Automating an Airtable CRM | AATT #18

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all right testing one two three all right seems like we're up and running let's give this one one last check let me know if you can see this in the chat if you can hear me seems like everything is working just fine all right hey monica welcome excited to have you here uh yeah let me know now's a good time let me know if you're in the chat we're gonna kick this off in just a moment i would love to just you know spend a couple minutes at the beginning getting to know everyone who joined today and uh uh hey finn sweet hey joe i don't know if this is joe or rohan but excited to have you here let me kick this off and then we'll we'll we'll do proper introductions here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we've got a lot of folks exciting hey tom hey penny javier hopefully i'm saying that right dan brad fin sweet who could be joe or rohan you know really excited to welcome you all to automated crm uh um you know frankly i gotta i gotta be a little bit of uh that weird person i can't believe so many people are joining and i'm really really excited that you know that folks are joining so let me know how you uh discovered this we've got dan tom man this is so exciting really really exciting it means a lot that so many folks are joining uh and yeah really excited to dive into this it seems like this was um a topic that resonated with a lot and frankly i'll be honest up front i don't i don't run a crm so i tried to kind of think of you know what are some of those uh things that you'd like to automate within a crm and what i landed on is this idea uh um you know maybe we do a choose your own adventure so i have prepared kind of fourth small things that you can automate but really want to leave it up to everyone joining today to kind of get a sense of what it is that you'd like to do what are some of the things you're struggling with and you know talk about how we can do that so uh first we're going to start with some base structure what is uh you know the structure the base that i'm proposing can be different from yours but then you know those four things that i hope to cover or in part or in full or other things really want to leave it up to you first deduping leads so first let's say you know a new contact comes in whether that's through the website can we automatically flag leads that are dupes we can do that manually using d-dupe block or we can automate it using zapier then talking a little bit about lead scoring let's say again some contact comes in and we got to get a sense of you know is this a lead we want to pursue or not again something we can do manually with clear bit block or automate it using zapier lead scoring tracking out interactions just a simple form might do but also we may want to automate it using zapier mail so another example of something we could automate or not and then my favorite there's not uh airtable automate all the things uh a live stream where we don't talk about button field my favorite field the most underrated field let's be real uh and uh zapier web hooks to create presentations so uh those are the kind of four things i've loosely prepared don't worry i'm gonna make mistakes so you can all either learn or laugh whatever it is that you get from this uh so we have one vote for monica around button field i feel like this uh automate all the things is becoming a 40 mi 45 minute session where i just show you everything that you can do with web hooks and buttons um so you know let me know in the chat what you know which one of these four or other stuff i'm really open to um you know i know joe you've done a bunch of things around crm so if there's anything you're wondering about that we can kind of do on the fly happy to do that as well um so as you're writing that out i'm just going to quickly overview the base structure but now is a good time in the chat if either d-dupe lead scoring tracking interactions auto creating presentation speaks to you if it's something else the chat is yours so with that just make sure everything's working here okay everything seems good all right um so let me just do an overview of the base and i'll be honest this is the template base in air table crm the reason i'm using it is i'm very familiar with it and i use it quite often so we've got the lowest structure is contacts you know you can imagine this being a form i'm going to delete some of these here that i've been playing around with and those roll up into companies so accounts um so you have you can have multiple uh um contacts at a company an example here right so we have judith and lauren who are both part of geller prizes and then interactions roll into accounts so you can have uh you know um multiple interactions at one company sorry one opportunity um and so you have the account uh so you can almost see this as like uh um just just a list of every opportunity so you could have multiple opportunities per account so we've got james one vote for tracking interactions great if no one else votes we're gonna do tracking interactions uh button field gets a vote so maybe we'll do tracking interactions and button field no votes for deduping i woulda thought dedooping would have been more popular but you know that's what you get for coming live you get to decide and so opportunities roll into accounts you've got value deadline proposal so this is something we can do around the button field and then you have one contact for that as well so brad wants deduping uh we can't i guess we could do all of them really quickly that could be fun as well so um an interaction so interactions is uh kind of a junction table between opportunity and contact and so you can have multiple interactions for an opportunity and a contact right but each one uh get you have to have one opportunity and one contact um cool so any questions happy to kind of go through this is a very you know very simple base structure uh um you know you got different you can get a sense of how how you're performing you can get a sense of deal pipeline so if you go into opportunities and let's see if we have one grouped by stage right and you have your estimated value right here you can also reflect that into different graphs um so very kind of simple uh um structure quick out on uh this block right here which i'm liking on the name obviously pivot table block so you get a sense of priority versus status so relatively simple stuff so our first one by popular demand is um let's talk about d-duping d-duping is close to my heart uh and it's one i prepared and i think there's something cool about zapier that i wanted to show you all that i learned creating this zap so i thought it'd be fun okay so we're gonna assume and i think this might speak to joe let's say you have uh um i have here i'm happy to do a section on blocks yeah so let's after we do dedupe we'll do blocks and then we'll do tracking interactions that is that is that is the agenda for today and i'll see if my voice can persist beyond that um so uh let's talk about deduping so contacts let's say you are have a lead form on your website and we whenever a lead comes in we want to check if that lead already exists in airtable so i'm sure joe this is something that you know as someone who gets many leads on your website that's something that speaks to you and so essentially there is kind of no good way to do that automated right so i do want to show you kind of workarounds but uh so let's first kind of create a dedupe here so i'm going to add a new contact here and let's just copy paste that record above i won't do the linked records i'll just get this right here okay so now lauren chavez has kind of somehow appeared twice in our contacts table and that's no good that that screws up our statistics so the first way to do that is by using the dedupe block dupe so we're actually doing blocks this was the manual way of doing it so javier there you go um and so d do block lets you manually you know out of buttons press check whether there are duplicates so i'm going into contacts i'm checking email and i can see that there are d-dupes right so i'm saying okay go to email give me an exact match and you can also do multiple right so you can do multiple if they all have that same value you could detouch them so this is really the simplest way let's say you have multiple deals or multiple contacts so you can review each one by one and then merge if you have different elements in different right so uh it seems like by email judas shows up twice but this actually isn't a d is isn't a dupe right because it's two judas judith ah tough day today at different companies who just happen to have the same email because we're just using sample emails so if we we're gonna skip uh olivia same thing two different people so this will actually depending on the criteria that you set find you different dupes skip records this is the one we can see so let's say we take this one use as primary record so i'm going to use that and it's going to merge and delete so it's going to delete our second record oh you can't see it because it's kind of hidden here so let me move some stuff out of the way or let me do this differently let me just i can't hide that make this a little smaller can you guys still read the chat there or maybe i'll just put it over here for now there we go uh so now you can see that this is the merge preview you're merging all the information from the second record onto the first one and then you could delete that record once it's merged we're not going to go ahead and do that we're just going to delete that record because this is a fake merge so that was a first example of how you could manually check for dedupes however you know manually is kind of a pain let me move that back here there we go if i make this a little smaller could everyone still read the chat is that so readable to everyone i'm just going to want a little more space here um blocks right blocks are underrated there are a lot of blocks we're going to do a few more cool [Music] okay so that was the manual way which is kind of a pain and let's see if we can find a simple automated way so um essentially imagine we have a contact um form and when someone submits the form at that moment we're going to check whether it's a duplicate so what i mean by that let me delete this lauren chavez let's imagine we have a form you know you know want to learn more and then we're just going to put their email maybe we keep the phone if we want to all the rest department linkedin interactions opportunities all right so let's say lauren one two four one two three four four five there we go um so note that i'm using kind of a contact example but it could be you know someone asking for a request i actually use a similar part of this when someone signs up to the same newsletter from multiple sources but i still want to use an error table form i dedupe them so now we have this dupe i've just submitted that if i go into all contacts we have to lauren at right let me just make sure we don't have another one and so now we know that the latest one is a dupe how we know that is that if we search the rest of the table we find a match so how i thought of showing you how to dedupe is actually just going into zapier and seeing whether the submitted information already exists in our table if it does we know that we have a dupe otherwise we know that it's a clean kind of record and then we could add information to it so let's go ahead and do go to zapier and do exactly what we just said when there's a new record when there's a new form submission check in the existing information whether that email is already there and if so mark it as a dupe does that make sense yeah all right i can all hear you say yeah great um so let's go into zapier here i will be sharing these zaps after i've learned how to share zaps now which is great so we're gonna call this uh check for dedupes thanks brad appreciate that i know it's kind of like a pain you have to like click out and then go into the chat uh what i appreciate appreciate when you let me know that things are going well uh okay so essentially as we said you know when there's a new record submission when there's a new form submission we're going to check for dedupes so let's go to air table with a new record i i usually don't uh i i wouldn't recommend doing new record in a table because it'll also trigger when you manually create a table uh so how i would recommend creating on-form submission so let's actually do this is by creating a view um which is you know created by and then this can be a created by field and when you submit a form it's you can see that it's anonymous so we're going to filter so we're going to create a new view uh grid view which is form submissions and we're going to filter when created by anonymous where created by his contains we should have anonymous there there we go okay now we know that it's a form submission um and now we could um you know create that tie this to that view oops let's actually let's do that new record in view so let's continue this i must have done this like 500 times uh just to like select your account with view 18 sales crm table i still make mistakes so contacts and our view is going to be form submissions so we should have one right so this is going to trigger every time we have a form submission and we have that lauren right so monica asks you know where could you learn zapier um i do have some resources you can you can dm me on twitter i can provide some resources i had been working on a zapier class happy to share that but there are a ton of resources out there either on youtube or zapier proper i know bryce has um like a a bryce being the head of education i think ad zapier has a course as well free on udemy so do recommend checking that out as well but hopefully this stream will kind of give you the basics so essentially you have triggers and actions triggers are what needs to happen in your application for your automation to run actions is what you want that automation to do so now our trigger is whenever there's a new record in our view and our view is uh um kind of restricted to those form submissions right by restricting only the records created by anonymous which are created by views it's a little bit of a it's turtles all the way down right um so now we have that and the second thing we want to do is like okay well now we have to check does this email already exist in our base okay so that we want to do is okay go into this view right and try to find someone with that same email so let's go ahead and do that air table find record one more time base it's going to be our 18 sales crm table we want to search the contacts table and what we want to search is that email field and we're going to search that email that was previously inputted right so we don't want to limit to a view what you could do is kind of limit to a view to exclude form submissions but i think i've solved this in an easier way okay so it finds something right and what it finds is a record so it finds a record and that's telling us that okay it's found a submission that has that same email however nothing tells us that this is not the one record that we just submitted we can see that it's not it is a dupe right because there's information so i'm gonna explain this differently if i go into this record i know that i don't have a linkedin i don't have a department i don't have a title however in the record that we find we do have that information right we have you know personal services specialist but that's not sufficient in general to tell us that this is a dupe right what we want is you know something that is unique to that first record and that's unique to the form submission that we can compare and say is this the same record so some some theory here is that when you search for an existing record it's going to search from the top when kind of the these records were created so it doesn't actually look at uh the order in which your records are in a view um it's in its unsorted view and it's gonna say okay is does this is this record a match is this record match until it finds something so you know that because your form submission is always last if it does find something it's a dupe that already existed in your table i don't know if that's a good explanation let me know if that makes sense so essentially what we want we know that's unique on this record is this record id so when i open there's this rec in the url right i know that that's unique for that record and i know that this is also unique for this record right so regardless of whether it finds that so it's always going to find something right it's always if it does a fine record this is a better way of explaining it if it does a fine record it's always going to find at least the record you just submitted so this should always find something the question we have to ask ourselves is is it the same record that we had in step one and how we can match those two on records that we know are both always persistent so that we know that there's always going to be returning an example and that they're unique to that specific record is the record id so our next step is going to be comparing is step one's record id the same as step two records id if it is we know it's not a dupe if it isn't we know it's a dupe does that make sense right i hope that makes sense so we're now going to compare the two record ids from the two previous steps okay let's continue here so i don't want to create a record if it doesn't find it calling to your question because i know that it's always going to find at least one record right so if i submit something like you know jeff and jeff is not in my existing emails well it's just going to find this record in that step right so think of it as a control f right so if i do lauren at since it's searching from the top it's going to find this one and if it's looking at scott at well it's going to find this one but that's also the one we submitted right so it's always gonna find something hopefully that makes sense um so now we're essentially gonna compare is the record you found in step one the one that was submitted the same as the one we just found so filter um okay so we want to check you know is step one record id from step one exactly matches step two now for for zapier experts here it seems like you can't input a variable from a previous step in this filter but that is not true what you can actually do this is getting a little technical here if you're new to zafe here forget what i'm showing you here but if you're in zapier pro that's actually a lot of fun where you can take this node in the url right so i'm just copying this node and i'm going to input it the text as a variable like that and then underscore i don't know if it's one underscore or two i'll check and then you can just go and get the data right so we're checking if the record id underscore id is the same coming here underscore id now this does not exactly match does not exactly match so we want it to continue when it's not the same so we know we have a dupe okay so it it match so it's saying it is a dupe so that worked properly right match items it said is not an exact match and now what we want to do is update that record that was submitted uh table again and say that it's a dupe so we can delete it from our base hopefully that makes sense so essentially what we've taken here is taking that value from step two which you know we're just creating that variable and checking whether it's the same one as step one so update record continue let's actually just add a a little variable here that is dupe dupe check box save check for dupes airtable account one last time here base i'm gonna go to table contacts we want that record from step one and now we want to set the dupe i think this should be true like that that should work test and review and now it's going to set it as a dupe so what this does is that whenever someone submits a form and it finds an existing record it will mark it as dupe and then what you can do is you can just exclude dupes and delete them there is no way to automatically delete a record from zapier so you would have to just exclude those dupes from your different views or you can just delete them periodically does that make sense um hopefully that made sense so essentially now if uh um you have a form submission of an existing email this zap when it runs well it runs every time someone submits the form and checks whether there's an existing uh record with that same email and then if it is it it marks it as dedupe all right who asked for d-dupe uh all right brad awesome okay cool so that was step one uh 30 minutes in here that's great i got maybe 20 more minutes so we did d-dupe i promise javier we talk a little bit uh uh brad great glad glad we got that sorted uh um was that what you were kind of expecting hopefully was that useful awesome uh okay let's talk uh blocks we did want to just quickly quickly go on blocks um so i think the main one for anything that is um you know crm related is chart essentially here what we have uh you have value by stage by owner and then broken down by stage um i'll share it in in i'll share the automation in the description if you have any issues just you know where to reach me and you could stack that if you want to get a sense of you know giving a color to each stage in the pipeline really you know chart is your friend um i don't know if there are other kind of blocks that i would look at maybe summary block is very useful like this where summary block ties you can tie a specific view so maybe this is this is just looking at number of deals one but maybe you want to do deals that close in the last two weeks deals that are going to close in the next three months really this is as flexible as views so any view that you can configure you can add a summary block on top to reflect that and in your dashboard your dashboard of blocks you can have as many as you'd like right so one example i think is really cool is pivot block so pivot block pivot table block i guess it's called uh you it's like a two-dimensional kanban board and you can summarize information on that so this is saying okay take opportunities as our first axes take um sorry take status as our rows priority as our columns and then summarize on estimated value so you could imagine looking at average time to kind of deal completion uh really whatever metric you want to kind of track on two axes you can do with a pivot table and if you're really really intense or not intense but want to kind of create really unique graphs you can use vega lite which is a beta that you can kind of create json uh so have your assets as a pixel to make time series you can do that with the vega light chart block and and blocks are included on the premium version of air table so vega lite you can submit to get the beta and then essentially create really whatever graph you want so this takes a json table or a json and lets you configure a graph using vega lite as kind of the graphing so you can do heat maps really i've played around a little bit this it's really cool cool okay let's do let's do interactions and maybe we'll end on that for today unless there's someone who's interested in something else um yeah maybe we do interactions maybe that's a little simpler let me see what are folks most interested in in doing weather between interactions lead scoring and button field because that the the d-dupe took a little more time than i thought so i can do one more um interactions okay okay heavier you we can do it let's do it um one thing i am going to change here if we do want to do interactions oh we got bun field hmm this one's tough okay i do want to do button field really quickly because i am a huge fan um and i do think it's it's more valuable than interaction so here is what i recommend let's do i'm just going to quickly show you the the quick and dirty way of doing this and you can kind of configure it on your own so the first way is obviously a form so let's say you have a new interaction and you want to track that interaction whether you know that opportunity date and time what type of interaction that was add any contacts that were kind of part of that interaction and then notes for that specific interaction i think this is the simple way and then what i was hoping to show you and we'll get to i'd rather do button field uh is um what you can do is create a zap for email let's say email is the big thing you want to track right so what you can do with zapier is actually have email and then zapier will let you create an email address that you can either bcc out or what i would actually recommend is just forward that email to you and so let's say you know this is for deals dot whatever okay continue so let me just send an email to that and then i could say let's say we take i don't know a certain opportunity and i'd say the opportunity is bps pilot um tom you are correct um yes so it can have a form submission let's say something like type form you can check for dupes and stop it from providing you're right that this kind of conundrum does kind of come from the fact that um it auto-submits right uh but you you're totally right um look uh yeah so now just kind of coming back so we're gonna send an email to here and we're gonna put the name of the deal in the subject and this is imagine where you would put kind of notes or whatever let's send that did not send the email give it a second i might have okay that seems fine let's give it a second oh come on okay let's give it a second did i get the right email here there we go there's got to be one issue like that for stream right um okay so we have a subject we've got who it's from right and now we can essentially just send this information to airtable now some of the issues with this is like how do you match this particular email to something in your airtable base that's going to be the main right so you can match the contact if you're bc seeing it uh you can add the subject line you can even parse the the actual kind of email but it is a little bit of work right so what i would recommend is um you know maybe what you do is you simply update the last kind of modified time so let's say you're sending an email to someone let's give it an example here okay fine let's do it let's do let's say you just want to track the last time you talk to a contact right so i'm gonna let's put myself so now i'm in the contacts table and when i email so let's say i'm gonna email myself but we're gonna bcc this email right here uh great talking today okay so this is imagine that's our contact and now i've just sent it to i've i hope i didn't forget to see bcc oh i put in the the subject that's no good that's no good let's do that again so i want to bcc the deals i want to send it to myself i gotta say like setting up fake data is is the bane of my existence uh test email great talking today okay so that's been sent now if we go back and get that email let's get some new data essentially what we want to do is now update the fact that we talked to that specific person today right does that make sense let's get some more requests okay now we know that it works we just have to wait for it huh let me check there we go every time i don't trust it and the second i stopped uh uh there there's not a page service but you can go to there are fake data services but it's actually not that simple of just the data that's how it looks and you know can i actually test it does it make sense um i would pay a lot of money if someone could just handle all of it for me um but okay so um so in the emails let's see recipients we should have that recipient's email right so we should find this somewhere raw too so now that we have who we sent it to uh um we can find that address that that the the the contact we've sent it to and update the fact that we talked to them today so this is going to kind of feel similar we're going to find the record that matches that email address let's kind of put last email date i'm gonna add a date field here coming back here update record we know that that record exists right because we're emailing someone that's already in our database base is going to be 18 contacts and then we're gonna find that record oh actually we don't want a record we want the email oh we need to first find it fine sorry find we need to first find the the record and then update that record so find record okay note that you only have to do this once i know this feels like a pain but once you've got it up and running um no it's not this is 18. select the base select the table search by field we're going to search by the email field search value from step one and we said raw two raw to email and then let's make sure that that works test and review it found that record so now we can use id from step two custom and then in date last email date i think it's today putting zapier run date as variable insert the time yeah there we go zap okay i was super rare zap metahuman now obvious obviously it's that right uh let's test and review if all went well we should now have that date time has been updated right uh so essentially what this does is that you can just bcc a certain you can bcc that zap your email that's provided on emails that you want to log and you can then update the the date right but what you can do is is kind of add information in as well so maybe uh this kind of factors into other things um note that if you're sending to multiple people you might have to parse out who you're sending it to that might be a little bit of work um and so you know this automation is slightly limited uh but is very useful if you are emailing one person or if you're kind of uh um you don't want to just send things from email into airtable doesn't just have to be for a crm there are many different use cases cool okay we can end with quickly doing the button field um so i think the the most useful thing here is let's say you want to create a presentation or a contract based off of the data you have in your table similar to what we did last week with invoicing imagine you want to inv like if you watch last week's stream we talked about invoicing from airtable this is kind of similar imagine we're in opportunities and we say you know what once we're at if proposal we want to send a contract and we want that contract to have the estimated value maybe it has that primary contacts first name um you know the cut the contract date anything uh like that and we have all that information in every table it's kind of a pain to have to recreate a new solution last week i showed you that you can create page designer right page designer uh i won't show it but page liner essentially lets you create a presentation but it's not as useful for contracts so send contract button field now we're just going to do the start of this and i'll let you kind of finish this on your own later so send so let's say you create contract and we're going to open a url so how this works if you are haven't been to my stream before we essentially create a web hook that sends to zapier the information of the record and then zapier can take that information and send it to any other service and essentially a web hook is just visiting a url in this case and that sends the record id to zapier and then from there we find the record and then we create the presentation in a the contract in a third party so before we can kind of put the url we first need zapier to tell us which url we want to send this information to so coming into here let's call this login emails so when i send it it's a little better creates app it's going to be send contract or create contract so we're going to use webhooks so essentially just web hook let's you provide a url where you can add information in that url that's zapier than hooks or not hooks but catches and then can use that information in future steps so catch hook continue gives you a url uh copy uh is is zapier web hooks new or is button field new i think benfield's been here for a little while frankly what's funny is that you can actually use just a url doesn't matter if it's a button it's just that it feels better if it's a button right um and so coming into so we want to kind of what we want to send is that url kind of uh button button is uh four months old i think uh but what's cool about button and i don't talk about this enough is that you can actually you know run a script open page designer do uh create document with form stack that's actually what we're doing but we're doing it through zapier i could have done it through uh um kind of here as well actually right um yeah i could actually i think i could i'm not sure if it's the same login but we're gonna do it through web hooks and primarily because i only use web merge because that's what i had set up but you can send to any other third party so um url formula and then what we want to do is and so we want to send some information so to do that we put a little question mark at the end and then all those different fields so record id i actually need to create actually i think i can just send equal record id and just send the record id like that save that it should work great um and what's cool just a little tip if you hover over the create contract i don't know i can't move my mouse to it but at the bottom left behind my big face uh right there you actually see a preview of the url so if you're running you know is this what i expect you can see it there gonna move my big face back there you go cool okay so let's say we want to create a proposal for bps second use case that's sent the hook let's see what information is in that hook we have the record id so then we can go to error table using the find record uh step find that information gotta be bored of me doing this after a while i appreciate everyone coming anyway it's just me creating find uh fine record and air table steps so we want to go to the space go to the table we want to go to opportunities search by field and then oh i can just put okay sorry i need to put record id as formula record id uh so heavier yes you can actually uh run scripts with the button field totally so let's say uh you want to instead of you know uh opening a url to a web hook you can actually run a script and yeah so if you're proficient in javascript you can write scripts on the scripting block and then run your scripts from air table on the button i do think it actually provides as well the context of the butt of the record you're clicking on uh so it'll kind of provide that piece to tell you which but which field you've just which record you've just clicked on so actually just kind of doing what we're doing over this um then you know what will move to automations over time is you know that's left to be seen um i'm it is going to be an important part of air table um so javier is amazed that's great excited to hear that okay so essentially i'm creating a record id because that's what we have and so we need to find that record id it's kind of a pain that i can't just refresh fields um okay field is here record id let me let me redo that step i've i've had this happen before yeah let's just do that again i wanted to refresh for that new field find record okay one last time table opportunities search by field record id should be here now there we go and we're gonna take that from step one continue and that's gonna give us you know we we know that we're always gonna get a result and we know that it's always gonna be the one that we want right so we now have you know bps second use case which is where we clicked right here we have all that information and now that we have this information zap here well we can send it to wherever we want so let's say we want to send it to webmerge oh it's called formstack i'm actually just rebuilding the block here but formstack documents this is just the example i have um so it's web merge create document merge and i had this uh this little test here there we go document test contract i just have first name so i don't know if we have a first name in we have sandy hagan let's just do that continue so now it's going to go ahead and create that document so if i go to web merge i now have that document hopefully there we go oh no test contract merges it merged twice and then let's see the one that just merged right here okay that's weird i'm not sure what stash is log in with my web merge okay there we go that was a pain so now we have hi sandy hagan uh um and what you could imagine is that this contract uh you have uh um you can have you know contract value whatever whatever information signature all that information all that good stuff can be here frankly i'm only using web merge because this is i remember had created a contracts in the past but you can send it to uh google slides google docs templates any service where you can ingest information to create presentation contracts whatever it is you can do using this kind of starting point so catch a hook find record an error table create the document you can potentially send that document back to air table you can set email that document out really up to you what you do from here i just wanted to create you know that fake contract with sandy hagan's name in it okay i was not expecting this stream to be an hour long uh and we did everything except lead scoring which i think is is enough for today um so yeah hopefully this was useful to you uh next week we're going to talk about air table and web flow more button field more parabola uh more things and i think i'm gonna do one more stream after that and take a quick break uh for some vacation and um yeah great thanks brad thanks for joining thanks javier uh if you go to aat dot io slash calendar you can add uh um upcoming streams to your calendar you could uh um that's great excited to have you you can you can be notified one hour before so i know that a lot of folks had ch challenges knowing when i'm live so i made that easier aatt dot io slash calendar appreciate everyone joining excited to see you all next week um and yeah really excited this was great i'm i'm so so glad that this was useful to you folks and uh um yeah thanks thanks bud all right with that see you all next week uh talk to you on twitter talk to you wherever and have a great week bye everyone
Channel: Automate All the Things
Views: 1,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2-lN-ZlLWD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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