Automatically Send Quickbooks Invoices with Hubspot CRM: XRay.Tech Zapier Tutorial

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hello and welcome to another episode of x-ray tech i'm your host tom nasser and today we are going to connect hubspot to quickbooks let's get into it so uh really what we want to trigger is when a new deal moves into a new stage in hubspot we want to find the customer inside of quickbooks and create the customer if they don't exist and then we want to send them an invoice so this automation is six steps long and it's a little tricky and this is the reason why i wanted to do this type of tutorial so i'm just looking at things here it's going to be a new deal and a new stage you'll notice that there are a ton of other options that hubspot gives you but let's focus on a new deal and a new stage right now and really what we're looking at is making sure that this tutorial example deal is successfully in uh in our tutorial trigger stage so looks like we are um and we'll continue that we'll select our account here and now we're going to set up the trigger so the deal pipeline needs to be the sales pipeline deal stage again the tutorial trigger stage and this is the data that we get so this is where it can get a little tricky because the way that hubspot does ids isn't exactly clear to somebody who might be looking at it for the first time so there's a couple ideas that i want to point out associated v ids that is your contact so the contact who's actually associated with this deal associated vids or vids are uh this is the contact id so we're going to need to do a look up step to figure out you know that person's email that person's uh name and we have associated company id so again a huge number we're going to need to do a lookup here to actually figure out what's the name of the company and you see that you have a whole bunch of metadata basically about the deal itself now we're not going to do anything really with this for the most part except for the forecasted amount this is the deal this is the amount that we're going to use inside of the quickbooks invoice but we'll get to that way at the end or probably amount we'll use that instead all right so let's keep going here so the first thing we need to do is find this contact so we're going to find a contact and again choose our action uh choose our account and this is the the first search property name is the contact information all vids for a contact and the variable that we're going to insert here so when you click on the first you know search property you get all of the variables that were captured in the first step and we're looking for the bids so associated vids associated with this deal is you know 2901 so that's the associated bid that we put in here now the next part of this is this this retreat properties to retrieve down below now we want their email we want their first name and we want their last name those are the things that we need to get in order to create a quickbooks customer and eventually send them an invoice now if you didn't put this information here properties to retrieve you would just get a bunch of numbers back uh it really wouldn't be very helpful for you and and this is one of the reasons why i'm doing this tutorial vids and contact name and email don't exactly mesh together in in someone's mind for the first time you're looking at it so um i just want to point that out here the properties to retrieve is key um and we also do not want to create the the contact if we didn't uh already um this was the totally wrong circumstance to use that functionality so let's keep going and when we run that test we see that we get my email right here my first name and last name uh and here it is and was the search found yes uh that that is true then let's go into the company side and the company side again pretty straightforward i'll skip the first two steps here and we'll just set up this action so we're looking for the company id and this is you see the little one right here that means this is the variable associated with step one so you see all of these uh steps all these variables in here are associated with the first step so we're going to use that that deal the company ids that are associated with the steel we're going to use it to find the company and again we're looking for the company name that's the thing that that we need so we're going to continue there and you see right here we're actually going to retest this action and see what happens so when we get our company back you see the name is x-ray tech um you see that it was found right it was true and this is that id that we searched by um so we'll keep going so getting into quickbooks um oops getting into quickbooks um we want to do a search by email sometimes people do it by name email is a much more consistent variable to use because you know that you know some person only has one email so we're going to look by that email that we found in step two again two dot right contact information email and then we are going to check this box uh create quickbooks online customer if it doesn't exist yet and when you do that you get all of the associated variables inside of or content fields inside of quickbooks so we're going to use our first name space last name for the the full name here in quickbooks we're going to have the company name we're going to have the email address and really that's all the information that we need right now so we'll just continue on that and retest and review and there we go so uh we found that customer um and here it is so tom at x-ray tech is now uh is now a new customer here and then we're going to send that person an invoice so this wasn't something i set up beforehand so we're going to send them a a new invoice um and you know if you want to the way that you do invoicing right you can use a whole bunch of different ways in this case we'll just use the the company id [Music] just for now and we'll use the email address again from step two ah um so instead of sending voice i messed up here we're going into quickbooks and we need to create the invoice first so so we need to create the invoice first and then send the invoice um so we're gonna create the quickbooks invoice right here and the customer is going to be the customer that we found or created in step four there we go i was like wait a minute we should have that data so there we go so customer id is just one in this case you do not need to put in the person's email address again if you put them inside of step four if not set the customer's primary email will be used so we just created that customer we know that we assigned them a primary email already so we do not need to to add their email address in here we're going to say send later true just for the sake of you know being able to check our work um you know i like to put terms due on receipt uh and that just makes it a little bit easier we don't need to add an invoice number it will auto generate that service date or product or services right you'll have a whole bunch of other products or services for you we can just you know categorize this as sales for now uh in the description um you know we don't need to get into it's not super important for this example the amount is though so when we look at the amount we go to the a new deal in stage you should see amount here associated with the deal if you did put an amount associated with the deal so deal revenue amount is 100 bucks so we'll add that information right there and you know a lot of these things we we don't really need to configure we like to accept credit cards and bank transfers makes a little bit easier to send you cash uh send you some money so that's good and right you would add your classes and and all of the other ways that you would categorize your income inside of this create an invoice a lot of those types of a lot of those types of sorting and categorization methods you actually need to configure inside of quickbooks so if you wanted to add right an automation department right you couldn't just write uh in custom here you couldn't just write automation and hope that it will create a new department inside of quickbooks won't work you'll you'll certainly get a get an error there so any classes or departments or you know objects or any other categorization that you want to do for your invoices you have to do first in quickbooks and then you would select it here like i don't have any classes to select from but again really really not super important for this example just giving you a little extra background there so when you create this invoice you're going to test it right here and a business validation error has occurred while processing your request huh um well that is interesting let's refresh this page sometimes you get some of those weird errors um i can't say i've gotten that one before all right so in step five here we're looking at the the customer um and what we just did was actually we just got kicked in error on this and i was trying to figure out why you're going to get a business validation error this time right here and i just want to teach why this is happening so a business validation error has occurred a lot of times when you get something like that it means that you're missing required information uh and you can see here i'm not missing any required information uh but if we do put the contact uh the contacts email here inside of email and continue and retest uh you'll see that it will succeed this time so in my book uh that means zapier forgot to say that email is a required field all right so let's get into step six so with step six we need the invoice id uh now we're actually going to send the invoice so um here we go so the invoice id is number 20 and the email again is going to be required we're going to use the same email from step two and we could continue on that and right now we'll we'll test and continue so let's do that and now i'll pull open my email and show you exactly what that invoice looks like and here we go did it come in yet it did so here we go um so if we switch over to quickbooks you can see that we cut that out so if we look at our invoices we'll refresh this page so if we switch over to our invoices you can see that we actually sent uh we created three different um invoices here two of these were from tests uh and you see this one says viewed so this is the one that was actually sent uh and actually you know sent over to me you can see that it was viewed uh viewed right here and you know i popped it open in my email um so you know it looks exactly like any other invoice and the only thing here is that it gets you know sent in in an email just reviewing here exactly what we're doing we're going to look at a new deal entering a new stage and then we're going to find the contact and all the associated information with that contact like their email and name and then we're going to find the company and we're going to find the company's name and then we're going to find the contact and the company inside of or really we're finding the contact inside of quickbooks whether or not that email exists and if we don't find it we're going to create a new contact and then we're going to create an invoice for that contact and for that company and then we're going to send the invoice you could do this in one step if you wanted to in the setup action you could say send invoice later false and that would immediately send the invoice um some people like to break it up into two steps i was just breaking it up into two steps to show you um you know every every individual step here and the last thing that i'll show you on this automation is going to be the auto updates message so we're going to say we just closed a new deal in hubspot and then i'm going to include the hubspot deal name and then i'm going to say check box a new customer was found or created inside quickbooks a new invoice was created and sent from quickbooks for 100.00 check the invoice right here and we'll say invoice go back here create an invoice i should have a link somewhere i we thought so we're just going to include that pdf right there so that you can see it we're going to send it as a bot um that bot we're just going to name you know robot face is uh that robot face that you're you're so familiar with um the bot icon is gonna be robot face not the bot name and the bot name is gonna be uh we'll say invoice updater and you always always always want to include a link to this zap just in case you want to add new things to it or something goes wrong and you need to stop it always include the link to this app and i i always say no to auto expanding links it just takes up space that you don't really need to do actually i'm going to put this file here so the invoice pdf i'm going to put in the file as opposed to in the body because that's going to be like an upload so we'll put that there and we'll continue and test this and i'll pop up in slack it's probably taken a minute to upload the pdf usually doesn't take this long so these seven steps uh these seven steps are going to be a great way to get your hubspot connected to quickbooks and hopefully help you stop repeating yourself here between quickbooks and hubspot um external timed out all right so i'm just going to take this pdf out of here because i have a feeling the pdf is what is the problem do that continue all right so let's retest this right here boom and there we go but i messed up the robot face so see how i had an extra space there uh we'll continue and i will test this again and there you go um so we just closed a new deal today in hubspot tutorial you know tutorial example deal um new customer was found in quickbooks invoice amount being 100 bucks and there's the link to the zap all right well that just about does it for today i hope this helped save you some time connecting your hubspot to quickbooks links and resources as always are in the description down below and don't forget keep the flow
Channel: XRay Workflow
Views: 392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorials
Id: UQoCOoHc7Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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