Autodesk Maya | Curve Warp Deformer for Toon Style Hair

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all right well we're gonna run through doing a quick hair strand like these here similar to this side one and it'll probably follow same pattern just around side of the head here in front of the ear and the subsequent ones a follow will probably be much thicker strands that'll be going over the ear and possibly just most likely to hide it sort of like what's going on over here it's the first thing we're gonna do is make the surface live basically that means that anytime I click on this anywhere it's gonna lock whatever object I'm moving to it so we'll go to create CV curve and we'll start plotting points dying a little bit hard to see so I'm gonna fire this into default texture mode make it a bit easier to see so we're gonna start sort of in there and come I'd that's a deal down the side of the head this few points as possible that's much somebody for points is about four or five points mhmmm sort of the decent three inch and we'll switch over to their mice mode select cult over taxes and will start going to in his mode turn off and will start working with these a little bit need to turn off live mode and then this should not last I'm gonna period these freely but I've been being clipped to the head and pull these die and make them a low board natural for sake of time I'm gonna leave it just like that pull this one forward a little bit this one that's why I'm a little bit take right so it's not that curve is created we can go ahead and create a create a photonic solid this is basically a mathematical sphere Creighton Maya basically allows us to do lots of different sorts of shapes but of the ultimate return is that it's a fear that has custom geometry ice for better manipulation so I've been using these octahedron spheres because I find the Viet they work the past so we'll go to the edge mode will babble that once and then we'll go to the fear select mode drag this side ignoring the middle part go to our move tool and we'll stretch that out a bit stretch a little bit more and I were in the still knife slide mode we'll go to our multi cut tool take control shift and click and just adding in geometry to make sure what we do next ends up looking correct and then we'll go in here and go to object mode next we'll go to deform and we're going to create a lot of stuff former these are basically well they're sort of stuff explanatory you can select a lattice point and if you move it the chip follows but first things first I'm going to go in here and change the s Division zombiu divisions it's like the SRD divisions to three SMT division sorry to three division stays up to you and we'll go to lattice point and we'll highlight select all these I'm sure we don't get the back one nope it didn't I will use this handle up here to scale it out and then we'll also select all of these making sure not to make any adjustments to the scale before we're ready and that we have all of these selected bar the two Center ones they can do squash this down a little bit and bring it back tiny bit okay I would select the mesh leaving the lattice deform iran and shift-click the hair strand curved and we'll go to the form and use curved warp and we get something like this to start with but this is just the standard default the distribution for the curved warp we're going to uncheck keep like that basically means that the mesh will always extend to the bottom of the curve we will then rotate the hair follow up with her ship around a little bit seems good to me and will reduce the max scale say 1.25 will then up the curve to that Oh and bring the bottom and dine so that comes into a point like so you know juice thought max scale again somewhere like there and then we'll go right to the twist rotation here and move this top half done so you can see the way the top half of this curve is created it affects the top half of the curve and leaves the bottom half so we will make this so it has no influence and bring the top one up so it has a maximum influence hmm okay and basically from there it's just a case of customizing and replacing these curve points in order to do that we can go down here to the bottom or you select the curve you see the tiny highlight control vertices go into x-ray mode we could see these pink dots that allows to adjust where the strand is sort of in time and if you want to get fancy with D Karen that's why we only picked by we only use the five or six curve points to begin with and that's just about it we'll go back into our material mode and we'll add the material which is the light angle shader to it and a presto we have around
Channel: GGP_Animation
Views: 106,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk maya 2018, Curve Warp Maya, toon style, Maya, Animation, Demonstration, 3d modelling, 3d modelling tutorial, 3d modelling software, guide, Curve Warp, curve warp deformer, kitbull, Custom meshes, autodesk maya 2019, how to, step by step
Id: o1E3VtkkjCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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