Autel IM608 XP400 | How to do All Keys Lost on 2018 Range Rover | Training 2020

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hey guys so a few weeks ago I did a presentation on how to do an all keys loss scenario on a 2012 Range Rover Sport and as I was doing the procedure I told you that there's gonna be some scenarios where you're not gonna be able to code the key directly with the scanner you're gonna have to actually take out a module in order to finish the key code procedure that's what we're gonna be doing today all right so this is advanced level stuff even if you're new I encourage you to stay with me and watch this because a lot of the time what I've noticed between you know me helping clients and so forth it's fear fear of the unknown and I don't blame you there's really no one there to walk you through it all right but I'm gonna give you a solution if you have no experience in terms of doing this type of training on what you can do to still solve this problem with your item 608 all right so with that being said what I'm gonna teach you guys today is how to do an all keys loss scenario with the Alltel I am 608 and the X P 400 on a 2018 Range Rover Sport so for those who are new to the channel welcome my name is Curtis Hardin Harding I'm independent auto diagnostic consultant so I basically sell the tool and provide the training that you're gonna be seeing in this presentation all right now first thing that you're gonna be learning is what tools and what skill sets are required to do this particular procedure for this manufacturer okay and also how to revenge your XP 400 from getting fried because this happens to a lot of people third getting familiarized with the RFA and KVM module and how to properly connect it to the XP 400 all right fourth the difference between security unsecured circuit boards and Land Rover you're gonna see this terminology quite often and you need to be able to identify that so I'm gonna show you how and then lastly complete step by step instructions on how to add a key with the I M 608 alright so this is what we need we need the auto tell I am 608 tablet the XP 400 key programmer the APA 1:06 cable your smart key and what I would recommend you for doing in all keys loss scenarios get two keys okay because I'll explain in a minute it's just better to get two keys all right and then lastly a soldering kit now a lot of people will who are new to key coding what they do is they say ah the I M 608 comes with the XP 400 that's the key coding device let me you know hook this thing up and what they do they hook it up like this and then what happens you start smelling something yeah you know what that is that's your XP 400 getting fried because it's not made to take so much power because each of these ports are taking power and it's too much it's not made for that alright what I tell people is the correct weight when to connect your XP 400 is when the auto instructs you to do it okay when the auto tell instructs you to connect it that's when you'll do it accordingly they'll tell you which adapters you know how to connect it where to connect the news for it so forth alright don't do this prematurely because you're gonna get your stuff fried and then you know all the time that your Jay box is gonna be connected with the main cable to the OBD port this is the proper setup alright so keep that in mind it's gonna save you a couple you know hundred bucks and some downtime getting your thing repaired now few facts all right this is an advanced level procedure okay now I like these things I actually love these things because this will help you as a technician a locksmith separate yourself from the rest of the pack just think yourself as a heart surgeon alright if I needed a heart transplant I'm not gonna be asked to my dock for a discount okay this is a high income skill set it costs a lot of money to do if you take it to a dealer and if you just focus and develop this skill for this vehicle it's gonna give you a lot of return on investment all right now the reason it's a high advanced level procedure because we have to take out the RV RF a module and connect it with the XP 400 which takes some soldering alright the reason why we have to do this is because after 20 18 vehicles Land Rover has what they call OTP which stands for one-time program and so all this basically means is when a random old Rover comes out the shop they'll marry the key to this RFA module all right those keys are stuck with that vehicle for life you can't add on a third key you have to buy like another module buy another key it just it's very very expensive okay and with these European vehicles they have a very very advanced mobilizer system so this is how Land Rover works and then this is important which I'll share with you during the key coding procedure we need to check the keys chip status before writing the key all right I'm gonna show you with a really cool diagram on how to do this now the module that we're gonna be looking for is located on the rear of the vehicle alright so you can see this picture here we're gonna go ahead and open that bad boy up and you'll see it right here now I want you to look at this feel this get intimate with it all right don't be scared of it this is the hardest thing of the procedure the rest is clockwork you just have to be able to read and follow the steps all right which anybody can do because you guys I assume have a finger and are literate okay now this is called an RFA which stands for remote frequency actuator another known terminology is called KVM keyless vehicle module right now when you open this up alright depending on which circuit board your head there's like several types of circle boys circuit boards there's these secured there's there's a there's ones it's going to be what they call secured and unsecured now the way you'll know the difference is if we take a closer look right here the secured circuit boards have what they call a crystal quartz and a capacitor we need to remove these alright by connecting the a PA 106 to the x2 400 we actually remove those first then we'll do the the key learning procedure and natural we're done we're gonna put the crystal quartz and capacitor back on to the tablet pack it up put in the car and we're good to go okay so this is how you know if eight circuit board if it doesn't have these capacitors that means it's unsecured alright and that that's a different strategy on how to do the procedure with the tool alright so now that you got that in your subconscious now we can get with the key coding procedure alright so let's go ahead and identify the vehicle all right we're gonna click Landrover all right let it connect and press ok all right we're gonna go to manual selection or Range Rover 2015 and up alright and it's a smart key so we're gonna click that all right now we're gonna click start key writing right now we're into this menu is gonna give us a brief description so there's a lot of text on here but I'm just gonna have you guys not focus on that and just pay attention to me for a motor so this is what we're gonna do let's just say this right here is the RFA module alright that that module that I showed you guys what we're gonna be doing it says remove the RFA module and read his data so we're gonna take the XP for 100 and we're gonna read the data and we're gonna save that data on that module onto the scanner right then the second step is perform the start key writing to generate new data all right so let's say start key writing is here all right we're gonna extract it and make new data to put back on the RFA module the first one okay and then that's gonna help us marry that key okay that's what is basically saying all right so if we go next all right first things first always read the operating guide before you do the procedure okay because this is where it's going to instruct you exactly how to connect your device how to identify which circuit board will work and so forth now you can see there's a lot of steps here right there's a lot of steps here so when in doubt print it out all right there's no way you're gonna know all this stuff especially if this is your first time okay so print it out look at the terminology and the first thing we need to do is decipher what type of circuit board it is so here it's giving us instructions base if it's an unsecured circuit board all right now if we scroll down it's gonna show us the location of it all right and we pull out the circuit board we have to identify you see this number 1 M 1 2 s this is a type of chip right we're gonna look at that and you'll see there now this is a secured circuit board because as I said before T 1 and T 2 all of you can see it right there though that's the crystal quartz and the capacitor that need to be D soldered in the instructions it will tell you to remove these and then connect the appropriate cable according to this wiring diagram ok now this is where you can outsource this you can outsource this to somebody who is an expert at electrical soldering and desoldering and it's not that expensive it's not that expensive and doing this procedure everybody can win all you need to do is just focus on the procedure which I'm gonna share with you now so if you have no experience just outsourcing get geta a guy who's good with electronics have a good relationship with them everybody wins ok so now that we have identified the circuit board we're going to press escape and then we're gonna start with the procedure all right know I know for a lot of people you're saying where do I go right here is a strategy alright and you can write this down we're gonna first read the chip status now the chip size there's gonna be two options if the chip result says blocking that means we to read and write the chip secured what you can see on the upper right here okay if the chip status result says unlocking we need to reenact the chip unsecured okay whatever result we get then we're gonna go back and do the start key writing what you see on the upper left okay so with that being said let's read the chip status click read the chip status alright let's see what it says so now it's going to tell us to connect the XP 400 so if you have those instructions in front of you we're gonna connect it to that operating guy okay so let's say that you did all that now we're gonna go ahead and read this status right reading status of chip [Music] locking okay so it was locked so that means we need to go to the option on the right read/write chip data secured you can see locking you should click on readwrite chip data secured unlocking you should select read/write chip data unsecured got it good so we're gonna click that and you're gonna find a lot of these procedures is gonna be kind of like repetitive you're gonna you're gonna see you gonna do one thing and do it like to another so let me give you an example let's read this MCU data okay all right and we're gonna connect it accordingly all right so we're gonna read the d flash okay and basically what an MCU is it was that big rectangular like chip that you saw on the circuit board alright that's like the brain all right so we're gonna read the d flash on it okay so d flash stands for data flash where you can store non-volatile non-volatile data non-volatile memory means it's a type of computer memory that can store all data regardless if the memory has power or not so think of like a flash drive okay like even though it doesn't have power it still stores your memory okay next we're in click okay all right and then that's our file name all right and then when we get the confirmation look what it says RFA D flash all right that's the D flash that we just saved now we're gonna repeat the same thing with the EEPROM all right you can see we're just doing the same thing but I boom by the bang all right you promise stands for electrically erasable programmable read-only memory and it's a type of non-volatile memory using computers okay also you'll find them a lot in like keyless remote all right so we're gonna click that we're gonna do the same thing that we did previously and see a lot of repetition all right now we're gonna save it and you're gonna see the file it's gonna say EEPROM you see that EEPROM auto tell consultancy all right press ok now we're gonna go back and we're gonna go to the writing menu alright let's go back all right start key writing can click that you connected it's already connected press ok please select the D flash so this is the D flash that we really saved just now right we're gonna locate you see that our F ad flash on the upper left let's go ahead and select that press ok and we're gonna repeat the same thing with the EEPROM ok press ok all right now it's going to take us to where we're gonna be marrying the key all right the first key positions are existing keys we're gonna look for an open one so we're going to go to position number three and then we're gonna click Add key now what's happening is they're putting that key into the XP 400 or remember it's connected to the RF a module so it's basically marrying itself to that MCU chip alright the chip is gonna be like okay now this is the key that we're gonna be building this relationship with it this kind of makes sense ok that's what's happening alright we're marrying that key right now alright make sure the keep type is correct and make sure all everything's soldered correctly otherwise it's gonna fail ok you can just make sure it's connected properly a dealer key is created successfully well done alright click OK and you can see it there now when we press escape we're gonna get a prompt all right do you want to exit the start key writing function and save the gnudi flash and EEPROM data file yes ok so then we get a summary all right the data file is saved successfully now it instructs us to please write into the MCU function to write the newly created a flash and EEPROM data file into the RFA ok so that MC you were writing this new file information into that thing so they'll be working properly all right no we're gonna click OK and you see read / write chip data on the on the right hand side all right we're gonna click that and then we're gonna go to write MCU data okay make sure it's connected properly click yes and we're gonna go bada boom bada bing we hit the D flash select the D flash file all right you can see on the upper left all right we're gonna press ok all right you can see they're connecting to programmer all right it's gonna do its thing all right 50% 100% there you go writing succeeded we're going to press ok and we're going to repeat the same thing with the EEPROM all right please select the EEPROM file and press ok you can see it right there in the upper right okay kick into the programmer and it's all transferring that to the MCU on the RF a module alright your percent a hundred there you go writing succeeded okay now what you're gonna do we're gonna desolder the AP a 106 from the circuit board and we're gonna actually solder back those crystal quartz and capacitor okay now if you do this procedure and let's say that crystal quart capacitor was messed up you can order those they're really really cheap okay even if you screw up the KVA module those those aren't that expensive like two hundred US dollars alright a lot of people don't know this and they're just freaking out alright but after you do that okay we're gonna put it all back together we're gonna go to the vehicle we're gonna pop it right back in and then we're gonna test the key okay so you just learned a very very high income skill alright you need to take it and run with it alright if you like this presentation and want me to help you learn these type of skill sets go to my website for a consult i'll strategize with you get you the right tools and then I can help you by selling you the tool and learning these type of skills alright I hope you enjoyed this presentation I took my team a lot of hard work to make it and with your support I'll be more than happy to make more videos like this ok with that guys comment like subscribe and share with your friends alright take care and I'll talk to you guys next week
Channel: Autel Consultancy
Views: 58,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Auto Diagnostics Tool, Car Diagnostics Machine, Auto Diagnostics Scan Tools, Autel Consultant, Autel IM608 XP400, All keys lost, range rover, key programming, scan tools for cars, how to use scan tool, car repair, the best scan tool, Key coding, Best Diagnostic Tool for Cars, Auto Diagnostic Tool 2020, Best OBD Tool 2020, AutelIM608, Autel MaxiIM, Autel XP400, All key lost
Id: B8XTzFXbnnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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