Automate Excel With Python | Python Excel Automation | Python Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn

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foreign today we will take you through the Hands-On lab demo of how you can automate Excel using python before we start I hope this screen is clearly visible and the audio is fine if yes please type in yes in the chat section if there are any issues do let us know in the chat section so that we can resolve them I am repeating again before we start I hope this screen is clearly visible and the audio is fine if yes please type in yes if there are any issues do let us know in the chat section so that we can resolve them let's wait for some more minutes to let other people join so I am waiting for some more winners to let other people join okay till then let me tell you guys that we have regular updates on multiple Technologies if you are a tech geek in a continuous hunt for the latest technological Trends then consider getting subscribed to our YouTube channel and press that Bell icon to never miss any update from Simply learn let me tell you guys that we have regular updates on multiple Technologies if you are a tech geek in a continuous hunt for the latest technological Trends then consider getting subscribe to our YouTube channel and press that Bell icon to never miss any update from Simply learn great I think we can get started so in today's session we will go through what is Excel after that we will see what is Python and moving forward we will see what is Automation and where it is used at the end we will see a Hands-On lab demo like how you can automate Excel with python in detail we already have data set with us we will perform different function and automate Excel data set using python before we move on to the programming part let's discuss what is Excel first and importance of the same so Microsoft developed Microsoft Excel a spreadsheet for Windows Mac OS Android and iOS it has calculating or Computing capabilities graphing tools pivot table and the Visual Basic for applications the Microsoft Office program package includes Excel users of Microsoft Excel May format arrange and compute data in a spreadsheet data analyst and other analysts can make information easier to examine as data is added or altered by organizing data using tools like Excel the boxes and excels are referred to as cell and they are arranged in a row and column the key features of excels are they spreadsheet document in Ms Excel can have headers and Footers and user can protect their data by giving it password protection and the second one is filtering is supported allowing you to locate the necessary data in your spreadsheet and replace it with the appropriate value after discussing what is Excel let's go through and see what is python so python is the one of the most popular programming language available today it is widely used in various sector of business such as programming web development machine learning and data science given its expected use it is not surprising that python has surpassed Java as a top programming language python frequently used to create software website and to perform data analysis and many more because python is a journal purple language it may use to develop a wide range of programs and isn't alert for any particular issues so the key features of python are it is open source and free python can be downloaded from the company official website it is simple to download and install python is open source because allowing users with solid technical background to modify the code to suit certain business use case and product requirements since python is a language for beginners most anyone with the understanding of programming can quick pick it up and begin coding so after seeing what is python let's move forward and see what is automating Excel with python we all know python is dominant everywhere and we also know that compared to other language python is beginner friendly and simpler to use automation is the one of the coolest thing you can do with python so how to automate an Excel sheet in Python imagine that you are asked to create accounts for 30 000 employees on a website what would you think you will undoubtedly become frustrated carrying out this talks manually and repeatedly additionally it will take too much time which is not the wise choice so just try to picture that what it is like for employers who work in data entry the responsibility is to extract the data from tables like Excel or Google sheet and insert it in the another location they read various magazines and website get the data there and they are entered it into the database additionally they must perform the calculation for the entries in general this job performance determines how much money is made greater entry volume more pay of course everyone wants a higher salary in their job so however don't you find doing the same things over and over boring the question is now how can I accomplish it quickly and how to automate my work spend an r in coding and automating these kind of codes to make your life simpler rather than performing these kinds of things by hand by just writing fewer lines of python code you can automate your laborious activity in simpler so overall python Excel automation is a creative method that allows you to build visual reports on python in a smoother manner similar to how you would on Excel businesses can use Python Excel automation to streamline their operation in accordance with their requirements so here is one question for you guys I will give you one minute for this you can comment or you can give answer in chat section so I can see the answers are given by you are correct or not I'm repeating again here is one question for you guys I will give you one minute for this you can comment or you can give your answer in chat section so I can see if the answers given by you are right or wrong so the question is which type of programming does python support object oriented programming structured programming functional programming and all of the mention so I'm repeating again which type of programming does python support option a object oriented programming option b structured programming functional programming and all of the mention so I am starting the timer of one minute just type your answers in comment section or in chat section do let me know your answers guys so like please I want that everyone should participate in this so I am starting the timer so so your time starts now so I want that everyone should participate in this guys please to let me know your answer in chat section or in comment section so I can see if the answer is given by you are right or wrong so like 36 seconds or more is guys I want that everyone should participate in this so let me know your answers in chat section or comment section so you can just type the answers or a b c d your wish totally your wish so 10 seconds are left guys hurry up please I want that everyone should participate in this five second more okay so time is over we will give reply those who gave correct answers and those who didn't give correct answer we will give you a reply with the correct answer okay so no worries so now let's move to our programming part to perform Excel automation using python so first we will open command prompt to write command to open Jupiter notebook computer notebook yeah so this is the landing page of Jupiter notebook and select open select here new open new file so this is how the Jupiter notebook UI looks like so at first we will import some major libraries of python which will help us in importing our workbook or worksheet so the first one is let me first rename this we will write Auto meeting so using python yeah sounds good okay so the first one is Open PI Excel open py Excel okay I have to write import yeah perfect so a python package called open pyxl can read and write Excel 2010 xlx format Excel SM format xltx and xltm files it was created since there was no library that could read and write office open XML files natively from python since open py Excel was initially based on PHP Excel all pressed to the PHP Excel team so open py Excel does not by default provide protection from your quadratic blow up or billion after XML as sold install diffused XML to protect yourself from these assaults so we will write open py Excel and then like yeah so then we will write for important our workbook so we can write here from open p y Excel port workbook underscore workbook is capital here so and this is for code for the importing our workbook so let me write in command like you can import workbook like this so I can write you can import workbook this okay perfect yeah so here let me import workbook then so I have to write WB for Workbook question load underscore workbook the destination of the workbook so uh the destination is in like desktop so I have to write C users lp09 375 stop Dash automation that you learn Dot cell SX format okay cool users SLP this one desktop automation simply learn DOT xlx fine so our workbook is loaded to Jupiter notebook we can see yeah perfect no error so let's activate this workbook for the use so we have to write WS for worksheet so worksheet equals to WB DOT active active like import from openmpy Excel our book there must be always been one worksheet in a workbook it is accessible through the workbook dot property active so that's why we have write WB DOT active so after making workbook active so we will print our workbook like we can print so print WS so here so here you can see the sheet one so it is showing worksheet sheet1 why sheet1 because if you open your workbook and see here is your worksheet name like like so this is my automation file this is simply learn so here you can see the shade one that is why it is showing sheet1 there so uh okay so let me just finish it so moving forward let's change the worksheet name so I will write here import open pyxl so like it's your wish that you want to write this import file or like this thing this is not necessary at all so now I will import the workbook so I will write here WB equals to open py Excel dot load underscore workbook when pyx L it is my bad sorry guys so you have to give the path so I can copy path from here yeah perfect okay sounds good yeah yeah WB underscore sheet equals to WB and square brackets then you have to write the sheet name so there we have sheet 1. sheet 1. so sheet1 okay correct so I can change with WB underscore sheet dot title cheat dot title equals to code with simply learn perfect yeah seems good let me save this WD dot save and the same copy here paste yeah so when a sheet is generated it immediately receives a name like they have sequential numbers of names like sheet sheet1 sheet 2 and so on with the worksheet you can modify this name whenever you want to like using the title property so here let me save this and yeah where are so again go to Simply learn yeah you can see code base simply learn first it was sheet1 and now it is changed to codebase Simply learn so let me cut this again okay so if you want to change the color of your sheet name tab whereas written code will simply learn so you can write like here you can write WD or okay let me make this new one okay right I will write here so underscore sheet dot sheet underscore properties app color was to here you have to give hex values so four zeros okay so let me save this okay it is saying sheet1 why sheet1 because we already changed sheet1 to code which simply learn so what you have to do is here we have to write code with simply learn relearn okay same same simply learn simply learn same code code yeah so what I will do here I will just make W Capital so yeah now it will work fine yeah so if you save or run your code like like this let me let me show you one thing uh like color is already changed wait for one minute guys I will show you something crazy so it will see like this w okay so here I will small so if you save or run your code not actually save but run your code while your Excel sheet is open so my Excel sheet is open code will simply learn yeah so my Excel sheet is open so it will give you error like vital repeat like whatever this okay let me do one thing this is one okay it will give you the brilliant one does not exist let me check this is simply learn code will simply learn one code with okw's capital there okay see this is a permission denied then the location it is showing permission denied so this is something important to remember that Excel file should be closed while running the code and repeating again so like this is something important to remember that Excel file should be closed while running the code so first what I have to do is close the Excel file then I have to run it again so no error now so here you can see what we simply learn that red color came yeah perfect so moving forward let's create new workbook till we were working on the same worksheet which was present me in my like desktop so let's create new book so for that I have to write import cell as X writer so I will write here in command to create new notebook WB equals to xlsx writer Dot workbook and where you want to save the workbook so I will give the same path but with different name so this time I will give only like coders simply okay simply coders then I will write WD close close okay I will run it yeah so the primary class export by the XLS writer module in the workbook class and that is only class you will need to instantiate directly so the workbook class represent both the whole spreadsheet as it appears in the Excel and the Excel file as it is stored on the disk internally so you can see now yeah you can see now the workbook which is created in the desktop with the same name is like simply coders so this is done let's move forward and let's retrieve cell values so right now we are not having any data inside the workbook so let's put some random values like names and all so uh I will put some random values we'll put here names okay uh mayank kaushal okay well like jelly Chloe so let's save it let's save it and let's move to our coding part so here what I have to write to retrieve cells here I just write a equals to A is variable here so I am assigning is WS that A1 value the value which is presented at A1 so here I will write in comments like to retrieve cells okay so here I will print print a okay okay what I have to do is like we have created this one file so it's it is not giving the uh this is giving sheet1 dot A1 why because it is taking from the simply coders one so what I can do is I can import this file because we have saved data in this file so that base is here and make it active detective yeah so yeah you know I haven't write here value so that is why it is giving the cell name and that A1 name cell name A1 only so now it will print names why why names because at the A1 at the A1 position we have names so if you want to like print Anjali so what you have to do is okay let me check this B3 okay if you want to print Anjali you have to just write here just copy paste this code okay just right here the location B3 so you can see Angel is printed so this is how you can retrieve cells and we can do the same for the others as to so there is one thing like retrieving we can change the sales values too so just we have to write here so let me give first enter enter for the better visual yeah so here what we can write is WS like I want to change the name of uh name of name of uh I will take this A4 Smith let me close this okay I will give here A4 dot value equals to here you can give the value so here you can write Smith you can write John here as a replaced value so I will write here in as a command change cell value okay so what you have to do is just save it WB dot save you have to give the path for the same yeah fine so let me save this and let me save this first and run this first okay no error and let's open our workbooks to see the changes so here you can see the changes has been implemented in our workout first there it was like Smith and now John so like this you can change the cell values and let's move forward and see how we can merge the cells in a worksheet so like just close this and yeah so we are doing for the merging cells so here I will write from open pyxl dot styles both alignment so here I will write much cells for your better understanding okay so here I have to write WB equals to workbook okay let me active this workbook WB DOT active merge the cell set which one uh let's take for a while A1 and B2 okay A and B should be in capital letters so after that we have to save this we will save in this only so I can copy I can paste it here okay fine like using merge underscore cells and after giving cell position you can easily merge the cell so let's see the output so let me open this simply learn file you can see Nima they are merged together and like but what if you want the values at the same times so you can write here I have to cut this so you can write here like from open py Excel dot styles port alignments alignment a should be capital alignment okay so the same thing you have to write wdb equals to workbook WS equals to WB DOT active you don't have to give parenthesis WS dot merge underscore cells cells A1 B2 so here I have to give the cell value equals to WS dot cell which row which column so I can write row equals to 1 column equals to 1. so cell dot value equals to here you can give the value which you want to print at the cell so here I will write code with simply learn okay fine so what we can do this we can give the alignment alignment equals to alignment horizontal horizontal equals to Center and from vertical and from vertical the same Center okay let me save this file WB dot save at the same location so I can copy the path from here copy here and paste here so I will yeah seems good let me save this white is giving error cell object has no attribute alignment okay alignment spelling is wrong sorry my bad g and m e and t eight seems good now oh good to go so so here you can see like by giving rho equals to one column equals to one basically position and after giving the value to what to print on that cell and one more thing is alignment like it is not necessary to give alignments like I just wrote it to cover it uh like in video so you can give alignments like uh right left this time I gave the center to print in the center so let's move and see the results so you can see the value has been printed exactly at the center of the cell I will make it like this you can see the value is printed exactly at the center of the cell because I gave the alignment center so let's do one more for like to see what is the default place if you don't give the alignments okay if you don't give the center alignments what is the default value so let me first remove this okay save no issues okay yeah so red align alignments or here what we can do is like from when UI Excel dot styles import alignment it is not necessary to light import alignments okay this is without okay I can write this default leave seems good okay everything we have to cover from here so I can just copy from here and paste it here so what we will do here we will change the cell value we will use like C 6 and be it sorry guys so uh here I have to give row equals to 6 and column must be eight so let's make it be cs6b6 okay let's column should be six so code will simply learn coders of Simply learn orders of Simply learn like we are giving the value so at the same time we have to just save it WB dot save copy paste here okay so this time we are not giving the alignments you can see here we have gave alignments not now so let's run this and after that we will open our workbook so this is saying merge cells okay 2 must be greater than 3. okay so here what is happening okay I can write here D6 right so now it will run properly I guess yeah it's working so let me open this so you can see this is the default value of like uh it so here you can see the value is printed at its default location not in centered or not in right not in left it is default location so till now we know how to merge cell so I repeat I hope you guys understand till here if you have any questions or any query regarding any code or question just put as in comments our team will shortly provide you the correct solution so moving forward until now we know how to merge cells so let's learn how to earn muscle okay so let me open the code yeah let me open the code and write for you so let me quickly write the code how we can merge cell so we can write open from open y Excel dot styles you just I can copy this from here I have to write here import alignments alignment only so what we are doing here we will not give any value or any this so here I will remove like B6 actually we can give like a six P6 as a value so let's see the cells are merged or Not by running it okay see permission denied because our Excel was open so let me save this and close it and turn it again no error so here you can see let me Zoom if I can yeah so as you can see A6 and B6 are merged so what should I do to unmerge I have to write as you can write here like where you can write WS Dot unmerge underscore cells okay cells got it and just give this same value A6 underscore B6 okay colon B6 let me save this again no error let me open the file so you can see here A6 and B6 now unmerged so by just using unmerged cells you can easily unmerge the cells in your workbook so let's move forward and see how can you set dimensions for a particular cell or column so let me close this and go to the workbook again this is something frustrating by like by regularly doing the same thing going next next next so like you need a particular column height should be something and which should be something so that is what I'm like meant to be Dimensions so let's write code for it you will see and understand by seeing so import open p y Excel #to set dimensions of a particular cell okay WB equals to open p y Excel dot workbook worksheet equals to workbook DOT active ws.row underscore dimensions okay one I will explain you don't worry height equals to let me give 70 for a while okay WS dot column underscore dimension wait I will explain you don't worry don't worry it so let me save the file WB dot save and let me copy the path from here okay everything seems good okay y column okay column name is like function or column Dimension okay dimensions so like one height 70 and B which is eight color one let me open the workbook so here you can see by giving row Dimension and column Dimension and by adding height and width then we can set the dimension for a particular cell y1 and B for this you can see here 1 for the column like 2 for the column 3 for the column let me Zoom it you can see now one for the all the one column Row 2 for the two Row 3 for the three row like this for you can say I use one for the particular row or you can say one for denoting row particular Row one two three four five six like this chicken I repeat and particular alphabet to denote the column see a for this column B for this column C for this column D for this column like this okay so here you can see every cell of Row one has the same height this this this this this this this this this and every cell of bit and every cell of column B has same width BS same width so like we can do one more thing we can print value though in a particular cells like okay let me close this and open this one so what can I do is I can write here like we can write at wd's cell rho equals to 1 comma column equals to 1. okay dot value equals to hello okay and WS dot cell here I will write rho equals to 2 comma column equals to 2 dot value dot value equals to coders so I have to write it here not below this yeah okay cool let me give this space line okay so let me save this and let me check so here you can see hello is for the row one and coder at the column B okay fine so let me close this and okay next I repeat next let's see how we can move data to a particular row or column or you can say a particular cell here we need data to make it move so let's fill some random data on it so what I can do is I can put some random data of like fruit vegetables and some names like Mayan jelly above partial oh no and we can give like anything is myth John and Chloe Sarah and all right surgeon okay I think this much is enough so let me save this and yeah so data part is done and let's move to the this one and write import open pyxl yeah so let me write here move cell you can say move or jump whatever you want to say so from open p y Excel import workbook command load underscore workbook will be equals to load can give the path like this C and we okay let's make it active WS equals to WB DOT active of X seems good okay so I have to move WS dot move score range this is I can give okay let me see the data first okay I will make an above here and blank here or here okay so let's see again I forgot it is B 5 and A4 B5 A4 okay so what we can do it uh like oh e five comma like rho plus two two and call V rho is equal to 2 and calls equals to so let me save this w dot save and let me so here what I'm doing is changing the position of the value which is present in the location A4 and B5 so and moving them by you can say the value will jump by two rows and two columns because I gave here two rows rows equals to 12 columns equals to 2. so let me save this run this okay and so here you can see so let me run this and what you have to do is open this file yeah so you can see A2 means 1 2 it comes fruit comes here and coders come here so this is how you can move your coding part I repeat so this is how you can move these cell values so let's move forward and G so moving forward let's see how we can insert a row in our workbook okay so first what I will do is I will add some data like name here like fruits and something like car and here I can like bike okay something here coding okay all the data is filled and all rows are filled by some values so here we have no like no empty row present here till now so what we will do is we will insert a row okay so what we have to write is import open p y Excel hashtag insert pose okay from open p Excel report book command load underscore load all right let me copy the path see so let me make it active so I want to insert row deposition to one more row at the position 5. so let me save this I will copy from here okay I will make it like this so let me save this no error let's move to the workbook so you can see here Row 2 is created and Row 5 is created with no values so here you can see rows are added to the particular position or you can say the indexes so we have seen how we can insert the rows let's see the deletion of the rows so what we can write is let me open the code so what we can write is let me copy to save our time okay just delete this so we can write WS dot delete underscore rows and which row 2 5 uh I will delete row number two for a while so let me save this and run this so you now you can see empty Row 2 is deleted so by using insert rows and giving them index you can insert the row at the index position you give and meanwhile you can use delete underscore rows function to delete the particular row so moving forward let's quickly write code for the insert column so for inserting column I will copy from here yeah insert row column and this one is for relating row okay so I have to write here WS Dot active not active sorry insert calls add the position second okay at the position one and okay I will make it insert calls at the position three okay let me save this file by copying this part okay saving let me do one thing yeah perfect so let me open the workbook so here what I have done is insert call at second position here we can't give alphabet we have to give a number for denoting a position so as you can see the column is added at the position one and three so by using insert underscore calls and by giving index you can insert column in your workbook so let's do one thing guys okay first let me close this and yeah so what I was saying that let's do one thing guys you will tell me how can I delete a particular column okay let me write here the question comments like how can you delete a particular particular column okay I'm giving you one minute for this just comment the code for this column deletion or else you can reply on chat it will suggest you to write a comment because after this session our team can easily check who gave the correct answer and who didn't give the correct answer don't worry I will provide you the answers at the end of the session or our team will reply at your comment at the same time so uh like for those who are watching this video like we watch normal video means you are not watching the live session so what you can do is just pause the video right now and put the comment how you can delete the column I am repeating again I will suggest you to write a comment because after this session our team can easily check who gave the correct answer and who didn't give the correct answer don't worry I will provide you the answer at the same time or our team will reply at your comment at the same time and those who are watching the video like we watched normal video so that you can do is just you can pause this video and put the comment how you can delete the column so I guess time is up guys I hope most of you gave the correct answers by putting comments we will verify your comments and we will back to you soon so okay moving forward let's see how we can style the font in Excel okay this is something crazy and interesting so you will not get bored and writing from open py Excel dot styles import font so here I will write for your styling okay so what I can do is like WB is equals to open p y Excel dot workbook blue s dot equals to WB DOT active I will don't worry I will explain you rho equals to 1 comma column equals to 1 equals to um relearn okay and I will set the size of the cell so WS equals to sell rho equals to 1 comma column equals to one Dot value okay here I have to write font equals to font equals to font and you have to write size equals to 24. okay here I have to give dot value now we can do it for the many others but we will do it we will change hello not world again we will write coder hello coders and have you write code with simply learn and here we will write hello YouTube yeah so what I will do is like it will 2 column two row two two here what I will do is font size equals to 24 and and I will make it italic question true okay fine and I will make it old because true and here I will give three three okay and at the end what I can do is okay bye Thanks new one so let me save it quickly WB dot save with a fart so let's run this and see the results so let's run this again one more time so here what I did is just gave the particular row and column value where we want to print the value like simply learn hello coders hello YouTube code which simply learn okay and by using font I am giving the font size and font like italic board and so on like this is italic this is bold okay and here you can see at the End by using name here you can see at the End by using name we assigning the styles of the particular text like Times New Roman and you can give the name of your choice so why it is not because I have gave the it is collapsing so here I have write 444 okay now it will it is collapsing now hello YouTube and simply learn so what I will do is now I will run now you can see yeah perfect so this is simple one this is it in italic this is in bold and this hello YouTube is in Times New Roman Style okay so okay let's move forward and do something with cells um like what we can do it let's do color them okay let's add code for this how we can like color a particular cell we know how to color the particular tab of sheet and now let's color it so we can write as import open py Excel here I will write coloring particular cooler cell okay so I will first copy this thing here from here okay I don't think I want this I have to write from open UI Excel port and fill I want something like this okay so WD dot open py Excel workbook here I can write open pyxl dot load workbook okay book and here I will give the path yeah it seems good so what I will do is make it active and I can write here WS equals to WB square brackets then I can write a name of working sheet I don't remember only sheet sheet so we can write a fill underscore cell equals to pattern will ATT pattern type should be I will prefer solid okay and comma FG color foreground color equals to I will write here f c 2 C 0 3 okay fine we can make four cells four cells four cells are enough I guess so we can write here cell one paste copy paste copy paste so we'll four three two solid solid solid yeah so let's change color we can give 0 3 FC F4 here I will give uh three five FC 0 3. perfect here I can give o f c a 0 3. so now let me assign let me assign the cells to them WS like you can assign a a one sign A2 dot fill equals to fill let's go sell KR ill underscore cell one foreign A3 everything seems good let me save this so I will copy from here why error permission denied because it was open so let me cut this so let me see so here I'm using the pattern field to fill the color in solid style and giving the FG color like foreground color and at the below you can see I'm like assigning the cells to a particular pattern field cells so let's see the output yeah it's working here you can see the results we colored these for the particular cell like A2 A3 A4 A5 so this is something you can style the color so let's move forward and see how we can import the image in our workbook like something here something here something here let's see so let me first cut this okay let me do one more thing yeah perfect coloring particular cell so how we can import our file or image you can say so I will write from open p y Excel both load underscore workbook okay load underscore workbook load underscore workbook and I have to write here from open p y Excel dot drawing dot image import image okay fine workbook write w d equals to load underscore workbook a cave let me copy this and this hole so logo is for variable used for the image image okay so I don't have an image for right now let me do one thing uh let me import one image any kind of image for a while so I can do like so this is my image what can I do is what can I do is I can give the path like uh path would be same path would be same we will change here something don't worry don't worry X stop don't remember name of the file this is picture two yeah piece is smaller capital p is capital so I have to write picture 2 dot PNG okay so I will give logo dot height equals to 150 logo dot width equals to 150 a bit of resizing to not fill the whole spreadsheet with the logo so that's why just for that so WS dot at image to logo comma cell in which cell you want to print I will M two fine so here we will save it by using this one okay perfect cannot image import name image from mobile file doing this one so might be there is problem open p y Excel Dot drawing dot image okay import image I think I is capital here James logo image okay is capital here yeah it seems good yeah here is the picture so what I do is what can I do is so here we need one more Library drawing image a variable logo this one is for the location of the image and giving and height and weight because a bit of resizing to not fill the whole spreadsheet with a logo like with the whole spreadsheet with the logo so just a bit of resizing and add image function is used to append image on it and M2 is for like this M2 M2 is for position m 2 like that it's for in which cell you want to append it so image is is coming to the particular index M2 okay so this is how you can import image in Excel using python okay let's move forward and see how we can import date and time so let's write code for that quickly okay so what I will do is I will write here import date time I will write date time from open p y Excel import workbook time so what can I do is make it WP equals to workbook low should be Capital here and WS equals to WB DOT active what can I write is Ws dot cell row 1 comma column goes to 1 dot value equals to date and time something so I can write copy it paste it what I can do is let me first change the three oh equals to 3. okay value so here I can assign date and time date time dot date time dot now Dot string format strf time what you have to write it percent y percent M for month percent D for days percent h then percent and for minutes and percent against so this should be in between this okay yeah but so let me save this close it import date start time not date time it's date time okay row equals to 1. data time not date time again date time dot now daytime Dot date time so date time objects has no attribute strf time okay time it is yeah okay yeah finally it's working no errors so air like okay so here I have imported some libraries like date time and so on strf time used for string formatter and date time now used for the current date time this date time now is used for the current date time and so let's run this and see so here you can see the correct time and date is coming it can be different from your from which country you are watching this live session so what if you want to print the time after like two seconds late so for that we can write here quickly so I will copy this whole B so like we have to copy this and just what you have to do is let me make for to see the difference v v okay three are enough so what I will do is go four five okay fine what I will add here is time dot sleep how much second you want like two for this one and something for this one like five seconds for this one okay so what we can do is let's save it and let's see the results so here I've used the time dot slave function given parameter as two or four I guess five operating the seconds difference so here you can see the difference in seconds okay the time is not coming wait wait let me check sorry guys now I have to turn it open it and it is not coming why so shouldn't denied okay let me run it again okay okay because I am giving seconds difference no that was that is why is giving permission denied so let us wait for two five five seconds okay I think five seconds are over now we can open it yeah you can see 47 seconds and 49s two second difference and 49.54 five second difference so here I've used the time slip function given parameter as 25 for printing the second different so let's move to the workbook repeat here you can see the difference in seconds so I hope you understand till here if you have any questions or any query regarding any code or question just put as in comment our team will shortly provide you the correct solution I'm repeating again I hope you understand till here if you have any questions or any doubt or any query regarding any code or whatever it is so just put as in comments or our team will shortly provide you the correct solution so moving forward moving forward let's see how we can add values as an array okay so what I will write import xlsx writer WB equals to xlsx writer Dot workbook okay I will give the path from here okay WS equals to WB dot at worksheet W should not be Capital here okay so what I will do is rho equals to 0 and column equals to zero okay so I will write here uh data equals to take us the names just names we just random names they are above let's take one more so for atom and data and WS dot right I will explain you line by line don't worry rho comma column comma item perfect so here what I will do is rho plus equals to 1 or you can write rho equals to rho plus 1 w b Dot close okay let's save this let's see our data is appended or not okay first I will explain this code to you so here I have created one new workbook like name no I haven't created so let me create two okay example okay so I will run this yeah perfect so yeah I repeat so here I have created one new workbook name example so at row 0 column 0 I am printing my content values like for data values using for loop I am moving to the next iteration of the values like from undue to core shoe and then mayank then so on so let's see the results okay yeah so here you can see all the values are printed so using these chords of line you can do things like this easily so as we know how to write multiple values at the same time what if if you want to retrieve values of a particular row or column so for that we need so we need data for that so let me add the full data of let me copy some data from somewhere so just give me a minute okay it's the blank worksheet let me give me one minute guys okay what I will take is fun I can take this some values we can copy like 50 values okay 50 is high enough see yeah yeah we have data now you have data and they simply learn okay now we can write code for that like how to retrieve multiple column so the same font see let's do WB DOT active okay WS question WB spreadsheet column in worksheet a okay so what I have to do is just print column values column dot value I hope it will work uh WB DOT active workbook object has no attribute active okay let me see okay sorry import open p y Excel XLS writer is used for to create new workbook okay open p y Excel dot load underscore workbook now it will work I guess still it is not working out it should work I guess open pyxl open p y Excel dot load okay okay sorry my bad here Dot now it will work okay sheet too much this is sheet one you never know when the sheet will create one yeah you can see all the list of column A is printed here all the 50 values and you can match from here to all the 50s values okay Trail Travis Scott so let me match this got okay so I hope you understand till here if you have any questions or any query regarding any code so just put as in comment or our team will shortly provide you the correct solution after doing importing exporting the values and all let's perform some basic operation like addition average and all okay so first we will start with the addition so I will write here so we need data in workbook for the addition so let's take some data from from which set the same install data set so I will take this this values are enough okay copy it and let me paste here so what data we have let's code for it we have to write here import open p y Excel we are doing sum of columns not column column values values yeah like from open p y Excel import book comma load underscore workbook so WB equals to load underscore a note workbook workbook copy the path a so I will make it active so here what I'm doing is I will tell you shortly so it is in C I guess CRP which column of P B 50 one I guess yeah P51 B should be capital equals to see carefully what I'm doing like sum from B one one till B I guess 50 values we have 50. okay B should be Capital my bad sorry okay this is what I'm doing and WDS dot save where is the same one so here I have added all the values which are between in the range of B1 to B 50. and what I'm doing is the result will be displayed on the b51 cell okay so let's run this code okay let's go to the b51 yeah result is coming for verifying the result is correct or not I won't use calculator for this so we can use this code for the same for average product and count so let's do it quickly okay so let me just copy paste this stuff c v this is will be for average a spelling mistake average okay what I will do is just write Capital heavy Bridge here okay and I will print it to 50 2. okay code is almost same just one change like you have to write instead of sum you have to write average there and just okay let's see then so now you can see this is the 137 point something something is the average of these all values everything look good let's see the count quickly let's be Port is almost same just we have to okay capital fifty three visible okay this count will give you how many values are there between the range till 1 to 50. so let's check let's run it again and check if it's working or not yeah 49 values okay so what I'm planning is let's do one thing now guys uh you will tell me how I can find the product of a particular range I'm writing question as a command as I did before so how to a okay how to find product of numbers like where yeah at the range is between a A2 to a 98 okay so I'm giving you one minute for this just comment the code for this like multiplication or else you can reply on chat you can write just syntax only for the product I will suggest you to write a comment because after this session our team can easily check who gave the correct answer and who didn't give the correct answer don't worry I will provide the answers at the end of this session or our team will reply at your comment at the same time and those who are watching the video like we watch normal video or you are not attending the live session so you can just pause this video and comment on how we can find the product in Excel using python I am repeating again I will suggest you to write a comment because after this session our team can easily check who gave the correct answer and who didn't give the correct answer don't worry I will provide you the answers at the end of this session or our team will reply at your comment at the same time those who are watching this video like we used to watch normal videos uh so what you can do is just pause this video and comment on how we can find the product in Excel using python so I guess time is up guys I hope most of you gave the correct answer by putting comments we will verify your comments and we will back to you soon so moving at the last of this session let's do something with charts so what I will do is first I will move it bit up yeah so let me write code for that for the chart so I will write from open p y Excel import workbook um open p y Excel dot chart import reference comma line chart okay we will create line chart WB equals to workbook WS equals to workbook DOT active so after this I will set the chart title title equals chart okay let me create these rows so rows equals to uh what I will do is I will create something like um X okay comma uh sale comma veggiesel yes Oma not here comma and I have to give the values weeks are Monday okay let me keep this same what cell should be like 100 comma 200 Tuesday from a 200 comma 300 Wednesday 300 comma 400 but the Thursday I'm a 400 or 20 30 day 20 comma at today 60 comma 30. okay it seems good let me do like four s okay Row in rows blue s dot append oh values equals to reference WS comma min call s to 2 comma Main rho equals to 1 comma Max column equals to 3 comma Max underscore row equals to 7. okay it seems good okay x dot values equals to reference the score string k equals to chart A2 A7 so chart equals to line chart we are making so let's add the data to line chart object chart dot add underscore data values comma titles t i t t i t l e s titles let's go from underscore data construct row okay it should be capital so let's set x axis chart dot set categories X underscore values okay let's set chart Dot let's go tails chart Dot access l equals to weeks and chart dot y axis dot title equals to put and veggies sales chart dot Legend dot position is to B okay so WS dot add underscore chart comma H1 cell so WB okay let me copy this code from here so here I am importing reference and charts Library like this reference and charts Library and just giving title as charts you can see here chart so rows are the data from which we will make chart and for Loop is to append the data on the workbook chart add data chart add data values titles from data equals to true this is for adding data to the line chart object just giving the title X action and y axis and all so let's save this and see whether chart is visible or not let's save this okay what is going cannot import name reference from open file reference okay let me see error in line two error in line two okay sorry my bad okay now it will workbook forward number okay W should be capital should be Capital now it will work I guess again that's reference okay start values dot my bad h a r t c h a r t dot save okay WB Dot okay finally no errors so let's save this and see whether chart is visible or not let me go to this simply learn yeah you can see chart is coming and it is it's looks so good I hope you guys must have understood the concept of automating excel with python if you have any queries or doubt you can ask them in comment section below our team will respond as soon as possible and if you want this full code just comment for the same thank you so much for being here if you enjoyed this live session please do subscribe to our YouTube channel and give like to this video thank you and keep learning hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learned YouTube channel and click here to 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Channel: Simplilearn
Views: 46,118
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Keywords: automate excel with python, python excel tutorial, python tutorial for beginners, python excel, python excel automation, python excel tutorial openpyxl, python excel data processing, excel automation, python excel data, openpyxl, install openpyxl, openpyxl excel formatting, installing openpyxl, openpyxl automate, excel openpyxl, python openpyxl tutorial, using python to automate excel, simplilearn python, openpyxl tutorial, excel python automation, openpyxl python, simplilearn
Id: at_pCoGgs2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 39sec (6819 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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