Autotune vs no Autotune (Tate McRae, Miley Cyrus, Olivia Rodrigo & more)

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in this video we're taking another look at singers with and without autotune who is Faking It who is the real deal we'll probably not find out from some clips but let's try make some very uneducated guesses Miley Cyrus she's had some um issues with her [Music] were it's aged her voice in an interesting way [Music] I'm sure that's hard to do live it's pretty [Music] low basically what these singers would like to Belt when they need to sing a really low powerered verse that is low often intonation and control [Music] suffers a that's a fun take yeah and and this would be easier too cuz she's going a little bit louder here right if she needed to go that quietly and whispery it would be a lot harder to keep control going in the Life setting with adrenaline and whatever else is going on but yeah this works super well she can even growl a little bit that's how loud she is [Music] here oh good control I like that she even went a little bit like quieter and like good control but then remembered I I leave baby fight I started to cry but then remember I'm the CEO of my own [Music] [Applause] company she sounds great by the way I'm just enjoying basically and the gyrating obviously got to enjoy the gting [Music] that never will that was a nice run oh that was great I mean she sounds incredible she's has so much experience always was an incredible singer and it doesn't go away but she's so great oh that was nice I can hold on yeah I can love me better you I take Dan and I hold so much character in that voice that's cool I enjoy that a lot that was ah she's cool Miley Cyrus man Tate McRae famous for [Music] greedy about he said are you serious I try but I can't figure out I've been next to you all I still don't know what you're about I mean she sounds great what I will say is serious the baby voice it's a little that's over the top you hear baby voice a lot in modern pop but that was that's a lot listen to that he said I used serious I try but I can't figure out i' been next to you all I still don't know what [Music] you're keep talking not much coming out your mouth can't you tell that I want you I say yeah sounds good I mean she can't definitely sing actually that's one of the things I'm a little bit bummed about with this song I don't think it uses her [Music] voice that little extra run there I like it she's [Music] great Tate mcra gets the thumbs up from the roomy Board of certification of voices well done Tate McRae Olivia Rodrigo she's a great singer satisfaction asking how you're doing now how's the castle builted have the same sing teacher look at you cool guy got [Music] itf's the castle built people you pretend to about look at you cool guy got it messed up a little bit there towards the end but man it was exactly like the recording before that I think she just ran out of it air she's an incredible singer like that's I don't want to say it's a flaw really it's just you know more like an educational singing thing or whatever run out a little of air and kind of got a little shaky towards the end it happens she still sounds amazing okay Diamond I close my eyes six months of torture Soul some forbidden Paradise I really like this song she's a great writer got to laugh at the stupidity see the parties in the DI and sometimes when I close my eyes 6 months of to [Music] someid nice got she's playing piano at the same time too impressive so dnam made some real big mistakes make the worst look F have known strange you only come out she does a lot of uh vowel things that remind me of Paramore like that thing they should have that's super um Haley Williams that's it that's [Music] it but you made me look so naive the way you saw things [Music] that was funny censored lyrics messed up a little bit here I think it's hard it's really hard to sit down if you're used to not sitting down and playing the piano and singing especially those belty Parts I can see why that happened I'm fortunate though you can hear she's got such great control but once it gets into the belty parts here kind of fell out of it a little bit so me for parts andk your teeth into [Music] me oh that's [Music] unfortunate I mean she can definitely do it but yeah she didn't look too happy about that you saw in her face when she hits the cord after she's an amazing singer not her best performance it happens everyone has good and bad days oh my God I have more bad days than good ones I feel sometimes anyway amazing singer amazing writer here we got saavi oh yeah he's one of the big up incomers right isn't he top of the Spotify charts right now let me check I's number two now after Ariana's new single but yeah huge huge deal let's have a listen I think it's like Regional music I actually really like this trend [Music] I don't know [Music] man seems good life showing [Music] it's just so crazy that this is like the biggest artist in the world right now I love it it's so unpredictable it's amazing he sounds good uh he sounds like you know he's showing like he's doing more of a show here it looks like a really small gig like a pub or something my feeling is he doesn't hear himself very well here it sounds like his voice is breaking up a little bit like it's too loud I think he could probably sound exactly like on the record live CU It just strikes me as that sort of voice like he's joking around [Music] here you guys hear that bass [Music] lick very bad audio quality very hard to know exactly what's going on there but open for debate I will say I would love to hear something otherwise um but yeah I I think he's probably a very competent singer especially in this genre there's a lot of singers that are really good at one genre and then if you like try to make them sing something else it would sound different or like to' be very out of their element and I have a feeling he might be that like if you put a normal pop song to to him he might not be as good at it as he is at that but that sounds freaking I think that sounds great and I love the tone like it's so like nasal in a very satisfying way next up is boy with yuke that's a cool mask I feel like he was early on with this uh faceless stuff in terms of musics I'm not a psycho but I might go crazy W they ask why so shaky missing my all this pressure my head I'm not a psycho but I might go crazy right in typos they ask why so missing my coat all this pressure hitting my head kind of similar to uh Oliver tree right in terms of Vibes and stuff I was so surprising his face I was like whoa am I allowed to see this I've never seen his face before I'm on a tight rope the high not baby I need I know that you'll take me back home don't leave me Al alone I need a friend don't s great I mean he sounds the same definitely produced a lot but don't care what you think of me I just want to be on top I'm not stress that you've never heard of me you'll be listening it's also a singing style that doesn't require you to be super on point with how you sing just that Indie style is supposed to be a little Wiggly with uh the intonation I think there's other singing styles that are a lot more difficult like if you try to sing like Mar Carey or something and you're off Pitch you're going to sound terrible Bo like aof I do what say up off the highway I've been having my grains I've been waiting for a while to have it my wife just a boy acting like a goof I got 55 Saye I gotta do what the was that a Roblox reference with o it's funny he sanging in Hier key in the genius interview which never happens and he sang really well and he's sang about like ooh I can't hit the high notes but obviously you can't if he sings his own song higher than the original key thumbs up for boy with uke well done sound great here we have David Kushner let's listen whoa this B singer trying to wash away all the blood of SP blood of spill it's not as slow as you would think it's more like the way he shapes his vowels makes it sound low blood I mean I don't sound as low as him obviously cuz I don't have that t Timber but telling myself I won't go there oh but I know that I won't care trying to wash away all the blood of SPO he sounds good I think as a bass singer I don't think this is a very difficult thing to sing but they're kind of leaning into that it's not pushing range it's not pushing anything that's that's remarkably difficult I think for his voice that is for me singing something that low would be I would have very bad control cuz that's not where my voice usually lives [Music] but and it sounds cool I know I resist there's darkness in the distance cool voice from the way that I've been living but I know I can't resist [Music] it [Music] po that like real India Reverb kind of take me to churchy Mega like sounds like you're in this Cavern oh I love it and I hate it at the same time you and I drink the poison from the same Vine oh I love it and I hate it at the same time all theight I actually think he sounds pretty good here what doesn't work is so the melody is very rhythmic and a lot of it comes from kind of the tempo that leads on he sings it almost like un rythmically kind of robot which kind of takes away a lot of the appeal of the melody for me it's kind like he's taking these micro pauses inredible tonality to his voice I love the tomber very nice by the way welcome back to another video my name is Joel from room official and do you want to hear what my belly sounds like what's wrong with me also did you know that my commentary videos are demonetized pretty cool if you like what I do here you can support me on patreon though official there's bonus videos on there I just posted one of me reacting to the new ara Grande single and talking about whether it's a ripoff you get early versions of songs I'm working on you get early access to these videos that come out on the channel if you don't want to support that's totally fine as well but thank you if you do I really really appreciate it there's a great community on there of very very nice people thank you for considering and next up we have mituki [Music] mitsuki through the Big Top tent up high here before and after [Music] me Moon a hole of light through the Big Top tent up high here before and after me shineing down on me the vocals are great I'm hearing so much mouth sound I don't know how they mic this up or if they get rid of it like if she always has this much mouth sounds but like I'm just hearing so listen to this a hole of light through the big top big uh I get that all the time too uh sometimes I put plugins like on my voice both when I'm recording vocals and just for these videos to get rid of mouth sounds CU I have a lot of mouth sounds as well like I open my mouth and it's like this feels ASMR you know here and me sh she sounds great it's more of a personal thing of mine I'm super for focused un mouth sounds when they're audible it tickles my brain I I'm not into ASMR M that's what it [Music] is cool music [Music] video cuz my love is mine own I love in the world belongs to me but my love my my she's really good at her thing thumbs up sounds great next up we have Tyler she's been rained on in this picture obviously there there's a lot of I don't know is she just sticky is it hot is it hot over there on my is that just her brand to always be sticky it's very like Slave for You Britney Spears era [Music] stickiness I guess we can write off baby oil on her uh on her company if your brand is to be that [Music] sticky I'mma Be in a dangerous can youch [Music] mying I give you my time can you stretch my soul from me can you blow my mind set off my hope if I give you my time can you snatch soul I think she's like super passable compared to the other people in this video so far I'd say she's not as like super locked into the intonation as some other people but sounds good make Meer Make Me Lose My Breath make me water make me swear Make Me Harder Make Me Lose My Breath make me water make me swe make me hard Make Me Lose My Breath make me [Music] water okay so she's singing about being sticky okay good lose bre I just realized that sound probably like an innuendo I AP oliz that was not my intention it was just she looked rain on a lot okay here we got scor I think I mispronounced her name like 2,000 times I think this is right siss okay I'll look it up okay how to pronounce by the way if you're the type of person who gets upset with people mispronouncing someone's artist name that is like weirdly spelled wow I clicked how to pronounce z a video and I got an ad awesome okay how to pronounce z I was right okay let's hear zza with without aune sick [Music] [Applause] [Music] production she sounds good ha the quality is bad and one of the flips kind of made me think that maybe there's some live autotune going on not as much autotune as in the recording it's just so common with live autotune nowadays so when you see people on a stage if they're like a big artist most of the time they will have autotune like for example I saw a show a few months ago at the Forum here in Los Angeles and I was back by the mixing desk and they just have like the autotune plugin up you know so you can see what's going on nothing wrong with it really you just want like a good concert right and you want people to sound good so you run autotune live as well I would guess that's what's going on here as well not that she can't sing or anything but I don't think this is a true autotune to no autotune comparison tues and wednes Thursday and Friday I just keep him satisfied through the weekend Tuesday and Wednesday [Music] THS I mean that's if there was a I wonder if it would sound like that or maybe the autotune made that actually sound worse let me see H I don't know it might not have any live autotune on it I'm a bit perplexed now that sounded untuned to me she sounds really great if that's the case like she does a bunch of things that I always assume are autotune with like really sharp steps between one note to the next with like perfect note accuracy which could be just a skilled thing and part of this whole R&B Style singing for example over here Friday it's got no slide that's sounds like autotune to me I don't know but a lot of people do sound like autotune with without autotune because they've listened to autotune singers and then they kind like you know learned from that anyway wednes th my way that's an impressive lip sync actually cuz that's like I don't know how much slow motion they have here but that means she must have lip sync super fast like the hair is Flowing so slowly but her lipstick is perfect like then you s my way I mean she sounded amazing no matter what we're not going to get an answer about the auditude question there was just yeah why is she pulling away her microphone for the runs like [Music] there I guess it's like she knows she's not going to nail it it's like I mean it's clever in that way she does seem like an amazing singer though and for all the freaking Melody stuff she sounds unreal I'm going to give zizza a thumbs up from the roomy Academy click here for a video about songs that will turn 10 years old in 2024 and I'll see you in the next one now you're going to get some more stomach sounds oh you don't want to okay well good bad luck for you CU I'm does that feel violating to you because it does to me
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 662,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, singing, lyrics, pop music, reaction, commentary, top music, autotune, auto-tune
Id: U7ZjqbMJgS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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