The Backpacker Killer of Australia | Was Ivan Milat Born to Kill? | Real Crime

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Ivan Milat was Australia's worst serial killer from 1989 to 1992 he abducted robbed sexually molested tortured and murdered seven backpackers he hid their bodies in the Berlanga lo forest south of Sydney did the harsh environment MLAT grew up and put him on the inevitable path to murder or was he born to kill [Music] [Music] Australia is famous for its wide open spaces beaches and sunshine every year over five million visitors from all over the world come to explore this vast land [Music] most travelers stay in the popular backpacker scene in Kings Cross in the heart of Sydney hitchhikers take to the roads not really understanding just how vulnerable they are Australia had the reputation of being one of the safest countries in the world in the early 90s Ivan Millett was to change that forever why he killed them was shocking some people were tortured some people were sexually assaulted he used some people for target practice he was a man who enjoyed killing he was a man who enjoyed the power and the sexual gratification that he got from his victims young victims were abducted their spines had been cut and and he played with them like you know a cat would play with a mouse though particularly heinous I think it was violent for the sake of violence and someone who enjoyed an explosion of violence he specifically targeted backpackers because they were distant from relatives and friends there was less likelihood of people knowing where they were what they were doing there were seven young people in the prime of their lives who who must have undergone the most terrible ordeal and it barely deserves thinking about and one can only wonder how how their close family members can cope with with such a thought I just can't begin to describe him as a human being I don't think that he he has the feelings of a human being on the 30th of December 1989 James Gibson and Deborah Everest two Australians visiting Sydney who last seen alive leaving Surry Hills to hitchhike 300 miles to Aubrey in January 1991 German backpacker Simmons middle left Sydney to hitchhike to meet her mother in Melbourne [Music] on the 20th of December 1991 Gabor no Gabbar and Anna have she'd to German hitchhikers left Kings Cross to hitchhike to Darwin 18th of April 1992 British backpackers Joanne Walters and Caroline Clarke were last seen alive leaving King's Cross to hitchhike around Australia none of these young people were ever seen or heard from again they were all young and carefree searching for fun and adventure they were all last seen hitchhiking along the Hume Highway they all accepted a ride from a friendly stranger and they were all killed by Ivan Milat Paul Kidd is Australia's top expert on serial killers he's dedicated his life to researching and writing books on Australia's own unique brand of killers he was a serial killer who was extremely extremely clever within the Australian genre and by that I mean it's in the bush it's a lonely place he's abducting strangers people he doesn't know he's taking them to a place of absolute isolation where he's committing his crimes he's secreting the bodies hiding the bodies in a place that is very very unlikely to be caught 90% of or even more probably of Australia's serial killers are pure opportunists whilst they often differ in their modus operandi Australia's serial killers have some things in common they come from under privileged background there's a very strong chance that they would have been molested as a child usually have a very very poor working background Ivan Milat certainly fits this profile he was born on the 27th of December 1944 into a poor working-class family in rural Australia his parents would often argue MLAT was the fifth of 14 children so what little parental love and attention there was was spread thinly Ivan's younger brother George remembers just how hard life was in the mill at fair I didn't get on with me because it was quite a while when they all the time maybe just because I stay there the troubled the weaker MLAT children were often bullied so Ivan learned at an early age to be dominant George was often a victim of Ivan's violent nature he recalls one incident when he innocently brought it to his brother's attention that his car tyre was going down I said you gotta cook valve in your car while you're slowly Ivan walked out and come back and started yelling at me about and Billy says hey he touched you his tires going flat you flying off an email but why I'm sure why don't you look at him for it was good enough to come in to use got a tire go flat you come in and started yelling at him and I said I'm not telling me nothing no more author mark Whitacre spent four years researching his book on Ivan Milat he spoke to friends and family to gain a unique insight Islands father Steven was a very strict disciplinarian and you know he was a product of different times you know neighbors reported seeing him once standing on the back of two of his sons beating them with a piece of four B to one significant factor in Ivan's early life was the death of his sister Margaret I watched my younger sister die over a car accident and I said why I think the reason why we've got thought so well it's cost we were in the big family and I think that's generally risen we coped so well Ivan raced to the scene it was just around the corner from their home and apparently held it in his arms blood everywhere she died two weeks later never having regained consciousness teenage Ivan had an early introduction to death traumatized he became obsessed with his appearance self-image was obviously very important to I've and it's part of that whole control thing he had had control everything he wouldn't touch alcohol because he'd lose control you know he's always very neatly dressed he's garden and his house who always had to be immaculate ever everything had to be under his control another person he remembers the young Ivan growing up was his old boss Peter cantarella Peter owned the local Fruit Shop where Ivan worked as a teenager and you went for that 12 - try there was a really good worker Ivan asked Peter to go guarantor for a loan to buy a car Peter agreed because he was such good kid I haven't got the car and Peter hardly ever saw him again he wouldn't turn up to work wouldn't pay off the loan Peter ended up having to pay off the line because he'd gone guarantor Peter was furious and things soon turned nasty subsequently a group of the Malak kids started harassing Peter and his family and throwing stones at their roof and I was getting out of control my wife and I were working to sharpen that toggle guns and toggle jewelry off me were the first wife Peter took matters into his own hands or certainly a fight and and and Bill and Ivan came off second best you know something and then you know bus is his eyes and there he wasn't good work at or something instead of get in the wrong crowd and they just turned madness this was the beginning of a life of crime for Ivan Milat and over their share of trouble whether he was younger until he then that binge I was yummy way it stopped the Millat boys were often in trouble George remembers journeys to the local jail to visit his brothers long bay jail was very popular there was an Ivan I went to Michael I never seen Millie or Boris or Wally Ivan he did a lot of times - until the big won't come up Ivan began his criminal career in a very petty manner it was a lot of it was car related stealing cars he broke into an army barracks once and stole a safe with a mate it wasn't a particularly good criminal he kept getting caught and indeed spent most of the 60s in institutions in terms of a breeding ground for for evil yet you can't do better than taking your brightest young criminals throwing them all into an institution and then totally dehumanizing them Ivan moved on from petty crimes to the more serious crime of rape when he picked up two female hitchhikers will get on their way to Melbourne when I haven't picked them up they managed to confuse and confound him for some time before striking a deal I haven't agreed to not kill them if one of them had sex with him he was later caught and charged but he was acquitted when the girls changed their testimony they're the last known victims of Ivan in that sort of sense that survived I mean he knew that leaving survivors wasn't a good waiter to continue on he's on his merry way Ivan met his wife Karen in 1975 he was 30 she was 17 Karen was six weeks pregnant with another man's child needing someone who could provide for her she stayed with him but would soon regret that decision it appears to will be made I'm not a particularly happy relationship Ivan was was incredibly domineering and jealous wouldn't allow our Karen out of the house if he didn't know where she was she had to account for every cent she ever spent had to produce receipts he was violent and unpredictable he would control his anger for a long period of time and would then explode at any given moment he wasn't afraid to debate or at least intimidate her and and by the end of their relationship yes she was she was a nervous wreck when she left him in 1987 he bought at this time but he got revenge eventually by burning down the front of her parents house it was upset about the divorce but from what I know of he caused it he started punching them to her and then mum called the police on the neighbor Ivan did get violent very violent when Karen subsequently left him you know he'd lost that control over her it's one of the theories that he then went to seek that control elsewhere out on the highway on the 13th of July 1989 Karen and Ivan Milat divorced six months later the first two backpackers went missing for a period of two and a half years between January 1990 and April 1992 MLAT became a ruthless cold-blooded and sadistic killer who scoured the highways looking for victims [Music] ivan millets colorful criminal history got worse after the breakdown of his marriage the power and control he once exerted over his wife was gone he turned to the highway to fulfill his fantasies of dominance and control after being acquitted of the rape and abduction of two female hitchhikers in 1971 MLAT realized that future victims would not be allowed to escape MLAT regarded himself as above the law his large collection of guns was part of his outlaw image guns were commonplace in the Ville at family heaven a rifle was a kid and I still got one today both bow and arrow then a sling shot and an air rifle I mean a like a bigger guns but then we toured the country and went shooting and we managed to stay out of trouble when we did well some of us Milland family shooting expeditions often took place in one of the Millat properties where they even constructed their own shooting range a gun no matter what Ivan's younger brother George proudly stalks us through his extensive gun collection which includes Ivan's very own musket this is called the number two air rifle there there's a 410 this is what you call a 12-gauge shotgun this is called a Remi 2506 and this is the big fellas gun and when you pull the trigger this it closes Ivan loved his guns so much that he even took them to his job as a road worker his boss for many years was Don bothwick he'd joined in a bit of a joke in that but when he was the way he was sort of more of a loner than yeah we the boys together in the problem when you drink it and you like the prize you know oh it was neither drink he shake and he'd sit there in his books and go back to his room you know he's a place on all night playing another voice chasing women oil island for the years that I wasn't even a few Tom's are in the way was it in early days though he gunned books and Beckford back to bed always whatever the girly magazines or whenever you can make his eyes the north was always did he beg of Weissman you know how he can't cut Napoli an RPM that was it he remembers one incident where Ivan was showing off his guns he'd begun he dans Indian when he worked around the corner in another company to blow said legality one night so the next thought he walked in for lunch pulled the gun and put on the table easily we talked it and what they [ __ ] here anyway said that he's he's making a big noise bowing awful something like a weight does not really back cut now babbles mighty could have cut losses that would there be no no one quite knows how Ivan progressed from this fantasy world into the very real world of killing Ivan picked up British backpackers all onions hitchhiking on the Hume Highway on the outskirts of Sydney onions was heading to Mildura to work as a fruit picker the prosecutor on the case mark Tedeschi remembers the story of the man who would later become his star witness Ivan had approached him in a shop on the side of the Hume Highway he was pleased to be getting this lift he sat in the front of this four-wheel-drive vehicle that that Ivan owned and they were driving along the Hume Highway and they came to a particular point all of a sudden he noticed that the atmosphere in the vehicle changed I haven't stopped the car got out of the driver's side and was rummaging around underneath his seat and all of a sudden produced a pistol onions was terrified and made a split-second decision and he decided that no matter what he was not going to stay in that car he just jumped out of that car and ran up the Hume Highway zigzagging backwards and forwards as he'd been told to do in the Navy if you're being fired at by the enemy and you're running away then you don't just run in a straight line you use zigzag and he was SIG's agging as he was running and he heard two shots ring out in broad daylight on a busy highway ivan ruthlessly opened fire a car finally stopped and Paul Onion's jumped in the driver had inadvertently saved him not only from hours of torture but also from certain death he was taken to the local Bauer old police station where he gave a statement it was filed amongst the other petty crimes and it wouldn't be for another four years the police would realize just how vital that statement would be following onions escape there were no murders for a year whilst one British backpacker was lucky to get away two more wouldn't be so fortunate [Music] Caroline Clark was the 21 year old daughter of Ian and Jackie Clarke the bright and bubbly girl she loved life and always dreamed of traveling to Australia before she was even a teenager she always Australia was always the goal sort of age 10 upwards whether it's a diet of neighbours and home and away I don't know if she went and she was having a wonderful time she met Welsh porn nanny Joanne Walters in Kings Cross and they decided to go fruit-picking together to save on cash they hitchhiked against Caroline's parents advice you know we've always talked about hitchhiking as something that should not be encouraged and we'd always said to Caroline look whatever you do you must never do this on your own we'd much rather she went on public transport you know if it meant working for a bit longer to get the money to pay for the fare that well she didn't [Music] for once there wasn't safety in numbers on Easter Saturday the 18th of April 1992 both girls were seen heading towards King's Cross station carrying sleeping bags and a tent they were never seen alive again six weeks later and with no contact from Caroline the Clarks began to get worried she always ran on family birthdays just to say hello and you know happy birthday so an Emma didn't get a call we thought that's a little strange that's when the alarm bells really started ringing and we started putting into place you know a serious search the Clarks did everything possible in their search for their youngest daughter we got fly bills made up with the girls photographs and so on and sent them out to all the major backpacking hostels big bundles of them and said when anybody's moving from here will you ask them to take a bundle and move on to the next place and get them to pop them so they spread across Australia remarkably quickly you can't believe anything has gone wrong you know you don't want to think anything's gone wrong but of course as the week's turned into months I don't think we we ever really until quite late on faced up to the fact that they weren't coming back you are sort of in a state of limbo I must say not a nice time four months later Caroline would be found you know a different kind of anguish comes in you you know you you know they're dead and say you you can start to mourn them to cross-country runners discovered the girls remains in the Berlanga lo forest just near where Paul onions and his narrow escape two years earlier Ian and Jackie Clarke knew their daughter had been brutally murdered but now their question was by whom we knew the broad outline of what had happened to her and and I think that was that was horrid because it was it was such an evil and disgusting event really that you know you start reliving it on their behalf and you conjured up what they've gone through after the discovery of the girls bodies in the forest the police set up task force air to find the killer the task force was headed by one of Australia's most experienced major crime detectives commander Clive small they had multiple bullet wounds and multiple stab wounds ested most of the victims it shows a pattern of behavior that goes clearly beyond just the killing of a person and that the satisfaction continues well after the actual death of the person two brutal murders but no hard evidence and no witnesses they called in leading Australian forensic psychiatrist dr. rod Milton Milton has over 20 years experience in profiling serial killers he was driven back to the scene of the crime to get a feel for the horrific events that had occurred there he sat undisturbed thinking over all the information he'd been told about the murders he takes us on a tour of the crime scenes this was where the body of Miss Porter's Walters was found and she was lying under the rock the injuries were very severe and multiple stab wounds there was one stab wound to the neck that would have been immediately fatal I think it was violence for the sake of violence and someone who enjoyed an explosion of violence this arrangement of the clothing suggests that there was a sexual element to it that's as far as just one one can go but this did seem to be that combination of the two factors whatever was done was probably a humiliating nature because that was what Arden most likely didn't see victims it was to get pair up more than anything else and that Ivan met it was a person who was intent on getting power over his victims rather than anything Carolyne Clark's body was found just fifty meters away it too was left in a special position that meant something to the killer she was lying face down with one arm up in her head on her hand and she'd been repeatedly shot through the head the autopsy results showed different entry points to the scarlet suggests that the killer had moved the head in order to do what he got pleased him it had the impression of being a very deliberate cold and calculated murder well it's not unknown for people who commit serial offences like this to arrange the bodies in a particular way and there was some similarity between miss Walters and miss Clark in that both were lying face-down and I think they had their arms raised up with the Haynes somewhere in the vicinity of their head they have evidently that had some sort of significance for the murder of dr. Milton started to build a profile that would prove vital in the eventual capture of the killer he believes that the way the victims were killed meant that two people had to be responsible I said well here are two people who are used to living with violence you probably have a criminal record who's don't mind what they do to others you get pleasure from it and the fact that one body was at some distance from the other suggested that that if there are two offenders that maybe the second one had a reason to feel a bit shy of what the other would would feel about him in regard to dominant the sadistic and calculated person is more likely to dominate the impulsive you know more openly aggressive person and that gave me the they are possible that there were there were two killers one of whom was perhaps a bit older and more dominant sadistic cold very very violent but very restrained and the other one or of a more spontaneous impulsive nature the profile indicated that the killer was someone who loved guns but hated women someone who loved power but hated Authority Clive small conducted an extensive search of past criminal records for people who might fit that profile and who also lived close to the Berlanga low forest rod was very close on a number of points he he'd said that the person would probably be a blue-collar worker would probably be a hard worker would be Elena we were dealing with a person who knew the forest area very well we were dealing with a person who probably knew the Liverpool area very well because that's where the victims would be picked up and that led us to believe that the person lived in the area we also had good reason to believe that the person was very familiar with firearms and was probably somewhat of a fanatic we had the mallet family nominated to us as a family we should look at despite the suspicions surrounding the melot's there was no evidence and no witnesses the police therefore couldn't get a warrant to search any of the Millat homes the only cause of action they could take was to keep Ivan Milat under surveillance we looked at all members of the net family what we found was that Ivan was the only person who had an opportunity on every occasion the other brothers all had alibis on at least a number of occasions a year later a bush walker found the skeletal remains of two more bodies they were later identified as missing Australians Deborah Everest and James Gibson as with Clarke and Walters they had both been killed by multiple stab wounds and their bodies covered up with debris a serial killer was at large the pattern at each scene was quite similar what we found was that their personal clothing or luggage their backpacks and that were taken we found that in both in most cases both a knife and firearms had been used to commit the murders a number of people had been both stabbed and shot you have found indications that the person the victims had been tied up in some fashion and that was a common pattern police suspected there were more bodies to be found one of the biggest searches in Australia's history had begun we wanted to make sure that when we did the forest this time there was nothing left unchecked the search was limited by natural barriers and boundaries for example some fire trials led to a gorge which are several hundred feet down so that we couldn't go any further than that others took us to roadways and other natural barriers so that we could say with some degree of comfort that the whole of the forest for practical purposes had been searched over three hundred police officers searched 78 kilometers of fire track in the Berlanga low state forest often on their hands and knees as they push their way through the dense terrain within a month the remains of a further three victims had been found bringing the total to seven simone schmoitle gabor naga boa and anna hap she'd were finally found dead some victims were bludgeoned some were strangled others were shot and stabbed many were sexually assaulted one was decapitated the more millet killed the more ferocious the assaults became what we found was that the crime scenes tended to get a bit larger that there appeared to have been more activity at each scene that the murders themselves became more sophisticated and more ritualistic and more time was being spent at the scene by the murderer in November 1993 the police appealed to the public for help in tracking down this brutal killer they received 5,000 119 calls one of the calls was from British backpacker Paul onions the man who had been robbed but managed to get away with his life he saw in the newspaper that the remains of Clarke and Walters have been found in the Berlanga Lowe State Forest the same place he'd been attacked years earlier he was flown to Australia and positively identified his attacker Ivan with that identification we found a lot of other corroborating evidence that we could use for example we had found that ivan was available if you like was not at work on any of the dates when the murders or deductions took place we had conducted very extensive inquiries into the weapons that were being purchased and the bullets that had been used the police now had sufficient evidence to arrest Ivan Milat for the attempted murder of Paul onions and were able to get the search warrant they so desperately needed they plan to search not only Ivan Milan's house but also the houses of his family this was the only way to find out if he worked alone or if someone else had joined him on his sadistic rampage [Music] Ivan Milat gained immense pleasure from the stalking entrapment and killing of his victims his prey young backpackers alone on a deserted highway after months of close surveillance the police finally got a search warrant and raided Milan's home on the 22nd of May 1994 Sydney journalist neil mercer closely followed the case when the police raided Ivan's house they found a treasure trove of evidence there were backpacks there were tents there were cooking sets that had belonged to some of the backpackers there were cameras there were all sorts of things that they could trace back to individual backpackers police also raided the houses of other members of the Malad family here they found a huge amount of ammunition an arsenal of weapons and rope and cable ties that were identical to those found at the murder scenes items were found in almost every house that related to the murder one way or another and also in every occasion the people in possession of their property point of the fingered Ivan has been the source of it MLAT like so many other sexually sadistic serial killers was a compulsive trophy taker retaining clothing and other personal items so that he could use them later to relive his actions these trophies would form a major part of the evidence that would later convict me that these killers become very adept at concealing their weapons but by the same token they want to keep them so they they're attached to them and even though they're the thing that might lead to their conviction they're not going to give them up MLAT was finally in police custody yet he maintained his innocence he I believe thought that he was still in charge and in control and I don't think that at that stage he believed he was going to get charged he's never admitted to anything well it's often said that the reason that offenders like this don't confess is because they want to keep their fantasies and the events to themselves so that they can enjoy their imagination Ivan Milat did not conform to the usual serial killer profiles most serial killers do not murder both sexes and very rarely do they kill more than one victim at a time MLAT has never spoken publicly about his crimes so experts can only theorize about what turned him into such a brutal and remorseless killer according to forensic psychiatrist brought Milton milan's must have been motivated by power he did a number one because it was enjoyable for him to do that and he perceived it as satisfying some emotional need that wasn't being satisfied in any other way and he also did it because he lacked the internal prohibitions that would have prevented other people from causing such suffering a life of petty crime had transcended into rape and eventually murder suggesting that maybe he was intrinsically evil but it could equally be argued that events in his life had provided the catalyst for his murderous actions there was no suggestion that there was a particular part of his brain if you like driving him to commit these crimes this was about Ivan being in control I think his satisfaction was about I've gained their confidence now I've gained control of them and I'm now going to exert that control and that was a progressive thing through from the abduction through to the actual murders the amount of wounds from knives and bullets that were inflicted on the victims shows that it was not just a matter of killing them that there was a there was a satisfaction to be derived from the continual inflicting of harm an injury on the victims I would say is more than twisted he was definitely gone everybody in the family so few my brother said well maybe there's something wrong with me there was definitely something wrong with him and one of the interesting things about Ivan Milat is if you look at the period of the serial killings it's a period it starts just after he breaks up with his wife and then another relationship with a a second woman also fails he then kills the first two young backpackers and the killing only stops some years later when he enters into a relationship Australia's biggest ever murder trial began in March 1996 Ivan Milat pleaded not guilty to all charges the parents of all the victims were in attendance I was looking at this man every day and I couldn't bring myself to believe that such an insignificant little man could have wrought such horror and misery on so many people Milan's defense lawyer was Terry Martin he was faced with a difficult task his client was denying any involvement in the crimes he had been charged with his instructions were that he did not do it as I say it goes from there though if he didn't do it then someone terribly close to him must've we were permitted to conduct ourselves in the way that we did do which was the proper way to do it and see whether or not anyone in the family or associated with the family may have been in the frame rather than Ivan Milat and thereby create the doubt that it was Ivan Milat but we found no evidence of a second person he was the one who gave the property to friends and relatives to where he was the one who had control of the type of bullets that we knew we used and his house itself is fair to say it was like an Aladdin's gold mine when you searched it for the amount of property that was around him and I think that reflects very much on his attitude of I'm in control I'm in charge and he gets his satisfaction in a variety of ways but also I think he was such a control freak that there's no way he would have wanted to share what he saw as his glory and satisfaction with another person there were various pieces of vital evidence directly related to Caroline Clarke melot's last victim the prosecutor in the case was Mark Tedeschi there was some rope that was found at Ivan's home in a bag in a in a pillow case actually there was some blood on this rope and this blood was analyzed and this English forensic scientist was able to say that the the blood from the rope was the kind of blood that you would expect from a child of these two parents was nice that we were able we Jackie and myself were able to do something which assisted in you know confirming his guilt police also found parts of one of the murder weapons hidden in the wall cavity in Ivan Moran's home they could conclusively show by ballistics evidence that it was one of the two weapons that have been used at two of the death scenes Ivan's response to that was I know nothing about this weapon even though it was painted with camouflage paint and there are a whole lot of other weapons of guns that he acknowledged where he is painted with exactly the same kind of camouflage paint one item MLAT didn't hide was a framed photograph of his girlfriend wearing a distinctive Benetton top a top that had been owned by Caroline Clarke her mother Jackie remembers it well she bought it when we are still living down south and it was one of her favorite garments she was always wearing it and obviously went with her to Australia his removing parts of clothing and I think a rucksack and perhaps other positions is characteristic of this kind of offender and to give it to a girlfriend is also characteristic the hunter who goes out and killed some creature and the bush and then has the head stuffed and puts it over the mantelpiece and every time he sees it he he thinks what a great man I am to have killed this wild beast Ivan was so confident that he would be cleared of all charges that he actually chose to take the stand I can't say that that was the wrong choice because if he did not there's overwhelming evidence there against him calling for an explanation the jury would want to hear an explanation saying why have you got all of that property at your house tell us about him I think he presented himself in a poorer light unfortunately well certainly didn't help him there was one moment where he was being asked about rubber gloves that had been found at his house and it was towards the end of the day it had been a very long cross-examination and just before 4 o'clock just before the court about to rise Tedeschi asked him a question about the gloves and the forest and MLAT blurted out I never wore no and he stopped and you could have heard a pin drop in the courtroom it was a magical moment and Tedeschi little went on and said do you mean you didn't wear them in the forest and and then turn to the judge and said and to the jury and said I think that would be a good moment to adjourn for the day and so this was left hanging with the jurors overnight that was the moment that if anybody had doubted the man's guilt there was something about that moment that said yes you did that coupled with the physical evidence they had the ballistics the blood the DNA it made for a pretty compelling case Ivan Milat was found guilty and was sentenced to spend the rest of his natural life in prison for the seven counts of murder and to an additional six years for the attempted abduction of Paul onions to this date will that still hasn't admitted his guilt the jail is in and Goldman it's a special gel and it's a prison built inside a prison what you're gonna do in there I like no I don't really care she's fought for lending in there according to his younger brother George Ivan only ever confided in his mother mom didn't want to believe this one but she had doubts and said with all of us he's been in trouble all his life before her death in 2001 she went to visit Ivan in prison to seek the truth then next time she went there I asked did he tell you looking across the table did he tell you anything that you did not want to hear we looked at each other and he said he admitted that he's not gonna remember publicly now she's done but she knew the truth before she went there there's there's occasional outbreaks of Ivan Milat is innocent but I just think that's rubbish I I think if you'd look at all the evidence if you read the transcript if you look at the exhibits where they were found and melot's answers in court there is no doubt that he's the man who killed those seven people police have good reason to believe that Ivan Milat is responsible for more than just these murders but I believe that in the stages 28 to 29 I think the general view is that there are probably about three or four other murders that we know about that Ivan did for which there is simply not enough evidence to charge him a plaque now stands as a memorial to the seven young people that lost their lives in this forest it remains a symbol of their young spirit went out to the site and and saw where the girls were found and it was something that we had to do [Music] now I'm just happy that he was caught convicted and is put away and he's going to stay there for the rest of his natural life the knowledge that the killer will never be released is scant consolation for the victims families no consolation for a young life lost Amissah and still find family celebrations difficult because there's always somebody missing you know and you're not complete what she married would she have had children sad
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Views: 397,522
Rating: 4.7057037 out of 5
Keywords: real crime, crime documentary, true crime, TwoFour Rights, born to kill, born to kil full episodes, born to kill ivan milat, born to kill ivan milat deutsch, ivan milat documentary, ivan milat interview, ivan milat movie, ivan milat the backpack killer, ivan milat arrest footage, serial killer documentary, serial killer documentary full episodes
Id: FUpr2Lb3G7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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