89S-RbszwJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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No matter how corny Ava's music might be sometimes, I'm always here for it. This song is no exception. Just such a fun song. Video's great too!
Album tracklist is also visible on her store which is live right now.
Heaven & Hell
Side B: HELL
From her latest releases this is definitely my favorite. Maybe i will join the Avatars community.
this song gives me.. disney vibes? like it's something i'd hear on disney music -- and that's not bad. something about it just feels watered down, i guess. that said, i like it, it's a fun bop
also that blonde with with a bang looks so good on her..
The breakdown after the second chorus and the bridge are so good!
ngl, im really not a fan of her βpsycho wearing a straitjacketβ aesthetics
That was fun! The best release she's had so far imo. I like this one better than "Sweet but a Psycho" and that beats shot brought me back to the early 2010s and I love it. This is by far my favorite song and MV so far even though plotwise the video was kinda all over the place lol. Usually with her, I only like either the MV or the song but with this one I happen to really enjoy both. Also holy hell she looks good with red curly waves!
Good job Ava. Avatars/Maxipads rise!
A bop! She looks so hot in this aswell
Are there really people in this thread comparing this crap to Britney and ABBA? It's super basic, albeit catchy, and manufactured. The video is just bad. The whole Heaven & Hell bit could've been done well but instead we get a bunch of songs that sound dated (because they are. Sweet But Psycho came out August 17th 2018), juvenile, and really don't make sense together. Don't get me started on that album cover. Also, what is this thumbnail? They all look like they're dumping it a la Crystal Methyd.