Auténticos Chiles Capeados Rellenos de Queso | Riquisimos

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Hello friends, how are you? welcome to my cooking channel, my name is Erika, today I want to prepare some delicious peppers filled with cheese weathered, without doubt one of my favorite recipes and well let's start and I show you the ingredients 3 Poblano Chiles, 4 Eggs, 4 Roma Tomatoes, Cotija Cheese, Oaxaca Cheese, Enough Oil, Salt, Flour, 1/4 of Onion, 2 Garlic Cloves, 1 Pinch of Pepper, 1 Pinch of Cumin, 1/2 Teaspoon of Oregano hello friends well the first thing we are going to do we already have the chiles here they are washed I have three poblano peppers, we are going to smear a little oil just to make their skin lift easier because what we are going to do is roast them now we are going to put them to roast, the comal it's hot and so on until they are roasted and cooked while the poblano peppers are roasting on the comal we are going to start make the sauce I just take this part off the tomato and we are going to cut it to liquefy the I'm also going to cut the onion well let's add the tomato like this in raw, well cut, let's add the onion, it's less than a quarter onion, two cloves of garlic and let's add the spices, here I have one pinch of ground cumin, a pinch of ground black pepper and half teaspoon Mexican oregano if you want to add a little bit of chicken consommé is ok I do not think it is necessary, in fact it is not necessary and we are going to put a little of salt and finally we are going to put water for let it liquefy very well just a little bit to blend if you see, the water came here ok, now we are going to liquefy friends you have to be checking chili peppers, for example, this is it, already I saw all the sides, I put it was in contact with the comal, so with a little stick you change the parts that are not in contact with the comal because if we leave chili peppers like this, it will be very difficult to remove the skin, such as example is the same now It is done I have the fire to medium, so that they won't burn and As you can see, they already changed color, no longer they are of an intense green, they already put drier green this green is different so this one is still missing, these 2 they are going outside, we are going to put them in a bag, very well, we already put them in the bag as I said we need to finish to cook and so that they sweat and we can remove the skin, we are going to add a little bit of salt, this is another tip is very easy for them to sweat with the salt we will help a lot to that for the skin to peel off more easily, just a little bit, well the last one already we are going to add it to the bag, as I say, I'm going to put a little salt in it and we're going to close it, I'm not sealing it just like that down and we put a blanket, a cloth wet and so will sweat super good now let's go with the sauce we're going to put a little oil and we are going to add the sauce I am going to liquefy the sauce sorry, I'm going to strain it to be smoother but it is optional, you can add it like this nothing else without a tail and voila, this was what I didn't want it to be out in the sauce as you can see well the sauce is already well seasoned, it cooked very well and I'm going to add a little water, but I want to clean the jug so this is what i do I put water in the jug and so nothing is wasted we add and I think that this sauce is good, it shouldn't be to liquid that's fine, now I'm going to rectify Salt this is the consistency it has now I'm going to try it it needs a bit of salt you can add salt to taste and so on left after a few minutes this is the consistency we want, now it is very good salt, I already tried it now we are going to turn it off Well, they were already for several minutes in what we made the sauce sweating the chiles, now we are going to take them out ready! and we are going to remove the skin how easy it is to remove the skin, if you add salt, with those three tips that I gave you to put oil at first, roast them very well of course and put salt when you go to put in the bag is very easy to remove the skin and as you can see, they totally changed color and they are well cooked, the poblano pepper is a chili that doesn't really sting, sometimes yes, sometimes if it gets itchy, but not regularly now I'm going to wear a little oil in the hands because we are going to remove the veins and the seeds veins are the most itchy of a chili although I tell you that this chili Poblano in particular does not itch, it is one of the that least we are going to make an incision, smaller than possible, that's how it's going to leave less the cheese and we will remove, I'm going to do it with a knife ready I say nothing happens if they stay if you want them spicy, you can put in the sauce a habanero, my mom puts a habanero or a serrano pepper can be put in the sauce and now, do not go to rinse them because if they the flavor is very good rinsing is not recommended now I'm going to cut the cheeses, you can use your favorites, you can use chihuahua cheese, as I am using cotija oaxaca azadero or panela, I recommend using one that melts, one that melts and one no and my favorite is always the Oaxaca and Cotija, that is what I super I recommend, they are the richest we will cut them So let's cut, with this I have, the quantity is to taste, you can put less or more now we are going to fill the chili peppers with this cheese, let's put some cotija and a bit of oaxaca, how do you see just like that we are going to fill it and so we are going to do with everyone, we open we put the cheese now the cotija and they are ready, now we have to close them, if they break down a lot I recommend using chopsticks like I'm going to use chopsticks on this and ready now I'm going to put some flour we are just going to sprinkle them with flour do not forget to remove the chopsticks before serving a shake to remove excess flour, ready! we already have the chili peppers, now what we are going to do is mount the eggs, we will use only the Clares let's just leave the white and we are going to put the yolk in another place so we separate the white and we are going to put the yolk here so that wait it is important that your bowl is completely dry so that they mount the whites ones well now we are going to mount the whites with our mixer or it can also be with a whisk balloons only that they will take much longer very good, ready, I'm only going to put 2 yolks if you want you can put the 4 I'm going to do with the mixer nothing more Quick nothing more than integrate and ready I clean my blender that way and that's it you're ready to start weathering, now I have a frying pan, let's put oil to fry, here we are going to fry the chili peppers that we are going to weather, I am going to put more oil because we are going to make a fry And let's weather this one first we will cover very well of weathered that it is well covered underneath too and ready, as you see here, let's go to the oil We are going to be putting hot oil on top with a little stick, we will be putting it on the surface also hot oil, that will make it not always give us as a protective layer since the bottom got more golden I'm going to turn it around very good now we are going to take it out I grab it here by the stem so that it does not come undone so as not to crush it and we put it here to rest and we continue with the next friends, we already have the weathered chilies and we already have our sauce we are going to put the most chubby, we are going to put it here in the middle and I'm going to put a cilantro leaf and well friends, this is how I like chili peppers, that's how my mom always did, she put them all in the pot with sauce and put them to medium low or low heat and covers for about 5 minutes and friends, well they are delicious, the cheese is super melted, that's how I serve it normally and I put the sauce on top and this is how a dish is served by me and this is how you get the perfect weathered and the chiles stuffed with cheese perfect well thank you very much for watching this video, don't forget to subscribe to my channel like and activate the bell so you don't miss any of my recipes bye
Channel: Zelecisne Recetas
Views: 526,554
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Keywords: chiles capeados rellenos de queso, como hacer chiles rellenos, como capear chiles, como hacer chiles rellenos receta, chiles rellenos receta, receta de chiles rellenos, chiles rellenos en salsa de tomate, chiles rellenos sin capear, como hacer chiles rellenos de queso, como hacer chiles rellenos facil y rapido, como capear chiles rellenos, como capear chiles rellenos facil, como capear chiles rellenos perfectos, como hacer chiles rellenos sin capear, Chile poblano recipes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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